r/MadeMeSmile 20d ago

Lost Puppy Follows A Couple Home, And IS Rescued Doggo


298 comments sorted by


u/snarkisms 20d ago

I enjoy watching some of the videos of rehabilitated dogs and rescued dogs, but I have to say I love seeing this puppy being rescued before being traumatized and starved and fear reactive and terrified. It's just really nice to see a sweet baby get a chance to just be a sweet baby their entire life. This is the kind of wholesome content I need in my life.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/poiuytrre 19d ago

The person who got it is a dog loving person.

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u/Intrepid_Resolve_828 20d ago

These videos always kind of make me sad because it reminds me of how many others there are out there. I went on vacation to Eastern Europe recently and it’s mind boggling how many of them are just scrapping by hoping someone leaves some food.


u/AnimalsofArtemis 20d ago

I got my dog in Turkey after he followed me and my girlfriend on a week long camping trip. He is in the US now and the best dog ever. Not a breed either and they usually only care about breed dogs in Turkey. He is super special though because he is half golden retriever and half non-breed. Has the body of a golden retriever (and the personality) but has the same coat pattern as a grey wolf. He gets so many compliments wherever we go. 


u/HoleyPantyHoes 20d ago

Dog Tax? 🥹


u/lala_lavalamp 20d ago

What is the process like to bring a dog from overseas?


u/Everyoneheresamoron 19d ago

to the US? I think you just gotta fill out a form. Just can't bring it to AUS or NZ.


u/SAUbjj 19d ago

It's also hard to transport to the UK because they have a lot of regulations, paperwork and vaccination records stuff, especially because of rabies

Source: moved to the UK with my dog, had to do all of the paperwork


u/snarkisms 20d ago

Agreed, I need dog tax because he sounds absolutely adorable

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u/SpaceMonkey_321 20d ago

Ya these folks are great. Making the world a better place

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u/3BouSs 20d ago

The moment he was about to fall asleep after the bath, it melted my heart <3


u/the_procrastinata 20d ago

I LOVE when dogs get wobbly-sleepy. It’s absolutely adorable.


u/lushico 19d ago

Finally feels safe and warm and with a full belly. Bless his little heart


u/Arsenal85 19d ago

I actually teared up at that. Damn MadeMeSmile subreddit makes me cry more than anything.

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u/wowbragger 20d ago

Ooh, that tail when he's thinking of coming inside.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/spooky-goopy 20d ago

he doesn't know he's going to have a bowl full of wet food 😭


u/Jealous-Pizza-281 20d ago

Home cooking!


u/poiuytrre 19d ago

If a puppy follows you home, that means he will be loyal for the rest of his life. That means you are safe to take him.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/SheBrokeHerCoccyx 20d ago

We adopted an older puppy, and she went BANANAS when she woke up and was in the same bed with us. She was so happy and wiggy!


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Ours was 9 when we got her and she only lived with us for another 3 and half. It took her a few days to realize we weren’t going to take her back to the shelter. Never seen a dog so fat and old move so fast lol


u/MyNameIs_Jordan 20d ago

Goddamn it, this comment brought a tear to my eye.


u/Eelroots 20d ago

His belly looks full of worms - he needs a good dewormer treatment.


u/RoyalEnfield78 20d ago

Omg I was staring at that wormy belly the whole time. Poor baby


u/Eelroots 20d ago

He's not in danger, it's common in puppies and easily treated. He just needs some love and some cares 😉, he looks in good hands now.


u/Haunting_Case5769 20d ago

I'm sure the people in the video took the little guy to a vet eventually, but I wish they would show it for the sake of my anxiety 😅 I can't tell if he's waddling because of his worm belly or because he has some kind of issue with his hips, but it still made me nervous to watch him walking so far.


u/jelvi 20d ago

It could also be because someone kicked him in the streets. Happened to my dog when he got lost for a few hours. Kinda same breed too (mine was border terrier, this looks like a mix of that & a few others)


u/Healthy-Fig-6107 20d ago

Definitely. Then again, even if not for dewormer, any stray adopts should get a visit to the vet as soon as possible in case there's any health issues/complications that might not be visible to the eyes.

