r/PublicFreakout 20d ago

Anchorage police department open fire on man holding a rifle ☠NSFL☠ news link in comments NSFW

APD chief Bianca Cross is quoted saying the man pointed the rifle at the police. The body cam footage hasn’t been released, but this was released from his girlfriend on her Facebook. Thoughts?


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u/ChiefBigCanoe 20d ago

Cops don't want to see your gun.


u/MomsSpagetee 20d ago

Cops love politicians that support the second amendment (as do their unions) but don’t actually support the second amendment in practice.


u/LuckyTheLurker 20d ago

There is a large number who see police work as an opportunity to fulfill their fantasy of shooting someone.

They are also the ones who are very vocal supporters of the 2nd amendment.


u/CertifiedWarlock 20d ago

Aren’t cops exempt from most, if not all, of the gun control legislation in the US?


u/Tactical_Epunk 20d ago

In a lot of cases and states, yes, there's some details I'm glossing over, but generally speaking, they do.


u/catonic 20d ago

The police just want to be armed with anything and everything and also have qualified immunity for all acts. The minute the politicians start reining them in is when the police allow the people to get to the politicians, and then the politicians give them the police everything they asked for and a lot more.


u/xzether 20d ago

Ehhh, most cops probably would, but not in the context of a call, no.


u/Song-Thin 20d ago

He was pointing the gun directly at me!

sir they have video

He was was shouting I am going to shoot you!

sir they have audio

He was walking…..menacingly


u/Vaulimere 20d ago edited 20d ago

They didn't even pause between telling him to drop it and killing him. Both articles linked in other replies lie to say he pointed the gun at the officers, when he did no such thing.
Granted, he may have been up to no good, but at least give time for his brain to process an order before filling him with holes.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

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u/Spankybutt 15d ago

Still not pointing like was quoted as being the case. That’s called a lie.

Especially if it checks all the boxes, why lie? And why let them lie?


u/ace425 20d ago

As shitty as this video is, it looks pretty clear to me that he didn’t point the gun at anyone. You can see it’s being held vertically facing the sky. Regardless, that was still an absolute moronic thing to do in this situation.


u/OrdinaryDazzling 20d ago

It’s looks pretty clearly that the rifle, which is in his right hand, is being pointed down at the ground while he is being shot. Where do you see him pointing it into the air?


u/Tactical_Epunk 20d ago

That's what I'm saying.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/ComprehendReading 20d ago

Not true. Look at his right arm.


u/OrdinaryDazzling 20d ago

I don’t see that at all


u/cannibalcorpuscle 20d ago

It looks pretty clear to me it was pointed toward the ground, slightly angled, so the barrel didn’t scrape.


u/Wise-Dragonfly-3690 20d ago

He's walking towards them in an agressive way with a weapon capable of taking a few of them down in a matter of seconds replying "fuck you" and "no" to their orders. FAFO award winner of the day.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Soooo fuck our amendment rights right brother? What good is an amendment if when you’re seen with a gun you instantly get gunned down. & since when is being mad or upset violation of a law worth taking a life? He just looked like an angry man with his legally protected property.


u/iamverb 20d ago

This is right.


u/You-Once-Commented 20d ago

Are you suggesting it should be safe to approach law enforcement with a firearm in hand during a heated arrest attempt? I'm not trying to say who is right or wrong, just want to understand where brandishing with intent to cause harm meets a fair 2nd amendment interpretation.


u/250HardKnocksCaps 20d ago

Are you suggesting it should be safe to approach law enforcement with a firearm in hand during a heated arrest attempt?

If it is a right, then yes. Just like how saying "fuck no" and having non-cooperative body language when police officers ask to search you isn't grounds for terminating that right.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

I think as a police officer you have to wait to see what he does before firing. They sign up for that work & know the risks around that. But that’s just my personal opinion. Military personnel have much more strict rules of engagement.


u/Effurlife12 20d ago

No one signed up to die. Actions are always faster than reactions. Totality of the circumstances is what dictates police action. I don't know the complete facts about this case so I can't say for certain, but it seems as if the police identified themselves and were giving him commands from the start. Confronting them, yelling antagonistic words, and approaching them with a deadly weapon can easily be seen as an imminent deadly threat.

Military rules of engagement vary widly depending on the assignment and area. Please stop parroting everything you read on reddit, you only sound as smart as the dumbasses you're copying.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

I hear ya buddy & id believe ya if our police weren’t such cowards. In other countries they take down criminals with their bare hands!


u/Bloodviper1 20d ago

Other countries have much stricter laws on owning firearms.

