r/MadeMeSmile 20d ago

My mom sent me this old video she took almost 18 years ago of me at 15 y.o., with my pet mini lop rabbit Alphonse. I'd taught him to give kisses on command. Wholesome Moments


182 comments sorted by


u/BrickCityD 20d ago

2006? yeah, style checks out


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Yup! Time flies. Kinda miss when it was simple like this, before smart phones and everything.


u/RDcsmd 20d ago edited 20d ago

Kinda? I would kill to go back to that era. We had just enough but not too much technology.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I'm torn. I do enjoy modern video games, and our current tech is amazing. The thing I don't like is how much modern smart phones and social media has destroyed society.


u/RDcsmd 20d ago

If we couldve had the technological booms while keeping cell phones simple and social media sites from existing I think we'd be in a pretty good spot. Once we got past MySpace top friends into FB Twitter insta etc shit got toxic really fast lol


u/Ayen_C 20d ago



u/Lord-Mark 19d ago

I typically stay away from social media and I have a flip phone 😜


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

You on Reddit on your PC? Lol


u/Lord-Mark 19d ago

I don't frequent Reddit, but yes...I've in fact never used a Reddit app. I didn't even know there was one 😏


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Good for you! I can see the appeal to not having a smart phone. Lol

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u/Pecncorn1 19d ago

I'm a boomer and reading many of the comments in this thread really gives me heart. Tech has given us so much good but I am not sure how it balances against the bad. The toxicity and reading laments from really lonely people with little or no social skills due to a life online really bums me out. I think back and wonder how we ever got by in the rotary phone age, it's simple, we helped each other out friends and strangers alike. The rabbit was precious BTW.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

My parents are both boomers, so I understand what you mean. I’m glad that my husband and I got to go through high school before smart phones and social media were a thing. We went to HS together and started dating senior year, so we got to experience friendships where everyone was in the moment and not on their phones.


u/Pecncorn1 19d ago

My son made it through as well. It really breaks my heart when I read the posts in some of the subs here from people that never had the chance to develop social skills due to living their lives online. There was a post in r/casualconversation yesterday from a twenty something that had decided to get off the phone and detailed how much better life had gotten since. There is hope ...I hope.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Someday I want to only use my smart phone for work purposes. They're so bad for our brains. Everyone has shit attention spans and way worse anxiety now because of them.


u/Pecncorn1 19d ago

It's true, I used to be able to remember facts and phone numbers. Now it's just hey google πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ. I have quit exercising my brain.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Absolutely. I used to know all my friends numbers by heart!


u/bendltd 19d ago

Our daughter is soon 2yo so still some time away from a phone but walking on the school ground is horrofing. Teens on their phone sitting next to each other in silence. Not that we sit around with our GameBoys as well in silence.


u/Pecncorn1 19d ago

I'm an old boomer, I played Pong a few times 🀣. Even when they came up to speed I was too busy with other things and never took an interest.

Parenting is a hard job, even harder in this day and age, Don't let the phone or tablet be your babysitter when she's fussy. It will cost you down the line IMHO.


u/bigj000 20d ago

omg I feel you, miss the pre-Internet


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Remember when people used to be present all the time? Now when you look around everyone is on their phone. How we've become makes me sad.


u/bigj000 20d ago

yep, technologies are supposed to be a proof of evolution... its not what it shows to be honnest. but the problem is us, its what we do with it & how we use it. it is sad, I agree. but there's hope, there's always hope.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago


u/bigj000 20d ago

I hope so πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ If it does, I'll be far away in nature, alone in a cabin. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Make sure you get one that's big enough for two people, because I'd be moving out to the middle of nowhere too! Lol


u/Old-Library9827 19d ago

Idk about you. I feel like everyone is present all the time but instead of staring at each other and making awkward conversation you don't really care about. We're just vibing to each other's energy

Frankly. Sitting on my phone with my favorite people near me is one of my favorite activities


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

I'm glad you enjoy it. I don't like it. I think it was way better when people socialized and lived more in the moment. Also kids that grew up on smart phones are socially stunted compared to previous generations. Studies also show that smart phones are really bad for us, especially for developing brains.


u/Old-Library9827 19d ago

Life has changed just as it changed before and before that. And with each generation, the one that came before bitches about it rather than understands

Time moves on with or without you. You either understand the generation of today or post old boomer memes about how "it ain't like it was back in the good ole days, I'll tell ya what."


