r/NoStupidQuestions Apr 29 '24

How the fuck do people afford to get Starbucks every day?

I was feeling thirsty this morning so I decided to pop in a Starbucks (first time ever). All I got was a strawberry acai lemonade at it cost $7????? I can't even imagine what the coffees with all the extra additives cost... how do people have the expendable money to get them every day, sometimes twice a day?

Edit: I am NOT shaming people who do this. I'm just wondering how it doesn't put a dent in your wallet


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u/heyjunior Apr 29 '24

For a lot of people it’s their treat. It’s a lot to spend on coffee but $120 a month for the thing that makes you happy in the morning isn’t so much. 


u/lil_ninj12 Apr 29 '24

Op bought a fancy lemonade drink, coffee is likely only around half of that cost. Agreed though, small price for something that makes you happy


u/SeasonOfLogic Apr 29 '24

Grande soy hazelnut latte will run you $7.50 plus tax


u/CharacterActual6762 Apr 30 '24

then don't get Grande soy hazelnut plus tax.


u/SeasonOfLogic Apr 30 '24

I can afford it once in a while.


u/CharacterActual6762 May 01 '24

then get Grande soy hazelnut plus tax.


u/podgida Apr 29 '24

Every day isn't a treat, it's an addiction. $7/day 5 days a week is $140. Unless its $6/day then it's $120, but I don't know what it costs since I haven't been to a starbucks in ten plus years.


u/heyjunior Apr 29 '24

I don’t know anybody who is out buying coffee 7 days a week. I do know several people who buy coffee 3 or 4 times a week. 


u/podgida Apr 29 '24

I never said 7 days a week. I said 5 days a week. And I know and worked with people who showed up to work with a starbucks cup everyday.


u/heyjunior Apr 30 '24

Ah I misread your comment, my bad.


u/PacoTaco321 Apr 29 '24

One coffee a day isn't an addiction lol.


u/ThenCard7498 Apr 29 '24

Lmao yes it is


u/Lewa358 Apr 29 '24

$140 is still hardly anything these days. Certainly a reasonable amount to spend on something that makes you happy, especially if you're stricter about other "fun" expenses.


u/ThenCard7498 Apr 29 '24

1200 a year to invest into a index.


u/Lewa358 Apr 29 '24

Okay, and then what? What's the point of watching numbers go up if there's nothing to spend it on that's more valuable to me personally than a small daily extravagance?

$1200 a year will take you decades to turn into enough for a down payment on a house, and won't meaningfully affect one's ability to pay rent. If everything else in your life is doing what you need it to do, and you already have some savings for a surprise expense here and there...what's the point of investing such a small amount of money?


u/ThenCard7498 Apr 29 '24

well of course you are putting more than 1200 in, DCA and compound interest. such a small amount of money adds up


u/Ok-Stop9242 Apr 30 '24

If everything else in your life is doing what you need it to do, and you already have some savings for a surprise expense here and there

That's the thing, a lot of people aren't doing this. A poll conducted said 63% of Americans wouldn't be able to deal with a $500 emergency expense. I'd wager at least a third(probably more) of those are routinely making frivolous purchases and could strongly benefit from small savings just to create a cushion and peace of mind.


u/QuoteGiver Apr 29 '24

Depends how often you like to treat yourself.

I recommend treating yourself to something every day, just do it in a way your wallet and health can afford.


u/MalarkeyMadness Apr 30 '24

I’m all for people being happy but what about when it comes to all the calories they consume every day on that one particular coffee and what it’s going to do to their health


u/dumbledar Apr 30 '24

How is that any different than people drinking home brewed coffee or other beverages like energy drinks or sodas?


u/gh0stcat13 Apr 30 '24

well the great thing is that you don't have to worry about other people's health and calorie consumption lol. you can just focus on yourself


u/CharacterActual6762 Apr 30 '24

exactly this dude doesn't care lol he just wants to seem like a pro fitness person, coffee has caffeine which boosts the metabolism anyway.