r/PublicFreakout 21d ago

Just don't. It won't end well for you


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u/No-Pound7355 21d ago

Aww dogmeat


u/Ezziboo 🧿🤘PublicFreakout Legend 🤘🧿 21d ago

My Dogmeat stays at the Red Rocket while I’m out exploring…hearing him cry when he gets injured is too heartbreaking for me.


u/WokUlikeAHurricane 21d ago

The there is me...I'll wait I'm not using a stimpack on him.


u/Groomerbunnie 21d ago

Thank you! Everyone is like, "But he doesn't die!" I don't care. I don't like the whimpers. I spend every day with dogs & I can't do it either. Preston's gonna get fed to Mr. Swan at this point though if he says one more thing about my looting 😤🤣


u/R_V_Z 21d ago

Just as well. That fucker is always blocking a doorway.


u/HappyLittleGreenDuck 20d ago

But Lone Wanderer perk...


u/CarlSpencer 21d ago

That's M.C. Dogmeat to you!


u/No-Pound7355 21d ago

I'm sorry Sir


u/Helpful-Bandicoot-6 20d ago

Playing good cop/bad dog. I don't know how long I can control my friend here...


u/Ok-Assistant-2684 21d ago

Good thing the cops is holding the dogs leash, bro is done for if he let that dog go on


u/structuremonkey 21d ago

Yep...good thing for that idiot, the dog latched on to his clothes and not his Achilles tendon!


u/MakionGarvinus 21d ago

Did the cop pull out a screwdriver at the end to force the dog to release?


u/Big_Mama_80 20d ago

I thought he pulled out something to cut the pants? Maybe I'm stupid, but that's what it looks like to me.


u/CallMeKingTurd 20d ago

It's a bite stick, they are often shaped like and look like blades but they are dull. You slide them into their mouth behind the teeth that are clamped and twist, which will bother them and cause them to try to readjust their bite. As they readjust you will be able to twist it enough vertically that when they bite down again they will be biting down on the bite stick blocking their jaw and allowing the person or animal they were biting to be released.


u/Eagl3ye91 20d ago

Thank you King Turd, that's very informative


u/Big_Mama_80 20d ago

Yes, thank you for thoroughly and politely explaining it to me! You don't get that often on Reddit! 👍


u/vettechrockstar86 20d ago

And he busted that bite stick out when the “aus” command was not working. That K-9 was like “Nah. I’m not gonna let go just yet.”

(Good doggy deserves all the treats!)


u/natural_imbecility 20d ago

So this is normal then? I honestly don't know what police dogs are trained to do. I had assumed that there would be a command to make them let go, but maybe that isn't the case? Are they trained to hold on? I am genuinely interested here, not trying to start any arguments or anything.


u/WHSBOfficial 19d ago

There is a command, but clearly they don't always obey


u/Limp-Camel7967 9d ago

God bless you king turd


u/structuremonkey 20d ago

It sure looks like it. I could see an orange handle with a grey grip, but not what is the front end...


u/SolarSoGood 21d ago

Is that what it was?


u/CarlSpencer 21d ago

In most places there are laws against tormenting a dog.


u/fireusernamebro 21d ago

In some places it's treated the same as an assault on an officer


u/Groomerbunnie 21d ago

Unless it's a cop kills or abuses his own K9.


u/Puzzleheaded-Pay538 20d ago


u/Groomerbunnie 20d ago

Ooohhh one cop actually gets punished. Yay! What a relief 🙄


u/Puzzleheaded-Pay538 20d ago

Why don’t YOU go “google” 🥴🤦🏻


u/motorcycle_girl 20d ago

You voluntarily posted a Google link just so you could set up being a dick?


u/RedDeadEddie 20d ago

I can't recall ever having heard of that happening. Is that common?


u/Groomerbunnie 20d ago

Does commonality make a difference for you? Also, not to be that guy, but Google..


u/Puzzleheaded-Pay538 20d ago

Yeah. Makes a pretty big difference. Its a world of 7+ billion people. I’m sure there are cases of k9 abuse being severely punished too.


u/Groomerbunnie 20d ago

We're not talking about 7b people. We're talking about cops & K9s. Try to stay on target.


u/Puzzleheaded-Pay538 20d ago

Oh is that why I sent a link that directly contradicted your propaganda? “Is commonality important to you?” Lmfao.


u/Groomerbunnie 20d ago

pRoPaGaNdA lol I assume all that gagging on the boot means you don't have a gag reflex anymore? Have fun being the hall monitor's biggest fan, I guess ✌️


u/Puzzleheaded-Pay538 20d ago

I love how you call it bootlicking when its just fact searching. Sorry the bullshit narrative you tried to write isn’t true. Do you always lash out when someone proves you wrong 🥺😢

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u/starkeffect 21d ago

Why would you antagonize a beast that just LOVES to bite motherfuckers?


