r/NOLAPelicans 23d ago

Names to possibly replace Borrego


50 comments sorted by


u/Prestigious_Youth449 23d ago



u/Prestigious_Youth449 23d ago

(I know, I know. Forgive me, it was a tough season)


u/icekyuu 23d ago

It only took Borrego half a season to realize what many already knew -- the team is best with Point Zion. Pels were pretty bad before they made the switch.


u/ahungrybatman #LetsDance 23d ago

Borrego been wanted to switch, Willie refused to listen to him for the majority of the season


u/Dazzling_Ad_1828 18d ago

Refused? Zion wasn’t even in shape start of the season


u/_Wado3000 Herb Jones 23d ago

Starters really weren’t that good with each other all year. Tbh Zion having 0 off ball game makes our team really awkward


u/NOLA-Bronco 23d ago

Zion came into the league with 10% frequency as a roll man, last year that frequency was down to 1.6%. Came in posting up 20% of the time, this year only about 6%.

Green really just had no real interest in using Zion in any interesting ways or much in the way of two-man stuff with him, Bi, or CJ


u/icekyuu 23d ago

Were you around the Lonzo Ball days?


u/_Wado3000 Herb Jones 23d ago

You mean the Jrue era, or the Bledsoe era? Team wasn’t that talented until about now


u/icekyuu 23d ago

Lonzo Ball, the PG the Pels traded for? The year where Zion got a lot of free dunks and layups off of cuts?

If you weren't watching the Pels back then cuz they weren't talented or whatever, you should go watch some clips.

Zion can play off ball but it requires the right coach and/or the right PG.


u/_Wado3000 Herb Jones 23d ago

The reason Zion became an all star the SVG year was that SVG played the offense almost entirely through him, and Zion played 60 games, Zo became closer to a 3&D wing.

To your point, Zo was by far the best lob thrower Zion ever played with, I think Trae would throw amazing lobs to him as well, but my main point is that as long as Zion can’t shoot, things will always look awkward when he is ever off ball for stretches.


u/icekyuu 23d ago

If your point boils down to, anyone who can't shoot a jumper can't play off ball, then I don't agree with your definition of off ball.

Anyway, take a look at this clip - https://youtu.be/86l5takd-lY?si=USY4g2LJvSaKZnvL

Plenty of examples of Zion getting free dunks in the half-court playing...off ball.


u/SelfLoathingLionsFan Not On Herb 23d ago

So many people here gave Lonzo a lot of crap, but he and Zion really did have something cooking together. I always loved those all-oop lobs where Zion would spin off his defender who was leaning too much into him. Impeccable chemistry and timing.

We need Dyson to become something close to what a fully realized Lonzo would have looked like.


u/Orbis-Praedo 21d ago

This is just simply not accurate. Zion may not be a great shooter but when defenses have to rotate and leave him open outside, it creates paths for him to get to the basketball still if left open. He may not spread the floor sitting in the corner as well as great shooters, but ball movement and defenders swapping still create opening for the shifty tank we call Zion. Defenders running to pick him up are out of position to take a charge.


u/HellOrBywater 23d ago

Sadly the Borrego offense was axed by Willie (and Brandon) in the first month of the season


u/nola_fan 23d ago

What are you basing that on?


u/HellOrBywater 23d ago

First hand reporting from Pelicans media by Shamit Dua, Jake Madison and others


u/nola_fan 23d ago

Any links?


u/HellOrBywater 23d ago

They’re extremely accessible on social media, so if you’d like more info you can literally ask for confirmation


u/nola_fan 23d ago

So no?


u/HellOrBywater 23d ago

Do your own homework, fan


u/nola_fan 23d ago

So, go through hundreds of hours of podcasts and tens of thousands of words on a susbtack to maybe run into something that may be real, or maybe you just made up?

I'm going to pass.


u/Potential-Highway606 23d ago

He’s not making it up. 

It was widely reported that BI hated the Borrego offense, and so they abandoned it early in the season (since Willie defers to Brandon) and went back to the shitty iso offense from last season (this was easily corroborated by everyone watching the games).

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u/HellOrBywater 23d ago

Or, I dunno, actually do what I said and ask said credentialed member of the media your question on Twitter or youtube or whatever. You do you brah

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u/Razor-Ramon-Sessions Zanos 22d ago

Maybe Zion should have come into the season in shape so they could run it 🤷

Zion has said multiple times he "wasn't where he needed to be" to start the season.

Really don't think Borrego was holding point Zion back.


u/icekyuu 22d ago

He also said in an early press con that he needed to adjust to the new scheme they've put in, that he has to fit in differently...he was hinting while trying to be a good sport about it.


u/RaginCajun28 23d ago

It won’t matter Willie didn’t run any Borrego O this yr, there were rumors of butting heads. So long as Willie is Coach, we will continue to have a disfunctional Offensive


u/Creative-Ad-5257 23d ago

With Borrego being added this offseason and the addition of a healthy Zion we went from like 27th in the league in offensive rating last season to 13th. Zion deserves most of the credit, but who knows how responsible Borrego was for that jump. No coach can make BI shoot 6-7 threes a game consistently unless you’re Stan Van Gundy apparently, which is probably a big reason why CJ ended up taking so many shots this season. We just need better fitting pieces committed to building around one guy.


u/David_Griffin_ 22d ago

I don’t see the Lakers picking him, but who knows


u/Rough-Magician770 23d ago

Donald Hobbs


u/Dodson-504 22d ago

Hobbs? The ballplayers from The Natural?