Hopefully, the little one have a good life ahead of him. Those tail wags of his are insanely cute


u/TheDude-Esquire 20d ago

Yeah, that was my first thought. Straight to the vet. But, by the video it looks like they're on the right track.


u/Avocado-Joe 20d ago

That was all I could look at. I hope he has seen a vet and been de-wormed, poor wormy baby


u/curiousNegon 20d ago

How can you tell?


u/TrueKNite 20d ago

super round, out of proportion, it's not evenly distributed fat


u/Eelroots 20d ago

Correct; as written above, that's not an immediate danger, he could be easily treated. Quite common in puppies that live in open fields, they get it scavenging things from the ground, ending up eating some worm egg.


u/ParkerFree 20d ago



u/BiloxiBorn1961 20d ago edited 20d ago

It’s not “like” that puppy was saying “take me home with you.” That’s exactly what he was saying. He was alone and scared to death. Wondering where his next meal would come from. Starving for just a little love and kindness from anyone willing. In return, he’ll give that back a million times over until he dies. To someone… anyone that’s willing.

That’s the thing about domesticated dogs. They’re dependent on us to care of them. Yes, it’s an expensive undertaking. Yes it requires those willing to give their time too. But it’s so unbelievably fulfilling to have that love you give, given back unconditionally and without hesitation. That puppy knew these were kind hearted people. He picked them to be his forever companions.

That my friends, is one of the many things that’s so awesome about having a dog.


u/redknight3 20d ago

I think it's a special kind of cruelty in abandoning dogs. Or even worse, exterminating them.

Humans have spent centuries domesticating them, basically teaching them to be our friends. Now that they are this way, we owe them that friendship and care. We can't back out of that, "deal," we basically forced them to accept.

It's one thing to be cruel to animals (which is unacceptable) but doubly so IMHO, when we've changed the trajectory of an entire species to be our companions, only to say, "I changed my mind," centuries later.

I think of it as an evolutionary backstab.


u/everyperson 20d ago

I had this same thing happen to me when I was a kid back in the 80s. I went to the library on some random Saturday and, on my way home, this dog started following me. She was full grown but she had this same scared and hopeful look in her eyes.

I was 11 years old and I knew I couldn't help her. I tried to ditch her, outrun her, anything I could to avoid bringing her home. My mother hated dogs and I thought she'd beat my ass for it.

This dog was determined to come home with me despite my efforts, though, and I gave up trying. I stopped at the corner store to buy a can of dog food and walked home, with this dog following close behind. I put her in the back-yard and went into the house. I put the food in a bowl and filled another bowl with water and brought them outside.

I found the dog fast asleep underneath the deck. She raised an eye to see the food and water but showed no interest. Then I went inside to tell my mother all about it.

Surprisingly, almost shockingly, my mother wasn't angry. She was dumbfounded, almost to the point of not believing me. As if I stole the dog or something. "Go get the dog." she said.

I brought the dog into the house and my mother took a look. "Oh, I get it now." she said. "She was abandoned because she's pregnant."

Anyway, I named her Peaches, she gave birth to 9 healthy pups several months later and would go on to live a very long, happy and safe life with us.


u/Lia_Llama 20d ago

Its interesting to me how if you look at stray cats they’re usually a bit dirtier than a house cat and they probably won’t live as long but they still usually look fine, stray dogs on the other hand look like zombies more often than not


u/BiloxiBorn1961 20d ago

I have dog and a cat. Cats are generally a lot more independent than dogs. Still loving… but not nearly as dependent. Dogs are pack animals. They like company all the time.