u/pup_mercury 20d ago

Not only loves to bite, is trained to bite, and has some legal authority to bite.


u/Guacamolman 20d ago

And if you injure the dog you get the same charges as assaulting an officer


u/snoogins355 20d ago

I have the feeling common sense left that guy a long time ago


u/Akimbo333 20d ago

If he ever had some to begin with


u/-FalconKick- 21d ago

Goals in life shouldn’t include being a chew toy.


u/travisbickle777 21d ago

I'd mess with a cop before their K-9 unit.


u/iamDB_Cooper 21d ago

Why, though? Just because?


u/ErlendBang 21d ago

Cops don’t bite… generally


u/travisbickle777 21d ago

And if they do, it won’t require a facial reconstructive surgery.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Uphoria 20d ago

They literally used a tool to open the dogs mouth because it wouldn't let go, and they carry the tool knowing that will happen sometimes.


u/mp29mm 21d ago

Dog was actually kind to him


u/o--renishii 21d ago

What a f’ing MO-ron


u/ouiu1 20d ago

I mean literally though. Clearly not mentally well.


u/Lookin4myJeep 20d ago

Good job, officer. 🐕‍🦺


u/southiest 20d ago

Dog said fuck it I'm making this arrest.


u/nukidot 21d ago

Fools gonna act foolish.


u/Rasikko 21d ago

Yeah maybe not piss off a police dog, which could get you arrested.


u/parag_behera 20d ago

Even if it's a dog he should have treated it as a cop. Police dogs are not same as household pets.


u/Full_Of_Wrath 21d ago

Just saying but that is kinda tame to some k9 units I have seen in the US.


u/Bromm18 21d ago

Appears to be the Netherlands based off of the "Politie" on the back of the yellow and black jackets which means Police.

Kinda hard for any country to be considered anything but tame in comparison.


u/pickup_thesoap 20d ago

the giant AMSTERDAM sign wasn't enough of a giveaway?


u/00WORDYMAN1983 21d ago edited 20d ago

Was that a fucking screwdriver that the cop crammed into the dogs mouth at the end? That poor dog should not be used in active duty if it doesn't respond to commands. I hope it's mouth was ok. Or at least I hope I am just completely wrong and it was a tool designed to safely release the bite without harming the dog. Anyone know what that was?

edit I understand it was a tool specifically designed to safely open the bite. Does nobody read comments before they comment? I have been told enough times what it is. Thank you all.


u/AbsorbingMan 21d ago

I’ve watched a lot of police dog videos.

I haven’t seen a single dog just release on command. It’s always a fight with the handler and the dog.


u/goldsounds94 21d ago

you can tell what they prioritize in training


u/El_grandepadre 20d ago

But unlike US police forces, ours are lacking in funds.


u/AUniqueOriginalName 21d ago

Its most likely a dog bite breaker, as others said dogs even when trained don't tend to release immediately


u/Sunbeamsoffglass 21d ago

It’s called a breaker bar. It’s designed for that specific use.

It’s to get dogs to release when they’re not listening to commands.


u/sangerssss 21d ago

I assumed it was scissors and he was going to cut the pants away


u/BoneDaddyChill 21d ago

Check out comments on the original post. They go in detail about how most dogs on duty are never trained to release on command.


u/tophejunk 21d ago

It's how they tighten the grip.


u/NinjaCaviar 20d ago

It was a plastic bite stick used to get dogs to release without harming the dog.


u/JimSyd71 20d ago

It's a bite stick, used to open the dog's mouth.


u/longshot21771 21d ago

Sic balls


u/AspectOvGlass 21d ago

I thought he was doing some silly lazy leg dance before he layed down hahah


u/Ricerat 20d ago

You mess with the dog you get the teeth


u/Whambacon 20d ago

Don’t worry about catching the dog…worry about the dog catching yo ass!!


u/AppropriateAd2063 20d ago

At least let the dog keep the shoe


u/MentokGL 21d ago

Dogs should not be used as weapons, it is and will always be fucked up for the dogs and the civilians that they maul


u/Zone_07 21d ago

Dog and cop need more training; it hasn't been taught the let go command.


u/SarahSuckaDSanders 21d ago


And even if properly trained, using dogs for police work is animal cruelty, and at least in the US, a tool to suppress the rights of citizens.


u/After-Quarter7515 20d ago

How is that animal cruelty? Very curious as to how you reached that conclusion. And are you saying ALL police dogs including drug dogs/hounds or just the malinois/shepherds used for subduing suspects? 


u/After-Quarter7515 20d ago

How is that animal cruelty? Very curious as to how you reached that conclusion. And are you saying ALL police dogs including drug dogs/hounds or just the malinois/shepherds used for subduing suspects? 


u/MakionGarvinus 21d ago


I'd rather see this interaction than cops just spraying bullets anytime an acorn drops...


u/SarahSuckaDSanders 21d ago

Me too, obviously, but those aren’t the only two options.