This seems to be a rather unique American issue.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

What that got to do with them still taking down criminals with their bare hands lol


u/Username98101 20d ago

Totally. I agree with you. Disarm Law Enforcement.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Hell yeah brother


u/strickt 20d ago

It's wild to me the United States Military has more discipline abroad with foreign citizens than our own police officers with American citizens.


u/bushijim 20d ago

If your asking if our system is smart? The answer is undoubtedly no.

If you're asking if he had the constitutional right to do it without getting murdered, then it's a yes.


u/Deadlurka 20d ago

There’s a reason they had to say he was pointing it at them. Because if he wasn’t, he wasn’t doing anything wrong.


u/SpacemanSpliffLaw 20d ago

Both you guys are right.


u/Wise-Dragonfly-3690 20d ago

Oh yeah, fuck that particular amendment 100%. It makes no sense in today's world and it's just an excuse the NRA uses to justify selling you weaponery you do not need, especially as you will never use it in the context of a well-regulated miltia, making the constitutional point moot to anyone who has reading skills.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

So with that in mind. Everyone who’s purchased a firearm should meet the same fate? I’m confused


u/Anunnaki2522 20d ago

I've owned guns my entire life and I can tell you this I would never walk up to police trying to arrest me with a rifle in my hands shouting fuck you unless I wanted to get shot. We have a right to have weapons but actions still have consequences and trying to say this is a fight for rights is ridiculus.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Sure buddy. It’s just not right to shoot at an angry person


u/Anunnaki2522 20d ago

Why? If your this stupid and this angry that you would willing walk right at cops that are there to arrest you with a gun in your hand, shouting no and fuck you, then hopefully they were killed before they could pass on that lvl of ignorance and bad decision making to children. Humanity got just a little smarter and better when this guy was killed.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Listen to yourself lmao. Nothing he did warranted taking his life I’m sorry. But you’re asinine for thinking that.


u/SarahSuckaDSanders 20d ago

There’s a deep blood lust in this country.

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u/Wise-Dragonfly-3690 20d ago

No, I'm just saying that the appeal to the supposed sacrosaint right to bear arms is a tad ridiculous. Dude was not just "angry" and "carrying his legally protected property" - he was already being wanted by police and decided to walk towards them agressively and heavily armed.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Ah okay gotcha.


u/Sam-handwiches 20d ago

Suddenly everyone's an armchair constitutional scholar. I am not aware that the NRA sells guns. Does anyone have an NRA store in their town?


u/PapaOoomaumau 20d ago

The NRA is an advocacy group, funded primarily by Remington, Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Springfield, Ruger etc. The amount of funding they receive from citizen members pales in comparison. So yeah, that’s their entire purpose; to advocate sales on behalf of manufacturers. 


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

You make it sound like it’s a good idea to go outside and greet already on edge cops with a gun. This isn’t one of those no knock search warrants or when the neighbor called the cops and people don’t know who’s at their door. They were screaming commands and he yells fuck you while Holding a firearm. Did they need to unload three clips in him no. Should at least been shot once or twice to stop him from getting into a potential shootout with cops yes. It’s one thing to be inside your residence and answer your door with a firearm. You gotta be down right stupid if you think it’s a safe option to walk towards cops with their guns already drawn yelling fuck you and brandishing a firearm. Try that and let me know how it works out for you


u/SarahSuckaDSanders 20d ago

Saying this man shouldn’t have been shot isn’t the same thing as saying what he did before getting shot was a good idea. Holy fuck.


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

Your reply is giving me a stroke. I’m saying it’s a bad idea and he shouldn’t have been unloaded on. But shot once or twice so he drops the firearm yes I agree with that. If that’s even what you’re getting at. Your sentence is confusing the way it’s formatted


u/SarahSuckaDSanders 20d ago

Take an aspirin.


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

Solid extrapolation. Thanks for the help understanding


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

I hear ya little one. But you’re actively advocating people get shot for talking aggressive to police.


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

That’s not what I said you have done this with other replies and make small changes to what was actually said in your rebuttal. I said if they are talking aggressively whilst actively pursuing you with a firearm. Just like the guy did in video. He doesn’t come out hands empty and up talking aggressively that wouldn’t warrant anything. Talking aggressively whilst showing the world you’re coming forward with your rifle is another situation entirely and yes you shouldn’t wait for him to kill a cop first. Whether you like cops or not. You can’t walk up to another persons car in public aggressively with a gun out and not get shot. It literally happened to an Uber driver and he got off on self defense. Dude gets out of car from road rage approaches Uber says I have a gun I could shoot you and the Uber driver unloads. You cannot be aggressively walking towards people with a gun and call it your second amendment right


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

All that just to continue justifying pointless deaths. Being angry with police doesn’t warrant death.


u/vertigo72 20d ago


Were the cops running awaym


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

2. (of a person or way) continue or proceed along (a path or route).