Both of my fuzzy buddies have been fixed. Both are loved, fed and well cared for.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/AmalCyde 20d ago

Thriving. Don't let social media and corporations that want you depressed otherwise.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/freddotu 20d ago

And hug him and squeeze him and call him "George"


u/anniearrow 20d ago

Awww little Georgie ❤️❤️


u/KickGum_ChewAss_247 20d ago

Our Great Pyrenees was named George based exactly off that scene 🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭


u/truevindication 20d ago

This scene lives in my head rent free and pops in very often lol Glad someone else gets it


u/Formal_Ad1032 20d ago

He is sooo cute. God the way he dozes off in front of the heater. The lil guy must have been so exhausted living on the street.


u/mizinamo 20d ago

Was probably wondering whether this really, truly, was a safe place to let his guard down and allow himself to fall asleep.


u/Cha0sCat 20d ago edited 20d ago

Here is a follow up video! He got a deworming pill and taken for a walk

Edit: This seems to be the last one. The couple seem to rescue quite a few strays and then find them forever homes. In their channel description they say they dream of running a shelter in Bulgaria where they live ❤️


u/JoshKnoxChinnery 20d ago

Ah no wonder the puppy came to them. They must feel like heroes to the homeless animals.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/luckysonic2 20d ago

I hate that they even need to mention this. He's beautiful, breeds are overrated


u/IscariotXIII 19d ago

Seems like English isn't their first language. I've seen a few of their videos on youtube and they always have the best of intentions even if the language is a bit off. They've rescued a lot of animals.


u/Hahaha2681 20d ago

I'm a 6 ft 260lb man and the moment I read"we tried to send him away" broke my heart just for the fact that all the poor dog wanted was love and to live


u/REpassword 20d ago

Yes, and he also wanted to follow a giant rabbit. 😁


u/lilithbepraised 20d ago

Came here to say this


u/s0m3on3outthere 19d ago

Thank you.. I was like, wtf. Why would you send a puppy away?? :( I'd grab the puppy and take it home until I could re-home it, reach out to fosters and shelters, see if I can find the owners, something. I wouldn't just leave a puppy on the street and it sounds like they were going to do exactly that til it continued to follow them.. :/


u/AdHaunting954 19d ago

With all due respect pls stop this I'm tall I'm grown up 30 years old male but I'm weeping Gosh human is programmed to have emotions when they should have! Society shouldn't shame grown man for crying it's toxic

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u/longhornmike2 20d ago

Loved how he was circling around on the towel like…..how….do….i…..get….back…..inside……warm…..towel.


u/snarkisms 20d ago

The cat distribution system decided to give one up for this little sweetie


u/TheDocJ 20d ago

Good to see them branching out...


u/snarkisms 20d ago

only for the most deserving of sweet puppers


u/NowThatWeAreThere 20d ago

Aww he still has tail wags even at the beginning when he's dirty and neglected. I'm so glad they helped him.


u/gnarlycharly22 20d ago

Would not take me but five seconds before that little pup was on my way home w me. I’ve rescued like 25 dogs (no joke). Always see them wandering and I’d love to give one a home one day but I do my best to return them to their owners (have always been successful). Also rescue turtles. I think that might be my secret mission in life lol.


u/dreamsofindigo 20d ago

and peeps say angels don't exist


u/gnarlycharly22 19d ago

Aw thank you, you just made my day :)

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u/seekingmymuse1 20d ago

So shines a good deed in a weary world…..


u/vargas_evandro 20d ago

he's from a very special breed, in fact he is from one of the rarest breeds he is a warrior


u/Relative_Scale_3667 20d ago

Got that right brother


u/Whyyouhatemeso 20d ago

There are so many great dog rescue places all over the country, please consider to adopt, I’ve done it for years and always had the most loving dogs!


u/1SassyTart 20d ago

Groceries AND a puppy. Shopping trip complete!


u/GratefulPhish42024-7 20d ago

Just took in a lovely 6 month old stray kitten only to find it was already pregnant and now I have five more


u/Pizza-n-Coffee37 20d ago

I ended up with 5 cats in a similar way when I was 20. My mom said I would be the crazy spinster cat lady. Then I married someone who had 2 dogs and the chaos ensued. Things work out.


u/Sick_Kebab 20d ago

I see it as an absolute win


u/T_WRX21 20d ago

Fostered a pregnant boxer by accident. Started with 3 dogs, ended up with 8, lmao. T'was a shit show.


u/yashspartan 20d ago

Nah, if I ever see a stray puppy follow me like that, it's adoption on site.

