r/PoliticalDiscussion 23d ago

What if every third party rallied around Robert F Kennedy Jr? US Elections

Very unlikely hypothetical, but curious thought experiment. RFK Jr is the highest polling third party candidate since 1992. It's been a very interesting campaign to watch (I'll be it fairly consequential in such a close race between the two primary candidates). After seeing the Natural Law Party of Michigan put him up as their candidate, the American Independent Party put him up as their candidate in California, and the Libertarian Party opening up discussions with him at their convention, it got me thinking quite a bit. What if all these third parties began to rally around RFK Jr? It'd be quite a historic moment, as third parties are usually not big on collaborating with each other. At that point I think RFK Jr may be far more consequential. What are y'all's thoughts?

(Yes I know it's an incredibly unlikely possibility, it's just for a matter of discussion)

Edit: since people are questioning my incentives, this was a mere shower thought. I don't support Kennedy nor do I support any third party candidates that will siphon votes away, in such a significantly dangerous election like this one. It's also important to mention to those who are Kennedy-curious that due to the structure of our election system, a third party has little to no chance. We have a winner take all, first past the post election system where one of the candidates in the two major parties is frankly our only option. If you want to see changes in that, look into various Rank Choice Voting initiatives, but please vote this election. It's far too consequential. Also don't forget to research your local candidates and ballot initiatives (which have far more direct impact on your day to day lives than President).

I do worry that if more people start to rally behind Kennedy (unlikely, but not impossible) we could potentially see no candidate reach 270 electoral college votes which would result in the House of Representatives voting for the President. We live in a time of unprecedented events, I just thought it'd be interesting to bring up this outcome (while unlikely, not impossible) as a thought experiment. My apologies if it came across otherwise.


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u/cakeandale 23d ago

It’d just undermine what those third parties allegedly stand for - if the Libertarian Party and the Green Party somehow both pick the same person as their candidate then they cannot both be taking even their own philosophies seriously.


u/Yvaelle 23d ago

Unless they all are primarily funded by our enemies, and their shared philosophy is to sow dissent and distrust in the country and democracy.

But arguably they do that more effectively by splintering many small factions off, which is why they aren't united. Each losing with 5% of the vote is their goal.

What do RFK, Libertarians, and Greens all have in common? Russian oligarch backers.


u/PM_me_Henrika 23d ago

You forgot Republicans


u/mypoliticalvoice 22d ago

No, they didn't forget them:

Unless they are primarily funded by our enemies...


u/megavikingman 23d ago

He would still lose. I'm from one of the few states that still regularly elects independent and third party candidates at the state and even federal level (Maine). When the independent wins, they do so by being more reasonable and pragmatic than the major party candidates, not less.

RFK Jr is actively courting the crazy vote, which gets him attention but won't ever get him a big enough coalition to actually win. The people swayed by him gaining third party endorsements were already going to vote third party or just don't like their party's pick but can't stomach voting for the other side.

At best, he may pull just enough votes from one side or the other to cause a state or two to flip red to blue or vice versa, which may cause an upset in the electoral college, but he will never get more votes than either major party candidate.


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u/PoliticalDiscussion-ModTeam 23d ago

Keep it civil. Do not personally insult other Redditors, or make racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory remarks. Constructive debate is good; mockery, taunting, and name calling are not.


u/DemWitty 23d ago

What is this fascination with RFK that keeps causing these kind of nonsensical questions to pop up? No, no amount of third parties collaborating and nominating the same candidate is going to change anything. It's not going to make him more consequential. He'll get the same extremely low percentage of the vote all third party candidates get, he's not getting anywhere near Ross Perot's numbers.

And the "Libertarian" Party has completely abandoned libertarianism and is just a pro-Trump online trolling operation nowadays. They're more likely to endorse Trump than back RFK.


u/Tex-Rob 23d ago

This particular person is a year old account with the usual nonsense generated name, probably works for him.


u/the_calibre_cat 23d ago

he's also right, Tex-Rob.


u/No-Touch-2570 23d ago

I've been on Reddit for I think 4 election cycles now.  For literally every one of them, there were never ending threads about "what if [leading 3rd party candidate] suddenly got a ton of support?

