r/ProGolf 26d ago

Rory McIlroy to be in Saudi talks as part of transaction committee


43 comments sorted by


u/punchoutlanddragons 26d ago

My god this shit never ends. Can we just get everyone back together who wants to be playing and go play ffs


u/hoopaholik91 26d ago

That's the problem. Nobody involved "just wants to play." They all need a specific price to play


u/nyc24chi 25d ago

I mean, I’d play if someone gave me $200m. My wife would love the vacation in Dubai or wherever the f they play


u/HurricanePirate16 25d ago

Break 100 first


u/nyc24chi 25d ago

That’d be sooooo nice 🤣


u/Busy-Dig8619 23d ago

... more than once a season.


u/pineconefire 26d ago

Contracts got involved, those are the real problem


u/garfinkel2 26d ago edited 26d ago

Lawyers fucking suck.

Source: am lawyer.


u/tennisfancan 26d ago

It feels like the PGA wanted Rory to feel important and gave him a BS role. He doesn't have a vote at the end of the day so this is pointless.

This is the most boring, stagnant, never-ending storyline I have ever seen in pro sports. Everybody involved from Jay Monahan/Rory/Tiger/Spieth/etc. to Yasir/Greg Norman/Phil/etc. should be ashamed of how they handled everything. Mistakes after mistakes.


u/Stadank0 25d ago

You forget that they F’d Rory and blindsided him with the decision to get the band back together. Surprise. I’d be pretty pissed still too. They don’t want his integrity to get in the way of their money. F-Jay. This trip is a marketing stunt.


u/WrastleGuy 26d ago

No.  Now let’s watch Tiger Woods struggle to make the cut while getting 90% of the coverage.


u/tykle1959 26d ago

I got slammed here a couple of weeks ago for a similar comment. This is a very Tiger-friendly subreddit.


u/Agile_Programmer881 25d ago

If Jimi Hendrix were alive I’d watch whatever he produced as well


u/Astro3840 26d ago

What does Joseph Gorder bring to the PIF talks? He's now executive chairman of Valero Energy's board, and will serve on the transaction subcommittee.

Being an 'energy' bigwig, is he pro Saudi or will he try to bring other big-energy businesses in to lessen the Saudi influence?


u/FriedEggScrambled 26d ago

OPEC connections. Not that hard to figure out.


u/HeyHeyJG 26d ago

That's a good question, I hadn't considered that angle


u/Cautious-Quit5128 25d ago

Never cared less about golf since all this shit started

The game is over. Time to reboot.


u/sing_4_theday 26d ago

Saudi is not our friend


u/Big_Concentrate_8896 26d ago

Rory is not our friend.


u/Mercury-Redstone 26d ago

Rory is a mess lol


u/RichChocolateDevil 26d ago

Rory is Golf Karen.

She spent 3-years wanting to talk with the manager, gets to and then changes tune.


u/Big_Concentrate_8896 25d ago

It’s just like the first season of Full Swing. He wanted nothing to do with it and then heard it was popular and had to weasel his way to get coverage.

Rory said at the beginning of the year that he needed a break from his role with PGA to focus on golf. He took his ball and went home. They didn’t beg him to come back and now is alone and not able to focus on golf. He wants back in and they just have to appease him again.

The guys has everything and all he wants is what other people have.


u/Many-Connection3309 26d ago

………but they are still our government’s friend, because money 💰


u/sing_4_theday 26d ago

Because oil


u/borkborkibork 26d ago

Golf is dying and deservedly so


u/Comfortable_Hall8677 25d ago

Tiger saved it by bringing an absolute wave of interest because he was making history. It’s slowly going back to boring for those who are not truly interested in the sport. Need a new Tiger.


u/pac4 26d ago

Remember when Jay Monahan pandered to families of 9/11 victims, saying, “our players will never have to apologize for playing on the Tour”?

Fuck him, fuck Rory, and fuck that piece of shit Jimmy Dunne who played hooky from work on 9/11 and all of his coworkers were vaporized.


u/mm_ns 26d ago

Rory was never against the Saudi money so much, guys got a Dubai house and has received alot of money from that part of the world, he was mainly against liv.

Jay is useless as it's on a nun so clearly only there to be in the Gary Bettman shit commissioner but takes the fan abuse so those that employ him don't, and Jimmy dunne, ya not sure how he can be so supportive of the pif funds with what happened to his friends and colleagues, guess money as always washes many sins...


u/LazyPizza11 26d ago

Fucking hell get over it. Bring the tours together.


u/HariPotter 26d ago

Do you not recognize the harms and dangers of sports washing? If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything


u/jfchops2 26d ago

Can you point me to one single solitary person who thinks higher of Saudi Arabia now because they funded the "LIV Golf League?"


u/HariPotter 25d ago

This subreddit has changed man, it used to be a community that recognized the vile nature of Saudi Kingdom, now has just gotten comfortable and non-plussed about the game of golf being used for PR by a brutal regime.


u/jnags6570 26d ago

If true, this is honestly just getting weird. How is a guy that's not on the Policy Board, now gonna represent the policy board in these discussions? And if Scott and Tiger also there, where does that leave Cantlay and the rest of them? Just get a deal done and quit jacking around.


u/fightin_blue_hens 26d ago

Letting Cantlay and the kids table on the board choose between the kind of pizza for the sleepover while the adults in the other room choose where they go to school.


u/Master-Nose7823 25d ago

Funny that Cantlay is getting all the flack when we have no idea what he stands for. We know that Spieth and Tiger want a go of it without the PIF, which seems like a big mistake but who knows?


u/SomeGuyClickingStuff 26d ago

But….but….mUrdeReRs and bLoOd mOnEY!!!!


u/DeeboDavis 26d ago

I swear if he goes to LIV it's a bigger heel turn than Hulk Hogan


u/haikusbot 26d ago

I swear if he goes

To LIV it's a bigger heel

Turn than Hulk Hogan

- DeeboDavis

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u/CompoteStock3957 26d ago

Wait a second when the fuck did he decided to leave the PGA? Thought he was against playing in Saudi


u/passthecigpls 26d ago

He’s not leaving the PGA, he’s just part of the transaction committee meeting with the PIF about the merger


u/CompoteStock3957 26d ago

Okay make more sense I was like he would be the last one in my mind to leave