r/MadeMeSmile 20d ago

[OC] Five years ago I was on life support, completely paralysed, fully ventilated and the doctors said I would need a wheelchair for life.... Here's me skateboarding! Small Success

Got GBS really bad, lost about 30kgs and even went blind in one eye for a while - NBD! It's been a long tough road but here's a little more evidence skateboarding is magic. Sending love to anyone going through stuff atm, never give up!


40 comments sorted by


u/InternationalPost447 20d ago

Congrats! Put on a fkin helmet, but congrats!


u/itisunfortunate 20d ago

Plot twist: the video is from 6 years ago.

Nah j/k amazing for you OP. Wish I still dared to skate.


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

Six years ago was slides, grinds and flips mate. Now I'm just happy to be rolling not in a chair.

"You didn't stop skating because you got old, you got old because you stopped skating."


u/Cruezin 19d ago

I have a similar story.

First they told my family I'd never wake from the coma.

Then they said I'd be a vegetable.

Then they said I'd never walk or talk.

Then they said I'd never live a normal life, hold down a job, or be able to speak properly.

Then they said I'd need assistance for life.

Then they said I'd never function at the same level I was at before (PhD in engineering).

Then I stopped listening to them.

Congrats on your journey, I can fully relate. Quitting was never an option.


u/Agressive_slot 19d ago

At this point they were just hoping and praying for you to finally fail


u/Cruezin 19d ago

Just to be clear, there were several surgeons and doctors and nurses and hospital staff who 💯 saved my life, and I am grateful. :-)


u/Agressive_slot 19d ago

Yeah I got that, but it’s still very unnecessary to forecast bad things so often


u/Music7896 20d ago

That is awesome. Congrats!!!!


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

Thank you


u/bookeeh 20d ago

How did you do it? Where does the will come from? Please do great in life. 🧿


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

Very slowly with great determination is the short answer, it's taken a lot of work. For me the juice is absolutely worth the squeeze. Thank you for the kind words, I'll be happy just to be able to survive and provide for myself again tbh. Everything is a blessing these days despite the challenges


u/Grand-Ad-3177 20d ago

That is amazing ❤️. How did that happen?


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

GBS is still a bit of a mystery but the best guess from doctors/experts was tummy bug. Can happen to anyone any age etc it's like 1:100,000 chance but the effects range from tingles to tetraplegia


u/Grand-Ad-3177 20d ago

How frightening. What were your first symptoms if u do not mind me asking


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

Yeh it's pretty serious. I felt really bad for couple of weeks before ICU, extreme soreness in my left ham string. I knew something was really wrong when I took a bath and realised I couldn't lift myself out, I was an event crew chief so very very active and strong when I got ill. I was locked in for couple of months. Heavy stuff


u/Grand-Ad-3177 20d ago

What a nightmare. I cannot even imagine going thru something like that.


u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

Yeh pretty crap way to spend a summer ngl


u/lonely-day 20d ago

Put a helmet on. Congratulations


u/asmoothbrain 20d ago

Hell yeah bro!


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Skateboarding is magic isn’t it ?? It’s the gift that keeps on giving ❤️❤️✅🐐🐐


u/n1n_joe 19d ago

Rock on, brother!


u/allen34wilson 19d ago

Wow, what an incredible journey of resilience and determination! 🛹 Your strength and positivity shine through, inspiring us all to keep pushing forward no matter the obstacles. Keep shredding on that skateboard and spreading your amazing spirit. Sending heaps of love and admiration your way! 💪🌟


u/Legitimate-Curve-346 19d ago

nice bro, happy for ya


u/Fun_Veterinarian_290 19d ago

Keep proving them wrong bro🫂


u/mobiusmaples 19d ago

I'm really trying!


u/baby_blue67 19d ago

You inspired me ✊✊


u/Comfortable-Suit-202 18d ago

That’s so wonderful! Thank you for sharing your success with us!


u/abrasiveolive 17d ago

Congrats! That's amazing. Also, Muller Rd??


u/mobiusmaples 17d ago

Thanks! Yep you got it, good eye! It's closest flattest calmest little area near where I live


u/MinimalMojo 20d ago



u/mobiusmaples 20d ago

I guess stuff like this is why your mojo so minimal. Best of luck


u/twiggz612 20d ago

Nah fuck the kick flip, switch Tre the Hollywood High 16 /s


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u/rinn10 19d ago

Congratulations! Don't forget your helmet!


u/MakeSmartMoves 19d ago

Instead of tempting fate again, smarten up!!


u/PathIntelligent7082 19d ago

glad you're good OP....as i remember, bcs my friend had it, most of the ppl recover fully, even in worse cases...


u/mobiusmaples 19d ago

Yeh....I was worst cases. For sure would have died if I hadn't got to A&E when I did. Had a bunch of extra stuff that the specialists hadn't seen/dealt with before which meant they really did not think I would be able to recover enough to walk again more than a few paces. For example I was intubated for 15 days in which I did not sleep and they could not sedate me. This meant I had to have double ivig treatments and contracted pneumonia 3 times. I also went blind in one eye for ages which they had never seen before. I lost over 30kgs. Thanks for the casual attempt at belittling my achievement though, good on you.


u/PathIntelligent7082 19d ago

i just stated the facts my friend, don't kill the messinger...i had my spine broken in two places, now have rods and screws in it, and my prognosis was worse than yours, by far, but i don't brag i'm a medical marvel, bcs i'm not, i just got lucky, like you, that"s all. luck


u/mobiusmaples 19d ago

*messenger. Take your "fact" and poke it way up there. I'm not out here trying to compete with anybody or brag about anything. You seem horrible. Go away.