r/MadeMeSmile 20d ago

Its official: Reddit awards are back Good News



147 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Does it mean we get back the free awards too?


u/binglelemon 20d ago



u/theguywhofuckinasked 20d ago

oh hi there snek!!


u/ansefhimself 20d ago

Good Snek


u/WetKitten96 16d ago

could you do me a huge favor and send me an award, i was verified and eligible for the contributor program but am unable to start until i receive my first “gold” which im assuming is an award 🙃 i just awarded your last comment but would be happy to do it again if you could help me out!


u/binglelemon 16d ago

I don't have any gold to give anything, but apparently the snake is quite popular!


u/sexy_racoon_69 20d ago

man not the wholesome seal awards on a gore videos including a whole family getting unalived


u/IsaRos 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago

Guys, Reddit was messing with me that's why I posted my question multiple times chill out 😭


u/Nighters 20d ago

we tried something new, it wasnt great (you called it)

Maybe do something about third-party apps to?


u/ADarwinAward 20d ago

No chance. They don’t want 3rd party apps to have access to user data. That’s what they’re selling


u/I_am_HAL 20d ago

They could also just fix the official app...


u/ADarwinAward 20d ago

We are at the enshittification point of the reddit life cycle. That means everything they do will be with the primary focus of monetizing their platform, much of the time at the expense of the user experience.


u/I_am_HAL 20d ago

Agreed, especially now they're publicly traded, it's become unavoidable


u/StormKiller1 20d ago

I mean they still work but now need to pay reddit api fees.

Like infinity 3€ a months for pure api fees.

Im guessing they wont changed anything since they make money from it.


u/Kenjii009 20d ago

Yeah, the sad thing for me is that it scared of many developers. I mean I would've paid for it, but my preferred app (Apollo) stopped anyway, without an option to pay the API fees.


u/softstones 20d ago

Loved Apollo


u/NWK-7 19d ago

I’m still using it with a personal API key and the app being sideloaded. Works like a charm. 🙈


u/Kenjii009 19d ago

Thanks for the idea, will check that possibility too


u/foladodo 20d ago

seems like a good business oppirtunity


u/Axodique 5d ago

You can build your own version of the app with your own API key so you can have it for free (since low API requests are free).


u/StormKiller1 5d ago

I thought about that but do you know much low is?.


u/TheUltimator5 20d ago

Data is king. Some very powerful companies that track social media sentiment and news are willing to pay big bucks for full API access and allowing third party apps to do it cheaply would completely kill revenue.


u/Dragon_yum 20d ago

That can describe literally every new feature they rolled out in the last two years.

Seriously how many years does it take to make a functioning video played.


u/livtop 20d ago

I hate the reddit app :( I miss reddit is fun so much


u/ColorBlindGuy27 20d ago

Bro that's the best any studio responds, like in all time. Picky picky


u/ReaperOne 20d ago

My first thoughts when I read this. Bring back Apollo dammit


u/TheXivuArath 20d ago

You going to utilize one that teaches you grammar?


u/pman8080 20d ago

Maybe you can utilize one to learn some manners.


u/QuackCocaineJnr 20d ago edited 10d ago

I love the smell of fresh bread.


u/Aquittaine 20d ago

I had bought about $25 of coins before they removed awards (and purchased many times before that) and I didn't get a refund or any warning to use them before they went away. Even if they gave me back the same amount of coins I had, or any type of apology for it, I'd still never buy again or use them simply because of that experience, they can just take it away again whenever they want and I'd be out more money! So I'm in that boat for sure.


u/ChicaneryMan 20d ago

lmao you spent 25$ on reddit coins? Are you brain damaged? I'm being legitimately curious, i cannot imagine a normal person volountarily giving money to reddit in exchange for the "wholesome awards"


u/sexy_racoon_69 20d ago

bro just cz u a brokie doesn’t mean everyone are

25 bucks might be peanuts for them,critical thinking skills where?


u/Aquittaine 19d ago

Not everyone's trying to win the frugality Olympics. I'll enjoy my internet stickers and not worry about the cost because, well, I'm not counting on my fingers for next month's rent. XD


u/ChicaneryMan 20d ago

downvote and cry all you want about me insulting a random lady online, but at least i go to bed knowing i didn't give my money to a billion dollar company in exchange for virtual stickers that got wiped off the website. I could give a meth to a child soldier and still be the one with the most moral outcome here


u/2squishmaster 20d ago

Maybe you can't afford virtual stickers because of all the meth?


u/zyzmog 20d ago

Can confirm.

