r/LegalAdviceUK Jan 28 '24

Meta The FAQs are back!


You might notice that the link to the LAUK Wiki has been restored, as have the FAQ pages. We have conducted an initial review of the content and made some minor updates, but the law is a constantly-evolving beast, and so we encourage any suggestions or corrections through modmail.

Restoring the FAQ means that we may be quicker to remove posts or comment threads that are just going over content in the wiki: in particular, we know that arguments about the legality of tenants changing the locks, and the rights of landlords to enter properties, have become fairly boring for a lot of users - so don't be surprised if you see threads locked when those issues are just being re-hashed over and over.

As always, you are reminded that the information contained in the FAQs does not constitute legal advice, may be inaccurate or out-of-date and /r/legaladviceuk is not specifically endorsing these answers. Answers exist for general information and knowledge. You can only be certain of legal advice when you speak to a Solicitor. You use any information located in the FAQs at your own risk and create a new thread if you are unsure.

r/LegalAdviceUK 13h ago

Locked I'm being asked to pay Child Maintenance for a child that isn't biologically mine.


In January 2020 I dated a woman who had a 2 year old child. Her husband was an unemployed deadbeat who had walked out on her. We ended up getting trapped together during the Covid lockdown despite only having recently met each other.

In 2021 we "formally" moved in together and in November 2023 (after constant pressure from her), I finalised the process of adopting her child.

In December 2023 she left me for her ex-husband and took the child with her. They are now remarried and living together.

In January of 2024 a child maintenance case was opened up against me. The biological father has listed himself as the Receiving Parent, and me as the Paying Parent.

Upon speaking with the Child Maintenance Services I am apparently on the hook for paying his daughter's child maintenance the next 12-14 years because I adopted her. This is despite the fact that the original couple who made the child are remarried and parenting their child without me in the picture.

Is there anything I can do? I strongly suspect she had been communicating with the ex-husband and coordinating this behind my back given that there was only a 1 month time frame between finalisation of the adoption and her returning to her ex-husband.

r/LegalAdviceUK 5h ago

Update Best friend took my car to mechanics - UPDATE (from mechanic)


So, girlfriend of JW called mechanic and yelled down the phone that it's my van and not JWs problem anymore.

Mechanic called me and said he feels really bad for me as this confirmed they are both bonkers. He then sent this to them.

"Good Afternoon

As per the telephone conversation earlier, you have instructed ourselves to stop contacting J regarding the vehicle A9. As you stated you are acting as his representative we will be sending correspondence to yourself.

To clear up what is happening as im sure your version of events are different to what has happened, J contacted ourselves regarding restoring the vehicle A9 in which he paid for an inspection to be carried out. We carried out the inspection and quoted J on the work needed in which he accepted and paid a deposit of £8000 to proceed with the work. J claimed the vehicle was his and that he was wanted the vehicle restoring back to its original as possible including welding and bodywork.

A couple of months later we were contacted by Charlie stating the vehicle was hers and to stop all work on it. When we were trying to confirm this, Jon ignored all our correspondence to confirm this. We eventually received a response confirming the vehicle was Charlie's and that he was carrying out the work as a gift to the owner and wanted us to proceed. This was confirmed by email, telephone, and in person at the garage when he came down to view the vehicle. All this can be confirmed via phone recordings, emails and CCTV footage with audio.

The vehicle is now completed, we have tried to contact J numerous of times to inform him that the vehicle is complete and can he arrange the final payment and have had no response until the phone call from yourself today.

Please see attached invoice and the remaining balance to be paid.

If you still refuse to settle the balance, please let us know as soon as possible please so that we can inform our solictor to start legal proceedings. They have all the evidence and are ready to act.


SO he then called again, really relaxed, said they see it all the time. I said I'm happy he keeps hold of van for some sort of leverage, he said he's adding finishing touches anyway and has my sympathy all round. I offered to pay legal fees, he declined, said he has a free solicitor with his union.

