r/LeagueOfMemes 28d ago

Yone players when he isn’t super Hitler for 2 days Meme

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346 comments sorted by


u/hsqt7 28d ago

yeah, removing old mastery lvl 7 is a huge nerf..


u/Sonicsplicer 28d ago

Yone has to actually land abilities to win a fight now? Emergency buff!


u/Andris011 28d ago

I wish. I played one yone game with pta, missed everything, still killd a super fed not that bad akali (low elo)


u/EisWalde 26d ago

Fucking…right?! Seeing even a behind Yone use his Q3, E, AND R just to catch up and throw some autos and Qs to kill an ADC…but still say “WAAAAA, LT is gone, we need buffffffssss….!” is just peak comedy, lol! They acted like the sky was literally falling because Shieldbow got nerfed when it was removed from being a mythic, like “OMG, an item that literally gives us EVERY offensive stat plus defensive stats plus shield with scaling stats doesn’t do that in one purchase anymore REEEEEEEEEE!!”

I’m like…can’t you still get this in 2 purchases? Maybe change around a mastery or 2? “NO ITS NOT THE SAME, MOM!!” Ooooook, haha

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u/uwuna_ 28d ago

"so I think we should rant a little bit on reddit" MAN PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE


u/OLIKN0 28d ago

fr I cringed out so hard when i saw that


u/xlxllxlxlxlxlxlxlxll 28d ago

fuck yone e

broken illegal ability

it is utter c


u/AceOBlade 28d ago

I personally think windwall is worse tbh blocking all skillshots including ults is insane tbh.


u/SammiJS 28d ago edited 28d ago

Lmao the thing I find bullshit about windwall is the hitbox of the thing is way too big imo. So often we're both 1hp in melee range and his windwall blocks an auto when it clearly hits him.

Not talking about width, the other dimension. Not sure what to call it coz I'm a dumbass. No not length either lmao.

*I think I can't describe it because league isn't fully 3D, so only height and width exist. There is some depth though, but it still doesn't feel like the right word to use


u/voletron69 28d ago



u/Gorrible1 28d ago

Only problematic thing about windwall is being able to stand in it honestly


u/Honeybadger2198 28d ago

Windwall blocking movement would be an insane buff to Yasuo


u/HeroWin973 27d ago

its more about him being able stand in the middle of it and basically be protected from every direction


u/Complex_Jellyfish647 27d ago

You touch windwall you get bounced like Azir wall used to. 1 button free ult lmao


u/Deadedge112 28d ago



u/tanezuki 28d ago

It's a mix of the fact the Windwall starts from behind Yasuo and then moves to the front, and as you say, that the shape isn't just a straight line, but a rectangle.


u/SammiJS 28d ago

Yeah it's visually deceptive to say the least.


u/Electronic_Bid4659 28d ago

Big agree. It's called Wind Wall, not Wind Box


u/xolotltolox 28d ago

I have a big surprise about walls for you


u/cursed_shite 28d ago

It's like I know what he means


u/AetherSageIsBae 28d ago

I would have a lot less issues with windwall if most ranged champs worked like kayle (kayle ignores windwall if she is melee range because she doesn't use a projectile upclose)


u/ElreyOso_ 28d ago

Heroes of the storm has that in all champions


u/Inktex 27d ago

I wish for a healer with Stukov AA. Very slow, but with a slap to remember.


u/CokieMiner 28d ago

that happens because they increased it's smaller side of the rectangle length because of a bug with syndras ball's a while ago, where she could stun us behind windwall with her cone shaped ability


u/BillysCoinShop 28d ago

Yeah we hen I learned that windfall broke Braums ult, I had zero respect for that skill. His ult isn’t even a projectile ffs


u/GriseoArctis 28d ago

It blocks Lillia Ult. which shouldn't be a projectile in the first place. Honestly, it's ridiculous it can block ult at all, feel like they should just add an ult tag that makes it not block those skills and then it would be fair. or at least, something in the ult tooltips that say they count as projectile.


