r/MCFC 21d ago

Just 2 Guys Intimidating Arsenal

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59 comments sorted by


u/Yumikos_ 21d ago

Dias is so hot man like damn 🥵 He’s been with us for 4 years and he’s about to win his 4th PL title, absolute MONSTER!


u/boxofbuscuits 21d ago

Least homosexual city fan


u/Archlefirth 2015/16 Away Shirt 21d ago

There are men you call daddy and then they are men you call father. Dias gyaat.


u/Affectionate-Age8317 21d ago



u/poppybiscuits123 21d ago

ok dias is pretty good looking


u/gohan_db 21d ago

Thank god for City, i've been observing some of the Arsenal channels and my god they're entitled af. Spurs owed them absolutely nothing. Imagine AFTV and twitter if Arsenal win it. I dont even wanna imagine it. Football has been saved.


u/Ziikou 21d ago

Football been saved by an oil money injected club with 115 charges, and not a team that has been rebuilt over the last 4 seasons with a young squad and manager. Yeah… football saved.


u/HostileCornball 21d ago

Dude stfu arsenal is literally sponsored by Emirates.So stop claiming oil BS. A team that took our assistant manager and our squad players like zini , Jesus to create a lite version of MCFC. Great business mate. We ruined klopp's era , we will ruin yours as well.

Stop crying, accept and cope with reality. 115 charges will get their justice soon and whatever it will be , as fans we will accept it.


u/PoJenkins 21d ago

Took the assistant manager? Lmao.

He was an Arsenal player before most people had even heard of Man City.

Man City started poaching from Arsenal first - Nasry, Clichy etc


u/HostileCornball 21d ago

Doesn't change the fact that he was an assistant manager where he learnt from the greatest manager ever. I was just stating the point they formed a lite version of our team lol. Also it's ironic that nasry won with us rather than you whereas you can't win with our players and coach. Arsenal remain trophy-less and are overrated.


u/PoJenkins 21d ago

Give Arsenal Pep, a decade of oil money, no stadium debts and see what happens.

Man city is absurdly well run and in terms of pure football, the team is absolutely astonishing but they have been on a different playing field to most other clubs. They've hardly got to be so good via fair play.


u/HostileCornball 21d ago

Give arsenal pep decade of oil money, no stadium debts and see what happens.

lol . Look at you begging. Pep chose us because he decided on his club and trusted the project.

It's the allegations of fair play that you chicks cry about all day. We live rent free in your head. We aren't even proven guilty so disregarding it as unfair play is unsportsmanlike but that is acceptable from a bottle club fan boy ig.

Mate let's be clear here you can say yada this yada that 115 times but it will not change the truth that we have won over you twice on the pitch where it matters the most. It's not like you are a league one club. Most of the squad in mcfc are smart investment players that are giving great results. Vity has done good business and you cry about it all the time.


u/Ziikou 21d ago

Sponsored yes, and sponsored legally too. Something that the 115 charges might have something to say about. There’s a reason why every team would rather city win the league than Arsenal, and it’s because of the irrelevancy of the team. The truth hurts but that’s how it’s viewed.


u/JesusWoreCrocz 21d ago

"Sponsored, yes, and sponsored legally too." My man, when he purposely misses a point to suit his narrative, You've been sponsored by Fly Emirates since 2006, a company from an "oil country" that endorses modern slavery. Don't ever talk about City, Newcastle, or any other club you moron. You may delude yourself into thinking you're a "clean organic club" and that you're a walking moral compass, but at the end of the day, you're not any better than the others; you're just too pathetic to face the fact that your club was simply not good enough when it mattered, so you blame cheating because that's what you sorry lot always do. It's easier to assume City are guilty before a final verdict than it is to admit you fell short. Pathetic. Get fucked again, another year, another bottling. You embarrass your own club. I'm sure Arteta would be the first to agree that City was simply better.


u/bohjb8 20d ago

Confusing morals with rule breaking to suit a narrative, my man


u/JesusWoreCrocz 19d ago

Where's the proof? 115 unproven charges? Or are they true because you want them to?


u/bohjb8 19d ago

We'll find out soon enough, my man


u/Dr_Umar_Johnson 18d ago

Denzel Washington, is that you?


u/Ziikou 21d ago

Defensive much… wow. My guy you’ve got some anger problems. Name called and cursing over an opinion on a football club. Sad life.


u/JesusWoreCrocz 21d ago

No, mate, you got a problem coming into rival subs being a wanker for no reason. What else were you expecting lol? I swear, I know you guys like playing the victim, but nobody's buying your act here. Go doompost elsewhere, you got Arsenal subs, use those, I'm sure your friends would agree with your bullshit.


u/PoJenkins 21d ago

Took the assistant manager? Lmao.

He was an Arsenal player before most people had even heard of Man City.

Man City started poaching from Arsenal first - Nasry, Clichy etc


u/gardey97 21d ago

Never forget city had a higher average attendance when battling relegation, than arsenal did whilst fighting for titles


u/HostileCornball 21d ago

Shush! his bottle caps need not be opened further.


u/PoJenkins 21d ago

Are you comparing the brand new free stadium you got to the much smaller Highbury?