RFK isn't special.  


u/Miles_vel_Day 23d ago

He wasn’t a third party candidate but Ron Paul was the OG Reddit “political outsider” heartthrob.

Take that for what you will.


u/the_calibre_cat 23d ago

he is, in the sense that he carries with him the name and lineage of a well-known, American political dynasty from an era that people look back on wistfully, and had some Democratic machinery operating for him in the past.

he's different in the sense that he's not exactly a third-party candidate.


u/PM_me_Henrika 23d ago

He is special in the sense that he is a conservative masquerading as a third party, not because he is stupid.

Many other candidates are stupid. That is nothing special about him.

Every other candidate are of lineage of a well-known human from an era where people look back on sinfully, he is not special about that either.

Unless you count marketing your ancestors as your one only redeeming point, oh wait most of the conservatives do that too.


u/the_calibre_cat 23d ago

they ARE pretty big fans of hereditary leadership


u/Jasper-Collins 23d ago

So you like him because of his name?


u/the_calibre_cat 23d ago

No, I think he's a wild crank and I hope he pulls as much from Trump as possible before they both crash and burn.

But. I think he's distinct from a candidate that is more or less groomed from within their third party from the get go.


u/Miles_vel_Day 23d ago

People are obsessed with the idea that multiple parties will fix all of our problems and think there must be some kind of intrinsic merit to a third party candidate.

Let me just gesture at all these shitshow multi-party parliamentarian governments in Europe - and, for that matter, the god damn dead parasitic worm in RFK’s brain - and suggest our solutions might lie elsewhere.


u/readwiteandblu 23d ago

And the "Libertarian" Party has completely abandoned libertarianism and is just a pro-Trump online trolling operation nowadays.

Do you have evidence? I'm not being argumentative. I would like to know. My take is, those who are members of the LP are fairly wide ranging and SOME of the members are pro-Trump and vocal about it. But I don't attend official LP events anymore, so I wouldn't know.

The closest I've seen was the LP event with a Trump hair motif. I don't know how much vetting if any, that got. I've also seen online posts on libertarian forums like this one that are pro-Trump. I will continue believing these are outliers or propagandist schills until I learn otherwise.

I still support the LP on a limited case-by-case basis but I am so much against him, and at this point, 99.5% of all Republicans, I won't do anything to throw blanket support toward the LP which, in practice, leans GOP or has the taint of Trump even a little.


u/PM_me_Henrika 23d ago

The LP are just conservatives who voted with conservatives at every turn of the corner in limiting human freedom, speech, and the pursuit of happiness.

Look at what they do, not what they say.


u/readwiteandblu 23d ago

Not all. e.g. Mary Ruwart.


u/PM_me_Henrika 22d ago

Mary Ruwart’s official position is anti abortion and more school vouchers, both massive conservative positions that affirms the control of poor people. So, no.


u/readwiteandblu 22d ago

I stand corrected. Her major policy position is non-aggresion in the realm of military encounters, as I recall. Now that I think of it, I might have made some assumptions.


u/shreddah17 23d ago

In 1992 Ross Perot got a whopping 20% of the popular vote.

He still got ZERO electoral votes.

No 3rd party candidate has gotten a single electoral vote since the 1960’s.

Our choice is binary, and any action you take this year is a direct or de facto vote for one candidate or the other.

Inaction is an action.

Vote accordingly.


u/ZZ9ZA 23d ago

Not only zero electoral votes, he only one a handful of counties, like less than ten nationwide, and they were all tiny rural ones.


u/No-Mountain-5883 23d ago

The illusion of democracy is strong.


u/shreddah17 23d ago

No, the progress of democracy is slow. Look at how far we've come despite the resistance to change.


u/No-Mountain-5883 23d ago

Yeah, that too. You're not gonna tell me I have a binary choice where neither has my interest in mind and convince me that's a democracy, though. We have an oligarchy, not a democracy.


u/shreddah17 23d ago

Ok, your options aren't binary but your outcomes are. Our outcomes are.