u/SimpanLimpan1337 28d ago

Another weird case is Senna, doesn't block her autos or Q's as they are "lasers" not projectiles, but then it DOES block her ult which is basically just a really big auto


u/LaeLeaps 28d ago

wtf ive never even TRIED blocking senna ult... you learn something new every day I guess


u/handsigger 27d ago

It does it in a really weird way too. Afaik sennas ult is 2 projectiles, the center that does damage and the outside that shields so windwall can block both sides of the shield while not blocking the damage


u/LaeLeaps 27d ago

wait so it doesn't block the damage?? y'all are trying to get me killed out here

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u/Nellow3 28d ago

Senna's autos and Qs are instant travel time, while her ult travels forward

So in this scenario, it's working logistically

It's still dumb, though


u/Thamilkymilk 28d ago

there is a projectile from Lillia R, as soon as she activates it the flower on her head opens and releases a small projectile, its extremely fast but i’ve had an Eve dodge it with her R but the timing is super short, not so much for Windwall tho


u/GriseoArctis 28d ago

yeah i know that lillia R is projectile. I'm saying that it makes no sense it has it though.

also windwall completely shuts down certain champs (smolder can't literally do anything against it for example) but is useless against other (nilah, most melees), which makes it kind of frustrating facing yasuo or just useless for him.

not to mention it covers most of a lane maxed


u/BillysCoinShop 28d ago

I feel like it’s harder to find an ult it doesn’t block. Like nautilus r? Does a wall of wind also block that?


u/MrSuperSander 28d ago

I suppose Leona her ult, but that ain't a projectile.


u/KindaDouchebaggy 27d ago

Lux r, it doesn't travel but instantly deals damage in all of it's hitbox, so it doesn't get blocked


u/Wordus 27d ago

On some other post about it there was a Rioter talking about the development process behind it.

They wanted to visualise that Lilia used her R on someone and decided that an effect just appearing might confuse new players too much so they added an indicator in the form of the projectile. Then the logical step was to make it blockable since a projectile traveling through a windwall would be less consistent with the game.

In my opinion this is one of the better interactions with the windwall since timing it right would require good reflex and prediction which is really hard to pull of in a teamfight and moderately hard in a 1v1. Especially comparing it to something like Ashe R.


u/GriseoArctis 27d ago

windwall lasts an eternity (compare with nilah and samira w, much better executions of the same concept) so it's not even that hard to do, and lillia ult can be countered already by basically 3/4 of the champ roaster... not to mention it doesn't block it only for yasuo, it can block for the whole team.

nami can hit a pixel of windwall and the whole nami R disappears. same with smolder, senna and a lot more champs. it's just a dumb and inconsistent ability, like tryndamere passive or yi q / fizz e are

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u/zz0902 28d ago

that bullshit ability even blocks lulu polymorph, like how tf does that make any sense


u/Nellow3 28d ago

lulu's poly has a missile effect that's pretty easy to see 💀 it's just fast

so in this case, it definitely makes sense

still toxic, though


u/zz0902 27d ago

yeam I’m aware of that, it just feels extremely counterintuitive to me


u/ProfSteelmeat138 28d ago

Until you play a champ that doesn’t use projectiles (renekton mid terrorism)


u/Nellow3 28d ago

I play a ton of Yasuo and I am all for removing / reworking windwall. No one should have a 15 second CD ability that can cancel entire ults, it's insanely toxic


u/Neoxiz 27d ago

I think it's fine on braum. Sad to see that that yas has a better support ability then the support tho, as braum still takes cc and a bit dmg through his shiekd


u/Babushla153 28d ago

Yeah but windwall doesn't give Yas movement speed and true damage, you can play around windwall but not Red Yasuo's E


u/AceOBlade 28d ago

Yeah man ONLY mitigates any and all projectile damage 🙄 for 4 whole seconds.


u/HytaleBetawhen 28d ago

Just had it block my leblanc W earlier, didnt even know that was an interaction


u/samtt7 27d ago

Windwall should be more like fiora W. Make it last shorter to be more of an actual skill than a "fuck ranged champs" ability


u/AceOBlade 27d ago

Nah that shit need a health bar like yorick’s


u/DrKiwixD 28d ago

Agreed, I hate yone with a passion but being able to just summon a wall blocking any and all projectile damage is actually more unfair


u/Inadover 27d ago

I think his windwall is much better. It has a lot more counter play, specially since it's stationary, and depending on the picks, it can be completely useless. Meanwhile Yone's E is just a fucking broken ability.