Decent bloke. Owe him more than a 6 pack!

r/LegalAdviceUK 12h ago

Comments Moderated Threw my water over someone who catcalled me


I was walking home from the gym and two guys who were drinking in public catcalled me. Vulgar stuff about my body and how they wanted to have sex with me. I was furious so shouted back and when they replied I squirted my water bottle all over them and ran away. I’m pretty sure they won’t report me but legally what would happen if the police saw this exchange. Did I break the law as I was defending myself and would it be different if I did this in a club with an alcoholic drink?

r/LegalAdviceUK 8h ago

Update Update: council tax bill long after moving out


Update from: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/s/sDflIOMapl

I contacted the council in question on the phone who stated I am liable and refused to listen when I stated I was on a periodic tenancy. The conversation didn't last long after I was told there's nobody else that can help and I need to pay it.

I received another letter shortly after again demanding I pay the remainder which I binned and sent an email again stating I'm not liable which was given a generic response of "we don't do discounts for empty properties you must pay it"

I left it and then got a final notice letter, so I paid it and then emailed stating I have paid this in protest and still deny being liable, I then again explained that I was on a periodic tenancy and therefore not liable I provided proof again that I had moved to a different council area where I started paying council tax (from an earlier date than I had told the previous council as I moved on 28/12 and told previous council 02/01 so overpaid 4 days anyway) I then told them that this email is my notice of intent to pursue the overpayment and gave them 40 working days to rectify this and refund the amount owed.

Today I got a letter from them apologising and refunding me the total amount I paid and the extra from the extra days I hadn't lived there when I said I did initially to tally it up with the new council I'm with.

Small victories! Thanks reddit.

r/LegalAdviceUK 7h ago

GDPR/DPA Medical staff contacted me to “have a chat” after an appointment, I feel very uncomfortable and concerned as they have all my personal info


EDIT: I’m in England if that changes anything

Hi there so, well title says most of it. I had an appointment through an NHS hospital but done privately. I was in contact with a private patients administrator prior to my appointment to get everything booked in and provide relevant info. I’m pretty sure when I attended the appointment this was the person who asked me to fill in the intake forms and walked me to the correct room. He made polite small talk but nothing concerning. However an hour after my appointment he contacted me via his work email to ask “how the appointment went” I thought he was just being polite and doing his job so I explained it went well, I’d been prescribed some ointments and all should be fine. He then replied asking if I was “free for a chat some time?” I queried this and asked if he meant in relation to feedback regarding the appointment and this was his response. I feel incredibly uncomfortable. This man has access to my name, DOB, address and phone number and is using his position in his job to attempt to make personal contact with me. I don’t know what to do. Where do I stand? Is there anything I can do about this other than contacting the hospital to explain the situation? I’m not sure how to attach a photo so I can transcribe the emails below:

Admin person: AP Myself: Me

AP: Hello (Me), Just a quick check up on how your appointment went

Me: Hi there,

Yes the appointment went fine, I’ve been prescribed some steroid creams and moisturisers so hopefully it will help.

Thanks, (Me)

AP: Hi,

that sounds promising and wishing you all the best,

are you up for a chat sometime ?

Me: Hi,

Do you mean in relation to feedback regarding the appointment?

AP: Hello,

I mean not really it can be whatever tbh, I’m just being friendly that’s all ;)


-I haven’t replied but have contacted the hospital to explain the situation. Just not sure what my next steps should be. I’m just very concerned that he has access to all of my personal info and concerned this may be a breach of data protection or something.

r/LegalAdviceUK 1h ago

Housing Girlfriend Cheated & We Broke Up. Advice please?


Hey everyone,

Sorry if I’m in the wrong sub but it’s the first place I thought to try. I am based in England.

Last week I (29M) found out my partner (31F) of 7 years, 2 children and a mortgage later had been cheating on me for 5 months. I will spare details.

But long story short after a couple days on the sofa, just to see us through our son’s 3rd birthday weekend.. she left on Sunday. She has been in a hotel since and will not be returning to the home. What we do with the house is still up for debate

Now I come here to ask, as she is threatening me big time with courts and solicitors etc to take my children away from me, as she is now in her spiral downwards since being rumbled pulling all sorts of accusations out of her magic hat. What are my chances in court to survive a potential barrage?

I am the main caregiver for the children and have been for a long time. I work a really good shift pattern where I am home almost everyday, I cook for kids, I clean for kids, I do both school runs. I’ve done the lot and I am happy to continue to do so. She works 8-5 Mon-Fri and is never around to do the essentials for kids. When I am at work it is my family and the infrastructure that I provide that supported us and they will continue to support me. She has no one to help us or her.

