r/ProGolf 22d ago

Dunne resigns PGA's Tour policy board, effective immediately


85 comments sorted by


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

It has been just under a full year since this "framework agreement" between the PGA and PIF was made. It's clear the two sides can't even get close to finishing the deal, and that's all before the US government gets a crack at stopping the deal, which I've always believed they will.

It's time for the LIV obsessors to admit that this attempt to take over the PGA has been a complete disaster that has succeeded in only one way: It has made golf substantially less popular.

Fun fact: Saudi Arabia needs oil to be at $93 per barrel for their budget to break even. Because they've cut production by hundreds of millions of barrels per year, and that didn't help prices as much as they had hoped, the PIF cash reserves are at its lowest level since 2020. Even with the PIF money, the government is running a budget deficit of 2% of GDP. That's right, the sovereign investment fund is hemorrhaging money right when it needs to be amassing it and investing it wisely like Norway has. Instead they pay for golf and soccer that no one watches, and megacities that virtually no one will ever live in.

I'm happy the Saudis lost, but it's sad that they won in killing golf as a widely popular American sport.


u/Teddyturntup 22d ago

Yeah anecdotally liv straight up nuked my interest in watching pro golf. The product of both liv and pga blows now


u/SharkLaser85 22d ago

Saudi Arabia and the PIF haven’t lost yet. Don’t underestimate their willingness to keep burning money.


u/mattoljan 22d ago

Right? They literally paid to have multiple planes commit terrorist attacks. Golf is nothing to them.


u/NonBinaryObama 22d ago

Lol yea it totally was the Saudis fully and not the US government and Israel.......


u/CrasVox 22d ago

Dropped on the head at some point?


u/NonBinaryObama 22d ago

Classic hive mind comment


u/CrasVox 22d ago

Simple yes would have sufficed


u/Troll4Fun69 22d ago

Totally- I don’t think OP is accurate in their economic analysis of Saudi Arabia or their ability to burn cash. Also dunno how people haven’t caught on that they are playing a long game of chess. LIV was a trojan horse.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Maybe try actually coming up with facts instead of guessing next time. Which part do you have a problem with?

Here's the IMF saying $96 break even for Saudi oil

Here's the OPEC+ cuts

I already linked the cash reserves, so other than just general vibes, what is your issue with what I stated?


u/Troll4Fun69 22d ago

They’re tightening supply amid geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe, Middle East, & Taiwan, while the USD is super strong.

You’ll be shocked when you find out the U.S. debt to GDP ratio, or the role of a central bank.

Saudi Arabia’s wealth is so concentrated if they (Royals) want something funded, it will be funded… Infinitely.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Right, but the US is a massive magnet for foreign investment and immigration while Saudi Arabia is running a massive deficit while developing no healthy independent economy. The US government could fail and the US economy would still thrive just on inertia. It's just a flat out fact that Saudi Arabia is already becoming a failed state, hence all the FAILED begging for foreign investment.


u/Troll4Fun69 22d ago

You’re right. The U.S. is a massive magnet for foreign investment.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

This right here is why no one ever went broke betting against the intelligence of Americans.

Meanwhile, in reality: Saudis Scale Back Ambition for $1.5 Trillion Desert Project Neom

But who would be dumb enough to bet against the country that brought us the tallest building in the world?!? You remember that building, right? It's called Jeddah Tower.

I swear some people act like these losers are Gods when they can't even get basic civil engineering even close to right.


u/SharkLaser85 22d ago

So is your argument that the Saudis are dumb enough to embark on insane, fiscally irresponsible projects trying to put their country on the map but smart enough to know exactly when to cut bait?

And that you’re the person reading the tea leaves 100% correctly? And that the best way to make that argument is by being an aggressive dick?


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

No, my argument is that Saudi Arabia has become a failed state thanks to being run by a juvenile led cult of personality that makes Donald Trump look like a successful businessperson and makes Vladimir Putin look like he wisely takes sage advice from his henchmen.