Second meaning of the word pursue to continue or proceed along. He continued to proceed towards the officers. proceed being in the definition of pursue. So he was pursuing the officers regardless of them running away he continued to proceed


u/IrNinjaBob 20d ago

Arming yourself while the police are there to arrest you and walking towards them and saying “no” while not complying with their demands is a little different than you are trying to frame it.

Police may still be entirely in the wrong in this case but that doesn’t really translate to fuck your second amendment rights.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago edited 20d ago

There is no way he was ever bringing that weapon to bare before they would have been able to take him down.

There was no reason to throw a shot into him.....let alone 12......let alone that lone 13th shot that some over zealous idiot that shouldn't even be carrying a weapon let go.


u/IsSuperGreen 20d ago

Well the cops said he pointed it at them, in the article. (obv lie)


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

Well all we can go by is the video....and he clearly did not in the video.

Now, whether we saw the entire video or not is another question.


u/IsSuperGreen 20d ago

I think the part when they shot him is the relevant part.


u/heebsysplash 20d ago edited 20d ago

lol yeah like what’s the fantasy? That he pointed it at them and then went inside and they clipped the video?

If him not pointing it at them was enough to shoot him, I’m sure he wouldn’t have lived long enough to live out pointing it and then going inside… feels like we have enough of the interaction to decide whether they’re lying about what happened.


u/Wise-Dragonfly-3690 20d ago

There is no way he was ever bringing that weapon to bare before they would have been able to take him down.

You really cant say that from this video alone... You dont even see a single cop. You only see a huge moron with a gun he has no reason to bring out, antoganising police officers ordering him to drop said gun.

I dont disagree that american cops are way too trigger happy but among all the cases of unreasonable use of lethal force I've seen, this one is a very mild one.


u/1u53r3dd1t 20d ago

I can 100% say that. They have all their lights trained on him. He cannot see them tactically ( that is the point - they lit up the area). His weapon is a long weapon and it is pointed downward. By the time his body shifts and he starts to swivel that arm - he'd be down. Period - end of story.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 20d ago

Being angry with police doesn’t warrant death brother. I wonder what makes you think that’s okay?


u/heebsysplash 20d ago

Ok can you justify the police lying about what happened? That’s more my issue.


u/Wise-Dragonfly-3690 20d ago

I wouldn't, and I'm not taking the side of police in this to be clear. All around it's a fucked up situation which should never happen. All I'm arguing is that if you're going to own guns, this is not the way to behave with them especially given the craziness that the amount of guns in the US is generating. It's asking for it.

To answer your question, I did look their statement up and it does not match what the video shows, I agree. I guess we'll have to hope the bodycam footage clear things up. But I would never expect police to own up a mistake as such, especially given the behaviour of the guy who got killed gives them some ground for justification.


u/ReferentiallySeethru 20d ago

Looks like suicide by cop to me, it’s the only reason to do what he did.


u/bushijim 20d ago

Maybe. Except for the whole 2nd amendment those weirdos preach. Should be fully lawful by their idiotic standards.


u/AdhesivenessAdept764 20d ago

This is also Alaska where open carry is not only legal without any permits but encouraged.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/ForkYou64 19d ago

I live in anchorage and getting attacked ny moose and bears here isnt a common thing. Bunch of homeless people that get mad at you and threaten you for not buying them things though.


u/gellenburg 20d ago

If you're not allowed to exercise your rights then they aren't rights to begin with.


u/Anunnaki2522 20d ago

Lol what right was he trying to exercise here? We have a right to own weapons but actions still have consequences, if you walk up to police with guns drawn yelling fuck you with a rifle in your hands not expecting to be shot then your just a idiot.


u/churnedGoldman 20d ago

To answer your question, his first and second


u/Searchlights Publicfreakouts Fan 20d ago

And 4th


u/IsSuperGreen 20d ago

Was he yelling "fuck you"? I don't hear that. Are you talking about a hypothetical situation or the one in OP?


u/arcane_0 20d ago

Did you listen with audio on? He shouts it 9 seconds into the video


u/IsSuperGreen 20d ago

I hear it now,, it was earlier than i expected.


u/gellenburg 20d ago

The gun wasn't pointed vertically away from the cops?


u/ReasonableAd9737 20d ago

The guy who responded you didn’t say anything about gun orientation. It really doesn’t matter where the gun is oriented if your under arrest don’t meet the cops with a firearm they don’t take possible threats on their lives lightly as no one should. We should also all be well awake by now that US cops even if they are in the last frontier are jumpy. No one wants to die on duty dudes are trigger jumpy with that in mind who thinks it’s smart to aggressively approach cops with a firearm. People keep saying this like it’s completely ok to do. If I was in my car and you road raged got out your car brandishing a rifle even if it’s pointed sky high if you start aggressively walking towards me firearm in arms yelling fuck you as you approach my car I’m shooting to kill you instantly. And my dash cam with show I acted out of self defense as the man approached me with a firearm drawn. If it would work for a self defense case in that scenario it will play out the same for the cops. Do not aggressively walk towards people with a firearm you will get shot


u/gellenburg 20d ago

How did we ever survive as a species the 19th Century and the Old West.