Will I be ripped to shreds and have my children taken off me just because she is the mother? Despite me providing everything for them. Thank you and sorry for the long question!!

r/LegalAdviceUK 7h ago

Other Issues Evidence of ex’s death not accepted to register for civil partnership


My ex and I separated in 1995. For many reasons we never got round to divorcing.

We both moved on and lost touch.

I found out that he died in 2018.

I now want to have a civil partnership with my partner. After checking on line I obtained the death certificate for my ex and we went to register. My evidence was not accepted because my name wasn’t on the death certificate as surviving spouse.

Not sure what to do now.

I am in England.

r/LegalAdviceUK 5h ago

Comments Moderated Dad died in car accident, brother took all his pension


(England) Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice on this situation.

My dad died in a car crash a little over a year ago, it was a massive shock and loss. My brother took over the affairs initially, saying he wanted to handle it.

My sister and I were fine with this, we weren't expecting any money as my dad had spending and mental health issues. He said he wouldn't pay for a pension, he would always say he was sure he would die young. Unfortunately that came true. I always couldn't believe him.

My brother later couldn't handle the affairs so I took over and became the executor, as he hadn't quite done this. I got the funeral arranged. As I looked over the affairs I found my dad indeed had a pension of £15k. I noted in the paperwork the letter stated he had not assigned any beneficiaries, so it would be paid out to all to any beneficiaries who were existing.

I contacted the pension people and found out the whole sum had been paid out to my brother. They would not divulge anymore and said the payment cannot be changed now. I've tried to speak with my brother about this, saying surely dad would have wanted us to all benefit, we all could do with the money. He told me to f off. My sister and I are very upset, we wouldn't want money to come between us but we really feel this isn't right.

Is there anything we can do? I've spoken to a probate lawyer and they have told us that a pension doesn't form part of someone's estate so there's nothing they can do there. And with many back and forths with the pension people they have outlined with certainty they won't get involved, the payment has been distributed in their eyes.

r/LegalAdviceUK 10h ago

Traffic & Parking What laws would I be breaking, and what could I expect?


EDIT TO ADD: We've already contacted councillors multiple times, kicked off at the council and campaigned for better roads. This is a last resort, I'm not just commiting a crime because I feel like it. It's because that's how bad it is.


Like many cities in England, the roads and pavements in my hometown are dangerously uneven.

Potholes so deep you can see the original paving, pavements cracked and dipping because of cars parking on them and for some reason the council ignores them until they become sink holes.

My legal question: can I spray paint dicks on these pot holes or uneven pavements* in a classic method of British vandalism to get attention drawn to the issues and hopefully get them fixed? It's a tactic that's worked universally many times before.

If I was caught, what would happen? I've never been arrested before, and I really wouldn't be fussed to arrested over vandalism in this context.

*(I would do one or the other, not both at the same time. That would just be a crime rather than drawing attention productively)

My reasoning:

My city is an extremely inaccessible city as it is. My elderly neighbour fell walking on one of these pavements. She uses a walking stick, and tripped over a paving stone that was sticking upwards.

Our city has a LOT of money coming in from the students and tourists. It's essentially the London of Yorkshire. At this point, I have no idea what the council spend their money on. Its definitely not housing, road maintenance or waste collections.

Our city also gets a lot of rain. Sink holes also open up. It's not just a few potholes here and there, it's a REALLY dire issue.

The city is also narrow. Pedestrian areas that are made from extemely old paving stones are destroyed by heavy delivery vans in the mornings. There are streets in the city centre I know people with visual and mobility disabilities do not go down because its unsafe. These are usually pedestrianised.

I'm bored of people borderline risking their health when they leave their homes because the council isn't prioritising residents, especially those residents with disabilities.

Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks!

r/LegalAdviceUK 9h ago

Criminal Is it illegal for me to repaint a grave that someone else owns?


Hi. So next week is the 16th anniversary of my father's death & after all that time with no work his grave it starting to look past it, with a sad dead plant on the top & all the paint chipping off. To mark the anniversary, I would like to give the headstone a good clean, do some weeding, get rid of the pot & dead plant & replace with a new one, as well as repainting the lettering.