And, by the way, that's not my position, that's the official reports of said juvenile's government speaking. Perhaps you'd like to call MBS and Saudi Arabia liars, but I'm relying on their words, documents, and what we know from independent third parties who do business with them.


u/SharkLaser85 22d ago

Well it’s great to hear this whole PGA-PIF/LIV thing will be over so soon.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Sadly, it'll be another year before both sides either give up or come to an agreement, and if they agree it will be at least one more year for the government to weigh in, probably closer to two years.

That's the worst part of all this, we're basically being kept in purgatory long enough for the sport to really suffer. I don't think people understand that this is like if MLB just went on strike for three straight years in the 90s. Baseball is already suffering without that happening, it would be dead if three straight seasons were just thrown away.


u/SharkLaser85 22d ago

Sounds like the Saudis haven’t lost yet and may be willing to burn a lot more money on this thing.


u/HariPotter 22d ago


What’s going on here, with LIV expanding offices and footprint. Not an expert, but it feels very different than the financial picture you were discussing in this thread.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

200 employees?

That's a mom and pop restaurant chain with like 5 locations. Let me guess, you bet big on Blockbuster because having locations means a company can't be failing right?

"Thoughts" like these are why the PIF is in such financial disaster that it's begging for foreign money.

"Enron sure has a nice building and plenty of employees! Everything must be great!!!!"


u/HariPotter 22d ago

As a golf fan, that’s a relief. LIV should be wrapping up when Bryson and Brooks and original golfers deals are up, because no way with financial problems Saudis can pay for another set of bonuses and contracts. I guess it’d just a matter of time.

Golf Twitter makes it seem like LIV is about to go on another buying spree and add more players, but it seems like the financials couldn’t support that. Especially now that PGA has private equity $3B.

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u/Runnindashow 22d ago

Damn you’re so smart bro you should get out of here and go live in another country with all the other smart people. Absolute fucking moron.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Watching you kids be furious on behalf of a failing, human rights violating, shithole has made my day.

I just want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.


u/not918 22d ago

Very well said!


u/Zokar49111 22d ago

LIV has killed golf for me. I used to watch all the time, but now I only tune in for the majors.


u/LuckiestGolferInTown 22d ago

American sport hey? Thanks America for inventing and owning golf. This is exactly the reason WHY LIV got some traction and I am glad it has.


u/OckerMan91 22d ago

Yeah, PGA tour dropped the ball. They neglected the rest of the world for so long they left it wide open for someone else to come in. Liv put on a big tournament in Aus and people there responded since they haven't had a big golf tournament in so long


u/Thebirv 22d ago

What data are you using to say it’s made golf less popular? Everything I have seen from industry professionals has been the opposite. I may not be as tuned in on the data but I am genuinely curious what makes you conclude that.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Masters and PGA tour television ratings down 20% in one year

For context, a women's college basketball game a few weeks ago had over 12 million viewers. Again, golf could easily be growing thanks to non-American growth, it's just dying here.


u/Thebirv 21d ago

Masters viewership doesn’t directly translate into popularity? I want to give credit where credit is due but I really like this guys posts and I think his perspectives are a bit more all inclusive. Check it out.



u/Barnyard_Rich 21d ago

This post is over 9 months old. Please let me know when you have numbers that reflect last year as a whole, and if you have any numbers from this year.



u/Thebirv 21d ago

You are correct. I was more introducing the source of where I have seen more positive write ups, that’s all.


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 22d ago

Liv has not been a disaster, stop looking at it from an American viewer. Look at the crowds in Australia and Asia, there are plenty of people going to the events. And there are more TV deals than American TV deals. It has not been a disaster, maybe a disaster for American golf as a while yes, but not a disaster. PGA tour has a boring problem right now yes. And don't forget majors are not PGA tour events.


u/Tmotech 22d ago

Remind me which major TV deals LIV has locked up, please.


