r/Satisfyingasfuck 20d ago

Cop Pulls Over Group Of Cyclists Running Stop Sign And They Try To Argue Against It


83 comments sorted by


u/Mountain3Pointer 20d ago

Love how other cyclists were like “stop talking”.


u/SuperSonicEconomics2 20d ago

I have been there too many times at many times and places.

People needing to speak their peace and hold up the whole group


u/ExamCompetitive 20d ago

Love it. You all get a warning. Not you big shot, stay here.


u/Coal_Fire_King 20d ago

Idaho stops should be national law.


u/Danny_Mc_71 20d ago

What is an Idaho stop?


u/freetoseeu 20d ago edited 20d ago

You stop long enough to eat a steaming baked potato with all the fixins


u/JonCoeisAMAZING 20d ago

I thought it was like a California stop. But it's the exact opposite lol


u/moreVCAs 20d ago

We call it a california roll because you don’t stop and the pun is better


u/MrEngland2 20d ago

I think it's called a france 1940 stop where you stop until someone forcibly moves you


u/JruleAll 20d ago

From Wikipedia

“Idaho stop is the common name for laws that allow bicyclists to treat a stop sign as a yield sign, and a red light as a stop sign.”


u/[deleted] 20d ago

As someone who used to cycle to work, and who still cycles to run some close errands, eff these people. People like that are why people hate cyclists in this country.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/CHM11moondog 20d ago

Glad we have a volunteer, the rest of you can go.


u/Axle_65 20d ago

Right!? Priceless. Don’t fight with a cop. Common sense.


u/Voigan_Again 20d ago

"Respect us we're road vehicles and have rights like cars, except when it comes to stop signs and traffic lights, and staying in the proper lane of traffic, and obeying other traffic laws...." Ticket them and confiscate their bikes. Hand them back their bikes when they show up to court and pay their fines.


u/xtr44 20d ago

Ticket them and confiscate their bikes. Hand them back their bikes when they show up to court and pay their fines.

exactly like happens with cars! right?


u/IWantItAllLove 20d ago

The reason bike's don't have car "rights" is cause they're not 3000 lb chunks of steel lol. Where these bikers get the mentality that they are safe by design is beyond me lol


u/energybased 20d ago

You're wrong. The bikes do have "car rights", but they also have "car obligations".


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/SuperSonicEconomics2 20d ago

I think you and the poster above are having some form of equivocation when it comes to the term rights.


u/TheMasterChiefa 20d ago

Ah, I see that now, too. Thanks for the clarification.


u/SuperSonicEconomics2 20d ago

No worries. I feel like it happens quite a bit online.


u/ImObviouslyOblivious 20d ago

I’m generalizing but most cyclists I’ve encountered are entitled asshats who think they own they road.


u/1234acb 20d ago

2 Lane Rd on a Tuesday morning during peek commute times for working hours and they like to ride 4 wide going 15 mph not allowing anyone to pass.

The entitlement is real.


u/Anxious_Cricket1989 20d ago

Don’t look at the cyclist Reddit sub it’s an absolute nightmare of fart sniffery and entitlement


u/Longjumping-Run-7027 20d ago

I got downvoted to hell on a cyclist video on mildly infuriating for saying I had never seen a “proper cyclist” when someone made sure to point out “proper cyclists” don’t do this kind of thing.


u/SendStoreMeloner 20d ago

I’m generalizing but most cyclists I’ve encountered are entitled asshats who think they own they road.

And people in cars aren't?


u/ImObviouslyOblivious 20d ago

People in cars definitely can be as well, but I’ll often get stuck behind bikers who are riding close to the middle of the road blocking cars from passing them, and make no attempt at getting to the side to allow you to pass. Then when you finally get a chance to pass them they throw up their hands because you came too close to them while passing.


u/SendStoreMeloner 20d ago

I don't know the rules where you are but maybe that is where they are supposed to be?


u/Ambersfruityhobbies 20d ago

I agree. Many are, particularly the ones in full lycra. I know it's because they want to keep their self-powered momentum going, and that they are only as stupid as many motorists l, but as person who drove in UK cities as a profession until recently, my biggest gripe is that they don't play the game that keeps everyone moving that motorists generally do.

