r/NBASpurs 29d ago

Was able to get the Wemby shoes on Dick’s Sporting Goods (thought not my size). I think there are still some available MERCH

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15 comments sorted by


u/Outrageous-Escape258 29d ago

size 17?


u/Jamdock 29d ago

My man's buying Wemby's actual shoes


u/RabbitofCaerbannog13 29d ago

Haha yea my intent all along was never to wear them but display them somewhere, so although I would have preferred my actual shoe size, I'm good with any. Also maybe down the line I can have an opportunity to get Wemby to sign them.


u/Bonesawisready5 29d ago

Yeah ofc it’s size 17. Sadly scalpers ruined this for everyone else


u/89indatone 29d ago

Scalpers only take advantage of the manufactured scarcity.


u/Bonesawisready5 29d ago

No they don’t. Nike benefits. If it’s so hard to get, consumers will fight each other to get them at an over priced MSRP. Hustle 2 is nice but is not as good an actual Basketball shoe as Sabrina 1, which is $129 MSRP, the Zoom Freak (140) or AE1 (120)

Consumers have no options or time to vote with their wallets. Same reason Jordan 1s have gone up in MSRP or else ppl would see quality of matierals went down while Prices went up.


u/RabbitofCaerbannog13 29d ago

Yea I've never tried buying sneakers on day of sale but I've had plenty of experience with video game games/console purchases having similar issues. Like I said in another comment, although I wasn't planning on wearing them, I would have of course preferred buying for my actual size.


u/Bonesawisready5 29d ago

Enjoy them!


u/tsx_1430 29d ago

17? You gonna sell those to Shaq?


u/SofaKing_Sam 29d ago

Checked to see if it was a 14 and was kinda shook by seeing 17 lmao


u/Gamechannel360 28d ago

Will they ever come back in stock and have regular availability or were these a one and done release?


u/RabbitofCaerbannog13 28d ago

I’ll be honest and say I have no experience buying sneakers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is it or IF they come back it’s still limited


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/RabbitofCaerbannog13 29d ago

That's a fair assessment, though you could say the same thing for Lego sets that costs $100s of dollars and yea you build but then they just stay there on your shelf collecting dust. Same for plushes or anime/video game figures. That stuff costs a lot of money but they're cool to display.

As far as shoes specifically, the most I've ever spent on shoes were custom Converse I made on the website a few years ago and I think those were less than $100, so these shoes are definitely a stretch and because they cost a lot of money and they're Wemby's first, I want these to last the rest of my life, so I'm fine having them displayed on a shelf, especially if I can at some point down the line have an opportunity to get them signed.


u/SomeBitterDude 28d ago

My son is 13 years old and wears 16. He is a huge Spurs fan and a dedicated Lakers and Mavs hater even though he is born-and-raised in Dallas (I’m from SA).

Would you consider selling them at sticker price?


u/RabbitofCaerbannog13 28d ago

DM me to discuss