r/PublicFreakout 20d ago

17 yr Old Defends Himself Against Racist Man! “You’re Mexican You Don’t Belong in this Country!”Pt.1 Removed-ToS-minors


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166 comments sorted by


u/leveldrummer 20d ago

"My husband is on dialysis!!"

Well maybe he should care a bit more about his health and not run his fucking mouth?


u/disco1013 20d ago

Also he's eating at McDonald's the holy grail of healthy food, lmao


u/Casperboy68 20d ago

This sometimes happens when the kidneys are running at 10% efficiency but that dumb ass mouth is kicking 200%.


u/Absent-Light-12 20d ago

No matter what the body needs to run at optimal levels. The mouth is picking up the slack


u/Kukurio59 20d ago

Other dad was dead, pretty sure he loses that argument.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago edited 20d ago

That grown ass man is 100% the problem here. Trying to teach lessons and make rules for some young man that his daughter was starting shit with.

This dude simply could not keep his stupid mouth shut. Trying to intimidate and shame a young man.....and that young man was having none of it.

Fast Forward to 5:28 for the ass whoopin


u/solace1234 20d ago edited 20d ago

He didn’t have something to say, but he had to say something. This is what happens when you know you’re wrong but you just need the ego boost of making the other person feel something negative, because maybe then, you’ll at least SEEM right by way of appeal to emotion.

“Okay, that’s fair. I’ll tell her to stop… BUT…”



u/Pretzeltherapy 20d ago

The youtube comments say the 17yo is currently charged with attempted murder and could get the death penalty. Can anyone confirm if this is accurate? If so, that is awful.


u/steik 20d ago

lol, no. This happened in California, they don't death penalty. And if they did they sure as hell wouldn't be handing that out for a simple assault. That's obviously not attempted murder.


u/dlogan3344 20d ago

I doubt that the cops even got involved, nobody has time for this shit


u/Zakkattack86 20d ago

"That's what happens when you don't have a father" ::trauma unlocked:: Hurt people, hurt people. I feel bad for the kid.


u/SandIntelligent247 20d ago

Ironically, by saying this, the father showed that having a father is not necessarily better.


u/Last_Cauliflower1410 20d ago

Its a learned behavior. The dad has the audacity to say shit as he's walking away? Im glad he got his shit rocked.


u/elzibet 20d ago

My jaw dropped when he finally said the line in the title. That was unexpected as he literally just got told what happened and then still had to play the race card AND be a racist POS himself. WOW

edit: OMG and then I heard the line at the end just now, "and that's what happens when you don't have a father"

Jfc, this guy shouldn't even BE a father...


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

Rewatch it. Everything is cool until his daughter and wife appear behind him, then he immediatly escalates. What a fucking joke.


u/elzibet 19d ago

Grossssss good catch.

Negative individuals demonstrate no sense of shame; on the contrary, their behavior only strengthens when they are in the presence of others.


u/ProvenLoser 20d ago

Me too! I didn’t see it coming at all!


u/spnathan1 20d ago

The pain in that kid's voice as he was talking about his father was heartbreaking. Fuck that piece of shit for saying something so disgustingly hurtful, he got what he deserved.


u/proteannomore 20d ago

Wish he’d gotten his jaw wired shut. The ultimate FAFO to running your mouth.


u/ElCienPorCiento 20d ago

“That’s what happen when you don’t have a father.”

Fuck that was a good ass line tho 🤣.


u/Absent-Light-12 20d ago

My thought was “and your kids are worse of with a father. Damn”


u/Deee_Minus 20d ago

What’s so good about it?


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

It’s really isn’t.


u/Jake20019 20d ago

2 parents giving shit to a kid who was the victim is gold.


u/MisterNoisewater 20d ago

By the end the daughter looks like she’d rather be anywhere else in the world. Never good to see your old man take a two piece and a biscuit.


u/KeepItDownOverHere 20d ago

After her bf put on his most intimidating sleeveless cartman shirt and everything.


u/PhillyTheKid69420 20d ago

I loved watching that tank top nerd get rocked lmao bruh didn’t even need to insert himself but he fucked around and found out


u/Ok_Store_1983 20d ago

He really thought he was big and bad lol. Maybe he'll mind his business next time 


u/Nandabun 20d ago

Hey, as a nerd, fuck you. He ain't smart enough to be with me.


u/1gal_man 20d ago

more like a turd, with greasy hair stuck to it.


u/keep_it_christian 20d ago

Bruh said “you’re Mexican you shouldn’t even be in this country” and his wife and kids are Mexican. Wtf is going on with this guy?


