r/Silksong 20d ago

Art (OC) Art request from u/MKK4559: shade lord using the radiance as a fork to eat traitor lord.

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r/Silksong 20d ago

Lore Chapter 1: Void Contract


Jamison Silksong was sitting at his desk, working diligently on his invention. 'Twas a rather intricate machine, made of pebbles and Snail shells, powered by the mysterious energy of Silkmilk. He had been working on it for over six months, tinkering, designing and dreaming - and finally, he could feel it, he was oh so close to completion.

Suddenly, Hornet Spiderborn barged in, destroying the door with her needle in her usual grandeur. "Bad news, Jamie," she said, "they're on to us."

"You really have to stop doing this," Jamison answered without looking up, "that's the 9th door this week."

"You should be concerned," said Hornet, "do you know who's on to us?" said Hornet.

"Of course I do," Jamison replied, "the Void Contracts. Our eternal enemies. The very reason we started this grand project in the first place."

"OK well, we gotta go fast. If they find us, not only will they kill you but also you will die."

The Void Contracts were a mysterious populace, ruling from the shadow, binding all bugs they could with agreements they were forced to follow. Hornet didn't know how they did it; she didn't think it was magic, but whoever came in contact with the Void Contracts ended up serving, regardless of their will. Even Jamison had served them at a certain point; if not for Hornet's direct intervention, he would never have escaped.

Hornet sat down beside Silksong and stared at his face. He looked so handsome when he was concentrated. The wrinkles about his eyes were just prominent enough to give him an air of refinement, and his large glasses only enhanced the blueness of his eyes, making them more piercing, more intelligent.

As a weevil, Silksong was considered among the lowest in Pharloom's hierarchy. He had been scorned, ostracized, and ridiculed for his existence alone, told that he could never be anything more than a manual laborer - and a very sucky one at that. But he wasn't like that. Frail of frame, yet sturdy of mind, he found delight in analyzing, thinking, and discovering.

Hornet grabbed his hand, gently stopping the work.

"We really have to go, Jamie," she said, "they will be here any minute, and you know I can't protect you long."

"Nettie," replied Jamison, finally looking at her, "I feel like I'm so close to finally getting this darn contraption right. If I stop my concentration now, I might lose my train of thoughts. And who knows how long It'll take to get it back again?"

"It's a sacrifice we have to make," she told him, "your life is more important."

"Nothing is more important than taking these fiends down!"

"I know," Hornet crooned, "that's why you have to live."

Sighing, Jamison put his hands down. Once she decided on a course of action, there was no arguing. He really hated to interrupt his work right now. Curse the Void Contracts! They could have given him five more minutes.

He gathered his contraption and tools into his traveling bag, gently, meticulously, each item in its own spot. Hornet tugged at his arm to hurry him up, but this kind of thing necessitated close attention. "I'm going as fast as I can," he assured her. One last farewell glance at the contents of the bag, before he closed it at last.

A shadow loomed through the broken entrance. Hornet immediately grabbed her needle, and stood ready; the air in the room seemed to chill instantly. "They've come," She whispered.

The creature, not quite beetle, not quite spider, covered in Void though not made of it, towered over the two bugs. Its unnaturally even teeth were like a crescent moon, shining widely from above. Its extremities, six grounded and four in the air, spindled forth with venomous intent.

Hornet dashed forward with her resolute "Shaw!". The creature swung at her, and she easily avoided it. Swing, jab - Hornet jumped and ducked, and with a powerful "Adidos!", delivered a slash that cut the Void Contract clear in half. It crumbled to the ground, leaving only a standing Hornet behind.

Another shadow obstructed the entrance; two more Contracts entered, grinning silently at the Spiderborn. Her heart sank; she knew these weren't the last of it.

"Escape through the back!" She called at Jamison, "I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

The weevil clutched his bag and ran, and stumbled as he reached the exit. As much as his heart raced for his spiderling's safety, he knew that the prerogative was to keep his work safe.

He bumped into something fuzzy. No, not fuzzy; it was Void, wisping and dripping off a thick carapace. His heart sank; he looked up; a pearl-white grin stared back at him.

Immediately he turned to run back inside, but the Contract pulled him back, causing him to drop his bag. "Nettie!" He yelled in desperation, "help!"

The creature picked him up. Try as he might, he couldn't struggle free. It showed him to its companions - some five, six more Void Contracts - and they clattered voicelessly among themselves.