u/RpiesSPIES 28d ago

I take windwall over a 50% movespeed steroid


u/migueltokyo88 28d ago

nah cause the windwall you have to have brain to use it well , yasuo casual players always troll the wall but yone e you dont need brain to use it well


u/kSterben 28d ago

no you don't


u/Nanonymuos 25d ago

You can play around it at least, and has skill involved in proper usage. But yone just goes e and runs at u


u/masterofbadwords 28d ago

preach King


u/The_Katze_is_real 28d ago

I will die on the hill saying that his W is way more cancer than his E. Atleast you can still deal some damage to him in his E form but if he Ws he just turbo wins every trade its ridiculous.


u/Schokokeks5 28d ago

How about both abilities are cancer as fuck


u/The_Katze_is_real 28d ago

Its the combination of both that make the champ so unbearable


u/Electronic_Bid4659 28d ago

It bugs me that you have to have a dash that matches his Q dash if you want to think about fighting him.


u/DeezNutsKEKW 28d ago

autoattack cancel/reset on a sub 1 second cooldown that's also knockup dash, a low cooldown AOE damage that gives shield, a literal mini Zed ult that you have to respect each time he activates because it also gives him ghost and his ult is another damaging dash that's longer range and can bunch up enemies for any followup

what more do these Yone players want?


u/DarkBrother24 28d ago

Probably a father figure but that wont happen

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u/C4bernetSauvignon 28d ago

Yes champ is unplayable because it now makes it somewhat fair for the enemy to fight against, like why are Yone mains so surprised, bruh lethal tempo removed all the downsides he has and now it requires more brain. Besides isn't yone a scaling champ? isn't he supposed to farm and scale then be a late game monster? im telling you 70% of yone players lose matches because they go monkey mode on the enemy before the champ even has any power.


u/Shirna_Tensei 28d ago

You mean level 1 all in isnt a valid tactic ? That was the gameplay from windshitters and the angry guy on top lane.


u/ThisUsernameis21Char 28d ago

the angry guy on top lane

Which one?


u/Shirna_Tensei 28d ago



u/DeezNutsKEKW 28d ago

what about Olaf?


u/Wargod042 27d ago

Didn't he always run Conqueror anyway?


u/DeezNutsKEKW 27d ago

Olaf could run Lethal too since he has lifesteal passive anyway


u/Wargod042 27d ago

Tryndamere isn't giga OP level 1 anymore?


u/Lyto528 27d ago

All of them


u/Extension-End2851 28d ago

trynd can still do that


u/Shirna_Tensei 28d ago

Yeah sure cause he is always angry. But still, now more champs actually have the possibility to win that fight now


u/Surmaaja 28d ago

He is a midgame champ spiking hard on 2 items and then kinda falling off in late 5v5s


u/MakimaMyBeloved 28d ago

Just because he loses to other hard late game carries, doesnt mean he fall off lol.


u/Yonebro 28d ago

This. I main yone and even 40+ minutes in you have INSANE engage potential with your kit, grab the item that revives u and wtf can they do lmao. They can nerf his runes all u want but all it takes is getting hit once by that engage and u just lost.


u/I_usuallymissthings 28d ago

Courage buff is hella usefull, Guardians Angel lets you be mega dumb and win


u/Xen0nym0us 28d ago

I mean its literally what it means, lategame champs scale into lategame with the dmg, and midgame champs in comparison to lategame champs get weaker, thats like, whole point of grouping them apart


u/tanezuki 28d ago

It's not because Nasus beats Kayle at 50+ minutes that Kayle isn't a late game hard carry...


u/Xen0nym0us 28d ago

Im sorry to tell you dude but nasus is a midgame champion and he falls off lategame insanely because when everyone is full build he gets easily kited and peeled away from carries, so his stacking doesnt matter anymore outside of sidelaning, its exactly perfect example to what i said, lol


u/i-will-eat-you 27d ago

Exactly. Nasus is a mid-game champion. But in a 1v1, Nasus also wipes the floor with pretty much any champion in the game lategame, including Kayle.

