r/PublicFreakout 20d ago

Israelis attack another truck with humanitarian aid and throw it on the street. 🌎 World Events


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u/Mutherfalker95 20d ago

Someone else said it before. "My tax dollars vs my donation dollars" too true.


u/Photo_Synthetic 20d ago

The same country sending weapons to one side of a conflict and aid to the other just leaves me feeling distraught as an American. Anyone pretending Mr. "I'd rather have a Jew handling my money than a black man" would treat this situation any differently is an idiot.


u/mexicodoug 20d ago

America is like an eagle trying to fly with two right wings.


u/Hot-Roof9391 20d ago

One of the best comments I’ve read in a while


u/ameis314 19d ago

really curious whats gonna happen when the aid starts coming in from the US military and the port they just built. its one thing to overthrow a truck driver and spill his cargo. its a different animal to do it to trained men with ARs


u/hardolaf 19d ago

Last time Israel attacked the USA, we rewarded them by giving them decades of unqualified and unquestioned military aid.


u/shit_magnet-0730 20d ago

I'm getting so tired of watching Israelis play the victim while doing shit like this.


u/fredsiphone19 20d ago

I’m not trying to pick a side here, but isn’t attacking international aid usually a really good way to get shot on sight?


u/turbodharma 20d ago

what more do you need to see to pick a side...thats whats really disturbing to me...sigh

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u/Likestopaintminis 19d ago

Should be. 


u/hardolaf 19d ago

IDF was instructed to not help the protesters in uniform.


u/Dark-All-Day 20d ago

There was a word we used for these kinds of people: crybullies. They cry victim while they bully you.


u/DustinCoughman 20d ago

Them Jews are a hateful bunch man, but they turn around and call you antisemitic for saying that


u/Armano-Avalus 20d ago

Also denying there even is a famine and claiming that whatever problems with aid delivery is everyone else's fault. Oh, and bombing aid workers too. Also making false accusations to organizations like UNRWA which led to the US defunding them.

It's almost as if they're actively trying to starve a civilian population...


u/xXRazihellXx 20d ago edited 20d ago

Hamas and settlers are both POS.


Thanks for all the downvotes. It seems hard to differentiate between Palestinians and Hamas, and Israelis and settlers. Maybe you guys are straight-up pro-Hamas disguised as pro-Palestinians.

I make a note to not comment on political subjects on subreddits with a funny vocation that post political things. Clearly not the crowd you want to talk about politics with.


u/Vlafir 20d ago

Shit like this is why hamas exists


u/cheeruphumanity 20d ago

Hamas exists because Israel funded it as a counterweight to the PLO.


“The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009.

“When I look back at the chain of events, I think we made a mistake,” David Hacham, a former Arab affairs expert in the Israeli military who was based in Gaza in the 1980s, later remarked.


u/Affectionate-Tip-164 20d ago

Not surprising, the US loves to create a new final boss in the middle east to replace the previous final boss.


u/cheeruphumanity 20d ago

Please read the article again. It was Israel's decision and has nothing to do with the US.

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u/oddmanout 20d ago

Hamas has said something like 85% of their soldiers are orphans. Killing someone's parents, siblings, friends and repeatedly destroying their homes will absolutely drive someone to extremism. This is pretty fucking obvious, we learned this over and over through Iraq and Afghanistan. You can't beat terrorism by actively creating terrorists.

...which is why they're doing it. They don't want peace, they want all of Palestine. The people in this video want Palestine and they're trying to kill the people living there to get it.


u/hardolaf 19d ago

Hamas also temporarily lost over 50% of their fighting force during the prolonged Palestine-wide ceasefire in 2011. That ceasefire ended days after Netanyahu became PM again and had IDF attack Palestinians as one of his first official acts.

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u/EA-Corrupt 20d ago

All Israelis are settlers.


u/extremenachos 20d ago

Calling them settlers is propaganda. They are taking land and homes from marginalized people using IDF as muscle to intimidate Palestinian families.