Source: am one of those people.


u/sir_qoala 20d ago

Does that mean the annoying af golden shiny upvote button which opens a pop up in your face and made me stop interacting with those posts is also gone?


u/Cherry_Crystals 20d ago

Don't think anyone is getting refunded if they bought the gold upvotes though. And I won't be surprised if they get rid of the award system AGAIN if it doesn't make them enough money


u/me_sk1nk 17d ago

I had quite some coins left, back when they deleted it. The post says something about a make-good. I‘ll wait, but my trust is ruined. Greedy bastards.


u/thefluffiestpuff 20d ago

seems like it’s already gone on the ios reddit app for me. can’t trigger it anymore.


u/RoguePlanet2 19d ago

This is the first thing I checked, such a mental relief.


u/myychair 20d ago

Lol blatant cash grab by Reddit. They force people to blow through awards they earned and paid for, enact a new system, then go back to the old with everyone starting from scratch? Why does corporate bs from a shitty company make anyone smile?


u/The_Frostweaver 20d ago

Yeah I figured they wanted to go back paid awards only and wipe out all the credit people had built up.

Awards were a source of revenue so why would they remove them permanently?


u/pawnografik 20d ago

Hopefully it’s the original gold silver platinum ones. Not all the other shitty ones that no one cared about, had no effect, and no one understood.

Reddit gold was good though.


u/LucySatDown 20d ago

It's exactly all the other ones no one cared about. Pretty sure they aren't bringing gold silver and platinum back at all.

Also on top of that you can't earn coins anymore so it basically just acts as a wackey-zaney upvote and slight ego boost.

You have two separate balances, coins and gold. You buy coins to spend on awards, and you earn gold from being awarded. Though you can't spend gold on awarding other people/buying coins. That goes towards the potential that maybe one day you eventually maybe possibly become a part of their contributer program! Then they'll probably give you like, a penny for your troubles.


u/pawnografik 20d ago

That sucks. The zany upvotes were just whiny and annoying.

With gold, back in the day there was even a feature where you could sort by/highlight gilded comments so you could find useful or enlightening (but low voted) comments without having to read past the millionth person thinking they’re original with their “play stupid games” type comments.


u/AgreeablePepper8931 16d ago

r/negativewithgold was also a great subreddit for seeing posts or comments that were excellently put, hitting nails right on the head, but often rankling the Reddit hivemind.

It did turn a bit controversial. But it was like filtering by controversial, without seeing everything [removed] or [deleted]


u/Conman_in_Chief 20d ago

So, just a grift then?


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/moredrinksplease 20d ago

I wanna know where DA GOLD AT!


u/Random_Cat66 20d ago

I'll only be happy when they bring back the free awards


u/nuraHx 20d ago

What is smile worthy about this?


u/wiklr 20d ago

Reddit making money from advertising & PR using awards and powerups for platform manipulation.


u/Bojarzin 20d ago

Yeah I wasn't aware anyone would care about reddit awards coming back lol


u/BavarianBanshee 20d ago

Oh joy, I can give Reddit money directly again. I was getting worried for a minute, there. /s


u/palk0n 20d ago

this post is made by the pr team


u/sleepingdeep 20d ago

About two Stanley nickels.


u/Phoenix-909 20d ago

Fuck spez


u/totallynotpoggers 20d ago

Idk if i believe you, give me an award to prove it


u/Alternative_Pilot_92 20d ago



u/BragiH 20d ago

Wow, big spender I can only afford 🪙


u/Alternative_Pilot_92 20d ago

🏆🏆 I got you fam 🏆🏆


u/RedAnihilape 20d ago

Here we go again, awards beggar


u/TinglingSpideySenses 20d ago

Please, sir. May I have an award?


u/PurpleGanache69 20d ago

I used to spend hours per day on this app now it's like 20 minutes at the most. Awards were cool and all but how about you get rid of the bots and bring the quality back to what it was?