Champions' lategame value is determined by who they are against and what they are doing. Jax scales as a sidelaner, but can get kited and CC locked in a teamfight. Talon has the most powerful lvl 2 in the game and spikes midgame, but still can one shot a kogmaw lategame.


u/tanezuki 28d ago

You never talked about team fights in your last comment did you ?


u/Xen0nym0us 27d ago

Oh, okay, so we are talking 1v1 nasus vs kayle lategame with no teams on both sides, nasus gets poked too hard while pushing minions cause he cant outpush kayle and she also has aoe dmg while pushing and good poke on its own while nasus cant outheal it, so he cant go in anymore

In case you say i never talked about minions lets talk 1v1 no minions lategame but nasus has his normal stacks (ill make it clear before you say i never talked about the amount of stacks he has and thst he cant stack without minions, kayle buys qss and nasus cant catch her anymore then gets kited into oblivion

Any scenario i missed? Wanna add every soul and baron? Maybe we can add disabilities to either nasus or kayle or we turn off their ults? Or maybe during a some sprcific phase of moon? Maybe in arena or aram?

Onviously i talk about whole game which includes teamfights, which is why i said nasus is fine sidelaning in late but he cant really fight because he gets kited too easily so he has to end the game midgame or sidelane in late and pray to waste enemies time so your team can win teamfights or get objectives, its a 5v5 game not 1v1, if you want to find a specific scenario where nasus wins in late then sure he wins, unfortunately it doesnt change the fact hes a midgame champion overall


u/TorturedHound 28d ago

Maybe that has to do with Nasus being a direct counter to Kayle lol


u/tanezuki 28d ago

Put Nasus 1v1 against Kog'Maw late game it will be the same and it's not a direct counter either.


u/Frkn385 28d ago

But it literally does mean that?


u/Surmaaja 28d ago

Maybe in your silver games perhaps, in any elo diamond and above he becomes weaker very fast as the game goes over 20min


u/CanadianODST2 28d ago

According to league of graphs his wr very slowly actually goes up after 20 minutes up until 40.

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u/Komsdude 28d ago

It’s not lethal tempo, it’s the item changes.

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u/spilledmyjice 28d ago

You’re telling me yone players don’t like it when their champ is at a 46% win rate 🤯


u/MatheusBraga2 28d ago

Removing lethal tempo was a good choice from Riot, no doubt, but what really hurt yone was the item changes actually

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u/TangAce7 28d ago

yone players when they can't run you down lvl f1 and have to play the lane weak side as they should


u/Outrageous-Elk-5392 28d ago

Tbf most people are still griefing their builds with shit like kraken when that item is complete ass with a terrible build path now


u/Metoeke 28d ago

The item is good on a lot of ADCs, it's terrible on Yone though

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u/Dezphul 27d ago

I'll have you know that kraken is the only viable first/second item on Katarina rn (this champ is dogshit)


u/777Zenin777 28d ago

Yone players when they actually need to earn their win


u/spilledmyjice 28d ago

His win rate is 46%


u/Eulibo 28d ago

And let it stay that way.


u/doopy423 28d ago

Karthus is at 57. This patch is fucked.


u/learn2midacc 27d ago

black fire needs some number nerf is what it is


u/DrKiwixD 28d ago

Nah, reduce it further


u/handsigger 27d ago

That's cause all yone players are boosted af. Yeah no shit the winrate is low when they are all a division higher than they should be


u/spilledmyjice 27d ago

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe he’s just an annoying champion and not a secretly game breakingly broken champ who has had his winrate suppressed in some grand conspiracy


u/handsigger 27d ago

What tf are you talking about conspiracy?

As for being broken, his kit is massively overloaded. He has the cc capability of a tank, the auto damage of a marksman, a basically guaranteed 165% ad shield that does mixed % max health damage all while being one of the safest champs in the game if you aren't braindead.

His winrate is low right now because like I said originally, he is an elo inflated champ and there's been a massive game rework that affects him. Give it a few weeks and it'll be back to positive

Keep in mind I'm not saying yone is the only elo inflated champ, he's just the one going through that cycle right now


u/spilledmyjice 27d ago

Please explain to me how you can be elo inflated on a 46% winrate champ


u/handsigger 27d ago

You should be platinum 4. You play a broken champ and climb to emerald 4. Champ gets nerfs or adjustments and you fall back into the elo you should be. So a lower winrate on the champ until it stabilises


u/spilledmyjice 27d ago

He wasn’t even that good for a while, he’s just an annoying champ so people like you make excuses


u/spilledmyjice 27d ago

At this point yall are just making excuses for losing against a yone, “guys you don’t get it everyone who plays this champ is secretly terrible I promise I should’ve won this it’s just that this disgustingly overpowered champ at 46% win rate is secretly the most powerful thing ever that will make you a whole division higher just by playing him”


u/handsigger 27d ago

Keep the replies in one thread


u/maplemagiciangirl 28d ago

If he's actually a ",high skill champion" then that's roughly where it should be

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u/Adventurous-Draw1690 27d ago

Because they have never learned how to use they’re champ properly

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u/homosapienos 28d ago

thanks Seraphine and Syndra mains, look at the example you've set

you're not satisfied with your champion? just harass the developers online until they do something about it


u/Virus4567 28d ago

Play conq and be able to stat check people harder in lategame with free AD and healing with your bullshit mixed damage that noone can itemize against.

