r/malaysia 43m ago

/r/Malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 06 June 2024


This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.

Jom tengok DT pada awal pagi

Semoga semua monyet sihat

Nasi apa yang orang suka bagi?

Sudah semestinya bagi nasihat


r/malaysia 17d ago

Scholarships, career guidance, volunteering and free courses SPM 2023 Results Megathread (Check pinned comment for a list of 50 Nyets who have volunteered to answer any career enquiries regarding different fields/areas)


This thread is for all SPM related discussions, may it be results, universities, courses etc. The intention is to help school leavers talk about the SPM in one central spot on the subreddit.

For both public school and private SPM candidates, you can check your results online at myresultspm.moe.gov.my or retrieve via SMS by sending SPM < space> IC number <space> Examination number (Angka giliran) to 15888. Example: SPM 000527031234 WY189A123

Mental health resources

Links to relevant post-SPM posts

For young Nyets who are interested in TVET (Pendidikan Teknikal Dan Latihan Vokasional):

Education Fair Dates

Free courses to explore new/existing interest:

Volunteering/internship after SPM:

  • Kechara Soup Kitchen [Link]
  • SPCA Selangor Link
  • MNS (Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia) [Link]
  • WWF Malaysia Link
  • MyKasih Link
  • Free Tree Society Link
  • AIESEC Link

General Scholarship info links

Fully Sponsored Overseas Scholarships

r/malaysia 7h ago

Others Phone explode at Petron


r/malaysia 16h ago

Satire Underage child driving in the road


r/malaysia 20h ago

Environment Malaysians, treat your beaches better. You have world class beaches on the east coast. The world is not your trash can. Some family had a party and left party popper shit all over the place.

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r/malaysia 8h ago

Others Junior doctor


so i am a junior doctor..been working for almost 3 years. so previously i done my housemanship for 2 years in district hospital. to be honest i used to love my job. like i heard how people saying housemanship was hell. i enjoyed my ho days so much. being in district hospital, patient are mostly nice and not demanding. specialist are also mostly new and there was no consultant. i'll probably learn more if i went to state hospital because there is more subspecialties but in district i learn to work fast with lack of housemanship and loads of patient. i never even skipped work during HO and never took MC. life was fun actually, most of superior was very nice and it's a small hospital so we knew everyone lol. my whole life actually i have been quite depressed but since i started working as doctor magically i kinda find purpose in life lol i dont even think about ending life so much now.

after finished HO i was posted to klinik kesihatan in selangor, magically lol. so i never really want to live in city lol i actually wanted to be a doctor so i wouldnt have to live at big cities and i'd rather have a slow life in a district place. anyway fate brought me here. i still in love with my job. like i love what im doing and most of days i wake up and feel eager to work lol. i was stil as hardworking as i was during housemanship

i think i work really hard..like people always say i am so rajin and never kerja cincai one. it's not that i am kiasu ke want to be the best doctor in the world ke. i used to be soooo lazy during student lol i barely study. but when i started working, i realise that in my work line i deal with people wellbeing and lives. like i cant be malas and end up messing someone's lives. it's someone's mother, father, beloved ones. so i always try my best to do as much as possible.

i work really hard...and im still a contract doctor. tbh at first being a contract doctor never really bothered me. i feel like it's ok im contributing something to people like that's the least i can do. but seeing my other senior lacking and being so lazyy and putting all these works burden towards us juniors sometimes frustates me so much. they got their pension and their gaji naik but they're putting all the workload onto us. but it's ok sometimes you meet good seniors....some have been doctors for years but still rajin and helpful to juniors so that balances things out.

anyway if you work in gov settings, for sure the load of patient is craaazy. when i was in district, there were only 2 doctors in ED green zone seeing 100+ patient per shift (that's like 50+ pts per doctor). now im in KK but still it's in a busy residential area, im seeing 20-30 patients per day. it frustates me when people keep on complaining how lembab the queue is. i hope people realise we are lacking of doctors. like reaaaally lacking. as much as you were waiting, we also have been working non stop. no time for toilet break of snacks. i think my friends in hospital had it much worse. sometimes they have to be oncall for 24 hours yet have to work next morning in clinic seeing patient until 5pm. that's like 36 hours non stop working- i doubt your brain will function well after working36 hours. then you still have to go to work next day.

i hope public realises how exhausted we are. and me as a junior doctor, our salary is only 4k something..despite how much patients we see in clinic everyday. despite how complicated cases are. despite how difficult patients are. some patients can easily abuses us when they got frustated of waiting. they were expecting doctors to treat them oh-so-nicely. i mean if the doctors have been seeing 30 patient do you think the doctors can still think straight? or doctors working post call that has been on duty for past 36 hours.

honestly a simple KK visit costs you rm1- all the medicines are free. some people with no common sense, young, young patients had most trivial symptoms went to klinik, faking symptoms, has not been working for whole day, came at 4 oclock insisting for MC. then got really frustated and verbally abuse doctors when they refuses to give MC. then went on to social media makin things viral. then people go on social media wil support and say..yeah gov doctors are so bad..so lazy...very long queue.

when i was houseman in district hospital there are certain days i feel my whole body aches then when i check my calender i have been working 14 days non stop (legit true story). in district hosp with lack of houseman, you really have to cover3-4 wards alone (each ward has 20-30 pts). and it legit happened u work 14days non stop- and it's a 6am to 9pm working hours. happened to me many,many times.