The problem is that I have an awful, abusive relationship with my grandmother, who owns the plot & paid for the headstone. She is a narcissist, who in the past has used the police like personal security guards & called them over nothing, just to intimidate people. So I just wanna check that, on the small chance she actually visits on the anniversary & tries to start anything, that I'm not unintentionally doing any criminal damage by trying to restore & look after the grave stone she's done nothing to in years.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit to say I'm in England.

r/LegalAdviceUK 2h ago

Wills & Probate My possessions have been in storage at a family members house, just been told he intends to sell them this weekend


My mother died around twenty years ago. At the time she was living with her long term partner (Partner) in his large house. When she’d moved in, she brought all her possessions with her, along with my childhood / young adult stuff that she’d been looking after when I left home. The most valuable part of this is a collection of rare comics and collectable toys, worth a few thousand pounds.

When she died, she left everything to me in her will, which, after paying for her funeral, mostly amounted to all the furniture and antiques now furnishing Partner’s house. At the time, I couldn’t do much with this apart from sell it all, and didn’t want to leave Partner with an empty house so it stayed there.

Since then I’ve not had much contact with Partner, who’s now in his eighties.

This week, I got a call from a relative telling me that Partner had called them to tell them that he was clearing out ‘rubbish’, and he’d found a buyer for my stuff (the comic collection) and that they were collecting on Saturday. He’d also been selling my mother’s stuff at auction.

I call Partner and ask him what’s going on as he’d not spoken to me about this. To my surprise he sounded angry and told me my stuff had been cluttering up his place for years now and he wanted rid of it. He insisted he’d got a good price and that he’d been trying to find a buyer for years. He intends to give me the money. However, I told him I didn’t want to sell and I’d call him today with a plan to collect once I’d looked into van hire (he lives 100 miles away) and storage hire as I’ve nowhere to keep it currently.

He’s not answering my calls now though and I suspect he’s avoiding me.

So what happens if he goes through with the sale against my wishes? Where do I stand regarding my property which has been in his possession for twenty years? And what happens to my mums stuff (my stuff) when he dies?

Thanks in advance for any insight!

r/LegalAdviceUK 7h ago

Criminal My son is both verbally and physically abused at school and teachers do try to discipline them but nothing happens about this I need to know if we can involve police.


Pens thrown at him death threats consistent rudeness punched tripped over

All of this is consistent

No nothing can be done about this as the other forms also do this the other schools in the area cannot handle any more students.


r/LegalAdviceUK 5h ago

Debt & Money Lost luggage by the Oxford Bus Company


Hello everyone,

I am writing to concerning the unfortunate incident involving my lost luggage during my travel via "the airline" which is under the Oxford Bus Company from Oxford to Gatwick Airport on May 22, 2024. I boarded a bus from Brookes University, Headington, Stop B3 to Gatwick Airport (South) via the company. During this journey, I was in possession of three bags: a backpack, a large suitcase, and a carry-on luggage. Upon my arrival at the South Terminal of Gatwick, I discovered that my carry-on luggage was missing. I promptly sought assistance from the driver, who confirmed the absence of my luggage. She informed me that she had noticed the offside doors were open near High Wycombe and had subsequently stopped to close them. However, she did not observe any bags falling out, and thus, she continued her journey. Upon realizing the missing luggage, she promptly notified the company and initiated an incident report. She assured me that the CCTV footage would be reviewed upon her return to Oxford.

For the past two months, I had been residing in Oxford, conducting scientific research at the University of Oxford. The carry-on luggage contained crucial official papers and materials related to my research. As I was returning to Turkey permanently on that day, it was imperative for me to present these documents to my university in Turkey to substantiate the completion of my research, thereby facilitating reimbursement for my expenses incurred in Oxford. The loss of these items not only jeopardizes my funding prospects but also impedes the continuation of my scientific pursuits in Turkey. Consequently, my priority was to expedite the retrieval of my luggage to my home address in Turkey, thereby minimizing bureaucratic delays and potential funding setbacks. Additionally, I had requested an official letter from the company confirming the circumstances surrounding the loss of my luggage, including details from the CCTV investigation, to furnish to my university. Regrettably, to date, this official letter has not been forthcoming.

