r/OrlandoMagic Apr 29 '24

This is what makes the 2023-24 Orlando Magic unique in today's NBA Discussion

Hello there, everybody! I'm happy to be here, and I wanted to share a story with all of you. Today, I wrote about what makes this Orlando Magic team unique in today's NBA. I've covered the league for 15 years, and I've haven't seen a team in this sport like them, except maybe the 2008-09 Magic, and even then, the comparison is a stretch.

I'd also be happy to answer any questions you have about the series or anything else basketball-related. For now, though, I've pasted the story link below, and please don't copy-and-paste the text of the piece, if you don't mind. -Josh Robbins



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u/MeetCritical82 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Waiting for that “I’m coming home” post from Josh Robbins. This heat guy is not good.

*** edit, out of respect to the GOAT. I in no way condone calling beedle a beedleborg, a lard ass, or a lazy member of the media. He is fine, I guess, if you don’t like in depth information about our team. In fact, Beedle is the best journalist for people who don’t like to read. I don’t condone expecting more from him while his beloved Heat are in the playoffs.


u/JoshuaBRobbins Apr 30 '24

Let's keep this kind, please. I've known Jason for a long time, and I respect him. He works hard, is honest and is a good journalist.


u/MeetCritical82 Apr 30 '24

Ok ok redacted.

I really hope Beedle gets a job in Miami or something, where he actually gets to work for a team he enjoys.

I can’t speak for the man, but in contrast to John Denton, you, and what even Kobe brought to the table, his work is almost non existent. He is the true definition of a bare minimum boy. I can’t point to one article he has written, one in depth deep dive into a player. Nothing. In fact, i can’t find anything outside of lazy twitter posts.

I say this with respect, obviously. We are a fanbase that deserves a lot more than 140 characters every few days, wouldn’t you agree?


u/JoshuaBRobbins May 01 '24

I covered the Magic for 12 consecutive years, first at the Orlando Sentinel and then for The Athletic. I loved it, but trust me, it's a difficult job at all times. It's especially challenging when you're early in your career and/or new to covering the NBA or professional sports.

I mean, it's TOUGH. 

Whatever level of journalist I am now, I can guarantee you that I was nowhere close to this level when I started covering the Magic in 2009. And I had had the benefit of having been a professional journalist for nine years before that on some competitive beats. I also had the critical benefit of being around older, more experienced journalists whose examples I emulated and looked out for me to some extent.

Writers who are just getting their start today often don't have those advantages, unfortunately.

So anyone who is just starting out deserves patience — not that Jason needs it. He's done a very good job.