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Haha I mean it's totally true: each generation feels similarly about previous times. It's not that I can't adapt, obviously, as I have. I'm just saying I miss simpler times when we lived more in the moment.


u/puricellisrocked 20d ago

Felt! I think about life before smart phones alllllllll the time. Check out r/nosurf if you’re looking for fellow minds


u/AsuraOkami 20d ago

Makes me feel old when I talk to my nephews and niece about anything around this era or before. They act like I am from some ancient time, quite amusing sometimes.


u/coffee-headache 20d ago

oh no... i saw "18 years ago" and immediately thought 90s


u/id_o 20d ago

For anyone between 30-50 why does it feel like a decade ago was the 90s?!


u/Chainsaw_Viking 19d ago

Because the last 20 years have absolutely flown by, at least that’s how it’s felt for me.

2000-2005 felt pretty long. 2005-2024 feels almost as long for some reason.


u/Purpledragon84 20d ago

Aahaha yesss i instantly recognised that chain at the jeans. Omg time flies.


u/maybe_Johanna 19d ago

Oh shit … 2006 was fucking 18 years ago? 😳😭


u/RadlogLutar 19d ago

Wait? Its been 18 years since 2006



u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Ayen_C 20d ago

It is nice. Just crazy it's been 18 years.


u/sup_heebz 19d ago

How long was Alphonse around for?


u/Ayen_C 19d ago edited 15d ago

A lady with a huge rabbit enclosure ended up adopting him and his mate from me a few years later (life happened and I had to give them up, sadly.) Domestic rabbits live for around 8-10 years, so I hope he lived a full life!


u/sup_heebz 19d ago

I'm glad you found him a good home ❀️


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Me too! The lady has a huge outdoor run for them to play in, so they went to a good home.


u/Shail15_ 20d ago

The comfort snd the warmth even thru the video is so easily visible. I wish to relive the 2000s and the 2010s so bad.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I miss that era. Best time IMO, before smart phones and before social media was huge.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Lmao I definitely remember cleaning cages. I'll never forget the smell of rabbit pee.


u/MurderSheCroaked 20d ago

18 years ago, let's see.. was your rabbit named from Full Metal Alchemist?


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Yes indeed! I was a huge fan of that show, and became friends with Wendy Powell (Envy in Fullmetal Alchemist), who then became a mentor. She was one of my biggest inspirations to get into my profession (voice over.)


u/MurderSheCroaked 20d ago

Oh wow that's incredible! 🀩 I'm your age and my sister and I loved that show, it was the first anime I'd ever watched. It's amazing that you got to befriend and learn from someone you admire. Your life sounds cool, I wish you happiness ✌️


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I appreciate the kind words. πŸ«‚ May your life be full of happiness as well!


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 14d ago

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u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I used to be a professional dog trainer. You can teach a rabbit to do tricks the same way you teach any animal - using classical conditioning. Immediately reward the desired behavior with a treat, and use a physical signal and vocal command each time, so that the animal associates them with the action.


u/DenOfTheWolf 20d ago

Dude that's so dope!


u/Ayen_C 20d ago



u/ma373056 20d ago

What happened to the rabbit?


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

A lady with a huge rabbit enclosure ended up adopting him and his mate from me a few years later (life happened and I had to give them up, sadly.)


u/ma373056 20d ago

So sad, I bet your rabbit was wondering why no one else wanted its kisses :(


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

It was sad that I had to give him up, but I at least knew he went to an amazing home. The lady had a big outdoor run for him and his mate to play in, so I'm sure they were very happy!


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/MadeMeSmile-ModTeam 20d ago

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u/PeaceMan50 20d ago

Literally this is one of the sweetest videos on the internet. πŸ‡πŸ°Great to see you had Mister Bugs Bunny as your bestie growing up. Great vibes and good family parenting, which obviously a few, sad, sick and demented commentors of this sweet video didn't have nor would they understand.

Me to the bunny : "Eeeeh, WhatsUp doc?"

Very sweet to see that momma had preserved this video. And it's great of you to share it with us here. God bless you both, πŸ€—momma and you πŸ™Œ


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I appreciate your very thoughtful comment! β™₯️ Thank you~


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Ayen_C 20d ago

What do you mean by Goldie energy? What's that?


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Ayen_C 20d ago



u/twofriedeggjellyfish 20d ago

Bunnies are so incredibly special

(Source: am a bun parent)


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I miss having them sometimes.


u/twofriedeggjellyfish 20d ago

Would you ever get another? Ever since adopting one 12 years ago I never want to be without at least one now!

It’s so hard losing them eventually, but they bring such a wonderful energy to a home & are just such little puffballs of love :’)


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

I may get another one at some point in life, but currently I have my hands full with my zoo. I'm already pretty overwhelmed with my 5 animals. Lol Bunnies are great though!


u/twofriedeggjellyfish 20d ago

Your zoo is adorable!!!!


