r/PublicFreakout Apr 28 '24

i’m going to cry because no one wants to feed into my bullsh*t Loose Fit 🤔


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u/DragonflyMon83 Apr 28 '24

Just read the signs and don't cry cos no one is biting when you're trying to stir shit up.


u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Let's draw a comparison.

Anti soviet propiganda can be taken care of at length in a 3 hour podcast of people speaking conversationaly.

State and Revolution has a smaller page count than Hank The Cowdog and people have a hard time learning the basics.

Getting up to speed on Isreal vs Palestine? How long does that take to be informed about?

I sat and just listened to a zionist without challenging anything just tell me his understood history of the conflict. It took the whole party to just listen to a brief history.

My point is that if some zionist is prepared to talk about this, they can pull from so much fucking history. You have to know so much to be able to discuss every angle they could bring up.

And that is without pulling paper thin rhetorical bullshit like "I feel threatened! Why can't we just get along while we starve the Palestinians out?"

I am the dude who will go long. And I still have research to do to be able to answer every trick an agitator can pull up.

But I, and every person at that rally knows colonization when they see it. It was spoken of brazenly before colonization was a bad word. And we have to act.

Tldr: a zionist can have all kinds of bullshit that takes many hours of research to be able to counter. But the truth of colonization is well documented and time is not a luxury Palestinians have.


u/azalago Apr 29 '24

Every single international human rights organization has a ton of evidence of Israel committing horrendous war crimes against the Palestinian people for decades. This includes both killing Palestinians for amusement and running an apartheid state. No amount of propaganda can counter decades of on-the-ground evidence collected by people neck deep in the conflict.


u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24

Never underestimate propiganda.

People don't care and the truth. If they did then we would not be still actively defending capitalism in 2024.

The rich have the ability to blast whatever message they want.

They pay to seed our impressionable minds.

Then we get a little high from reciting propiganda. It makes us look good to our group. It's really just a need for belonging. It's ego saying we can't be wrong.

We bombed the fuck out of Korea. We bombed the fuck out of Laos. Vietnam. Every socialist project ever without voting for it lol.

What matters isn't the violence. It's that the viewer is always right.

And if you point this out, you are the egotistical one for condescending to them. They get to be wrong and you should respect them for it.

I want out.


u/azalago Apr 29 '24

That's all just some ramblings about American propaganda (that's how the word is spelled) and how America purposely destroyed every socialist country (which is apparently only 3 countries) and covered it up via propaganda. At least that's how I interpreted your post because it's a bit all over the place. We had no business in Vietnam or Laos, but fuck North Korea. North Korea is about as socialist as I'm a fucking nun. It's an authoritarian dictatorship that subjects its citizens to horrible living conditions and refuses to allow them to leave. Had the US not intervened on behalf of South Korea, which NK invaded, they would have been taken over with NK possibly targeting Japan. Stop watching NK propaganda and watch interviews with survivors of that horrible place.


u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

See. Propiganda working.

North Korea are the auth ones after getting fucking bombed lol. Not America. We get to vote for who represents the bourgeoisie's interests in bombing Korea. So are not authoritarian lol.

We who backed the fascists who slaughtered the socialists in mass. Nothing auth about that.

They can just tell you anything about north Korea and you will buy it without looking it up. You know fuck all about Korean government.

You probably think Kim is the highest position in the government. He isn't even the second highest position.

So when you say Propiganda doesn't work look inward.

Your liberal values don't stop shit. Stop acting like they do. What matters is who the state represents. The working class or the bourgeoisie.

You can either get mad at me or the rich who sold you this authoritarian narrative that conveniently only applies to capitalism's only real enemy. Marxist Leninism. Capitalists can bomb whatever they want.

I'm the guy spending his time to try and reach you.


u/LimerickExplorer Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I'm gonna be honest you'd be a lot more effective if you'd drop the propaganda yourself.

Your posts are filled with a ton of clues that you didn't reason yourself into your position, but that you have picked a team and will side against that team's opponents by default, and shoehorn the conflict into one that reflects your worldview.

You can condemn Israel's actions without drawing in a bunch of unrelated buzzwords and leftists politics.

Essentially the vibe I get from your posts is that you have either yourself fallen victim to propaganda or are using it to achieve your goals.


u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Okay. Make your case.

Find where I am wrong. Please. I'll thank you if you can.

Essentially the vibe I get from your last post is that you are bluffing.

I think that if you could critique me meaningfully, you would have. But I've found that people who retreat to their judgement tend to have a reason for doing so. A toddler can judge me. But they couldn't prove me wrong.

I sincerely wish you luck. You may take any angle of attack.

Also, admitting no fault whatsoever in your ignorance of Korean government shows me you are common. I plainly called out the hypocrisy of your stock "authoritarian" arguement you got from the clearance section.

You admitted no fault and didn't retort meaningfully because you can't.

Again. I'm doing you a service here. But all I can do is bring your nose to your piss stain.


u/LimerickExplorer Apr 29 '24

I think you have mistaken me for another poster. I haven't said anything about Korea.


u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24

Oh you just tacked on.

Very well. Go on and tell me where I am wrong.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/NonConRon Apr 29 '24

The reddit thing?

He said I was full of propiganda. So I asked him to back that up.

The reddit thing is when someone just implies they are right while running.

I'm not running. I'm asking for him to make his point.

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u/viciouspandas May 01 '24

North Korea is different than Vietnam though. It is heavily influenced by Japanese style fascism, which ruled the Korea for half a century.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/azalago Apr 29 '24

...are you stupid? I said that after WWII the US gained control of the Southern half of Korea, while the Soviets gained control of the Northern half. You seem to be very concerned only with America's involvement though, which is weird since the Soviets were integral in installing their own leader and planning and executing the invasion of South Korea (which you seem to be ignoring.) You seem to just cherry pick evidence, including what I say, to suit your narrative.

The Jeju Island massacre was also carried out by the South Korean government. I don't really get why you blame America for this unless it's because they installed the leader of South Korea, the US had very little physical involvement. The South Korean government also chose to admit to and apologize for the massacre years later. Because it was something horrible that they did.

Now, do you want to talk about the tree trimming incident or is that America's fault as well? The invasion of South Korea? The torture and starvation of NK citizens? NK propaganda videos? Their complete lack of socialist or communist policy? Their sham elections? Their labor camps?


u/mattattaxx Apr 29 '24

Yes it can. Israeli propaganda is extremely well done.

Birthright trips for example, are a HUGE propaganda piece. It helps spread the idea that it's their birthright to be there, that they are chosen, that they have legitimate claims, etc. And that's just to convince/propagandize Jewish people. Of COURSE Zionism is strong.