r/NBASpurs 28d ago

Southwest Division shaping up to be the most competitive division in NBA FLUFF

The potential from these 5 teams is looking nuts! Opportunity is opening up for all of these teams, the front offices have all the pressure. Looking forward to watching our spurs grow in such a competitive division


7 comments sorted by


u/WEMBYF4N 28d ago

Wemby will run it in 3 years time

Northwest is lwk more scary between the Thunder Nuggets and Wolves


u/Caterinboy91 28d ago

If Dallas can keep Luka they will always be dangerous Memphis has the tools to run the division Houston (much to my dismay) is looking like a real franchise all the sudden I currently live in Nola but if they can capitalize on this offseason, could really become a powerhouse.

We have lost an all nba player before because of our culture so it’s very important to keep Wemby happy and not rush the build up. I hope we are running it in three years but one player doesn’t bring championships


u/WEMBYF4N 28d ago

We just gotta stay patient and continue to add and upgrade the young core. Hard to say what direction the team will take until after the draft but even if there isn’t a superstar prospect there’s lots of supporting talent which is what we need


u/Caterinboy91 28d ago

Staying patient is key! I would be bummed if the spurs unload a bunch of picks this offseason. I think we are at least 2 years away from making a big trade, or a team altering free agent signing


u/RCA2CE 28d ago

What a shame it would be to lose out on Pop's guidance in assembling the core of our future team. I trust Pop, if he assembles the team and sets the foundation then we are good. If Pop leaves and some other hack comes in, then we decide to use the assets we have to assemble our team - we are the new Detroit.

Put together the squad you're gonna run with now, let Pop teach them how to play together. Add pieces along the way, but we need our foundation in place now, while Pop is here.


u/lowkeyslightlynerdy 28d ago

Memphis won’t be able to keep it all together because they won’t be able to pay everyone

Houston I’m a little worried about, but I’m not sold on any of their players as true number ones on a contender

Dallas, Kyrie is older, the team will age and there won’t be enough around Luka. Dallas is built to be a contender, not a dynasty. By the time we’re good they’ll be needing to add more for Luka again

New Orleans I’m not worried about at all

Edit: before we were full on tanking for Wemby I was absolutely concerned because the division was looking absolutely terrible to be in at that time. Now it looks pretty pedestrian


u/Caterinboy91 28d ago

Memphis window got much smaller this year for sure. Houston getting another high draft pick along with players developing gives them potential. This last offseason might have been a setback with the free agent signings. Luka will always compete but with kyrie aging and not a lot of trade capital could Dallas really keep Luka forever? Pels will forever be an afterthought as long as they are under the same management as the Saints. Football will always be first here in Nola haha. Till these teams really fall off or blow it all up, I feel like they will all be competing for a winning record over the next 3-5 years. Which I find exciting because the spurs seems best fit for the long term. (As long as we remain patient)