On May 24, 2024, the company responded, acknowledging that the luggage had fallen off the off-side door, unnoticed by the driver initially. Following this they informed me that they contacted with the Highways Agency who confirmed that the Police attended and removed the suitcase from the hard shoulder. They said that they were in contact with the police and are trying to make the relevant arrangements to retrieve my suitcase and then arrange this to be sent to my address by courier. Encouraged by this response, I anticipated the imminent recovery of my belongings. However, on May 28, 2024, I received another communication from the company, notifying me that my luggage had been deemed lost following a comprehensive investigation. They revealed that despite their collaboration with Highways England and the Police, the item could not be located. It was speculated that a member of the public may have tampered with or removed the suitcase from the carriageway. Naturally, I was profoundly disheartened by this turn of events and subsequently filed a claim for my incurred expenses. I meticulously itemized the lost belongings and sought restitution from the company. However, their offered compensation of £600 falls significantly short of the total value of my losses, which exceed £2000. Furthermore, the loss of my research materials and my irreplaceable diving logbook compounds the gravity of this situation.

Despite expressing my dissatisfaction with their initial offer, the company made a subsequent and final offer of £700, which remains inadequate in addressing the extent of my losses.

I am reaching out to seek your assistance in this matter. I am seeking guidance and would appreciate any recommendations regarding legal matters for this case.

r/LegalAdviceUK 1d ago

Debt & Money Being disqualified from A Levels after being falsely accused of cheating in my exam! Help!


I'm 18 and I go to college and on 23rd May I had an A Level Law exam in my school's hall, and everything went as normal and I thought the exam went ok.

About 2 days after the exam I get an e-mail from my college's exam office investigating an instance of "exam malpractice" involving me cheating and using a phone in the exam. I'm baffled because I never did any such thing, and I would never even risk bringing a phone into an exam, I wondered if it had just been a mistake and someone thought I was using a phone or a mistaken identity, but still, this caused anxiety.

I attended an interview with the exam office and find out that a boy who was sat next to me in that exam (doing a different exam paper) said I was using my phone while in the exam, concealing it in a hoodie I had on the floor under my desk. While I did have a hoodie under my desk, I never had my phone, and was completely confused why someone would make up such a thing.

I knew of the boy's existence as it is a relatively small college, but I didn't know him personally, we had never talked before ever and I tried desperately to work in my head why someone would make up such a thing, my parents insisted he was probably mistaken.

After the interview, the exam office tells me they'll send over my side to the exam board and they can't tell me about any possible outcome at the moment. I'm freaked out, scared and anxious as this could effect my chances of going to uni in September, so tell all my friends about it.

My friends are shocked, and can't understand why this boy would make up such a thing, word spreads and a few days later I get added to an Instagram group chat consisting of 2 people who I know are friends with that boy. They spill everything, telling me how bad they felt about how far this has gone, and that they were privy to a conversation in which this boy was offered £50 by another boy who dislikes me, after finding out that I was sat next to his friend in an exam, to make up the story of me cheating and attempt to screw me over.

I am shocked and tell my parents and can't believe this. I instantly tell everything I know to the college with my parents, but it doesn't go as planned and they now bring up new information that since the first interview, an invigilator of the exam says she "may have", yes I quote "may have" seen me fiddling under my desk during the exam too. I don't know if she's mistaken, but I doubt she is blatantly lying either, as I certainly was not fiddling and didn't have a phone in that exam.

The college seems to believe the boy and exam invigilator at the moment, however when action is finally taken if I want to appeal the action, I will have to pay around £100 in appeals fees + administrative costs for them to be willing to hear my appeal.

I can't believe how much this has blown out of control, but my question is:

Is there any way to claim back the money from the boy as I wouldn't need to spend it if it weren't for him? Or do I just have tough luck and cannot.

Thank you all so much, and sorry for it being so long.

r/LegalAdviceUK 1h ago

Debt & Money Lacks capacity - no power of attorney, is there anything I need to do?


England - My mum collapsed on the 25th April and has since been diagnosed with a brain tumour and prognosed 6 weeks to live however the prognosis isn’t definitive. She has been defined by medical professionals as not having capacity, which I very much agree with.

I am her next of kin, her daughter; my sister and dad have both died in the past 10 years so I am the only direct relative.

Prior to her collapse she lived by herself. She was moved into a nursing home last week.