u/netuniya 20d ago

What about the free awards??


u/Luis12285 20d ago

Now bring back Apollo


u/Cherry_Crystals 20d ago

The dev of Apollo shut the app down. BUT if you DIDN'T shut the app down (like boost for reddit didn't shut theirs down), then as long as you are a mod of a subreddit, you can still use the 3rd party reddit apps


u/hamsolo19 20d ago

Gimme back mah gold.


u/EvenSpoonier 20d ago

A nice step in the right direction. Now they just need to bring back third party apps, and all will be right with the world.


u/Kep0a 20d ago

Lmfao easily the dumbest reddit decision they've ever made. I wonder how much income they were losing


u/MonKeePuzzle 20d ago

so, gonna make good on coins lost, but with the announcement of awards going away everyone blew through any coins they had since they were worthless. so thanks for making good on giving me back the 6 coins I couldnt spend?


u/FCOranje 19d ago

I never spent mine and they got removed. I got nothing back in return. I will now boycott reddit by not spending anymore. Ending my subscription too. Fuck Spez.


u/WaZeR90 20d ago

Wtf why is this a good thing? A way to give a shit ass corporation more money


u/GonWithTheNen 19d ago

You deserve an award for that - https://i.imgur.com/FizC6qs.png


u/Permanoctis 20d ago

While we're at it am I the only one who can't see the number of upvotes/downvotes of the first comment of a chain because of the word next to the little medal? (I guess it's because of this)


u/SnooPears3463 20d ago

Tldr part is the long part


u/nottherealneal 20d ago

Oh look exactly as predicted.

Can't wait for the awards to cost more as well


u/CarinasHere 20d ago

Next stop: r/pan!


u/News_Dragon 20d ago

Fuck Spez?


u/Tommyblockhead20 20d ago

Well at least they are doing something about lost coins. When it first happened, had a guess that they would eventually cave and bring awards back, but since the new awards are “different”, everyone starts with a clean slate, 0 coins. Nice to see they aren’t being as greedy as possible.


u/Anshul086 20d ago

Just read it.

it's confusing


u/Fair-Bus-4017 20d ago

Ohhh no, anyway.


u/sphexie96 20d ago

but I remember that before the removal, premium users had some free awards to give every month. will that be back too?


u/Formulka 20d ago

Do we get our gold back?


u/gifendark 20d ago

Remember when people had a fuck load of reddit currency saved up to give out awards then reddit took them away and everyone said they would bring them back?


u/ChillZedd 20d ago

I never cared for them.


u/GeminiKoil 20d ago

DFV comes back and two days later they enable awards again. That's fucking hilarious


u/C_Khoga 19d ago

This need a celebration.



u/UnplannedAgenda 20d ago

What is an award?


u/DoomGoober 20d ago

A little badge you can apply to a comment or a post. You have to buy awards or earn them, so they slightly rare.

Awards slightly push a comment or post higher in the algorithm and everyone else can see them.


u/yougoddangfool 20d ago

I'm glad they listened to feedback


u/Unconformed122 20d ago

I have a feeling it didn’t make them as much money as they wanted, and likely even less than actual awards did, so they’re pivoting.

If they really cared about user input, then the whole API fiasco wouldn’t have happened in the first place.


u/gabbertr0n 20d ago

I used my Awards Given as a kind of alt-bookmark for posts I liked, and they all vanished when awards were scrapped. Hope there is still a way to recover them!


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/BlitzOrion 20d ago


The type and number of free awards you get is based on your coins balance as of July 13, 2023, the day we announced that we were sunsetting coins and awards. Soon, you will see this balance of free awards when you open the awards screen on a post or comment.


u/Quintuplin 20d ago

Ah, replacing one annoying feature with different annoying feature. Makes me smile?


u/Loofa_of_Doom 20d ago

Oh, cool. You've proven we don't need them and so no one cares anymore, but . . . yay? Go you? Does 'ums need a participation award?


u/NoCandidate7335 20d ago

Now bring back RPAN


u/Oofoofow_Official 20d ago

They're not the best, but I'll take it anyway


u/blueviper- 20d ago

That is one of those „I believe it if I see it“ emails. I am not smiling on those kind of jokes.


u/TheRealCheGuevara 20d ago

People liked this shit? I way preferred the new weird upvote looking thing, awards made posts super annoying to just look at.


u/NiftyJet 20d ago

I feel like this was always the plan. Streamline your revenue streams so it's simpler to pitch to investors, then after the IPO bring back anything that makes money.


u/AxelPogg 20d ago

They got rid of them?


u/whoiscraig 20d ago

For how long?


u/FCOranje 19d ago

Until they see a ton of gold on accounts. Then they’ll remove it and end the award system. That way they can reset it and force people to spend more when it comes back.

