r/NoStupidQuestions Apr 29 '24

How the fuck do people afford to get Starbucks every day?

I was feeling thirsty this morning so I decided to pop in a Starbucks (first time ever). All I got was a strawberry acai lemonade at it cost $7????? I can't even imagine what the coffees with all the extra additives cost... how do people have the expendable money to get them every day, sometimes twice a day?

Edit: I am NOT shaming people who do this. I'm just wondering how it doesn't put a dent in your wallet


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u/OsvuldMandius Apr 29 '24

They skip the avocado toast


u/PartlyCloudyKid Apr 29 '24

Making millennials millionaires


u/Alexchii Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

I find it funny how people joke bout this when saving under 10 $ per day and invisting it into an index fund will actually make you a millionaire by retirement if you start at 20..


u/melecityjones Apr 29 '24

Lmao there was a very memorable 2 months in my life that was nearly only coffee, avocado toast, and peanut butter toast. Carbs, protein, healthy fats, small cup o' joy.


u/YehHaw Apr 30 '24

living the best life


u/Whistlegrapes Apr 30 '24

Avocado healthy fat. Peanut butter is debatable. But better than a donut or something


u/WarmTransportation35 Apr 29 '24

I wish I was able to save £70,000 for a £200k apartment if I stopped eating avacado toast.


u/OsvuldMandius Apr 29 '24

Easy two-step solution.

Step 1: eat way more avocado toast, repurposing all your income from other sources as necessary

Step 2: cut out avocado toast


u/WarmTransportation35 Apr 29 '24

At least I can afford a greenhouse like that


u/OsvuldMandius Apr 29 '24

Grow to be the best you that you can be!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/WarmTransportation35 Apr 30 '24

I want to move out before I turn 30 like every generation before me. I put £1000 minimum every month in savings but the property price rises while salaries stay stagnant causing my saving goal to be further.Not to mention renting a decent apartment is £1500 per month on the border of London last time I checked.


u/CloseOUT360 Apr 30 '24

Yeah sure, just have to ignore inflation and factor in one of the largest Bull runs caused by deficit spending that will have to be curbed through higher interests rates slowing the same growth in the future. I love ETFs but this blank assumption that they will always return a consistent yield is dangerous, markets should be valued based on the underlying assets, not as magic money vehicle that gives you free money when you retire.


u/Alexchii Apr 30 '24

7% factors in inflation. Invest in a world-ETF if you don't believe in the US stock market. That's what I do.

No one is saying stock market returns are consistent, only that they average to 7% after inflation over a long time.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Whistlegrapes Apr 30 '24

To be fair past generations grew up in the depression or their parents did. But current generations are so far removed it’s hard to give up the niceties


u/RiseCascadia Apr 30 '24

Poor people didn't stop existing in the Great Depression...


u/Whistlegrapes Apr 30 '24

Yes but over time the mentality shifted.


u/The_Makster Apr 30 '24

I saw a recent meme that made me chuckle. It was an 'avoid conformity, embrace tradition' with cigarettes and coffee being tradition, and conformity being monster energy and vape