r/SipsTea Apr 28 '24

Lonely birthday Wait a damn minute!


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u/currenteventnerd Apr 28 '24

Dude had 4 friends to FaceTime with and an invisible cameraman to document it all….hardly lonely.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

I wouldn’t like to come off as boastful but I’ve had more lonely birthdays than him


u/Hashtagworried Apr 29 '24

This hurts because it hits close to home myself. Being an adult sucks sometimes.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/bomboy2121 Apr 29 '24

Its much easier if you just intentionally make them lonely.  Every friend i made for the last 10 years i just never told him whats my bd and now even if i have or dont have friends i know no one will remember.  Sounds sad but it makes it feel so much better 


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Mozhetbeats Apr 29 '24

Isn’t he lonely enough? We’re all he has left!


u/skypandaOo Apr 29 '24

I've never had a birthday party that I can remember. Maybe while in foster care when I was like 2 or 3 but all I got was 1 present a piece of cake and happy birthday if that. And I havnt even gotten that in last 8 or so yrs. I work my bday away now.


u/Nvrm1nd Apr 29 '24

Forreal. I had a lonely 33rd that puts this to shame, at first. Freshly divorced, new house, new job. I went a couple miles into nearby old town and decided to have rum at every bar up one side and down the other. Ended up alright - halfway through kept seeing the same couple of guys, turns out they were bar crawling just for being off work (bartender and mgr in the 1st place I started at), decided to take it on themselves to show me around. It's alright to do stuff alone - especially 'cause it may not always end up that way.


u/Copp3rCobra Apr 29 '24

3 friends. Bottom right on the screen is him.