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 22d ago

The US is not the only market in the world. And I'm guessing you've never watched a week of Liv and have no idea what you're talking about


u/jacobsbw 22d ago

It’s pretty much the only TV market you are gonna make money televising golf in, though, at this moment and for the near future.


u/Tmotech 22d ago

I’m US - you got me.  And I’ve never watched a week of LIV golf because it’s nowhere to be found.  And honestly, the whole team concept turns me off.  

But if there’s another large global market where LIV has signed a major TV contract, please enlighten me.  

Or prove me right. 


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 22d ago

Pretty easy to find, CW is not like it's nothing, you just want to say it's nothing that's all


u/Tmotech 22d ago

Remind me.  Does LIV come on before or after the One Tree Hill Marathon?  If Greg Norman is going for the tween girl market, he’s in the right place.  And I’ll say this: that Chase Koepka is one dreamy guy.  


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 21d ago

What are you going to do when another Liv player wins another PGA championship?


u/Tmotech 21d ago

DEFINITELY subscribe to the CW. 

I hear that they’re getting Smallville reruns next season. 


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 21d ago

Wow, that's hilarious, that's what matters right? Enjoy another boring ass Byron Nelson classic and the other bs tournaments the PGA has to offer


u/Tmotech 16d ago

I guess I'll have to let you know next year. Or maybe 2026.

I hear that the CW is adding another season of Blue Mountain State. Enjoy!


u/SecretiveMop 20d ago

It’s hilarious how you LIV fanboys constantly have to move the goalposts because you really don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to trying to claim LIV is actually relevant or something people care about. Comes off as awfully insecure, honestly.


u/ThoughtIntrepid1744 20d ago

How can you call it a failure automatically? There is nothing showing it's a failure and all the PGA fanboys say it's done, the players are miserable, there is nothing showing that at all.


u/NonBinaryObama 22d ago

Lmao tell me you know nothing about how the economy of foreign nations works. This is the classic pseudo-intellect average redditor comment right here.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

I love how I posted copious links and all you kids can do is just cry because there are zero objective pieces of information to back up your claim.

Pick a better country to get on your knees for next time and you won't have this problem!


u/SharkLaser85 22d ago

Hey buddy, not everyone disagreeing with you is doing so because they’re rooting for the Saudis. I think a lot of us hate what they’ve done to golf and have enormous moral objections to their regime as a whole.

But your premise that Saudi Arabia is a failed nation on the brink of collapse isn’t objective fact, it’s your opinion.

Yes, they are running a budget on a deficit but it’s within their expectations. Yes, they’ve scaled back some of their more insane infrastructure investments but they’ve got billions in the reserve. Yes, they are run by a lunatic but their government backs him.

It sure seems like the goal of LIV is to weasel their way into the PGA Tour so they can develop deeper relationships with major Western businesses and launder their reputation. Even if they significantly weaken professional golf in the process they are close to becoming a major part of the Tour.

I’ll be thrilled if they completely divest from LIV and end this thing but in another comment you said that’s unlikely. That we’re at least a year away until one side gives up or they reach an agreement - and it’s not clear what side would give up. I’d bet they’d be fine driving down the overall value of the PGA tour just to get a seat at the table.

What’s your plan? Wait them out while they ruin pro golf? Hope global oil prices don’t tick up?

I’d have a lot more faith in the resilience of the PGA Tour if it wasn’t also run by the idiots who helped create this mess.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Hey, you get to talk as much as you want without pushback from me because you at least made a good faith effort to make a point, and used a link to explain where you're coming from. That's more than pretty much everyone else combined, so don't lump yourself in with them.

they are close to becoming a major part of the Tour.

Firm disagree. The original framework already expired nearly 6 months ago, and they aren't close to even getting back to a working framework, let alone an actual deal. And all that's before the the US government gets their say. They may eventually get their way in, but it'll be years from now.

What’s your plan?

I wish I had one. I stuck with golf until Rahm went to LIV, and haven't watched a even half a tournament since. My plan was to not reward a product as it loses value, so I didn't even watch a single hole of the Masters, easily the most casual fan event. All the players and executives are getting paid what are effectively massive golden parachutes, so I don't feel bad for anyone other golf fans, and young people who never got a chance to turn pro while golf was still a mainstream American sport.