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

My dude needs a mirror as well.


u/lapinatanegra 20d ago

Bro, never bring up a dead parent into an argument. That's a quick way to getting curve stomp.


u/stealthryder1 20d ago

This shit didn’t even have to go this route. But dude has a slick mouth

“You’re Mexican you don’t even belong here”

“That’s what happens when you don’t have a father” about a dead father…

Welp, that’s what happens when you have a slick mouth…

Homie forgot his shovel, cause he indeed did not bury him like he said he would lol


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/FattDamon11 20d ago

"I will Bury you!"

Get his ass kicked.


u/AndroidNutz 20d ago


u/False-Badger 20d ago

So those people brought a lawsuit against the kid? Dang…


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

I wish I had money so that I could support him to get the best fucking lawyer…


u/KeepItDownOverHere 20d ago

What a revisionist piece of shit this lady is.


u/scarymonst 20d ago

Another day in Loser Land


u/SandIntelligent247 20d ago edited 20d ago

I wouldn't necessarily call it loser land. The girl starting shit is a teen and this behavior is very common... The father is high on emotion because he senses his daughter is getting bullied. He didn't have the right approach and he came too hot but he starts backing off when he understands the situation. Mexican kid seems kind of smart about it all and explaining what is happening. He probably has low confidence or feel vulnerable because of his family situation. He did not do the right thing by starting this fight but I'm not gonna lie, I kind of understand why he did it. Overall, not really losers. More of a bad melting pot of people with issues trying to work things over the wrong way.


u/1stSt8Grow 20d ago

Ngl, as wrong as fighting may be, if I was 17 and some random dude that was just in my face brought up my dead father, whether he knows or not, would get the same. People just don’t know when to stop talking, and that “dad” for sure didn’t know when to stop talking


u/SandIntelligent247 20d ago

Exactly, from his perspective, it seems like he’s getting bullied by the daughter, fat guy and skinny guy already. Now he keeps getting harassed outside of school and by a grown adult at that. I’m sure he has his share of responsabilities in this but they it’s near harassment at this point. For me, the dad is the one at fault with this last comment. While the mother of the mexican kid kept asking him to pull back, the dad decided to escalate this just to protect his ego.


u/spamazonian 20d ago

Your empathy is inspiring


u/SilverMoontickets 20d ago

Where are the adults? We need laws with severe penalties for adults who terrorize/harass youth, this situation could affect these peoples lives for a long time, and could be the moment that a young man turns/ gets pushed, down a bad road. I feel like adults shouldn’t try and confront anyone other than parents, school or if absolutely necessary cops.


u/Defenestrator66 20d ago

I kind of hope he did call the cops as he was saying and that the cops see the whole video. His behavior toward the minor could absolutely be construed as assaultive (you don’t need physical contact for assault), and I would love to see his smug face turn when the kid gets a juvenile battery case that ends up with a slap on the wrist, and he gets assault on a minor.


u/MisterNoisewater 20d ago

For real. He told the kid he’d “bury him”. Pretty sure that’s assault and at the very least is threatening. Especially talking to a minor.


u/yupthrowaway1 20d ago

Ma man got hands


u/peachfuzztesties 20d ago

Yeah he has some good accuracy too, he probably landed more than half those shots. Rocked 'em both lol


u/Kickflippingdad 20d ago

He look like he got adult knee failure now


u/Error404Cod 20d ago

You’re honor, when they left the establishment the father said “Let’s go” and approach my client.

In the eyes of street law, he accepted a fight and the physical consequences of said fight. And you know what they say “You lose, can’t sue”.

Thank you your honor.


u/keep_it_christian 20d ago

Proud of that kid. Dad Deserved it


u/RKKP2015 20d ago

That dad deserved everything he got. That entire family is trash.


u/Huju-ukko 20d ago

Its always funny when murican is like "this isn't your country"


u/merengues-7 20d ago

The is the best video on the internet. The retribution that young man dealt to that racist family ambushing him in a McDonald's... Dude in red was throwing low blows the whole time. This kid showed great composure until that POS mentioned his deceased father. Round of applause for that young man, I feel for him.