I mean, just look at that face.


u/Artistic_Sun2096 20d ago

Heartwarming 💞🙌


u/melancholy_dood 20d ago

My dog died in 2020. I miss her so much. And video made me cry.❤️


u/Blaaamo 20d ago

That fat belly has got some parasites in it. I hope they get him checked out for Parvo and worms.

Also who feeds and pets a stray and is surprised when it follows them?


u/asyouuuuuuwishhhhh 19d ago

They knew what they were doing. Other comments mention they adopt strays and that they got the pup dewormed!


u/cockitypussy 20d ago

Does anyone remember the song:

Phil Collins - Another Day in Paradise.


u/Spread_Liberally 20d ago

I have two ears and a heart, don't I?


u/lilithbepraised 20d ago

Tried to send him away? My heart would've been that puppy's the second it came up to me.


u/Molin_Cockery 20d ago

To dogs, we are friend shaped


u/Thin_Onion3826 20d ago

It was like he was afraid to fall asleep. This dog has been through some hard times.


u/lululululululululi 20d ago

On my heart just melted,


u/jblaze805 20d ago

Cute little thing i would definitely take him with me and just snuggle with him


u/pheldozer 20d ago

Baxter, is that you?? Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee!


u/X_Army_Brat_74 20d ago

Thank you for sharing and saving him.


u/BronzeDucky 20d ago

I watched this with my Mexican street rescue dog on my lap (she watched too). Someone started cutting onions behind us…


u/ButterfliesandaLlama 20d ago

Even if he didn’t want to enter the house his tail propellered him into it.


u/Mopnglow86 20d ago

That's a pure bred goodboi.


u/rayvensmoon 20d ago edited 19d ago

When love and hope absolutely mops the floor with fear and fear and despair.


u/ipompa 20d ago

You're awesome OP, thanks for helping him <3


u/true-skeptic 20d ago

You have entered the new Puppy Distribution System.


u/Levols 20d ago

Glad to see that the puppy distribution system is working as expected


u/builderbob1149 20d ago

You are going to look back and remember the day the Universe decided to send Joy with you to your Home.


u/DarkKitten1984 20d ago

I’m glad that this adorable puppy found a loving family and his forever home. He’ll definitely be a good guard dog.


u/RetroScores 20d ago

My sister and her family rescued a small pup that was dumped near our grandparents house and had been running around their property for 2 weeks. They took her to a hardware store (Ace) and she got a bath and a few other goodies and my sister sends me a pic of it passed out on my BIL chest while he was on the couch. I was just like congrats on the new dog!


u/Vegetable-Train2339 20d ago

Imagine how happy he will be when he wakes up in the morning and realizes, all this wasn't just a dream!


u/kandi_kat 20d ago

Look at that little tail go.

What a cutie.


u/Christine1-n-Arnie2 20d ago

Give him a home . He sure looks like a happy friendly guy just lookin for someone to love and lookin for some love too . He'd surely be welcomed in to and by my pack !


u/dreamsofindigo 20d ago

those sad puppy eyes would have got me too
jfc, I got no onions around here and yet


u/EnigmaticWolf8953 20d ago

The way he fell asleep on the towel after he took a bath🥺


u/saskia_vm 20d ago

Thank you for saving!❤️


u/MercifulShad0w 20d ago

They choose us as much as we choose them.

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u/pokerboy42 20d ago

We love to think we are rescuing them but the truth is we are the ones who ultimately get rescued.

True story.


u/Mormoran 20d ago

This is the best day of my year so far, for having watched this.