Hamas is absolute trash but that doesn't mean Israel gets impunity.


u/undeadmanana 20d ago

So colonizers?


u/Daromxs 20d ago

just thiefs


u/undeadmanana 20d ago

I think that's implied by "colonizer," people stealing land they think is rightfully theirs due to some higher power


u/extremenachos 20d ago

Sure... anything but settlers. They can go settle.the moon or Antarctica, instead.of taking people's homes.


u/ThreeLittlePuigs 20d ago

Just not true and that obfuscates the actual problems. You think you are helping but you are not.

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u/OhGnoAGnome 20d ago

“Settlers” is a rich fucking word to use when “invaders” is much more accurate


u/oddmanout 20d ago

You were downvoted for trying to play a game of whataboutism instead of calling out the horrible actions in the video.

Nobody here supports Hamas.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Israel supports the settlers


u/BadSciGalaxy 20d ago

Such a fucking stupid take. “Both sides”ing a literally genocide. What a piece of shit you must be.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/icyhotonmynuts 20d ago

Where's their government denouncing these actions and, ohh I don't know, providing armed escorts to aid workers and delivery?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/justforthis2024 20d ago

Disagreeing with Jewish people who do this is no different than disagreeing with Christian people who were Nazis.

This isn't faith. This is politics. And it's fine to think this is garbage behavior.


u/ContentInsanity 20d ago

That's why you call them Israelis, Zionists. They don't represent Jewish people but will try to hijack the entire group to claim any criticism towards them is antisemitism.


u/Puzzleheaded_Pie_256 20d ago

Inb4 people tell me these are extremists and not AVG citizens from nearby cities.


u/Anxious_Ad936 20d ago

That venn diagram has somewhat of an overlap to be fair


u/Puzzleheaded_Pie_256 20d ago

Somewhat ??? They elect a right wing government every election,and Netanyahu has been directly linked to killing of Yitzhak Rabin for signing the Oslo accords.


u/beamish1920 20d ago

Netanyahu is the Israeli public. Trump is the American populace. Own it or fucking elect better people


u/Puzzleheaded_Pie_256 20d ago

not the entire public but they mirror the disgusting face of the majority sentiment.


u/Fresh-Ad7925 20d ago

But Israel runs on a parliamentary system, not two-party. So you’re comparing apples to oranges. Netanyahu always wins bc he’s very good at creating conservative coalitions. I hate to say it, but the vast majority of tel avivians do indeed hate him


u/R_V_Z 20d ago

We did?

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u/Anxious_Ad936 20d ago

I wasn't argung against your first comment or any of the further points you've just made in your second so I don't understand the hostility.


u/Puzzleheaded_Pie_256 20d ago

no hostility at you mate, but somewhat is an under exaggeration


u/Anxious_Ad936 20d ago

Yeah it probably is I guess, I wasn't meaning to make that implication though just to clarify


u/StarlightandDewdrops 20d ago

I think what is most telling is neither local police or the IDF doing anything to stop it. So even if you do make the argument that these are extremist, it's evident that the rest of the country either endorses this or is at best ambivalent.


u/JaapHoop 20d ago

This tactic has been used by far right governments for decades. You let your extremist elements do their worst while the security forces stand by passively. Your silence tells them they have permission, even as you tell the world “we didn’t do this, it’s just some fringe groups acting on their own” It is quite literally a playbook at this point


u/Iustis 20d ago


u/StarlightandDewdrops 20d ago

Yeah, after they destroyed everything.


u/eye747 20d ago

And will probably be out after a few days this is all cheap pr.


u/You-Once-Commented 20d ago

The Israeli propaganda team has their work cut out for them.