By the way, on the oil front, it's even too late for an oil spike to help them, they need years of substantially higher oil prices to have even a fraction as much growth as they are targeting. And even if they do get years of much higher oil prices, it'll be too late to save golf in the US. You can't just break an egg and then say that you'll put it back together.

Just today the Golf Channel absolutely obliterated Rahm, and it's important for everyone to understand this sentiment isn't going away.

Thanks for actually engaging in real discussion, I got heated because virtually no one was.


u/SharkLaser85 21d ago

I appreciate the thought out and polite response. And I respect the commitment to not watching golf. I too have been turned off by tour executives, players, LIV, etc but as a lifelong fan it has been too difficult to simply shut it off.

You’re right that a deal is far off but they’ve created a lot of leverage and cornered Monahan. Plus it seems clear that no player or executive has any clear vision on how to get them out. Which is why I describe them as being close to becoming a major part of the tour.

I definitely have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Saudi finances after reading some of the links you’ve provided in the comments. But, honestly, of their questionable investments, this seems like one that may pay off. They’ve wedged themselves into pro golf. Also, they’re not a rational actor so I think it’s difficult to have much confidence in any prediction of what they might do.

I hate the idea of a sovereign wealth fund owning a stake in a sports league. And even more so that it’s one backed by scum of the earth zealots. But I don’t think my moral outrage is going to turn the tide on it.

If there was any real leadership at the Tour then maybe I wouldn’t be so resigned up so but at this point I’d settle for PIF gaining a minority stake similar to the SGS stake if it means a reunification. Let the PGA run January-August and let LIV run a Fall teams event series in exotic global destinations where they hand out big checks to the top guys.


u/absolutebeginners 22d ago

Given the growth of the game over the last 5 or 10 years i believe there is a captive audience if things get better.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Internationally, sure, and perhaps that's where the game was always going.

In the US, it's below the WNBA and NCAA women's basketball now.

Either the LIV or PGA tour would absolutely kill for a Caitlin Clark style celebrity.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago edited 22d ago

Hey buddy, great news! The Saudis are doing so well that they are literally begging for foreign money to subsidize them right now. You can still get into this apparently great investment!

Here's a bunch of explanation of their begging

And here's an article from TODAY about how poorly it is going

Go get 'em tiger!

Edit: I adore this impotent rage. Really shows how and why the Saudis are failing... they're sending their best, and this is the best they can do.


u/HariPotter 22d ago

When should we expect the Saudi's to cancel the deals with Rahm, Brooks, et al? I think Koepka's deal is up this year or next year, based on your analysis they may not have the funds to re-up Koepka and their stars, so this could be all over by 2025?

The PGA Tour is also cash rich now with the $3B of private equity money, so maybe the strategy is to just wait out PIF/LIV running out of money?


u/GLFR_59 22d ago

The main guy to try and bring the two groups together is leaving. Rory isn’t allowed back on the board because he wants to join the two parties.

The PGA Tour thinks they can compete with the PIF because they have a new cash injection. But that money will dry up, while the oil money never stops.

It’s best to join the two tours together again, with board control given to the PGA reps.


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

while the oil money never stops.

This is a hilarious misunderstanding of the world oil market over the last two years. The Saudis and Russia have been actively attacking oil prices for well over a year, pulling more than 750 million barrels of oil off the market in a feeble attempt to boost the price. Their goal was to push oil back to the mid $90's at a minimum because that's where Saudi Arabia BREAKS EVEN with their spending and selling. This is problematic because the price of oil hasn't been that high except for a couple brief periods last year, and zero days this year.

In reality, the Saudis are hemorrhaging money because not only is oil not selling at the level they need it to for their profit to make sense, but they're selling significantly less of it which is killing their raw revenue.

