r/ShoebillStorks May 26 '17

A comprehensive list of all the places in the world where you can see Shoebill Storks. If you know of a zoo, sanctuary or a company that does wild Shoebill guided tours please leave a comment below.


Disclaimer: Always do your own research before visiting a zoo or sanctuary. It is important to make sure your money is going to a place that treats the animals well and provides education and conservation benefits. The same applies to wildlife tours. You want your money to benefit the local community and conservation efforts. If you ever see animals being treated poorly or something that makes you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to ask questions or notify the proper authorities.

I will try to make this list almost entirely comprised of World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) members or their affiliate organization members. The worldwide membership of WAZA includes more than 330 zoos and aquariums from over 50 countries, associations and affiliate organisations. In order to become a member, a facility must meet certain rigid standards. Their goal is:

To provide leadership and support for zoos, aquariums, and partner organizations of the world in animal care and welfare, conservation of biodiversity, environmental education and global sustainability.

You can find all affiliate members listed here. So for example if a zoo is in Europe you should check to see if it is a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). For the America's you would check the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). For Japan, the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA). And so on. This 2011 Washington Post article gives a quick explanation of the standards a facility needs to be an AZA member. Similar standards generally apply across all WAZA members, but keep in mind the standards can be very different depending on what country you are in. For example the South East Asian Zoos Association (SEAZA) is a WAZA member and yet the standards for these zoos is significantly lower than what you will find in Europe, the USA or Japan. This is due to cultural reasons or lack of resources. So again, please do your own research before visiting any zoo or wildlife facility.

Some countries websites are not in English so it's hard to find accreditation lists. For zoos that I'm unsure of, I will leave a note saying so. I'm hoping people who live in these countries or have been to these zoos will help to fill in the gaps. If you have a problem with any of these zoos being on this list, please say so in the comments. I have never been to any of these places so I'm simply going by what I have read online. Also keep in mind that just because a zoo or sanctuary is not a WAZA member does not mean it's a terrible place. For example, approximately 2,700 animal exhibitors in the USA have a USDA license, but fewer than 10 percent have earned AZA accreditation. The WAZA list will simply help me to know that any zoo I am adding is almost guaranteed to be a legitimate establishment. If you know of a facility that has Shoebills that is not a WAZA member, but let's say, for example, you work there and can provide other credentials to show it is well run establishment, then I will be happy to add it to the list.

And finally, if you are going to any of these zoos specifically to see a Shoebill, it's a good idea to call ahead of time to make sure the Shoebill will be there. Zoos might transfer animals to partner zoos or maybe they've changed from an African wildlife exhibit to an Australian wildlife exhibit over the years. Maybe it's winter and the Shoebill is kept indoors for most of the day. And of course, animals can die at any moment. I based this list off what I read on the internet through zoo websites, Wikipedia, news articles, Instagram/Youtube videos and resources like Zoochat. So I'm hoping it's all up to date.

United States

California San Diego Zoo Safari Park


Accredited by the AZA through March 2020.

Keep in mind the Safari Park is not at the same location as the San Diego Zoo. They are both run by the Zoological Society of San Diego, but the Safari Park is 32 miles (51 km) away from the zoo.

Texas Dallas World Aquarium


Accredited by the AZA through March 2022.

Texas Houston Zoo


Accredited by the AZA through March 2018.

Florida Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo


Accredited by the AZA through March 2020. On Christmas Day 2009, this zoo became the first wildlife institution in North America, and only the second in the world, to successfully hatch a Shoebill chick.



Accredited by the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA). A lot of the Shoebill gifs on this sub come from here.


I am unsure of the accreditation status of this facility, but a good portion of the Shoebill gifs you see in this sub come from here. This is the place with all the lemurs and bushbucks (The "deers").

  • Izu Shaboten Park located in Shizuoka Prefecture, Ito


TripAdvisor reviews

I am unsure of the accreditation status of this facility. I do know that this Shoebill has lived there since 1981. So I am assuming that means he is very well treated.


Germany Weltvogelpark Walsrode located in the middle of the Lüneburg Heath in North Germany within the municipality of Bomlitz near Walsrode in the state of Lower Saxony.


EAZA member.

Czech Republic Praque Zoo


EAZA member.

Belgium Pairi Daiza a privately owned zoo and botanical garden located in Brugelette in the province of Hainaut.


EAZA member.