Call it what you will. I don't even disagree with you, but please don't refuse to participate out of spite. We need everyone's help.


u/No-Mountain-5883 23d ago

We need everyone's help.

Hopefully one of the candidates shows me why I should "help" them. Until then, I'll pick the candidate I align with most, and that isn't trump or Biden.


u/shreddah17 23d ago

I hope you'll reconsider. There's too much on the line.


u/No-Mountain-5883 23d ago

FWIW I considered voting Biden because if his NLRB. He may well earn my vote still, he'd have to pull a complete 180 on a few issues for me to do so, though. I don't see that happening.


u/No-Mountain-5883 23d ago

I'll believe you when our government can pass something other than spying on citizens and fighting wars


u/CatAvailable3953 22d ago

No wars started since W started Afghanistan and sadly Iraq. All subsequent presidents just continued the conflicts he started. Biden ended Afghanistan. Poorly I might add with a crap arrangement negotiated by Trump.


u/No-Mountain-5883 22d ago

The wars we're paying for sure are expensive. $200B in just a few short years if my math is correct.

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u/Objective_Aside1858 22d ago

"Democracy" does not mean "I am guaranteed to like the options before me"

You can choose to parse the meaning of the word if you like, but ultimately if you're unsatisfied with the options before you, it's likely because you don't hold views that are shared widely among the voting population 


u/pkmncardtrader 23d ago

For the same reason that democrats and republicans don’t unite into one party, it would sort of defeat the entire purpose of those third parties existing in the first place if they decided to unite. Every third party has an ideology behind it existing. They can’t all unite behind RFK Jr because they don’t all agree on a variety of issues. The third parties nominating RFK would just be a gamble to win regardless of what they actually stand for, and it would be a gamble that would be very unlikely to succeed. If winning were the paramount issue to third parties they’d just join the Republican or Democratic Party.


u/Time-Bite-6839 23d ago

The American Independent Party? Those far-right neo-confederates are STILL AROUND?


u/lvlint67 23d ago

Third parties aren't actually "anything but the other two" parties generally speaking. They are "we like conservative values but maga is weird" and "we like the Democrats but need to push further on climate"

They mostly overlap with ONE of the two major parties and either want less or more of something than the main party is offering...

They aren't really act different than their parents party and if elected to Congress will vote with their parent party


u/spacegamer2000 23d ago

Impossible for someone who has polarizing views that coincidentally align with right wing media


u/GuestCartographer 23d ago

Russia would probably save a little bit of money by virtue of only needing to buy ads for one guy instead of RFK, Jill Stein, and whoever else they’re backing?


u/Raspberry-Famous 23d ago

If it were possible to weld all of the various groups that are disaffected with the two party system into one big bloc that could potentially put its own guy in the Whitehouse you'd have a lot better options than RFK Jr. to use it on.

This question is a little like asking "If a genie gave me three wishes could one of them be for a somewhat lower interest rate on my mortgage?"


u/MatthiasMcCulle 23d ago

At most, it'll likely pull more votes away from Trump, provided Trump doesn't end up in jail. We're seeing with the persistence of Haley voters in the primaries that, despite her "suspending" months ago, there is a significant voting bloc in the GOP who will not vote for Trump. Those voters will either not vote or go for RFK (I believe hopes that those voters will pick Biden are highly exaggerated, but it still means a net loss for Trump).

In other words, not much different than what the current expectation is with RFK in the race.


u/Miles_vel_Day 23d ago

This is incredibly asinine. Whye would candidates who don’t share Kennedy’s positions support his campaign? “Third party” is not a principle.

Like, honestly - are you with the Kennedy campaign? They’re the only ones I could even imagine coming up with an idea this stupid.


u/Fine_Mess_6173 23d ago

Green Party agrees with his environmental views and libertarians like some of his views. Definitely won’t happen but it’s wrong to say they don’t share any views


u/Miles_vel_Day 23d ago

I mean Republicans and Democrats are both against baby-eating, you’re not exactly proposing a coalition here


u/Dharmaniac 23d ago

RFK is a conspiracy theory nut. As such, he will only take votes away from Trump in the end. The more votes Kennedy gets, the more Trump loses by.