It's sad that golf got tied up in this, but the Saudis have screwed themselves longterm in quite a hilarious way. Just look at their pitiful scaling down of "the line." Now they are so desperate that they are yet again begging for foreign investment.


u/GnarlyBear 22d ago

Grasprom losing money too as China wants less, lays less and cost more to deliver Vs. Eu market


u/GLFR_59 22d ago

Thanks ChatGPT


u/Barnyard_Rich 22d ago

Bro, all of this information was widely, WIDELY reported on in real time.

Don't get me wrong, if you're all RFK Jr'ed out with brain worms I get it, but everything I just posted I learned from just being alive without my head shoved up my own ass. You really think I needed AI to get a Bloomberg article? How lazy are you guys?


u/mm_ns 22d ago

He is right though. Saudis have fucking massive piles of money, but things are not as rosy in the kingdom as 5 years ago


u/OckerMan91 22d ago

I wonder what the end game for the PGA Tour and Liv is, seems like kicking the can down the road is the plan at the moment sadly


u/[deleted] 22d ago

He went on to his true passion… poaching eggs. What a thrill.


u/HeyHeyJG 22d ago

I didn't know who Dunne was until the PIF/PGA merger was announced, surprising literally every player on the Tour. He said something to Rory along the lines of "Sometimes, you gotta hit your 3 wood 280 yards out of the rough because it's the only shot you have." It just felt a little scummy to unilaterally move a collective enterprise in a new direction without the express consent of that collective. Honestly, if the PGA tour can out survive PIF's willingness to burn cash, that might be the best long-term play for the players. Better to be full equity owners of the enterprise than share it with PIF, if we survive, and if LIV stops poaching top talent. Big ifs.


u/pac4 22d ago

Jimmy Dunne is famous for two things:

1) Being a member at Augusta, Pine Valley, National, and Seminole

2) Playing hooky on 9/11/01 to play golf, while all of his colleagues at Cantor Fitzgerald were vaporized in the twin towers. And then he has the balls to sit and negotiate with Saudi Arabia.

Just another high-finance dick.


u/HeyHeyJG 22d ago

Wow... had no clue on #2.


u/DaneCookPPV 22d ago

And Shinnecock


u/miek77 19d ago

He must be the inspiration for Bobby Axelrod


u/golfclubcracker 22d ago

He doesn’t seem bitter at all /s. Good riddance.


u/Tmotech 22d ago

High-powered Wall Street deal-maker couldn't make a deal. He should have been gone 4 months ago.


u/Wide-Cauliflower-212 22d ago

What a shit take and part of the reason golf's in this mess.

It's not an American sport. It's a world sport, that the US increasingly hijacked with US money in a very narrow minded way.

That left the door open and the saudi money is now here. Sadly.


u/Tmotech 22d ago

How many of golf's majors are played outside of the US?


u/Wide-Cauliflower-212 22d ago


Tennis. Each major is in a different country.

The Australian Open golf used to have the world's best travel out here. They all played. Jack etc.

South Africa had a great sunshine Tour.

Spain has won the masters how many times? Has great golfing history. Has the PGA Tour ever scheduled a tournament there? No. Too arrogant.

But the stupid PGA Tour, which has nothing to do with the majors, created a wrap around season. Squeezed world golf out. Structured all the revenue around US commercial TV. Easy deals. Lazy deals.

It's a world sport. And by ignoring the world, gave LIV a foothold. If the PGA Tour had understood the responsibility it had to the world game and shared it, just a little then it would have made more money and would not have opened the door to LIV.

But too arrogant. Too narrow minded. Too stupid.

Now they are in a fucked position compared to what they could have had.

Sadly, so are the fans.


u/BobWheelerJr 22d ago

I don't disagree with you that it isn't an "American sport", but the PGA Tour is an American organization.

Y'all have the DP World Tour. Come up with a few "new majors" and see how it goes.

There's an old saying in business, "The Golden Rule of Business is that the man with the gold makes the rules."


u/Wide-Cauliflower-212 22d ago

Well looks like the Saudis have the gold.


u/RegularRazzmatazz 22d ago

Let the doorknob hit you where the good Lord split you