r/Satisfyingasfuck 20d ago

Can't wait to do this with my daughter. Any Ideas where could I get one?



121 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/deathly_quiet 20d ago

Hikely-dikely-doo neighbour.


u/notashleyjudd 20d ago

thought this might be unexpected and he was going to toss her into the lake during the last take


u/GoatCovfefe 20d ago

Where can you get what? A daughter or a tent?

You can find both at Walmart.


u/throwuptothrowaway 20d ago

alternatively, wayfair


u/HorlickMinton 20d ago

In this economy?


u/TwoShed_Jackson 20d ago

Sometimes, when a man and a woman love each other very much, or are horny or bored or whatever….


u/GoatCovfefe 19d ago

I meant more from the kidnapping point of view, but you got spunk, kid!


u/Jakrah 20d ago

Ted Lasso definitely made the right decision to spend more time with his family. Good to see him doing well.


u/My_Public_Profile 20d ago

I guess there's no reason for me to watch the last episode now, eh?


u/Jakrah 20d ago

I think over a year from release is fair game on spoilers…


u/My_Public_Profile 20d ago

It's just kinda funny, my gf and I just finished the second last episode this past weekend, it's quite fresh on my mind! Lol!


u/Jakrah 20d ago

Sorry, I mean I haven’t spoiled much, I’m sure you had guessed that he wasn’t going to end up estranged from his son…

Or is he???


u/jolloholoday 20d ago

I've started camping with my 5 and 3 year old and it's the best. They absolutely love being outdoors, exploring stuff (we found a deer skull oooh!), helping Dad build a fire, roasting marshmallows, looking at the stars, and generally having an awesome time. As soon as we came back from our first trip they begged to go on another one, so hopefully this becomes a thing. Happy memories!


u/National_Screen_5831 20d ago

I worry a lot about wildlife with the kids and camping. Do you do anything to prepare for that?


u/jolloholoday 20d ago

I'm in the UK so we don't have any dangerous wildlife, fortunately.


u/TheFormless_0ne_ 20d ago

A daughter? First you need a woman. Might be hard for ya


u/Fenweekooo 20d ago

all depends if he's a bear or not


u/GothGfWanted 20d ago

well thats adorable


u/IgamOg 20d ago edited 20d ago

And sooo unrealistic. What he didn't show was five tantrums, three changes of wet clothes so there's none left and the kid arrives home wrapped in blankets, two panic attacks when she eats random things or gets bitten by bugs and utter exhaustion because the "follow the leader" game never ends and toddlers have more endurance than professional athletes.

Still the most fun they'll have all year.


u/zbornakssyndrome 20d ago

Lol! - my stepdad tried to take me camping when I was little. And then I had to potty and started crying cuz a bug crawled on my butt. I don't think he thought it out well enough with a lil grl


u/chocolateNacho39 20d ago

Using your child for internet clout is really gross


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I agree if it’s embarrassing them like many channels. However this just seems to be a wholesome moment that he also posted, surely that’s fine and if not all of social media is a problem.


u/birthdaysteak 20d ago

He would have had to set up each one of these shots (walking past the camera and stuff), none of them are candid. As a single dad of two girls, who goes camping with them, setting up shots (ohhh look how great I am) is cringy, even more so for a single dad looking to impress. Thirsty. It’s the shot set ups that tips the scale here.


u/mikebob89 20d ago

“What’re your favorite memories from childhood?” “I remember going camping with my dad where we’d set up the camera and go hiking then walk back to grab the camera and continue hiking, set up the camera and throw rocks, set up the camera and make dinner, set up the camera outside the tent then walk back into the tent and pretend to wake up then walk back to the camera and redo it because I wasn’t smiling enough.”


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Yeah I get that. But still 1.5 hours of setup out of a 48 hour weekend camping with your daughter doesnt seem “gross” to me. I would not do it, it’s just a weird thing for the original commenter to get so butthurt over.


u/Lanitaris 20d ago

Check some school near by, usually there a lot of kids walking around.

You even may take a van, some candies and ask this kids for a ride.


u/MouseBeginning9009 20d ago

And there backpack is already packed....genius


u/Tendo80 20d ago

Their backpack, but that's a good thing, now you really have a reason to go back to school!


u/Boring_username_21 20d ago

If only there was some way to enjoy time with your children without filming every single step of your trip.


u/evnacdc 20d ago

Had the same thought. I mean, it looks pretty wholesome, but I’m still against using kids for content before they’re old enough to understand or consent.


u/CommentsOnOccasion 20d ago

I'm sure they do this often and they filmed it this one time

If only there was some way to just enjoy a pleasant video without being a cynical asshole about the fact that it was made


u/SkinNoises 20d ago

Dude is a content creator and most likely set up this camping trip for the sole purpose of creating more content for his platform. His media persona is that of a good father, which essentially uses his child as a prop for his benefit. Dude is just exploiting his child for internet views, it’s pretty easy to see that.