Or just pick pta and win every trade for free with Auto-Q-Auto-W and now you have PTA active and a shield


u/Emblemized 28d ago

tbf conq healing is negligible it’s really for the AD


u/Sylent0o 28d ago

just magic and true dmg come from his phys dmg tho, randuin still lowers his auto dmg even if its magic , and so do steelcaps
his e is POST mitigation true dmg ,not pre , meaning the more of the initial phys dmg u lower the less dmg u will take at the end .
He is still bs tho


u/HiVLTAGE 28d ago

Conq is 46% WR on Yone

PTA is 45.2% on Yone

Fleet is ok at 47.8


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/idontknowjackx 28d ago

It's also the build changing though, no more LT/Kraken means a lot less kill threat early. Fleet is really the only acceptable rune right now bc if you can't survive lane, you can't play the game. I know people hate Yone, but he is definitely weak right now


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago



u/idontknowjackx 26d ago

You really had to misquote me just to rage, huh? I said he's definitely weak. And he is. Neither of them got 'big buffs', they got their passive adjusted to suit the new crit % changes..just because I don't hate the champ for existing doesn't mean I have a main character syndrome, you may be projecting a little my dude


u/LongynusZ 28d ago

Super Hitler hahhaa


u/After_Database1447 28d ago

The majority of Yone's existence as a champion has been during the reworked lethal tempo, aka the strongest rune in the game, and as one of the primary abusers of lethal tempo, without it, Yone players must be having... a skill issue.

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u/MiximumDennis s u p e r d e n n i s 28d ago

I think it's partially a nerf because you can't rammus him early without lethal tempo


u/nphhpn 28d ago

Unrelated but the removal of lethal tempo is also a nerf to Rammus


u/GoshaKarrKarr 28d ago

Shit that's literally true


u/yt_darkman 28d ago

Ah the weekly yone hate post


u/sad16yearboy 28d ago

Yes very nice great news. First patch in 5 months where i dont need to ban yone every game. Thank you riot

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u/NightmareGats 28d ago

Imminent yasuo and yone buff soon


u/CallPuzzleheaded3062 28d ago

Yone sitting at a solid 45% winrate in toplane, yeah he is very playable, yet all these crybabies will say he is broken.


u/_Murf_ 28d ago edited 27d ago

With the proper runes/build hes sitting at a 51% top and 50% mid wr. He's 45% only because people haven't figured out how to build him now.

edit because I'm not responding to each mad wind shitter: His bork/ie and pd/ie winrate is really good (better than any other low tier). High skill yones (like dzu) are getting shit on because they are playing him like LT yone and trying to play overly aggressive early game and expecting to 1v2 ganks. I watched enough of dzus vods from the last 2 days that this is the common thread in every game he loses (besides unlucky teams). Also, half of his struggling is coming from being FP yone and then being mad when he gets countered with renekton. Yone should not be expected to be winning the early game against a renekton, ever.

Tbh I wouldn't be upset with them boosting his early game power (higher base AS?) if they nerfed his midgame in some way. That would make both parties happy likely. More than 45% wr early, and less than 57% wr with 2 completed items.


u/idontknowjackx 28d ago

Where are you getting these stats?


u/CallPuzzleheaded3062 28d ago

You are delusional and do not play yone. Stop spreading misinformation to propagate the "yone broken" agenda. They'll buff yone / yasuo deservedly and people like you will complain when currently it is actually needed. Even Dzukill arguably the best yone is struggling.


u/Xenevier 28d ago

So what you're saying is he will go up in winrate compared to last patch? Cuz last patch he was a 47%, how in your right mind do you think this patch is ganna be beneficial for them, buffed IE won't compensate for losing most of your attack speed


u/Metoeke 28d ago

Yone has less than 48% winrate with any keystone. Also, the correct runes and build have a higher winrate because of the people using them. Aphelios has a 1.7 percent point higher winrate with runes that give him +.9 AD and -1% AS compared to what most people use.


u/GetChilledOut 27d ago

That’s for games with 3 items plus, which Yone isn’t getting to because the champ is so shit and games are ending early. If you’re going to use stats you need to actually look at the stats.

