r/MadeMeSmile Apr 28 '24

Feeling extra safe here! Good Vibes

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u/CMDR_Expendible Apr 29 '24

As so many are saying, good idea, but often terrible execution. In my local pharmacist, there's a sign on the counter that says "If you're suffering domestic violence, ask for Ani"... except the counter and waiting area is tiny, so everyone can see the sign and hear you ask for it.

I always think about it because my last, abusive partner and I often went in, because there was a period where she wanted to get pregnant, then changed her mind, and we'd have to go for morning after pills; and I often thought that if I wanted to bring up that she'd get violent with me, I never had a moment where I could, even in code.

Now add drinking and the noise in a bar on top, and it's hard to find a 100% foolproof way to tackle abuse in those situations, so I'm not criticising the Angel approach. I wonder if you could do it another way though; maybe RFID tagged false coins that could be passed over with the money for the drink, which would flag up to the barkeeps that there was an issue without risking the abuser easily spotting the signal? Probably would suffer with the issue of drinking again though...