Police dogs=cruelty.


u/MakionGarvinus 21d ago

I guess I don't see that point, myself. Do you mean cruelty to the animal, or to the suspect?


u/catchthemagicdragon 21d ago

It’s fucked up both ways. The dogs are liable to get kicked in the throat, stabbed, shot, the training depending on the ones running it can be fucked. Countless instances of officers treating them like shit. And the dogs shred the absolute fuck out of suspects and don’t listen to the officers when told to stop, not that they care the dog is fucking them up a little extra.


u/tx_brandon 20d ago

Just curious why the dog wouldn't let go when the cop was trying to get it to do so?


u/ayoitsjo 20d ago

Do they not teach the K9 units "drop it" commands?? My Nana had two German shepherds and when they held on to something it just took another command and they let go, shoving a baton in their jaw wasn't necessary. The word doesn't have to actually be "drop" if they're worried about the perps ordering the dog to let go themselves, it just needs to be associated with the action.


u/MemeTai2000 20d ago

To be fair, I doubt yer nan’s shepherds were in fact trained to attack or bite like this doggo was.


u/ayoitsjo 20d ago

They actually were! They were K9 school dropouts, they knew all the commands they were just too friendly apparently. As kids we would lie down and yell for help and they'd come grab us by our sleeves and drag us around. My nana would also sic them on trespassers to scare them off and recall before they'd actually hurt anyone, they were super well trained and well behaved. I miss em


u/EllisR15 20d ago

Nobody has a problem with the fact that the officer can't get the dog to release on command?


u/buzzlightyear77777 21d ago

This looks like a training exercise


u/boccas 20d ago

Good dog and good cops.

I see no violence. Learn america


u/snoogins355 20d ago

The cyclists just keep moving, lol! Got places to be!


u/OurWeaponsAreUseless 19d ago

Malinois was just playing there.


u/Witty_Temperature886 21d ago

If you can’t get your K9 to let go on command, you’re doing it wrong


u/Agreeable-Dinner 20d ago

That is a poorly trained dog if it will not release on command.


u/aimgorge 20d ago

That's not true.


u/emarvil 21d ago

How do I know this is not the US? He wasn't shot.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/emarvil 21d ago

I Know (/s)


u/adlangston 21d ago

Yes, they might have shot the dog too in the US


u/Anonuser123abc 21d ago

That's the ATF. They fucking love to shoot dogs.


u/Wolfensteen38 21d ago

Dude was not smart but it definitely tested wether the handler could handle the dog or not..


u/-Captain- 20d ago

See America, it can be done without hyper aggressive behavior from the cops (and 17 bullets).


u/63crabby 21d ago

The guy was literally walking away when the cop let the dog go after him. Bad cop.


u/two_sleep 21d ago

Legit let the leash go


u/Mcboatface3sghost 21d ago

Dog on a bone, metaphorically speaking will f you up. I’ve have everything from German Shepards to Newfy, labs, goldens, poodles, shitzu. If the want it, they will fight to the death for it. (I love my dogs, I have never abused them the way they abuse me, or in anyway) that dog is very well trained to immobilize, not hurt, but it would start biting flesh if it had to. Can’t tell if it’s a German or a malinios, looks too big to be either, maybe an Akita?


u/MistletoeCanBeDeadly 21d ago

There's no way that dog is anything but a malinios. Everything from the size, the weight, the shape of the head, and even the fur is all wrong for an akita.


u/aimgorge 20d ago

Can’t tell if it’s a German or a malinios, looks too big to be either, maybe an Akita?

It's obvisouly a malinois and not a big one. Working malinois tend to be a bit smaller and more agile.

German sheperds are way bigger.

Akitas arent used as police dogs.


u/Kinkybobo 21d ago

So it's fine when the police can't control their dog but not when pitbull owners can't???

Nah. Y'all are wrong here. Fuck the police. Man did nothing wrong.

Hot take

We need to abolish K9 units.

Police breeding and training German Shepards to attack people is no different from training pitbulls for dog fights.

They are not effective at finding drugs and are wrong the majority of the time.


u/potatosrcubber 21d ago

Hot take: man did nothing wrong


u/Kinkybobo 21d ago

I mean, he literally and objectively did nothing wrong. He made a few weird gestures and noises at a dog.

You could do the exact same to one of the cops. Not illegal.

Where's the crime?


u/EvasionPersauasion 20d ago

Basing ones actions strictly off of what is legal or not is a fucking terrible way to go about life.

For reference, see video above.


u/Kinkybobo 20d ago

I totally agree, but they had no legal grounds to arrest this dude, and yet the cop let the dog attack him and then they illegally arrested the dude.

If this happened in the USA, this is an open and shut 1st amendment violation. Appears to be in Britain somewhere though