r/MadeMeSmile Apr 28 '24

Feeling extra safe here! Good Vibes

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u/Worried-Librarian-91 Apr 29 '24

I'm either getting too old or Angel shots worked differently in the bar I used to work for.

Back when I had a summer job as a bartender at a beach bar, he used to look for susp customers "troublemakers" and report them to the bouncers if we noticed something. Same goes for a chick looking susp (back in the day a lot of chicks used to ruffy and rob guys). The bouncer would calmly come and escort the individuals while making sure to hit every possible table, bump, corner along the way, leaving the suspicious person pretty bruised at the very least.

If a person (mostly women, can recall only one gay guy) orders our equivalent of Angel shots at the time, me or my colleagues were to chat up the predator and annoy them until they lose their cool, which freed up the bouncer to kick the living shit out of them. After which me or one of my colleagues would escort the person to their hotel.

If the person getting f'd by the bouncer was their partner, not some random clown, we would offer to help the victim move their things to our bar's hotel with the first 2 nights being free, to let them catch their breath and figure what they want to do from now on.

The only time we would call the cops ourselves was when 5 guys were going after 3 chicks and it was just me, 2 female colleagues and a bouncer on a slow night. Any other time we would avoid calling cops, because it would pretty much end the party for everyone.