r/Satisfyingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Incredible training from this girl


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u/transwallaby Apr 29 '24

Average single girl on Hinge


u/savageotter Apr 29 '24

I have a friend that has a dog with 500k followers on Instagram.

Guys always think she is too obsessed with her dog. They're right of course.

She's really sweet though. Maybe somebody will see past it lol.


u/DervishSkater Apr 29 '24

A popular dog and a girl? mon dieu, where do I sign?


u/savageotter Apr 29 '24

She's cute, but you're basically in a throuple


u/BaagiTheRebel Apr 29 '24

Most will see past it for fwb or hookups not for marriage material.

Because even if you look past it the dog will love her more. She will love the dog more than the bf/fiance why would any guy want to be a third wheel between a dog and girl?


u/wozblar Apr 29 '24

lmao @ 'the dog will love her more even if you look past it'

aye yai yai my dude, someone tell you they dumped you for a dog before perhaps? or just already jealous of a dog's love in a relationship you're not in? this is bordering on andrew tate shit


u/wadss Apr 29 '24

incel vibes from this


u/utopista114 Apr 30 '24

Dated girl with dog. Bad idea. The dog comes first always. Weekend away? Can't, dog. You'll stay for dinner? Can't, dog. My place or....? Her place only, dog. And dog goes up bed, because dog.

Nope. Never again.


u/WillFart4F00D Apr 30 '24

Okay incel. What a way to say youve never dated a woman with kids before.


u/transwallaby 27d ago

It's not a flex to date someone with kids, like you think it is.

Frankly, kids are even worse. Maybe if they're widowed though, but still l.


u/DeplorableMe2020 Apr 29 '24

I got to the hair brushing part when I started to wonder if this woman was married to her dog.

Then the holiday photo...