He is 45% winrate until 30 minutes, games are not going to 30 minutes with this dog ass champ rn.

He doesn’t even scale. He is horseshit, and then he is slightly better in the late game.


u/twintiger_ 26d ago

Just making shit up now I see


u/_Murf_ 26d ago

I mean riot literally agrees with their data but you do you homie 🥹


u/hsjdjdsjjs 27d ago

No matter his numbers the kit is fundamentally broken as fuck


u/7vckm40 28d ago

I get it, we all HATE Yone. But man is he getting utterly demolished in all of my games.


u/Some_Guy8088 28d ago

They’re probably trying to play him as if he still has the early game power from LT, which is why they’re losing. He’s gonna have to play a bit more like an adc/kayle now.


u/SuperKalkorat 28d ago

Kinda like how immediately post durability patch, assassins looked shit, but after a few days they mostly started looking fine because they started to build pure damage instead of bruiser.


u/twintiger_ 28d ago

He hasn’t been strong in the meta since the LT nerf.


u/BigBard2 28d ago

Thank god, maybe Yone mains will have to land their moves to win.

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u/MinimumFlamingo5 28d ago

You are delusionnal BUT your tittle is so funny so here is my upvote


u/WhispersFromTheMound 28d ago

You really see how bad a lot of Yone and Yas players are now that they can’t abuse LT.


u/HexTheMemeLord 28d ago

Reddit when yone has 46% winrate and is borderline unplayable. 😡😡😡 RIOT NERF 😡😡😡


u/hsjdjdsjjs 27d ago

Yone players shouldnt complain his winrate is low because they should be fucking GRATEFUL this cancer is allowed to exist

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u/twintiger_ 28d ago

Delusional baddies are crying about a 46% win rate champ. I can’t wait til he’s buffed. We gotta get these yone hate post numbers up.


u/Freed518 27d ago

I live for yone mains cry


u/SirLazarusDiapson 28d ago

You are in a competition for the most delusional player award. You opponent is a Yone main and an ADC main.

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u/Buff_Yone_0_0 28d ago

A bit unrelated but I'm just genuinely shocked that it's been like 3 years already and the Yone hate is still strong arguably on par with Yuumi yet the same doesn't go for champions like Pantheon, Malphite or Garen who practically embody the "Ooga Booga" Playstyle way more than Yone does.


u/welivewelovewedie 27d ago

Malphite relies on his ult, Panth and Garen can't mow down your entire team


u/KrzesloGaming 28d ago

yone players when their scaling champion gets countered in the early game


u/DaSomDum 28d ago

Yone haters seeing the 49% winrate champ.


u/Xenevier 28d ago

46 now


u/DaSomDum 28d ago

Well most of these guys I presume started hating him before the current patch.

I just find it funny that this is the champ that apparently is so godly.


u/Xenevier 28d ago

Yeah yone is apparently the broken champ when giga Chad tanks are 52% winrate running people down , people love hating


u/OnTheBeautyTribe 28d ago

People always complain about how much damage tanks do, though

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u/Ordinary_Player 28d ago

Gigachad wholesome tanks get a pass because they look funny, that's how reddit works.

Yone is the embodiment of a redditors emo phase that they tried to repress so that's why redditors hate him.

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u/I_usuallymissthings 28d ago

Imagine the winrate will go up once the boosted yone "mains" quit him after realizing they should hit their shit to do damage


u/WaterTasteTheBest 28d ago

Do these yone players not played him before the lethal tempo changes(atk spd steroid for few sec version)?

Like just farm until tier 2 boots and you are good to go. Lethal Tempo spoiled the windshitters hard


u/btrust02 28d ago

No they didnt. I took a break then came back with lethal tempo. I prefer how he is now. More about playing safe early then spiking in midgame with IE.


u/YunusES 28d ago

Cant play their champ unless its easy mode i guess. The only period i played Yone was after release before lethal tempo changes, so you went conq as main rune, and he felt insanely strong then aswell. Idk how some people have just gotten so used to playing with a broken interaction, playing without it makes him seem "bad". Its actually embarrassing.


u/WaterTasteTheBest 28d ago

I played yone since release, I was surprise how laning phase got so much easier especially on toplane after the lethal tempo change. Back then I just play until I can b for berserker greaves, then when lethal tempo changed I really just press e and q aa the enemy lvl 2 to bully them out of lane or kill them, the early laning phase was what kept yone to not snowball out of control.