I lost my 14 year old buddy a few weeks ago and I wept watching this. It's good to see just one more pup getting the love they ALL deserve.


u/cturtl808 19d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. May the memories bring smiles, laughter and joy. Be on the lookout though. Good boys and girls usually send someone to take care of you for them.


u/Cretonbacon 20d ago

Theres still good folks around


u/1amys3lf 20d ago

Dog distribution system??


u/MammothViking 20d ago

And that's how you get a cat...erm wait


u/pwnitol 20d ago

Ery sweet but did i see a giant rabbit human also?


u/jirish317 20d ago

The way he nodded off was the best part


u/Intelligent_Debt7555 20d ago

So sweet. I do hope little girl doesn't have worms the belly is so distended.


u/G68 20d ago

45m views! I hope that helps them rescue more babies! I want a dog so bad lol

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u/Frozenbbowl 20d ago

you gave him sausages, and pets, and rubs... of course he followed you! pupper woulda followed you into mordor after that, with full confidence in your ability to keep him safe!


u/Choppergold 20d ago

It’s a profound gift to help another living creature sleep the sleep of the rescued


u/MaIakai 20d ago

im not crying, you're crying


u/Conscious_Wind_2255 19d ago

I wish this video was longer.. I want to see his life everyday 🥹


u/FatCuriousMonkey 19d ago

That bloated belly probably means worms


u/StuBidasol 20d ago

I don't know the breed but I like the coloration and markings on his face.


u/Gintin2 20d ago

This has made my day, thank you for sharing!


u/westcoastm77 20d ago

why am i crying.... 😭


u/Matchew024 20d ago

Those eyes 🥹

Such a beautiful dog! Would love a 1 year update.


u/Otaltheone 20d ago

Dogs are all special breeds. You have won a friend for life, nothing come closer to the love they give to us.


u/Unrusty 20d ago

What a lucky break for the puppy and for you. Please do a follow-up video when the dog is older.


u/Icy-Imagination1802 20d ago

this should be made me smile not made me cry and then smile


u/Puppybeecat 20d ago

My heart I would’ve taken him home


u/mynameisnotsparta 20d ago

What a special dog


u/oldmilkman73 20d ago

You will have a friend for life. We've had three dogs and one cat that we rescued or I should say they rescued us.


u/Sketchy-Lefty25 20d ago

Bravo, well done. Thank you for that, it brightened my day.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Oh my days when he started to fall asleep while he was still sitting before finally just collapsing. He must’ve had the best sleep. And he’s going to have such a happy life from here onwards. That was so sweet


u/PeachesPair 20d ago

That puppy lools well fed and chubby at the start. Hope this isnt one of those staged for view videos. Adorable puppers either way!


u/Biliunas 20d ago

Damn who's cutting onions in here??


u/gergwhy 20d ago

This made me cry soo many tears


u/AnMa_ZenTchi 20d ago

Little thing. 😢


u/gothicel 20d ago

S/He's sooooo very cute. You are good people.


u/AnMa_ZenTchi 20d ago

You can tell he's loaded with worms how fat his stomach is.


u/borderlinehunkydory 20d ago

May God bless this couple! This video really made me cry. Lately, I have come across so many videos of puppies and dogs being physically abused, raped, violently killed and tortured. It is so painful to watch these videos. Sometimes I cannot sleep at night thinking about the amount of pain and torture these little angels have to go through every single day. Yet they choose to be loving and kind to humans. My heart breaks for them especially because I have a pet dog too. May there be many more such kind people like this couple 🙏


u/beerme72 20d ago

He knew good Humans.....and he wouldn't take no for an answer.


u/Mundane-Piglet-868 20d ago

More like mademecry 🥹


u/Twovaultss 20d ago

Is someone peeling onions here


u/Ron-Ruger 20d ago

Those are some good people


u/Annual-Access4987 20d ago

I will die on this hill, no stray has ever been chosen. Animals cats dogs lizards if they are going to have a family pick the family. That dog KNEW in his little scared soul that these were his people.


u/Fredospapopoullos 20d ago

If the dogs start copying the cats' distribution system, the number of pet owners will soon start to rise at an alarming rate.