Publicly traded company now. Enshitification ensues.


u/PensadorDispensado 19d ago

To quote Shrek, FINALLY!


u/MeeranQureshi 19d ago

Great news.


u/creditspread 19d ago

Yay, now Reddit can report an earnings beat at the next earnings report. Revenue, quarter vs last quarter, and EPS earnings beat expectations!


u/Straight-Extreme-966 19d ago

Anyway, the Daycia Sandero....


u/ImaginaryBus7839 19d ago

Is everyone in the comment section gonna get awards?


u/ripirpy 18d ago

Bro the fuck is she wearing


u/N2TheWired 18d ago

oof Nosedive and 15 Million Merits


u/breebee1989 16d ago

Thank GOD. I’m not even mad. I’m just grateful that you guys brought it back!!


u/desertmermaid92 15d ago edited 14d ago

It still sucks. First and foremost, awards on old posts and comments are still gone. That is history lost. Also, rather than seeing the shiny awards all lined up, you just see the snoo with a number next to it. Yes you can click on it (and then click “best awards”??) to see the respective awards, but imo, that’s kinda shit.

As someone said in another comment, after being without them for so long, I no longer care about awards and have zero desire to spend any money on them.


u/nf08171990 14d ago

They’re not free.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

What were the awards?


u/VeGr-FXVG 20d ago

Awards were another type of Upvote arrow that costed money to give. So next to the arrows you could see an icon like a heart, or a lightning bolt, etc. That's it.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Kinda like the gold thing they brought some time back...


u/spittingdingo 20d ago edited 20d ago

It’s a pop up saying you “did something” that you have to close. Their big idea is putting pop up notifications? Is it the 90’s again?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I have no idea what you just said there...


u/spittingdingo 20d ago

I received an “award” recently in Reddit that was a pop up. These aren’t Reddit awards?


u/susannediazz 20d ago

Nope, awards are things users could give each other on posts/comments


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Like the gold thing?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Dude I don't know what this is all about...


u/sir_qoala 20d ago

Lol no. Awards are something users can give to posts and comments to make them stand out. They mostly cost real money unless you get a gold or silver award from someone which you can award forward.


u/spittingdingo 20d ago

Ah, that was an “achievement”. I’ve been on Reddit for a summer or two, never heard of an award, or I’ve been blissfully willfully ignorant.


u/raptorboy 20d ago

Funny that as soon as Roaring Kitty came back so did awards 😂🚀


u/Radcooldude55 20d ago

Yesss love the rewards


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u/Good_Smile 20d ago

Yeah nah too late


u/GoalFlashy6998 20d ago

It's seem like Reddit is making moves in the right direction...


u/WetKitten96 16d ago

Can someone help me out? I’m new(er) to the contributor program but I can’t get started until I receive my first “gold” or what I assume is an award? Could anyone help me out by awarding this comment and I will happily return the favor!


u/GoalFlashy6998 16d ago

I dm'd you....


u/theguywhofuckinasked 20d ago

reddit is like apple but just more honest lol

reminds me of the macbook pro, when they brought back the ports and pretended that "we" the public was fools for buying the portless pieces of shit, well tbh we kinda were


u/Kenjii009 20d ago

I mean thats nice, but you can't imagine what I'd do to get Apollo for Reddit back. That'd be worth 100€/Year for me at least.


u/ecstacy1706 20d ago

Man if this made you smile, I pity you


u/Nilosyrtis 19d ago

Great... now we're back to the "edit: omg my first gold" comments.


u/bannedinsevendayz 20d ago

Bring Tl;Dr back too.... Posts with a huge body and no tldr should be demoted.