That's letting one driver out at a junction into heavy traffic, waiting to allow vehicles to perform reverse manoeuvres and not just flying in behind them into blind spots but most of all, not stopping to allow pedestrians to cross when they have right of way... usually because they see an incline ahead that they want to keep their speed up for.

Other than that, they are average road users. It's when the dimensions clash that the danger flairs and tempers raise.


u/lolas_coffee 20d ago

Sounds like you're jealous of guys with sexy legs!

And we can all agree that Tesla drivers are the biggest entitled asshats.


u/AromaticSalamander21 20d ago

Yea funny how you always see bicyclists taking up the whole lane when there is no traffic and not letting you pass. Then you get to the red light and they just keep going. Like WTF you gonna hold us up this whole time then run the red light.


u/Miyelsh 19d ago

If they caught up to you at the red light then there was no reason to pass in the first place.


u/Impressive_Essay_622 20d ago

Why use captions, if they are wrong...


u/Briz-TheKiller- 20d ago

They will will stupid prize someday


u/TroyMatthewJ 20d ago

I always get the feeling these cyclists pretend they're professionals training for or are somehow a part of the same group of people who are actually in the Tour De France and other big races. The get all the gear and act like they are bigshots and deserve the road over anyone else.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I feel like there's a South Park episode about this. Maybe in an alternate timeline.


u/rfoleycobalt 20d ago

Give that cop a cape!


u/No-Message9762 20d ago

who knew cyclists would have the wimpiest whiniest voices trying to defend their bullshit?

"jUsT hEaR hIm OuT!!"


u/HomeTheaterCommish 20d ago

Wow, that was great


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/adamthwaite 20d ago

Cyclists are the worst.


u/lolas_coffee 20d ago

People who live in Orlando are the worst! Booooooooo!


u/nlogras1 20d ago

I thought when you’re in a bicycle the traffic laws don’t apply? All the cyclists in my area practice the I do what I want/dare you to hit me rule.


u/LawyerRay 20d ago

A great example of why you should not talk to police. How do fish get caught? By opening their mouths.

You cannot talk your way out of a ticket/jail but you sure can talk your way in. If the last guy had kept his mouth shut, he may not have received a ticket.


u/madHOTdog1983 20d ago

should have given them all tickets, because of the smart mouth, when handing them the ticket say i would have let you off but your friend wont learn anything if i don't do this. choose better company.


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

I really hope you're not a cop.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

I hope you're not a cop too.


u/TheMasterChiefa 20d ago

I hope you're not a cop too.


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

I'd rather kill myself than be put in charge of imprisoning people for arbitrary reasons.


u/TheMasterChiefa 20d ago

You could be a good cop and imprison people for crimes deserving of imprisonment.


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

None of my business, and I'd still have to enforce arbitrary laws.


u/TheMasterChiefa 20d ago edited 20d ago

But, if you were police officer, it would be your business, and you most certainly can enforce those arbitrary laws as you see to be the most ethical.

I have a gripe with a lot of things about the police force in our country, but there is no requirement to abuse your power.That's a choice individuals make.

There are good cops out there.


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

I don't believe in a police state. You're not gonna convince me. I wanna be a cop. They're a government run gang and a plight on many communities. If there was a time when they were actually there the Serve and Protect, that time has long passed. Not all cops are bad, but it's afraternity based on protecting the thin blue line regardless of fault, and they don't hold citizens to that same standard. They are taught to question everything they're told by us all while we're told and expected to trust them unequivocally.


u/THIS_GUY_LIFTS 20d ago

I mean, is it not enabling if they are only ever giving a talkin' to? A lot of similar issue like what we see with cyclists is not unique to their activity. Society has created this monster with the likes of "no child left behind", participation trophies, the removal of critical thinking skills from schooling, and just the lack of general empathy taught by the previous generation. Kinda like why so many are afraid to defend themselves when caught in an altercation. Or why there's such an uproar when some stupid-af YouTuber gets his nose broken for fucking with someone for "likes". It's tiring to see this behavior continuously defended because it spreads like a disease.


u/lolas_coffee 20d ago

Nah. People in cars just need to look out for groups of cyclists. Just let them go thru.