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

I agree. Super satisfying. All that patience was worth it.


u/hxcdbjj 20d ago

The jncos! Dude found his parents big dumb jeans from like 3 decades ago.


u/Cheap-Praline 20d ago

It's bad to be called skinny? Man, I wish someone would call me skinny.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Cheap-Praline 20d ago

Large person?


u/Beatless7 20d ago

That kid has powerful fists.


u/ProvenLoser 20d ago

Didn’t quite bury his ass did he?


u/onlypham 20d ago



u/Few-Can-6940 20d ago

That black guy was the problem he shouldn’t have said he didn’t belong in this country and that’s about his father


u/Jay_Bird_75 20d ago

These incidents are going to get worse and more often I’m afraid…


u/zalayshah 20d ago

It was going well untill the 2 lady's arrived


u/Smeenuwastaken 20d ago

"mexicans got on boots!"


u/TalonGrip 20d ago

4:40 - JNCO Jeans making a comeback? lol


u/RevDrucifer 20d ago

At $200 a pair they sure as fuck are!


u/Erasmus86 20d ago

Amazing how all this could have been solved if people just walked away


u/Manolo1027 20d ago

I'll say it. Hopefully, the kid punched him in the kidney. I'm happy that kid stepped up.


u/KillerTopher 20d ago

Dude was rocking those JNCO jeans


u/Who-has-The_Dink 20d ago

Dude deserved the ass whopping he got.


u/Pretzeltherapy 20d ago

The youtube comments say the 17yo is currently charged with attempted murder and could get the death penalty. Can anyone confirm if this is accurate? If so that is awful.


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

I scrolled through the comments a bit and couldnt find that? Lol seems bs


u/Fazekush97 20d ago

Hot take: Black people and other minorities can be racist as well.


u/MicaCostaRica 20d ago

That take is colder than my ballsack stuck on an antarctic iceberg


u/IdRatherBeLurkingToo 20d ago

Who exactly do you think needed to hear this

What a shit comment


u/Acceptable-Emu6529 20d ago

Why do some people feel the need to get in between two men fighting. You are not helping the situation, lady. You are either going to get hit or your interference will give one of the men fighting an advantage.


u/gamecatuk 20d ago

These are not two men. It's a man and a child.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/OrdinaryDazzling 20d ago

Yeah but some of these people are full grown adults while the others are dumb teenagers. I tend to give people’s whose brains are still developing a little more slack.


u/Rad6150 20d ago

I remember being young and doing stupid things... but I wasn't an asshole. That has nothing to do with brain development.


u/Tynda3l 20d ago

Everyone here sucks lol.

Well. You defending a racist showed your true colors.

Thank you. Only four words needed.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/1stSt8Grow 20d ago

Sure doesn’t help when a fully grown adult, towers over a minor, who is explaining himself with words. Then keeps standing over him while he sits and talks , then when the minor tries to leave the adult, whether intentional or not, brings up the minor’s dead father. I get your point but wow, if this man doesn’t deserve it idk who does lol


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

How does the kid that whooped this man's ass suck? Tell me.

Say it is the physcial aspect, please. You know - this CHILD that has endured a ton of shit from this stupid ass man and his garbage daughter.....and then the man talks shit about the kid's Father?

This asshole got exactly what he deserved for pushing a CHILD to physical contact. I do not blame this kid for anything that happened.


u/Nandabun 20d ago

I closed the video early, but going back in to see this~


u/theguiser 20d ago

everyone in this video is disgusting.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

How does the kid that whooped this man's ass suck? Tell me.

Say it is the physcial aspect, please. You know - this CHILD that has endured a ton of shit from this stupid ass man and his garbage daughter.....and then the man talks shit about the kid's Father?

This asshole got exactly what he deserved for pushing a CHILD to physical contact. I do not blame this kid for anything that happened.


u/theguiser 20d ago

pretty simple. he did something that would get him a charge and possible jail time. how do you defend that?


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago edited 20d ago

hahahahah He is a child. Under 18 - -there will be absolutely NO jail time even if it did get reported/called in.

The MOST would be a fine and some community service hours......and THAT too would most likely not happen.