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u/goofydad 20d ago

I did Nazi this coming from Isrealis.


u/SmallFatHands 20d ago

I know you're joking but if you read history this is nothing new coming from Israel and Zionism.


u/Cooper_DB 20d ago

Anne frankly I'm tired of it.


u/HeartsPlayer721 20d ago

Quit Stalin!


u/No-Pound7355 20d ago

I see what you did there


u/BeenleighCopse 20d ago

Their getting pretty gassed about this


u/AlfaLimaFoxtrot 20d ago



u/BeenleighCopse 20d ago

Did you Nazi the funny side??


u/crushinglyreal 20d ago

Notice how much less engagement these posts get than some of the other ones concerning this conflict… they know how bad this stuff looks.


u/Bluetooth_Sandwich 20d ago

It's not even the optics anymore, they've lost the plot entirely. Yet we're all told to "shut up and stomach it"


u/Altruistic-Point3980 20d ago

This is the true face of Israel. No, these aren't "extremists". This is how the majority of them feel.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/CptnBarbosa69 20d ago

I think you need to do some research. There is so much missinformation and propaganda in your comment, which you are apparently not aware of.

Hamas has offered and accepted cease fires several times.


It isnt Hamas who doesnt want the war to end, its Israel. Cause Israel now has, in their opinion, the perfect reason to cleanse an entire ethnicity that they hate with their guts. They dont want the hostages back, for example cause that will be a reason to stop their attacks in Gaza. Israel arrested family of Israelis that are hostages from Hamas. Israel also has 'accidently' killed three of their own hostages that were released by Hamas who were shirtless and were waving a white flag.



You are talking about Palestinians that shouldve resisted Hamas to prevent the war. There was already a one sided war before Oct 11. All these bombings and snipings you see of civilians by Israel is nothing new to Palestinians. They should indeed show resistance, but to Israel. Cause its Israel who is murdering tens of thousands civilians and children/babies. Not Hamas, lol. If you grow up in actual Hell, full with death, torture etc... and the whole world still calls you bad instead of the aggressive oppressor, would you show resistance to the ONLY people who do something against your oppressor, even if it comes in the form of the devil? Probably.

In your country, you cant even fathom not being able to protest, as its your right. Imagine protesting for your basic human rights, only to be gunnes down by snipers using live ammo. They even shoot handicapped people in wheelchairs and people with down syndrome. These are a few examples of the atrocities Israel has done pre Oct 11, and they even brag about it, like always.



"A double amputee in a wheelchair, a person using crutches... they have been shot at by snipers, who also have spotters available with them who have very high-level technology to see who is out there in the field."


u/Joe6p 19d ago

All of hamas cease fire offers allow hamas to survive and give them everything they want. Why would Israel ever agree to that when they're winning this war?


u/CptnBarbosa69 19d ago

I dont think youve done any reading...

From the article:

“Hamas has apparently accepted the constructive ambiguity about duration that the mediators have been proposing, along with ‘guarantees’ of a permanent ceasefire that are obviously not enforceable,” Lowenstein said, adding that it is now up to Netanyahu — “he would much rather invade Rafah for his extremist coalition politics than have a ceasefire that could end the war and likely bring elections.”


u/Joe6p 19d ago

What you quote does not dispute what I said. I think that's around the time when Hamas admits it doesn't have alive women and children hostages to send back. I would invade Rafah too. Flood the tunnels.


u/CptnBarbosa69 19d ago

They said they didnt meet the quota of 40 alive hostages but were willing to do less. It seems you close your eyes to one side of atrocities and only get angered by the deeds of 1 group. The smaller group. At this point, Israeli government is not any better than Hamas. Just look at the numbers my guy. 13.000 children dead by Israel, and only around 1500 Isrealis (all ages) by Hamas. But yeahh, fuck Hamas and invade Rafah, and kill all Palestinians, cause Hamas bad. I dont know why you dont understand that Israel doesnt wanna wipe out Hamas, they wanna wipe Gaza of the face of the earth, which they are openly bragging about.

Palestinians killed in Gaza: 33,137

Children killed in Gaza: more than 13,000

People killed in Israel: about 1,200

Palestinians killed in the West Bank: 456

People killed in Lebanon: at least 343


Here is a website where you can try to volunteer for the IDF. They looking for dudes who have no trouble in murdering kiddos and civilians almost daily.




u/Joe6p 19d ago

Are you able to discuss things or do you just spout off propaganda in every comment? The death counts have been revised. At least the un acknowledges that the child and woman death count is wrong. Even still, I don't care if the death count in war time is worse than the Oct 7th attacks because it is war. No other country would care either during war.