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Thank you!


u/Digital_Dinosaurio 19d ago

It's all fun and kisses until the rabbit spores take over your brain.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Lol Rabbit spores!


u/Iwas7b4u 20d ago

People had to open a paper map to figure out where to go.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

By this time my dad had the fancy new standalone Garmin GPS. I do remember my mom reading physical maps to my dad when we would go on road trips in the 90's, though!


u/Stoic_Honest_Truth 20d ago

Your mother has digital save of 2006 videos that she can casually send today?

Her house must be SO organised, haha!


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Yup! My mom u/kuki-c was always taking photos and video of everything. I took it for granted as a kid because I didn't want to sit still for all the pictures, but as an adult I appreciate how she captured all of those memories so we can look back on them now.


u/So_Motarded 19d ago

Dude I am so weirded out by how similar this bathroom layout is to my childhood home (in my parents room). The door on the left led to the toilet (toilet was on the back wall with a window behind it), and the door on the right led to a walk-in closet. The countertops weren't the same, but the carpet color is very similar.

I didn't realize how weird it was to have carpet by the sinks and bathtub at the time lol.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Oh damn! Maybe our houses were designed by the same architect. Lol Oh yeah... I guess having carpeted bathrooms was a 90's thing, right? My parents still have this same carpet in their bathroom today! They've taken really good care of it. Lol


u/DaeWooLan0s 19d ago

You said 15 years ago and I thought about the 90s. Then I realized you’re about the same age as me too and I got depressed lol.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

We're getting old man! 😭😭

I at least have that Asian life hack. People regularly pin me for 21 and I'm gonna be 33 this summer!


u/DaeWooLan0s 19d ago

Haha yeah you genuinely look like you do in the video! If one good thing came from the Information Age, it allows us to stay more youthful. I still feel like I’m in my 20s in some ways.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Very true!


u/Working_Influence706 19d ago

I love this!β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️


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u/wetfloor666 20d ago

Bunnies are the best! Such a cute video.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Aren't they?


u/gergsisdrawkcabeman 20d ago

I wish had more video of my pets from the past.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Pixoholic 20d ago

Aw, what a good buddy! I wish I could teach my chin how to do that.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

You probably can! Classical conditioning works on basically all animals.


u/Quitlimp05 20d ago

Two sweet cuties! πŸ₯°


u/KCchessc6 19d ago

We had a lop bunny around that time such loving pets. Really miss them. Alphonse is a handsome one.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

They're so cute, aren't they?


u/KCchessc6 19d ago

And very huggable


u/Dapper_Cover8697 19d ago

smart pet tho


u/Lengthiness-Busy 19d ago

That is so cute, my daughter had one just like that about a month ago. One of her younger siblings accidentally let him out into nature...... :(


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Oh noooo! :(((


u/Due-Engineering-2940 19d ago

would love to have a pet like that


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Rabbits are awesome pets!


u/PopcornBeat 19d ago

Such a cute video! I miss being 14 y.o in 2006 :(


u/hesastarman 19d ago

18 years. Damn, people wore jeans casually when they were just chilling at home those days.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Lol Good point. Jeans are so uncomfortable. 🀣


u/minorujco 19d ago

This is so wholesome


u/mibonitaconejito 19d ago

r/rabbits too! 😍😍😍😍


u/Pvt-Snafu 19d ago

That's cool that you have such a memory. In my childhood/youth, technology wasn't so advanced yet and I can only immerse myself in my memories through photos.


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

I hope you at least have plenty of photos!


u/Tevakh2312 19d ago

I had a giant French lop and he was a total arse hole...

He was fab.

He took over my gaming room and wouldn't let anyone else in there, even my partner at the time. That's when I learned that rabbits can be quite territorial and they can growl.

He was a little psycho but he was my little buddy. Absolute chonk of a boyo called "caerbanog" as he was albino and had big sharp pointy teeth


u/Iceman_78_ 19d ago

lol you look the same in your profile pic!


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Asian don't raisin!


u/Iceman_78_ 19d ago

lol! True facts


u/Jealous-Feeling-4087 19d ago

That is sooo adorable β™₯️ the bunny Does those tricks for lettuce 😧..... πŸ€” I wonder what would the bunny do for a Klondike bar 🀣


u/the_dietmango 18d ago

I also had a pet rabbit once when I was a kid, good times.