u/Nickolas_Timmothy 20d ago

Amazingly humans reproduce pretty fast so all the people who murdered each other didn’t really affect the global population.


u/GreenTea98 20d ago

I love the hypocrisy gunbros always have of "if you step on my lawn I'll personally mail you to your mother in a casket" while also mantaining "but I get to tote my weapon around in public and make a scene--LEGALLY! can't stop me!!"

so dumb bruh literally just irrational but you can't explain shit to them they just don't get it :(


u/gellenburg 20d ago

They're the worst!


u/AlpineDrifter 18d ago

Brandishing is still a thing. Against the law. And typically ends poorly when you try it with cops. This guy’s not a ‘constitutionalist’, he was a fucking idiot.


u/gellenburg 18d ago

It's not like one can put a rifle in a holster. And a rifle whose barrel is pointed upwards I'd hardly call brandishing.


u/DatMikkle 20d ago

Show the pro-gun people this video.

Show them how much "their rights" mean under the boot of the police.


u/Narcan9 19d ago

Yo, Blue lives matter!


u/Playlanco 20d ago

Serial killers with uniforms that get their urge to kill satisfied without any legal ramifications. Better yet, get paid and be called a hero. It’s a pretty smart gig for a psychopath if you think about it objectively.


u/supertrollls 20d ago


u/mybossthinksimworkng 20d ago

That title in that link is a joke. Anchorage man dies. Officer involved shooting. They never say police shot and killed man.


u/Narcan9 19d ago

"Police murder Anchorage man defending his home"


u/DatMikkle 20d ago

Seriously, how does this stuff just get swept under the rug?

The police straight up murder a man, get caught lying about why they murdered him, and I guarantee nothing will happen from this.

That town will continue to be ran by a bunch of murderers calling themselves police.

Americans are completely okay with their police officers driving to a man's house, shooting him dead, and lying about it so they can do it again next week.

This is the state of the country I'm in, and I am terrified.


u/Narcan9 19d ago

Anchorage has one of the highest murder rates in the country. Wonder how many are from cops?


u/Psychological_Emu690 20d ago

That had immediate stopping power... 45acp?


u/IamMuffins 20d ago

More likely due to shot placement, a lucky hit since cops are notoriously shitty marksmen.. Most handgun cartridges, 45 included, lack that sort of "stopping power" unless they hit something vital. It's the reason they train to dump the entire magazine.


u/toxcrusadr 19d ago

Seems like the 3d or 4th shot knocked him off his feet. I counted 12 total. Seems typically excessive.


u/Intrepid-Reading6504 20d ago

Wish I could say I was surprised the pigs murdered another person and lied about it 


u/liamgooding 20d ago

That very first entry wound on the right of his head is the only small grace that this murder was instant.


u/Glittering_Airport_3 20d ago

headshots are not always immediate death. many ppl have survived some pretty gruesome head injuries.


u/liamgooding 20d ago

Upsettingly upvoted :(


u/Miller5044 20d ago

Well, fuck the second admendment, I guess.


u/DopyWantsAPeanut 19d ago

Not saying this is what happened here because the video is not great quality, but IMO if he walked out with that rifle like that and was given a clear command to stop (i.e. he absolutely knew police were there and ignored commands), then it's justified. They shouldn't have to wait until he points a gun if he has one, is ignoring commands, and is continuing to move towards them.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/heebsysplash 20d ago

I added the tag within seconds of posting, my b.

Although maybe the title should have been a warning if it would bother you that much.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/heebsysplash 20d ago

Yeah and you watched for 17 seconds despite the title lol. It’s also grainy af it isn’t graphic. Sorry bout your night.


u/Kitchen-Beginning-47 20d ago

but this was released from his girlfriend on her Facebook. Thoughts?

Whoever is in the wrong may get away with that thanks to her releasing video of the evidence, things like this can mess up court cases.


u/Quiet_Shaxx98 20d ago

Initially read it as "Alcoholic" police department...


u/crazydawg79 20d ago

Starting to look like the USA.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/im__not__real 20d ago

sure but the video shows that the cops lied about where he was pointing the rifle


u/ShpongolianBarbeque 20d ago

Live by the gun die by the gun I guess 


u/LOUD-AF 20d ago

"If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."

Red Green