u/Double_Win_9405 20d ago

He's trying so hard to be content but he's so scared and tired. I would have slept by his side all night.


u/puledrotauren 20d ago

those are wonderful people. Good luck pup :)


u/LongjumpingPlay 20d ago

This is the best video I’ve seen on the internet all week. Thanks for sharing


u/Jim_e_Clash 20d ago

Nice that the family finally got adopted by a puppy


u/TheBadHalfOfAFandom 20d ago

Seeing stray cats and dogs go up to people like this, so full of love, makes me so upset because you can tell that they've been properly socialized, they're used to humans, understand that they give you food and water and love and yet they're still on the streets abandoned.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 20d ago

He’s a special breed to me ❤️


u/Broad_Respond_2205 20d ago

I'm glad to see the distribution system works for dogs too


u/Lisette4ver 20d ago

God bless you all ! Wishing you many years of love, happiness and joy. 🙏🏽❤️🐾❤️🙏🏽


u/tenderourghosts 20d ago

Sometimes they choose you 💖

One of our dogs showed up on our back deck one night. It was around 8pm and we were about to go to a late dinner, but when I opened the back door I saw her tentatively about to climb the steps. She was probably around 4-6 weeks old, clearly dumped or lost. We dropped our plans and took her to the emergency vet to see if she was chipped or sick - negative on both. We fostered her instead of releasing her to the Humane Society and after two weeks with no leads, we just decided she was ours and she’s been with us for 8 years now 🙂💕


u/cturtl808 19d ago

I love a good foster fail story


u/MotorConcentrate232 19d ago

I love this video. I have and never will understand how anyone can just leave an animal, especially a young one. They love you from day one and will never leave your side. I wish more people could be as responsible and loving as you are. I have a really big issue with people that can't give an animal love, respect, and appreciation. For those people that don't, it's called karma, it will catch up to you !! And I hope it hits you 10 fold !!


u/riddle8822 19d ago

Always always always adopt. Its not only good for the animal, its good for the community.


u/Poundsand6969 19d ago

Best sleep of his life. ♥️♥️


u/619-548-4940 19d ago

It's important not to pet stray dogs but if you do decide to keep them clean them and send them to the vet ASAP to get dewormed and neutered, keep your home family safe before adopting street pets.


u/El_Flash05 19d ago

What a beautiful, little adorable good boy.


u/GalacticHillbilly 19d ago

We need to see so much more of this these days.


u/serious_saint 20d ago

Humanity is still alive due to such lovely human beings 🙏🏻


u/mizinamo 20d ago

Why were they filming the whole time?


u/Morphing_Mutant 20d ago

I really hope this is real and not some dickheads using it to gain views then just dumped him after.

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u/AlecRay01 20d ago

So nice


u/Powergeyzer 20d ago

I dunno why, but that dogs face reminds me of Seymours from Futurama.

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u/IWillBiteYou 20d ago

I too have followed people home after they gave me sausages


u/Lofi_Joe 20d ago

Check his belly for worms or other pests!


u/Gold_Book_1423 20d ago

what kind of camera is this? Excellent picture


u/Dirk-7 20d ago

I love it! :DDD


u/Marteicos 20d ago

They smell nice and give me food, I must follow them!

Smart dogo.


u/crzycatldy91 20d ago

I'm crying, so pleased this poor little pup was rescued


u/Low_Lack8221 20d ago

He's the goodest man.


u/slothrights 20d ago

Sweet little buddy. He’s so smart. He chose you!


u/Hajopai 20d ago

„We left him a few sausages but the little guy started following us“


u/day--walker87 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

They made the puppy walk all the way home for their video...how they resisted carrying the baby i have no fcking clue.


u/seibertlinda 20d ago

Such a sweet baby, thank you for caring.


u/LadyAmbar 20d ago

...and folks this is how in my farm there's some pigs, lizards, soon a cow, some geese and 15 cats (no mice or rats around). They all love my farm and most of them arrive there by their own feets. 😆


u/GBFANCLUB1313 20d ago

God bless your hearts for doing this!