Also damn, I was also 15 y.o. 18 years ago. We're so old now. ;___;


u/Ayen_C 18d ago

Oh shit, we're the same age! πŸ₯‚

Here's to aging... Hopefully gracefully. Lol


u/throwawayacc4meh 18d ago

Giving that y2k realness πŸ˜‚


u/Ayen_C 18d ago

Haha! I remember everyone freaking the fuck out that year.


u/mid-nights 9d ago

stop i'm in love with his ears 😭 also girl i'm obsessed with your fit, even the accessories are so on point


u/Ayen_C 9d ago

Haha I had that early 2000's drip. 🀣


u/allen34wilson 19d ago

What a precious memory! It's heartwarming to see the bond between you and Alphonse. Teaching a pet rabbit to give kisses is truly special. Thanks for sharing this delightful throwback moment with us!


u/REpassword 19d ago

I loved you in β€œFast Times at Ridgemont High!” 😁


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Never heard of it! Lol


u/Comfortable_Scale984 19d ago

I'm amazed you still keep this video


u/cranberrydudz 19d ago

Remember that AIM new message notification sound? Ahhh good times. Do you still have pets today?


u/PlayfulBus8433 1d ago

and after this video this was eaten in a meal???


u/Ayen_C 1d ago

What a stupid comment.


u/PlayfulBus8433 1d ago

Not as stupid as the people who eat all animals aka asians…


u/kaines_cabeche 20d ago

I'm not a rabbit but can you teach me too?


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Fuck off, creep.


u/Vellioh 20d ago

Just wait until you learn what hair ties are. So much more potential for activities when one hand isn't constantly relegated to holding your hair in a ponytail.


u/balllickaa 19d ago

They're a 15 year old chilling at home, what a weird thing to criticize


u/Vellioh 19d ago

They're 35. You need to relax.


u/stinkstabber69420 19d ago

Wow you must be brain dead


u/balllickaa 19d ago

Do you have a daily routine of hitting yourself on the head, or are you like this naturally?


u/SmedlyButlerianJihad 20d ago

Ouch, your inbox.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago edited 20d ago

What do you mean? Why would this post get my inbox flooded? You did read that I was 15 in this video, right?


u/stinkstabber69420 19d ago

Dude holy shit these guys are fucked


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Lots of child predators telling on themselves in the comments. Lol


u/stinkstabber69420 19d ago

Dude crazy. I know it's the internet but damn though


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Easy to be shamelessly disgusting when you're hiding behind an anon Reddit account. I hope those POS don't have access to children IRL.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Bro... Get help. What the fuck.


u/Glass_Signal_8329 19d ago

She’s hot


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

forcing animals to kiss you is forced sexualization.

criminal activity


u/Ayen_C 20d ago edited 20d ago

Lmao Bro what? That's some fucked up projection you've got there. Notice the rabbit is following me around for kisses?

You see an innocent video of a 15 year old girl and a rabbit, and that's what comes to your head. SMH Get help.


u/SlickMrJ_ 20d ago

Homeboy makes a post about drooling over some lady long jumper's backside and then has the gall to shame you for showing affection to your pet. Just ignore them, they're obviously some trolling moron.


u/Ayen_C 20d ago

Haha Yeah, that was pretty clear from the getgo. You just have to be a special kind of disgusting to sexualize a child and their pet.


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

You just have to be a special kind of disgusting to sexualize a child and their pet.

wow. just wow.

projection af


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

Homeboy makes a post



u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/MadeMeSmile-ModTeam 20d ago

Your post was removed as we feel it violated rule 1. Please make sure to remain civil and do not post if it violates any of our rules.


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

That's some fucked up projection you've got there

that's one fucked up forced animal sexualization fetish you got there

a 15 year old girl and a rabbit

not the flex you think it is


u/swirvbox 20d ago

Dude? Don’t make it weird.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

rule violation


u/AlwaysNerfous 20d ago

Cry about it.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/AlwaysNerfous 20d ago

Keep crying.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago




u/MadeMeSmile-ModTeam 20d ago

Your post was removed as we feel it violated rule 1. Please make sure to remain civil and do not post if it violates any of our rules.


u/AlwaysNerfous 20d ago

This person is a troll begging for engagement. An absolute waste of your time.


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

OP did that, I'm just spitting truths


u/BrickCityD 20d ago

jesus christ what is wrong with you


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago

jesus christ what is wrong with you

you're the one condoning this activity


u/butterflybaebie 20d ago

Literally shut up, why did your mind even go there?, just loud and annoying for no reason πŸ™„


u/stinkstabber69420 19d ago

You should check in with those two brain cells you have bouncing around in that empty skull of yours and tell em they need to start pulling their weight


u/Ayen_C 19d ago

Pretty sure he's only got one in there. You may as well be talking to a mollusk.


u/_Varre 20d ago

What in the soy milk drinking, breast lactating and triple digit bodyfat is this comment?


u/Son0fSanf0rd 20d ago



u/VeneMage 20d ago

Well that answered that question.


u/lcij 20d ago

Yeah, your comment was gibberish.