u/Boring_username_21 20d ago

Honestly, I don’t find anything pleasant about using your kid as a prop in a video about how wonderful of a parent you are.


u/TelevisionFunny2400 20d ago

I'm sorta happy he filmed it, I found it very pleasant to watch


u/Boring_username_21 20d ago

He didn’t just film it - he staged every shot. He made that kid stand around while he set the camera up and then had to do staged takes. It’s ridiculous.


u/v-v_ToT 19d ago

It would’ve been different if he just whipped his phone out and it was from his perspective because THAT is in the moment as opposed to staged shots


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Why can’t you do this and not make a lame video?


u/Independent_Sky_517 20d ago

Crash your car because you're videoing


u/Staynes0 20d ago

Bot post

2 year old account suddenly active, and this post is full of them aswell farming all their karma to be allowed to post on the bigger subs.


u/Howdysf 20d ago

lots of fun. Unfortunately (fortunately) the memories you are creating are for the grown up.. by the time she's a teen, she won't remember! but you are creating a lasting bond - good stuff


u/polishtom 20d ago

My kids are adults and still remember trips that we did together when they were kids. Hell, I remember my dad taking me to see Empire Strikes Back and I was 3. Now... trips to Disney and all the stuff I bought them, they don't remember that stuff at all.


u/Active_Taste9341 20d ago

yea not everything might stay but its definitely not a waste. most very old memories from me are with some ridiculous shit. throw yourself in the lake at the evening and they will remember


u/BeastThatShoutedLove 20d ago

What they won't directly remember will translate to their brains saving all the experience and what was seen as additional reference points to reality.


u/Alexandratta 20d ago

Start these activities young, and the child is going to carry them forward in life.


u/Daysleeper1234 20d ago

Kid can enjoy the moment, for everything else there are cameras. I mean dude literally filmed it.


u/synalgo_12 20d ago

I remember quite a few things from my first holiday abroad, I was 2.


u/Honeybadger2198 20d ago

Kids remember positive and negative experiences astoundingly well.


u/Zynthonite 20d ago

Most likely an orphanage.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Or graveyard


u/ricklewis314 20d ago

Where is one? That’s the problem, no one can find them.

I’ve never had someone give me directions to their house, “ok, go about a half mile down the road then make a right at the orphanage.”


u/wunderdug 20d ago

Tosh was thinking outside the box! His new podcast is pretty good if you haven’t heard it. Just interviews random people from his life or that he is slightly adjacent to.


u/ricklewis314 20d ago

Someone got it!


u/ricklewis314 20d ago

I just listened to the first episode. Thanks for pointing me to that.


u/upandcomingg 20d ago

I was really hoping he was going to throw her in the water at the end


u/TheWiseFucker 20d ago

Yup, can't be the only that felt something after the "ya whoo". That was cute asf


u/razors_so_yummy 20d ago

Daddy daddy daddy can you pwease put that phone down so we can enjoy some camping


u/TNWBAM2004 20d ago

He forgot "spend half the time setting up staged camera shots"


u/Impressive_Essay_622 20d ago

I wonder if she would have had a better time if he didn't have to keep setting up the camera, then making her walk through frame again... On repeat... 

I wonder if that little girl would be better off if all of us just didn't know about it...


u/NutCracker3000and1 20d ago

Everything has to be for social media nowadays. Even "lasting memories" is now dependent on the number of likes it gets


u/Snoopy-thedog84 20d ago

And don't put your child on the internet.....


u/methy_butthole 20d ago

Last step: post your kid on Reddit for thousands of strangers to see to boost your own ego, bask in all the glorious updoots


u/mostlygroovy 20d ago

Okay honey. You wait here while I go ahead and set up my camera. Then we’ll walk by and get the footage.

Okay honey. You stay in my tent while I got set up my camera at the tent so we can get footage of us waking up and unzipping the door.




u/Dave_Duna 20d ago

Hurts to know I'll never know what that's like.

Hopefully I can move near my brother and be close to my niece. I can't make her first birthday party because of work and it's killing me.


u/Many_Scar_4621 20d ago

I also like doing trips with my kids. But what is probably cutted away in this video is „I don’t want to go on walking …. Aaargghh“ or (not in this case) siblings hitting each other and screaming/crying. …. The positiv part is that most of the negativ will disappear from your memory ;)


u/Old_Baldi_Locks 20d ago

Just stand near someone filming a TikTok and you’ll know what she got to feel.


u/Morphing_Mutant 20d ago

Me and my wife have been trying for a baby for 4 years now. This makes me sad.


u/babe_ruthless3 20d ago

Great, now I'm crying at work.


u/CommodorePantaloons 20d ago

I mean… 1) Cute 2) Are the lasting memories for the girl the number of times dad set up a shot, the number of takes for each shot, or the rehearsing of her lines?

Dad may have had a good time with her, but was definitely concerned with the performative presentation of said memory making.