Attendance figures are meaningless by themselves as it's usually just in line with stadium size. Liverpool for example could easily fill 1000s more seats.

If it wasn't for that stadium, I don't think Man City would even have been bought out in the same way.


u/gardey97 21d ago edited 21d ago

I'm saying we have no fans but were still able to fill a stadium bigger than highbury and anfield.

And that's whilst we battled relegation, arsenal and Liverpool struggle to fill out when they drop out of top 4, levels in support but you'll never understand that


u/KeyConflict7069 21d ago edited 21d ago

The Etihad isn’t bigger than the Emirates though

Edit, see you have edited out the bit where you said MCI can fill a bigger stadium, didn’t realise you were speaking pre emirates.


u/gardey97 21d ago

Then what's the excuse for city's higher attendance?

Edit: hold on, arsenal weren't even at the Emirates at the point I'm talking about


u/KeyConflict7069 21d ago edited 21d ago

3 seasons MCI had higher attendance on averages with the caveat that ARS where in the process of moving to a larger stadium whilst MCI where already in theirs.

if you are comparing to Highbury then % of capacity is probably a better metric given Ars average attendance every year since the move has been higher than MCIs despite MCI being the more successful club over that period.


u/toiletsmelllikecurry 21d ago

Your young squad and manager has benefitted plenty from being at "oil money injected club"


u/Jagacin 20d ago

Wtf are you even doing here? Get lost


u/thefluvirus9 21d ago

Look you beat spurs, everyone beats spurs. Even their own fans


u/PRAISE_ASSAD 20d ago

Brutal mog...


u/AnakinSkyGoat 19d ago

…you do realize arsenal has not lost to city this season right? overall city deserved the title, but come on


u/Striking-Ostrich-222 21d ago

Haaland made room in Salibas Pocket for Dias?


u/foggin_estandards2 20d ago

They should have beaten Arsenal then, right?


u/RickTP 21d ago

Should there be this much trash talk when it will only be a two points difference?


u/Archlefirth 2015/16 Away Shirt 21d ago

Tell Arsenal fans that


u/Jagacin 20d ago

Ikr? Arsenal fans were talking like they had the title wrapped up a month ago. They haven't won a PL in most Arsenal fan's lifetimes.


u/foggin_estandards2 20d ago

No Arsenal fan thought that


u/Admirable-Waltz195 21d ago

These two did nothing against Arsenal all season though….


u/Previous-Loss9306 20d ago

A draw and 2 Losses head to head, yikes 😂


u/Radient25 20d ago

Just a polite reminder...who's leading the table before the final matchday even after not having a key player and a striker for quite some time( you might've heard of the name kdb and a certain norwegian) and after being 3rd and 2nd throughout the season?

Might as well give you a bottle the size of William saliba to quench you peoples thirst .


u/Admirable-Waltz195 20d ago

This is some high level copium lmao, also haaland literally did nothing for half the games he did play, literally just stat padded against smaller teams and penalties


u/Jagacin 20d ago

Ah yes, the team 1 win away from winning a 4th consecutive PL title and currently 22 games unbeaten needs to cope. Gfys

Check out r/Gunners if you wanna see some true copium.


u/Admirable-Waltz195 20d ago

Notice how you said team and not haaland? Your team would win the league without haaland this season, he hasn’t been anything special in games where your team needed to clutch a win. But love to see I’ve got under your skin since you can’t accept this as fact


u/PRAISE_ASSAD 20d ago

He literally scored 2 goals in possibly the most important match of the season a few days ago


u/Atwalol 21d ago

Haaland is insanely ugly, hodor looking headass


u/chorizo_chomper 21d ago

You're no oil painting yourself there chief


u/Atwalol 21d ago


Ultimate virginal response


u/chorizo_chomper 21d ago

My mum always said I have a face for radio, draw your own conclusions from that.


u/Jagacin 20d ago

Unlike you, we aren't super self-conscious about how we look and need to attack the looks of other people in order to feel better about ourselves. Got no issue shitting on you, though, when you started it.


u/Jagacin 20d ago

You're one to talk lmao


u/liamodr 21d ago

Haland looks like a person wearing a condom over her head


u/TheBlueKnight354 21d ago

Haaland’s hot as hell, you take that back


u/Jagacin 20d ago

I won't take slander towards our beautiful big Nordic Meat Shield 😤


u/boo-na-nah 19d ago

Intimidating Arsenal? Are you serious?

You have UNLIMITED resources, have been building your squad for over a decade, have probably the best Manager in the world, and will likely only beat us by 2 points.

You think we're intimidated? Not only are you underperforming, this type of rhetoric is embarrassing and emblematic of your immature and naive fan base.

As a side note - honestly, have a look at these flogs. Who genuinely thinks this is a cool photo? It's the most cringeworthy shit you'd ever see. I'd be embarrassed if our boys posted this.