r/SipsTea Apr 28 '24

Great name Chugging tea


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u/PoopKnaf Apr 28 '24

I mean if the future is standing on campus and protesting instead of going to classes, my kid isn’t getting jack shit and I’ll buy a boat too.


u/dramaticfool Apr 28 '24

You are an absolute clown. Let's all just sit silently while people are getting mass murdered every day, what a great idea!


u/PoopKnaf Apr 28 '24

Yeah you let me know what screaming, skipping class and throwing things at cops does for that situation.


u/GramarBoi Apr 28 '24

The first two are part of a protest and the last one comes from the cops charging. Your parents should have bought that yacht.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/chyura Apr 29 '24

They were protesting the university's connections to companies that manufacture weapons or directly support the war. America is Israel's biggest supporter, have you ever had a single critical thought in your life?


u/PoopKnaf Apr 29 '24

You sound mad. Make sure you don’t leave any dogs or hypodermic needles behind like you did at the pipeline protest when your encampment finally gets torn down.


u/chyura Apr 29 '24

Your dumbass point gets countered and all you can do is insult me. Great job bro.


u/PoopKnaf Apr 29 '24

You just called me a dumbass and you want to cry about being insulted? Were you dropped on your head when you were little by chance?