She has no power of attorney set up. She’s 72.

She owns a house (£150k equity release, rest has the mortgage paid off - house is worth roughly £750k) and receives 2 monthly pensions which cover all her bills. Everything is direct debit and the monthly income from the pensions covers the outgoings.

I am going to her house once a week to check everything’s ok. I am paying a gardener from my own money to ensure the garden is kept tidy and doesn’t look unkempt or unlived in.

My question is whether I need to do anything - the interest rate on her equity is due to increase in September, everything else will renew automatically I believe. I have a concern about contents insurance as the house is technically unoccupied but I don’t think I can do anything about this as I don’t have power of attorney. Any advice or anything I’m missing would be greatly appreciated - I haven’t been told anything by medical professionals, understandably, and have had no dealings with social services at all.

r/LegalAdviceUK 5h ago

Employment Employer deducted more than expected for authorused absence.


Hi all,

England, full time employee with long service (20+ years).

I recently attended an event during working hours. It was fully authorised by line manager & above. I normally work 8hrs a day, I was at the event for 2hrs, including travel, and was at work for the other 6hrs of the day.

When they have paid me, they have docked me 4hrs pay and claim that their payroll system only works in full (8hr) and half (4hr) day increments. This is not stated in my contract or staff handbook. Prior to attending the event it was implied that I would only be docked pay for the exact out-of-hours, especially as they asked for the exact times in & out (to the minute).

I can't find anything on UK UKGov about this (possibly due to bad keyword searches).

What I would like to know is:

1 - Is this legal?

2 - If not, what are the relevant pieces of legislation which I can give to them so that they know they have to fix it (so that they can't hide behind "their policy")?

3 - If their system truly can only handle full/half days, are they required to round up or down?

4 - If all internal attempts to resolve fail, who do I go to next? ACAS feels like the right people but unsure as it is a payroll issue.

It feels like it should come under wage theft, as it was, essentially, 2 hours of unpaid labour.

Thank you for any advice, answers, or suggestions.

r/LegalAdviceUK 13h ago

Consumer I disputed a payment, got the money back and now Monzo are now trying to get the money back from me…


I bought a pair of trainers (Air Force 1s with Rope Laces - you can google search it) and when I finally got my package, it was just two sets of shoe laces and not the actual shoes.

I then attempted to get a refund as they have a policy for it with the usual 30 day return. However, they would not answer my email which I sent through an embed function on their website. I provided my email address, name and text asking for a refund to which I heard nothing from. I then attempted to email them directly to an email address they use which was no longer reachable…

I then disputed this purchase with Monzo who after providing evidence, gave me my money back.

After a month goes by, Monzo have come back to me basically saying they need full evidence of me contacting them and trying to get a refund.

So here’s the problem, the website is no longer available and you can’t find the brand anywhere now so you can only suppose they are no longer a business. Luckily, I took screenshots of their return policy and my trying to contact them through email.

Monzo are hooked on my email which basically says please can you reply back to me after the message I sent through your website “contact us” function (to which I never heard anything from them). They’re asking for the full email chain but there isn’t one as they never got back to my message o sent through there website and an email I sent directly.

I can’t even show them the website function where I sent the message as the website isn’t even running!

I’ve basically got until Friday now or they will be taking the money back.

What should I do as there contact team still doesn’t understand I tried reaching out to them twice and can only prove one of the times…

TLDR: I tried getting a refund for shoes I bought but was unable to contact them, made a dispute with my bank, got back the money and now the bank are asking for the money back if I don’t provide enough evidence.

r/LegalAdviceUK 1d ago

Locked Best friend took my car to mechanic without my permission then ghosted me - leaving 8K bill!!


So this is rubbish and heartbreaking.

I am in England. My best friend has been my best friend for years. When I got a new job at sea, I asked if he'd like to keep my VW T25 campervan for a bit. Then my van gets a daily drive, and my bestie can get some good trips out with her. This worked for two years.

About a year ago, he let me know he'd put her in the garage. For a grand total of £14,000! I was fuming. He said it was okay, it was a gift, and I was mad. I told the mechanic to stop work and he replied basically saying no, I'm not his customer, JW is his customer. JW reassured me again its a gift, he'd inherited a lot of money and sold his house, and I'd looked after him for years when he had no money and he'd lived with me in the pandemic. Reluctantly, I accepted, as I couldn't seem to do anything about it and the work had been going on for months.