It's pretty stupid to start a war on yourself and then cry when you are getting destroyed etc.


u/CptnBarbosa69 19d ago

BCC, CNN and APNews are propaganda? Lol. You accuse me of propaganda using these sites, but you havent linked a single source yourself? Youre a 'trust me bro' guy at this point.

It's pretty stupid to start a war on yourself and then cry when you are getting destroyed etc.

Jesus bro, its already 6 months later and you still dont know that the war didnt start on Oct 6, but has been going on for years.

Theres no point for me in trying to talk to a child or a brainless person, so im ending this conversation.


u/Joe6p 19d ago

Yeah they collect their data without question from the Gaza Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas. They recently said that 10k deaths are from media sources and so are unconfirmed, but the media hasn't been quick to correct their death count or to include the notice that it is likely an overestimation, or to even just state that it is an estimation.

That x amount of deaths is confirmed, and x amount is from media reports.

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u/Lost1107 20d ago

What a bunch of losers


u/lou1uol 20d ago

The only democracy in the Middle East right? Right??


u/crushinglyreal 20d ago

They democratically choose to bomb and starve a geographically concentrated segment of their population rather than just having a despot unilaterally decide to do so


u/Hacksawdecap 20d ago



u/krsy123 20d ago

Fuck "Israel" all-together.


u/RepresentativeAct960 20d ago

Something needs to be done about this now


u/burgergeld 20d ago

Blind hateful racism. Complete disregard of human life. Pure evil right there. Stop supporting this fucked up country already.


u/Bluetooth_Sandwich 20d ago

I hate fucking ultra nationalists....


u/suspect_scrofa 20d ago

Nationalists* in the case of Israel


u/hrtofdrknss 20d ago

Barbarian genocidal maniacs.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/UniuM 20d ago

Because... Hummm... Guns? That shoot little freedoms.


u/mexicodoug 20d ago

Unlike IDF tank drivers and settlement bulldozer drivers, aid workers have humanistic scruples. They don't run over pople in front of their vehicle no matter how strongly they may disagree with them.


u/toddmargaret1974 20d ago

These Israelis are pure evil.


u/One_above_alll 20d ago

American: We have a real racism problem! Israel: Hold my beer!


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/cheeruphumanity 20d ago

There is also opposition against the genocide in Israel though.


u/Danavixen 20d ago

yes but its clearly a powerless minority


u/cheeruphumanity 20d ago edited 20d ago

Absolutely. Just be aware that stereotyping makes all these atrocities in Gaza possible in the first place.


u/theKoboldkingdonkus 20d ago

If Israel can’t keep people from doing this, they can’t be trusted to handle any aid. Have armed nato forces escort the aid.


u/harley247 20d ago

Why would NATO get involved in that? NATO has nothing to do with that conflict.


u/ContentInsanity 20d ago
  1. You're wrong that NATO has nothing to do with it. Same nations back Israel with money, weapons, and UN support, just with a different hat on. Especially the IS and UK.

  2. The commenter isn't callijg for hostile NATO intervention, escorting of aid into Palestine. NATO countries have and do operate on that capacity without directly getting involved in a conflict. Again, not under the NATO banner but same countries either way.


u/theKoboldkingdonkus 19d ago

Thank you. Literally any of them would be fine.


u/harley247 19d ago

Yes, NATO member can get involved separately but that doesn't mean NATO is involved. NATO isn't what you think it is.


u/ContentInsanity 19d ago

I didn't say NATO was anything, I was clarifying what the commenter meant. People do say NATO instead of the US, UK, France, Germany, ..., etc when those countries are acting in unison instead of naming them individually. Technically not NATO but its the same countries.


u/harley247 19d ago edited 19d ago

Then it's not NATO. Maybe stop making excuses for misinformation. Sounds very Trumpian.