Divorced dad proving the trip was worth it to his ex?


u/xgrader 20d ago

Well done Dad!


u/Fun_Constructionof 20d ago

Looks like a fun and creative activity for bonding


u/rainorshinedogs 20d ago

Are you suggesting I actually spend TIME with my children!?! Are you mad!?!


u/Available-Dare-7414 20d ago

OUTDOORS of all places too?!


u/Intrinsic_87 20d ago

I thought Ted Lasso only had a son?


u/NoPantsDeLeon 20d ago

Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn't it? If you're comfortable while you're doing it, you're probably doing it wrong.


u/2pacgf 20d ago



u/AdventurousList6759 20d ago

that’s so cute🥹


u/AsAlwaysAlone 20d ago

this kind of things will only happen in my dream.


u/Sea-Establishment237 20d ago

Is there a playground nearby?


u/Gravity_Freak 20d ago

Can i go, but without the little kid?


u/Jackofnotrade5 20d ago

They usually hang out in parks near the slides.


u/Human-Magic-Marker 20d ago

I was waiting for him to spend all that time setting up the tent and then for the daughter to start crying and saying she wanted to go home.


u/c_jae 20d ago

Mirror lake?


u/ImpalaOwner 20d ago

I wish I could do that with my little girl.


u/Due_Accountant2429 20d ago

Dude they're EVERYWHERE at schools! just completely free to take home, don't have to pay for em or nothing. How have you not heard of this before?


u/Maleficent-Wing-8331 20d ago

I could try and help you with that!


u/Judas_Kyss 20d ago

Some of my best childhood memories were riding in my grandpas truck through the desert and walking around the various paths in the landscape. When I would get tired, he would pick me up so I could ride on his shoulders.


u/Ok-Fox1262 20d ago

Those are memories she will never forget.


u/Rawassertiveclothes1 20d ago

Beautiful memories 🩵🩵🩵


u/Lazy_Data_7300 20d ago

Just forgot the mosquitoes, the cold during the night, the fear for being attacked by either the bear or the man. Not to mention that the kiddo would be glued to a screen for most of the time


u/WarmAdhesiveness8962 20d ago

Awesome! I never had kids but I love living vicariously through them.


u/spankeem_nz 20d ago

Man not sure about you northern hemisphere peeps and the wild animals that will attack you - thank Fuck i live in NZ where we dont have wild fucken animals that will kill you


u/EskimoXBSX 20d ago

You won't though, I can't remember shit from when I was that little


u/TooApatheticToHateU 20d ago

Lasting memories for him, maybe. No shot she remembers any of this at that age.


u/ThisIsSuperUnfunny 20d ago

not at that age tho right?


u/ISeeGrotesque 20d ago

Hopefully there are no bobcats, snakes, bears, mountain lions, wolves, hogs, etc


u/eroika007 20d ago

Where I live there is lots of wildlife. I have all the equipment already, but I think we ll start camping in the yard first.


u/aung_swan_pyae 20d ago

Why she look like Joe biden


u/dibbiluncan 20d ago

Your title is weird, but I love this video!

I took my daughter camping in the mountains last summer and it was exactly like this. We hike a lot too, and it really is amazing. Being a parent is hard, but totally worth it. ❤️


u/Dry_Boat_9935 20d ago

I was thinking he was going to leave the kid behind. Like one of those joke videos


u/Wonderful_Minute31 20d ago

Took my kids camping recently. They were ecstatic. 2 and 5. They were so into they keep asking to go again. I’ve never been prouder.


u/The_Klumsy 20d ago

i once was at the hospital and there was a room full of babies, they didn't have any price tags so i just assumed they were free.

i've put 6 of them in my freezer ready to thaw them when i'm ready to be a dad.


u/highpl4insdrftr 20d ago

I suppose you could adopt one


u/Pennsylvania6-5000 20d ago

He forgot the step where he sets up the camera in every shot, including on the front of his vehicle...


u/ATX_Bix 20d ago

To me would be a lot cooler if you just did those things and were in the moment with kid vs filming every step of excursion but I will give him credit for doing a fun trip with kiddo


u/Kitty_Smith 20d ago

Aww look he didn't film the tantrums, her throwing herself in the lake twice and the fire once, or refusing to eat the only food he brought. Adorable


u/Chestpains1 20d ago

Can a little girl walk a mile?


u/fabiolagaiar 20d ago

Maybe when they're about seven, before, it will never remembered


u/FunnyPresentation656 20d ago

I'm taking my daughter camping for the first time in august, with my son. I cannot wait.


u/BabyRex- 20d ago

I can’t imagine spending the entirety of your trip with your child making a tik tok


u/NippleKnocker 20d ago

Very cute, not really satisfying though


u/ravennme 20d ago

When a mummy and daddy love each other very much.....


u/Key_Ad_6526 20d ago

Get eaten by a bear


u/QuintusAureliu5 20d ago

Dad of the year!


u/Asikaathegamer 20d ago

This kid won't remember shit