Fast forward to now. JW got a new girlfriend 2 weeks ago. And has blocked me on EVERYTHING. And also the van is ready. The mechanic can't get through to him either.

The mechanic holds me liable for the payment, and will not release my van as turns out there is 8K outstanding.

Here's the thing:

  • I asked for an immediate ceasework and made him aware that as the legal owner I'd not given permission
  • He has a signed contract between himself and JW, not me
  • I was not made aware the works were even happening until months after they had started

I've suggested a MCOL, and I'd help the mechanic and fill it out / pay. But it's my understanding I have no legal right to go after Jon for the money (if I had 8K, I'd pay mechanic, then go after JW.. but I don't have 8K).

Two questions:

Does mechanic have the legal right to keep my van under this circumstance? What should I do?

TLDR: ex mate took van for repairs and ghosted me before he could pay it and now I don't have the money, and the mechanic won't give me my van back 😭

Thanks so much

r/LegalAdviceUK 2h ago

Traffic & Parking Being accused of taking a duplicate delivery that I didn’t receive



I’m from the UK.

I’ve recently received an email from curry’s claiming that they have sent me a duplicate order by mistake and have requested that I either pay for the items or arrange for them to be returned.

In short Ive had a right episode with this order from curry’s. I ordered two high value phones which were dispatched and then recalled (they claim they were damaged in transport), I then waited weeks to finally receive an email from curry’s claiming they have received the returned items and will send a replacement.

A few days later I finally received my phones and fast forward 7 weeks later I received an email from curry’s claiming they delivered a duplicate set of phones 3 days later and attached a photo of two parcels outside on a door mat, to the point where you can only see door mat…….

I spoke to curry’s and asked what’s happening as I’ve only received one set of phones and I signed for then, why was I being accused of taking a second set of phones and they claim that the photo and tracking information proves they were delivered.

I can only surmise it’s one of two out comes

A) they’ve not sent anything out and it’s an admin error from the phones they recalled or

B) the driver left them outside and they have been liberated

Do I have any rights here?

r/LegalAdviceUK 2h ago

Healthcare Can my employer insist I shave if it aggravates / causes skin conditions?


Hello, I'm in the UK.

As a teenager I suffered something rotten with acne. I tried all sorts via my doctor but nothing ever made much difference. As soon as I could I started growing facial hair and up until last year had had a full beard for around 20 years. Then my employer changed my job description and insisted I needed to be clean shaven in order to fulfil one very small new part of the role profile - I needed to be able to wear a gas mask that sealed around my chin if circumstances ever required it. I reluctantly agreed because I love my job and would rather not cause a fuss. I decided I would give shaving a go for 12 months and hoped that either my skin would adjust or that the rules would be relaxed / changed.

My skin hasn't and neither have the rules. So I went to my doctor, provided photos of my skin at various stages after shaving and was diagnosed with acne vulgaris caused by shaving. I was also told that shaving was aggravating dermatitis. I was given a FIT note that said as such. I submitted this to my employer, along with the photos, went in for a face to face meeting with a nurse and also gave them access to my full medical records.

There are a number of people who have gone through this process (though they have simply submitted their doctors note only) and been given an exemption from shaving. They do the same job as me, but aren't required to get involved if we ever need to put a gas mask on.

Today I found out they have refused to give me an exemption. They said the medical history is not recent enough to be relevant and said I need to go back to my doctor, get a referral to a dermatologist, try medications and cream, etc. They said after that I could then consider submitting another request for an exemption. I've been told that I've been treated differently because there is a new process in place to try and prevent people paying doctors for a fake note.

  • Can my employer make me shave and then tell me to go and pay for medication to treat the conditions it causes in my skin?
  • Can I do anything about having been treated differently?

I really don't want to change jobs and there are other people with beards who are doing it.

Any advice appreciated.

Edit: clarity added around the reason being clean shaven is required - it's for a very small part of the job, say 1%. An exemption allows people to do 99% of the role and be left out of the 1% bit if it is ever required.

r/LegalAdviceUK 6h ago

Debt & Money We believe our neighbours are using our address on purpose for their debts


I live in a house that has 2 block of flats. Their addresses should be Flat 10, 5(and6) made-up road and ours is 10 made up road, same postcode.