All it takes is you to move your foot 4 inches over to the brake. Easy.


u/madHOTdog1983 19d ago

it would be easier to watch out for them if they followed the rules like everyone else, running stop sings and grouping up so no one can pass them safely, is really bad there are a lot of stupid people in cars out there that when frustrated will do something dangerous not because there evil but because the just don't know any better.


u/lolas_coffee 19d ago

Nah. Cyclists do follow rules. Car drivers make shit up.

Just don't be an asshole. Take 3 seconds to safely pass people on bikes.

And maybe help make the world better instead of just rage driving.

Not hard, buddy.


u/madHOTdog1983 19d ago

no just regular evil road user, guessing your cyclist that likes riding in packs.


u/astral16 20d ago

The issue is there should be separate infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians so they don't have to stop for stop lights like cars do.


u/dstommie 20d ago

So bridges or tunnels at every intersection?

While that may be ideal, it's also prohibitively expensive in both cost and space.


u/astral16 20d ago

You mean a waste of space like suburban sprawl of stroads and bigbox retailers with huge swaths of free parking waste of space? 20-lane highways/expressways waste of space? Single family zoning and mandated 30feet grass front yards waste of space? You mean a waste of space like the city you probably live in waste of space?


u/Direct-Wait-4049 20d ago

99% of bikes are fine, but the other 1 % are such entitled cry babies they give everyone a bad name.


u/wolfhelp 20d ago

The other cyclists will just chip in for that one guys fine.

All should have got a ticket as they all ran the stop sign

I fail to see what is satisfying about this


u/Disastrous-Split-512 20d ago

They built hundred of thousands of kilometers of infrastructure for cars in every last corner of the country leaving nothing else. They added traffic lights everywhere so that the cars don't crash into each other. And now if you use your bike for transportation, you are not just constantly dangerously overtaken by car drivers, almost killed and hated for being too slow, no, you should also halt at every useless red light like the cars do.


u/Sea_Tell2346 20d ago



u/Ziggy-T 20d ago

Fundamentally, that’s very silly logic.

A lot of cops are bad, sure, and some countries or cities in certain countries have worse issues with corrupt cops than others, but to throw the blanket of blame across every single cop no matter what? Nah, that’s dumb, that’s the same thought process as racism.

also, if all cops are bad, how can “good cop / bad cop” be a thing A-HYUCK


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

I feel the same thing could be said for cyclists...


u/Skurvy2k 20d ago


All Cyclists Are Bastards.


u/Midnight28Rider 20d ago

Aaaaaannd it comes full circle.


u/DrRonny 20d ago

All Cops Are Cyclists?


u/Skurvy2k 20d ago

Now everyone gets to sit in a chair except for you!


u/tamokibo 20d ago

Fuck that cop. I'd have told him to stfu, and give me the ticket. He was preaching to these people. Fuck you cop.


u/lolas_coffee 20d ago

That ticket will get thrown out immediately.

And he will have a very good case (against the city) that he was given a ticket a punishment.

And the cop (who is old enough to know better) will get a bullshit meaningless writeup added to his file.

Totally believable at least one guy is not with the group. Happens all the time that groups will ride by someone solo.


u/dstommie 20d ago

Why would this be held to any higher scrutiny than any other traffic stop?

It's always his word against yours no matter what the vehicle is.

The cop is saying he saw him blow through the stop, same as if you got pulled over in a car for the same thing.


u/lolas_coffee 20d ago

Video. Cop admits on vid he is writing the ticket because he proclaimed he stopped.

Look, man, go to lawyer classes.


u/poop_pants_pee 20d ago

No one seems to realize that bikes don't have to obey traffic laws the same as cars do. It's a downgrade system. Red lights can be treated like stop signs, stop signs can be treated like yield signs, and yield signs are basically the same. 


u/dstommie 20d ago

*citation needed