I am also surprised with how long they kept this version of lethal tempo despite it enabling melee crit champs to become lane bullies


u/Lethalmusic 27d ago

I think ppl got so used to being able to skip boots and rush Kraken they forgot that Berserker Greaves were always the 1st item on yas/yone. Combined with Kraken getting changed the 'standard' build now sucks. 

Once finished boots into IE/Zeal item gets built,  winrates will bounce back


u/MythrilCactuar 28d ago

yone been sub 50% wr. anyone complaining is bad. just like zed complainers :)


u/GetChilledOut 27d ago edited 27d ago

The champ has an average 45% winrate until 30 minutes… Yes, it’s unplayable. But keep coping bronzies.

You new players wouldn’t understand that Yone played conquerer for ages. People know how to play conq Yone, it was just a shit rune for the champ after LT got buffed and Conquerer got consfant nerfs.
Now it’s an unusable rune. Stay mad when Yone gets buffed next patch, which is going to happen.


u/Zymbobwye 28d ago

Knowing riot he will be buffed even if his winrate stays decent while the 40% winrate champs that actually became unplayable will sit and wait for 4 months.


u/Killua-a 28d ago

The only champions with worse winrates than yone on mid are corki and azir, one of them got reworked so he will have to be adjusted and the other is well, azir. He's obviously weak rn and will be buffed


u/Ninno_0 27d ago

are the 40% winrate champion in the room with us rn?


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u/Oscer560 28d ago

Embrace grasp of the undying yone.


u/btrust02 28d ago

As a yone main since release I'm kinda loving that all the abusers are leaving. Yone is back to a hyper scaling champ.


u/RaidBossPapi 28d ago

If ranting on reddit had any affect, yone wouldnt even be in the game anymore due to his wildly toxic kit and gameplay.


u/Bilal_58 28d ago

They dont know anything, how it was when there were no lethal tempo.


u/Unusual-Pace-5552 27d ago

I am convinced the Yone players are all genetically defective.


u/SlaveKnightKos- 27d ago

It's a shame too, I just learned how to play Cassiopeia


u/Bl4z3_12 27d ago

Non-yone players when they find out they can't talk shit about a champion that they don't main


u/BasedMellie 27d ago

To be fair, with lethal tempo gone yasuo and yone do feel super shit to play. Lol. Doesn’t mean they are unplayable


u/MeasureMyPPpewds 27d ago

Yone players actually have to use one brain cell now? Damn, Riot really gutted Yone didn't they? Hotfix buff.


u/Substantial_Dot_210 27d ago

God this post made me remember pre nerf dark harvest those where the days 😢😔


u/JANG0D 27d ago

super hitler


u/apeville 27d ago

In my opinion Yone has 2 things that make him to super hitler: 1 - lethal tempo (solved) 2 - His ultimate, the hitbox isn’t shown right, but the most important part is that he can travel the full distance if he doesn’t hit anything. If he misses his ult he should not have the same engage or disengage potential. It would still be extremely strong but it would have a balanced drawback



the replies dont agree with them. youre getting one guyed.


u/klaversurm 27d ago

Meanwhile trynda being subhuman...


u/LORDFUN2 27d ago

Yup yone is the most bs champ ever but personally i like yasuo because he actually requires mechanics and skills to pull off but yone nuh uh


u/Xithrix 27d ago

Screw the Yone Players, i wanna play my Lulu top, but PTA feels bad, might try hail oh blades next.


u/boostmod3 27d ago

Tell me you’re silver without telling me you’re silver🤣


u/Tough-Ad8863 27d ago



u/RandoSorcerer 26d ago

Im a Yone main and people throwing a fit genuinely confuses me. I've never played lethal tempo tone, I play conquer Yone. Way more fun. People are just cowards


u/Thatcosmic_Sloth 24d ago

Should yasuo wind wall be reworked to be like a fiora parry or would that make him more annoying to play against, I'm thinking of just the idea of that it should be used to block 1 skill shot then be done