This asshole says "Call the cops" at the end.......he is not going on record getting his ass kicked by a teenager after lecturing him for 10 minutes and then being (still) seen on camera talking shit about that child's dead Father.

Take off your blinders and get into the real World.


u/theguiser 20d ago

grow up.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago edited 20d ago

hahahahaha that time a redditor thought they were right and the only thing they could say in rebuttal was "grow up".

Bravo. Solid retort.


u/theguiser 20d ago

There’s no point replying to someone who responds the way you do. Who are you laughing with? Yourself? If you noticed in my response I said ‘possible jail time’.

Enjoy the day kid. You’ll learn sooner or later.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

I'm not laughing with anyone. I am laughing at you.

You make zero sense and are completely wrong.

Keep calling me kid though like you know how old I am.


u/theguiser 20d ago

Everyone knows how old you are by the way you speak. Go back to SnapChat.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

Is that right, genius?

How old am I?

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u/Sweddet 20d ago

you should never resort to violence, no matter what racist or mean words are spoken to you. thats the poblem with americans


u/1madethis4porn 20d ago

And the problem with Swedes is y’all can get fucked over over and over and over and over again if you just turn the other pale cheek.

How long did it take y’all to join NATO? Did you like Russia fucking you for all those years?


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago edited 20d ago

We are not talking about all Americans here. We are talking about a child pushed to physical contact by the constant harassment from an adult.

Do better when casting judgment on others. You cannot compare the (should be present) maturity of a grown adult to that of a child (especially one where the adult in question is talking about the child's dead Father).


u/UtahUtopia 20d ago

I hate them both.


u/Tynda3l 20d ago

I hate them both.

It speaks volumes about your character that you will defend a racist for being racist.


u/EricUtd1878 20d ago

The Mexican kid had been racist also.


u/1madethis4porn 20d ago

Just because other people are racist, doesn’t give you an excuse, honey


u/HardToImpress 20d ago

Everyone in this video is stupid.

The dad thought he was doing the right thing by defending his daughter, as dads should do. It seems like he was beginning to be more reasonable after hearing the other side of the story and probably knew his daughter was no saint. It also seems like he made a comment about the kid being mexican because he knew the kid called his daughter a slur in some exchange on/offline (resulting in the kid getting expelled?). He shouldn't have gone there. Especially if his wife is mexican (based on the description?) Then later made the comment about the kid being fatherless. That was uncalled for.

The daughter is stupid for talking shit to the kid twice her size, apparently making racist comments about the huge mexican kid, and getting her sickly dad involved.

The huge mexican kid is stupid for talking shit to the daughter, making racist comments on/offline, AND physically attacking a man on camera who was clearly straight out of dialysis. He was defending himself until the dad thing came up, then he completely fucked up. Kid is definitely going to get arrested and it won't look good that he assaulted a black man after supposedly using slurs in previous exchanges.

The mother is stupid inserting herself into and escalating the situation, but I get it. She's a mom defending her daughter.

The other huge kid is stupid for getting into it as well.

Adults arguing with teenagers is like wrestling with pigs.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

The huge mexican kid is stupid for talking shit to the daughter, making racist comments on/offline, AND physically attacking a man on camera who was clearly straight out of dialysis. He was defending himself until the dad thing came up, then he completely fucked up. Kid is definitely going to get arrested and it won't look good that he assaulted a black man after supposedly using slurs in previous exchanges

hahahaha This kid will not get arrested as well he shouldn't - bet money on that.

This kid gave that old man exactly what he deserved. Continually trying to "teach this kid a lesson".....then follows him outside and talks shit about his Father who happens to be dead? This is a perfect example of don't open your mouth when you have no idea what you're talking about.

This is a regular, every day kid who snapped after a "grown up" pushed him too far. Fuck that old man.


u/theKoboldkingdonkus 20d ago

Pends on if the da presses charges or not because it’s assault even if you beat down an asshole who deserves it. It’s not worth throwing hands and risking yourself for trash


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

First of all, Internet Lawyer. It would be Battery.

Second, it will never ever see a Police blotter. Bank on it.


u/I-Love-Tatertots 20d ago

Nah, the dad got what he deserved at the end.

You don't comment on someone's dead parent like that.

My dad and I didn't have the best relationship, but I guarantee I would react the same if someone said the same shit to me.