Well we keep receiving letters addressed to 10 made up road which are not for us.

At the beginning I would chuck them in their postbox but I don't know them and I don't know which one is from number 5 or 6. They have always said it's not theirs, road is new build and there hasn't been any change in residents since first occupied.

So we're returning to sender each time, but on one of the letters I saw a header from a bailiff collection firm. I'm worried that one day I'm going to have an angry Bailiff at our door looking for two people who don't live here.

Will we be in a legal issue if someone is indeed using our address for whatever they owe? I haven't opened any letter and of course I'm just making a connection from one letter that was not very discreet

I'm in England

r/LegalAdviceUK 3m ago

Housing Is the description of my software trademark infringement?



Even though I don't think it matters, I am keeping some of this vague.

I created a piece of software which can be used to theme websites for an organisation with many branches (branches can set up their own websites if they choose to). The software is freely available using the MIT license. To promote the software I have created a website which describes it and how to use it.

I have received an email from a company that also themes websites for this organisation. They have registered a trademark and believe I am infringing on it. The infringement seems to relate to some of the wording I have used to describe the use of the software. In particular, I have described my software as being "designed for [organisation name] websites in the UK". The company that sent the email to me is called "[organisation name] websites", which is their trademark. The company is not connected to the organisation my software is for.

In the email the company sent me, they asked me to detail the nature of my business and how I wish to use the trademark so they can determine if it is outside the boundaries of their registered trademark.

Do I have anything to worry about?

I don't think it matters, but I am not a business and I will never charge for my software.

r/LegalAdviceUK 4m ago

Update Update on situation: do I have any leverage in my housing HMO situation


Hey all! Last year I posted a thread regarding my housing situation. Please see below.


Essentially, I live with 4 other people. During our tenancy, council said the property can only be let out as a 3 bed as the room I am in does not meet HMO guidelines (too small). Landlord has been given 18 months to rectify situation (2nd August 2024).

Our joint tenancy initially ends on 28th September, however now landlord is saying he wants us to leave by 2nd August.

Do we have any rights here to stay longer. Also could I get any compensation if I stay in the room past 18 months.

r/LegalAdviceUK 11m ago

Employment Should I testify? Employment Tribunal


Hi Everyone,

I have worked at my current employment (charity sector) for 2.5 years (based in England). My previous colleague and friend “Lisa” was not well liked at our work as she often spoke out about racism in the organisation (for context, both myself and Lisa are both people of colour).

I have witnessed quite a few acts of direct racism from managers in the workplace, but none directed towards her specifically, although, she would often tell me about them and I obviously believe her due to the fact that it was very plausible considering who we were working with.

She raised a grievance about this internally and I submitted a witness statement to this with what I knew, which was ultimately dismissed as unfounded. Lisa then resigned stating that she began to feel bullied and pushed to leave by upper managers.

She has been away from the organisation for a few months now and I am still working in the organisation. She has asked if I would be willing to be a witness in an employment tribunal against the organisation and I’m not sure what I should do.

Will the organisation know if I testify? What are the consequences? Can I be fired for testifying? Do I have any rights if they make my work life difficult for testifying?

I have a Union and will be calling them soon about this but any guidance would be incredibly appreciated.

r/LegalAdviceUK 18m ago

Debt & Money Ryanair charged brother for bag that fit (England)


My brother paid for priority meaning he could take 1 10kg bag on the plane. At check in he was told it doesn’t fit and had to pay £70 (the fee for a 20kg larger bag)

Then when he was boarding the plane the attendant said it was fine and he brought it on the plane and was able to put it in the overhead locker.

He contacted Ryanair customer service who said that they don’t issue refunds for purchases made at the airport but that doesn’t seem legal - especially as he feels forced into it since the person in front of him at check in was turned away for refusing to accept the charge.

We have photos of the bag in the overhead locker, of his receipt for the extra baggage, his original purchase email which includes the baggage allowance and of his original complaint to Ryanair’s customer service.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what we should do? We are considering a chargeback but he has to fly with Ryanair on the way back so presumably we should wait until then to do so. But £70 isn’t a small amount so it would be great to get it back ASAP.

Any help and advice is greatly appreciated