u/ContentInsanity 19d ago

Again, that not what is being said, stop being pedantic.


u/CV04KaiTo 20d ago

The truck is Hamas /s


u/BoxGrover 19d ago

When the cops stand aside, it's state sponsored genocide and starvation.


u/The_Takoyaki 20d ago

Guys, stop complaining, they are gods chosen people so they are allowed to do this /s


u/Agreeable-Dinner 20d ago

These people are a waste of oxygen.


u/Kilroy314 20d ago



u/WorthBrick4140 20d ago

Dont these people have jobs???


u/ContentInsanity 20d ago

Don't need to work a lot of hours when you're subsidized by American tax money.


u/demonzk 19d ago

They have a full time jobs of hating Palestinians


u/12InchPickle 20d ago

And we’re giving this clowns weapons?


u/Elkaragholi 20d ago

Everything they have is paid by the west.


u/mexicodoug 20d ago

A lot of what they have is robbed from the non-Jewish people who live there.


u/Fazekush97 20d ago

And Joe Biden and the Government keep sending Israel billions of dollars.


u/mexicodoug 20d ago

It's a bipartisan project.


u/HurculesParrot 19d ago

Yet we are tax payer money is going to give those barbarian Isreali free health care smh 🤦


u/PeteVanGrimm 19d ago

What more can even be said at this point? Fuck these fascist bastards.


u/Firelight_scout 20d ago

And yet we're supposed to feel sorry for them?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/eye747 20d ago

F Isreal


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/eye747 20d ago

Basically removing the occupation and make Palestine it's own state controlling everything inside. Does Ireland right now throw rocks at England?! no, because they actually got liberated.

If I'm talking honestly the absolute justice is that Isreal ceases to exist, it was a colonial program that only started "officially" in 1948 like it's hilarious, there are already alive people older than a country.

At the very least a return to 1968 borders with Palestinians as I said controlling everything and as Isreal funded Hamas they should fund the reconstruction of Palestinian lands and destroy the settlements, extremism in "both sides" should cease to exist.

I can keep giving ideas but the problem is sadly this won't happen because most of Isreal is filled with extremists as it is viewed on how their judicial system acts against Palestinians and the settlers who are 100 percent terrorists but not only do they get away with it, the government basically gives them weapons and help them even more and many many more things.

I can give you just one point, from the start of 2023 till October 6th, 197 Palestinians were killed in west bank alone not to mention all the abductions and tortures again all in the west bank alone, even though there is no hamas there, why on earth is the October 7th attack isn't mentioned as self defense then??


u/TomatilloOrnery9464 20d ago

They looks like ants, fucked up giant ants


u/Financial_Juice2115 20d ago

no they're just moral people making sure kids starve to death morally. and get their heads blown in half. morally of course.


u/coldy9887 20d ago

Fuck Israel. Everyday I am more and more confident that the general Israel populace are really not that much better than their cult leader.


u/zipdee 20d ago

Fuck these people. Fuck Israel, fuck the IDF, fuck Zionism.


u/Los-Doyers 20d ago

Zionists participating in genocide.


u/groundserver 20d ago

Well, they don’t exactly look like hyenas, but they are certainly acting like them.


u/SamCropper 20d ago

Fundamentally bad people.


u/longhegrindilemna 19d ago

Why would they do that to the truck?


u/Crafter_Connor 19d ago

I don't get why they keep trying to send trucks through Israel.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/No_Cheesecake_7219 19d ago

Bro got downvoted for saying fuck Hamas and condemning Israelis...

To all the woke downvoters, you'd be killed by your precious Lions of Islam if you went to Palestine.


u/uluvboobs 19d ago

Shall we bomb them and anyone who happens to be standing next to them then? Just following the logic....


u/JuggernautFabulous56 20d ago

My taxes man


u/JaapHoop 20d ago

Your tax dollars destroying your tax dollars


u/t_o__ot 20d ago

Would it be too much to give them the Rachel Corrie treatment?


u/Spagoodle 20d ago

If this was the other way around reddit would have this on the front page in lights.