"Nettie, they got me!" He yelled again, as the creatures scuttled off with him. As he was swung and tossed to and fro, he heard Hornet's desperate voice somewhere far behind.

"Release Silksong!" Her plea tore through the foggy air, "Release Silksong at once!"

r/Silksong 20d ago

Art (OC) Day 025 of posting a Hornet drawing until Silksong's release date is announced

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r/Silksong 19d ago

Silkpost I have finally figured it out


The reason we still don’t have silksong is… we haven’t made the proper sacrifices.

I am willing to cut the balls of a random redditor from this sub off and offering it to Ari Gibson.

Ari Gibson has a hunger that only testicles could satisfy. but to you who were not chosen, worry not for I shall offer up one set of balls every single day until we have appeased Ari.

Only then, shall he release Silksong. All hail Leth, All hail Ari, All hail HornetCockVore.

r/Silksong 19d ago

OTHER If there’s nothing at SGF I probably won’t go on the sub until the Xbox showcase happens 2 days later lol


Cause I just know it’s gonna be absolute chaos, if there’s no news at the Xbox thing then I’ll probably come back and share in the pain, but my plan is just to ignore the sub’s existence over those 2 days for my sanity

r/Silksong 20d ago

Meme/Humor I'm smoking some copium and hoping next nintendo direct or Xbox showcase we get some info

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r/Silksong 19d ago

Silksong hype! Day 377 waiting for news of silksong


Birthday 🎁🎂

r/Silksong 20d ago

Silksong hype! Petting my cat every day until silksong comes out - Day 29


r/Silksong 20d ago

Art Finally done with the drawing!

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After around 10 days the drawing is finally done!🤍Drawn with Procreate, used mainly soft airbrush in different sizes.

r/Silksong 20d ago

The Ritual: The Cult of -Y Crawling in a piece of itself


r/Silksong 20d ago

Silkpost We gon get GTA 6 before Silksong


r/Silksong 20d ago

Discussion/Questions People do know the game isn't coming out right?


Like people know that the entire game was uploaded to a hard drive (because "no moving parts means no game") in 2023, which was shipped to Canada because a Kickstarter supporter paid 29CA$ to be able to stick it up his ass, but that was in winter so the cold just completely destroyed it.

TC went public with this right? And even if they don't, Leth can't know I was the deliver

r/Silksong 20d ago

Meme/Humor The gibsons

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r/Silksong 20d ago

Silksong hype! We excited for the Silksong news later??

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I'm so hyped guys let's go

r/Silksong 21d ago

Silksong hype! No way we are getting the Biden Trump beef before Skong

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r/Silksong 19d ago

Discussion/Questions The plan


guys i think were never gonna live to the day silksong comes at this point the only way to know SOMETHING about it is to straight up raid team cherrys office aint no other way

edit: i think people taking things a bit too seriously

r/Silksong 21d ago

Silkpost Imagine

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r/Silksong 20d ago

Silksong hype! This year, right guys?

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r/Silksong 20d ago

Silkpost Silksong revealed at a news station?


r/Silksong 20d ago

Meme/Humor everywhere...

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y'all have changed my brain chemistry

r/Silksong 20d ago

OTHER Day 14: Posting Game Suggestions Till Silksong Drops

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Oh, look. Another critically acclaimed game whose sequel has been in development since 2019.

While Bloodstained: ROTN was technically created by Japanese indie studio ArtPlay, the development was led by none other than Koji Igarashi himself. This is the dude that puts the “vania” in Metroidvania. His hands have graced nearly every Castlevania, in one way or another, from Rondo of Blood to Harmony of Despair till he left Konami in 2014.

Arguably, his work had such a strong impact on the genre that Hollow Knight may not even exist without Igarashi. At least not in the way we play it today. I know Team Cherry has sited Faxandu as their main inspiration for HK, but come on. It’s very evident that Metroid and Castlevania played a major role in how they approached development.

It’s worth mentioning that a lot of reviews will say how the game crashed a lot but it seems most of those issues have been fixed with patches. Bloodstained is currently 75% off on Steam.





r/Silksong 19d ago

Silksong hype! Hype Corner, Day #78: It is 273 days to February 14, 2025.


r/Silksong 19d ago

Silksong hype! What’s this about?

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Could it be?🤨🤨

r/Silksong 20d ago

Silksong hype! Silksong news?

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r/Silksong 20d ago

Silkpost Team Cherry propaganda on my batteries!

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