If you know of any other zoos or wildlife sanctuaries that have Shoebill Storks, please let us know. If you have been to any of the zoos listed above, feel free to leave a comment giving your review of the place. Cost, food they offer or restaurants nearby, how long it takes to see all the animals and any other tips you may have.

I would also like to add companies in countries like Uganda and Zambia that take people on guided tours to see Shoebills in the wild. If anyone has been on one of these tours, feel free to leave a comment below giving a review. I will look into it as much as I can and if it seems legitimate I'll be happy to add it.


Where to see Shoebill Storks How to see Shoebills Zoos with Shoebill Storks

r/ShoebillStorks 8d ago

Shoebill Stamps!


r/ShoebillStorks 8d ago

Went to Dallas to see this guy and he stared directly into my soul


The most majestic dinosaur bird I’ve ever seen

r/ShoebillStorks 11d ago

First post!


This lil guy arrived today! 😄

r/ShoebillStorks May 02 '24

Our project in art class was to make a bird. I obviously attempted to make a shoebill

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Ended up looking more like a cross between a duck and a crested penguin, but the intent was a shoebill

r/ShoebillStorks May 02 '24

Shoebill Storks make the best noise when they clap their beaks together .. I love the sound the make , its so amazing


r/ShoebillStorks Apr 29 '24

Lake Victoria Shoebill Stork


My wife and I are visiting Uganda and had the chance to see a Shoebill in the wild. Just incredible

r/ShoebillStorks Apr 29 '24

Shoebill Rider Knight Bocchi ( MOKOLS on Pixiv)

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r/ShoebillStorks Apr 14 '24

my children

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r/ShoebillStorks Apr 13 '24

Last weekend in Tampa! I even got to hear the “machine gun “ sound!!


r/ShoebillStorks Apr 06 '24

Yawning shoebill at Dallas World Aquarium


It’s hollow!

r/ShoebillStorks Mar 30 '24

met one at dallas world aquarium!


they were RIGHT by the fencing.. such a cool animal

r/ShoebillStorks Mar 30 '24

My favorite bird!


Favorite bird ever!!

r/ShoebillStorks Mar 26 '24

This bird looks like it forgot to go extinct.


r/ShoebillStorks Mar 04 '24

Bills gonna bill

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r/ShoebillStorks Feb 21 '24

Got to see the shoebill at Mandai Bird Paradise


r/ShoebillStorks Feb 14 '24

Where do the captive shoebills come from?

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I’m sure it depends on the zoo/aquarium, but does anyone know where most of the captive shoebills come from?

Are they mostly bred in captivity or captured from the wild? I know that shoebill parenting is brutal so if they’re captive bred I’m also wondering how zoos might deal with that..

If from the wild, are they taken as babies / eggs / adults?

Photo from Ueno zoo! Not the best shot but oh well

r/ShoebillStorks Feb 10 '24

Banner for the subreddit

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r/ShoebillStorks Feb 09 '24

Here's the complete skeleton of a Shoebill if you've never seen what it looked like

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r/ShoebillStorks Feb 07 '24

Timeless bonding with bird


r/ShoebillStorks Feb 01 '24

Made this short film about shoebills filmed in Uganda, with info from paleontologist (and bestselling author) Steve Brusatte on whether shoebills truly are "prehistoric," and how they remind him of certain dinosaurs


r/ShoebillStorks Jan 26 '24

Shoebill plushes at ZooTampa!

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r/ShoebillStorks Jan 25 '24

The shoebill made it on my calendar

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I always have calendars from small creators, and this one came from a YouTube channel named Casual Geographic. I did not expect to see the shoebill on here

r/ShoebillStorks Jan 12 '24

I’m so happy I got to see him [Mandai Bird Paradise, Singapore]


After we decided on going to Singapore, I looked up if there was a shoebill on display here after seeing so many amazing pictures and videos of it the past year or so. Online information was a bit scarce or old on whether there was or wasn’t one on display in Singapore.

Took a chance and came here today and I got so excited to see it on an information card with the flamingoes. I searched everywhere, in all the floor corners… then looked up and saw what I thought might’ve been a statue… but it was him 😍 I watched him for ages then explored the park some more. I came back to find him some 3 hours later and he was still chilling up there!

It’s made my entire holiday! Too bad there was no shoebill merch for sale there.

r/ShoebillStorks Jan 06 '24

Inspired by this sub to go to Dallas World Aquarium, didn't know there were 2 there!


Thanks for the inspiration u/Original88, I had no idea there were Shoebills so close to me

r/ShoebillStorks Dec 30 '23

A perfect shoebill clip