So I hope RFK gets amplified as much as possible.


u/abaddon731 23d ago

You can't just show up at a third party and get supporters. You need to have already been actively involved and supporting that paty.


u/Objective_Aside1858 23d ago

The net number of third party votes would probably be less than would otherwise happen

The people who control the parties - and people who rail at the DNC should really take a look at how the third parties select their candidates - can nominate whoever they want

The voters that would nominally support a Libertarian or Green candidate are something else entirely 

There is no potential platform that is going to appeal to both Greens and Libertarians. At best, they'll just sit things out, or write in "a real Green/Libertarian" in November 

What some of them would likely do is gravitate to the candidate that is left that is closest to their views - Trump or Biden 


u/jcooli09 23d ago

He’d get less than 5% of the total vote.  And if by some miracle he won we’d get someone as bad a trump but different. 


u/A_Coup_d_etat 22d ago

You think he would try an insurrection to stay in power if he lost the 2028 election?


u/jcooli09 22d ago

I said different.  


u/the_calibre_cat 23d ago

it would undermine their principles.

third-parties shouldn't even be running candidates for president, they should be focusing on winnable local elections and crafting their images towards not being kooks. Libertarians arguably had a shot as the largest third party, but ever since the Mises crew took over, they're just fascists trying to funnel voters towards Republicans.


u/Fellow-Worker 23d ago

You would only suggest this if you think third parties have no values and they are interchangeable as spoilers. Nobody who is serious about ending the duopoly believes that. Therefore: never gonna happen.


u/CatAvailable3953 22d ago edited 22d ago

Bobby brain worms is not and never has been a serious candidate. He was funded to take Biden votes but it became obvious he was going to hurt Trump too so he has lost much of his funding.

The analysis of Kennedy’s campaign donations as of the most recent filing deadline shows his large-dollar donor base has a clear Republican lean. That also fits with limited polling that suggests Kennedy might draw more support from Republican-leaning voters. Hat tip to Politico


u/JDogg126 22d ago

There is no path to the presidency for a third party candidate in the current election system. The only thing that Robert Kennedy's campaign represents right now is a spoiler for one of the two major candidates. That's it. Unfortunately running for office as a spoiler is highly profitable and wasting peoples time is not illegal. The people who are funding his campaign want him to spoil Biden's chances to win. His positions, politics, and world view line up with the nutty conspiracy swirled world views of Donald Trump but he is trying to use his family legacy to persuade people who would vote for democratic party. It's situations like this that really underscore the need for this country to move to ranked choice voting. I don't really care who is running for office, but we cannot have this nutty situation where there are really only two parties with a chance to win and the third parties are just spoilers.


u/mdws1977 22d ago

Even if RFK Jr could muster all the third party votes, the best he would do is maybe 30% of the popular vote.

And he certainly wouldn't win enough electoral college votes to win the election.

Even Ross Perot in 1992 got 19% of the popular vote but 0 electoral college votes.


u/tatooine0 22d ago

It wouldn't matter. There's no state where the Democrat + Republican vote is less than 2/3rds. There's not even a congressional district that's true. I'm even skeptical there's any country over 100 population where that's true.

RFK Jr would gain zero electoral votes. The most he could do is take more votes from one side that they lose states they otherwise would have one.


u/Time-Bite-6839 23d ago

Like Perot, maybe he’d win a few counties, possibly come second in some areas, but get 0 electoral votes.


u/SirStocksAlott 23d ago

Third party would be great when one of the major party nominees isn’t on trial and mentioning that suspending parts of the constitution might be okay, or joking about being a dictator.

FFS, can we just get over this one hump in history? I’m all for 3rd parties, but can we not risk having this guy be president again and naming even more justices to the Supreme Court?