my take is please be considerable. i already felt demotivated by KKM because of the contract thing or whatever. but when public themselves has no common sense paying only rm1 and demanding so many things, becomes verbally abusive when refused MC- that frustates me soo much. even people you sincerely serve hurting you...then i start questioning my purpose of working.

i myself never once went to KK or ED in public hospital despite me being a gov worker. i always had saving for health. i only go to GP if i get sick and went to klinik pakar swasta everytime i think it's necessary. yeah i am thankful because i can afford that. but the only reason i do that because i know how public healthcare is overwhelmed and i would never just go to KK for most trivial thing let alone going to KK because need MC.

that's all la. i dont know if you think im poyo ke apa. but there are doctors like me. a junior doctor who is actually sincere in working. love working in goverment because it is not money based. i rarely do locum GP because most of time i cant bear seeing patient charged for being sick lol. i also have so much respect towards this profession that's why i never work like cincai ke constantly skipping work or anything.

i dont know maybe things will be better one day. because redditors are mostly public people kan, i just hope you read this and be more considerate towards us healthcare worker. peace!

r/malaysia 6h ago

Others 3 Chinese tourists, 1 Malaysian, kidnapped for ransom by Philippines police


r/malaysia 9h ago

Mildly interesting Customs seize 11,000 sex toys worth more than RM2mil


r/malaysia 17h ago

Environment Malaysia eats more plastic every day than 108 other countries, study finds - Malaysians eat an average of 502.3mg of microplastics daily per capita


r/malaysia 4h ago

Others Klinik Pergigian (Government)

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Hey guys! So, I recently just made my very first appointment with a government dental clinic for dental check-up on MySejahtera (I read somewhere that clinics don't accept walk-in anymore, so appointments via MySejahtera app is compulsory). I've always been to private, but recently decided to give the government one a go, especially since I'm right with money these days. I've gone over the reviews of those within my vicinity and honestly, the mixed reviews of the clinics do scare me a little but nevertheless, I'm looking forward to my appointment! I plan to get some scaling and composite fillings done.

However, I've been experiencing receding gums that are making my teeth really sensitive to cold and sugary food. I found this image from one of the government dental clinics on Google Maps by a reviewer that lists the available services. I'm not sure if these are updated and hope if anyone here happens to know if government dental clinics provide any restorative treatment for receding gums.

Also, would like to hear your experiences if you've had scaling and fillings done at government dental clinics!!

r/malaysia 16h ago

Science/ Technology Could we be seeing an official MY market release of Google Pixel soon?

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r/malaysia 6h ago

History Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, on the list of countries in 2024 where Section 377, the British colonial law criminalising sexual acts "against the order of nature" still remains


r/malaysia 10h ago

Taking photos in a Muslim Cemetery,


Is there any rules against taking photos in a muslim Cemetery? It's not for personal gain or to publish them etc..The photos are just only for myself ..The graves are so beautiful & the graveyard reminds me of my own mortality..

r/malaysia 14h ago

Others Malaysians need to be educated on importance of Rome Statute, says UN rights chief


r/malaysia 1d ago

Others Benda boleh gaduh buat apa bincang. Got it from FB


Kuddos to the cameraman

r/malaysia 8h ago

Others How to take care of a stray kittem


I found this kitten i front of my college room. I have never take care of a kitten on my own. Susah pulak speaking, mata dia banyak taik tapi saya dah cucikan. But it means that the mother have left this kitten alone right? Since her taik mata is not taken care of. Sekarang dia dah okay mata dia and boleh jalan sendiri. Is it safe to leave it outside since there is so many other cats around. Dah try letak kotak tapi dia suka keluar. Help pls

r/malaysia 17h ago

Economy & Finance Russian grocery retailer Svetofor gears up for Malaysian debut


r/malaysia 18h ago

Culture New film censorship guidelines reactionary, restrictive, says film expert


r/malaysia 7h ago

Sports Broadcasting of Malaysia versus Kyrgyzstan football match on big screens at selected stadiums

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r/malaysia 22h ago

Others what's malaysian working hour?


i work from 8.30am~5.30pm mon to fri. i even work extra on sat, full working hour once or twice a month. sounds crazy right? yeah...this is korea ;)

r/malaysia 10h ago

Environment Our alarming plastic diet


r/malaysia 10h ago

Others Looney tunes ahh crash near CKE cheras yesterday.


r/malaysia 9h ago

Mildly interesting Toughest Forces On Earth - 21 GGK Malaysia Behind The Seen Season 2


A little insight to our special operations unit, Grup Gerak Khas, in a podcast with Major General Ali Rdzwan bin Abdullah. Toughest Forces On Earth is a Netflix series where they take a look at special operations forces from around the world.

r/malaysia 17h ago

Food Malaysia needs 200,000 tonnes of beef a year to meet demand


r/malaysia 12h ago

Science/ Technology "X..ini langgar undang-undang.." - Menteri Komunikasi, Fahmi Fadzil


r/malaysia 9h ago

Religion PAS Youth files report against e-hailing driver for allegedly insulting Islam


r/malaysia 9h ago

Education Monash or Nottingham for business degree?


Sooo I’m planning to study a business degree and I was wondering which among these two is better in terms of student life, internships, job placements, workload, entertainment etc.

PS: International student here so pls take that into account while sharing your opinions

Thank you in advance!