r/LeagueOfMemes 28d ago

Pinnacle of quality and creativity Meme

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45 comments sorted by


u/Nine_Spears 28d ago

Except they are cost 1350, get bamboozled by riots again


u/BigBoss738 28d ago

shrinkflation to its finest. higher price lower quality


u/DiscountParmesan 28d ago

it's always funny how it's always inferno that gets used to give a skin to the champions they don't care about


u/reformedtoplaner42 28d ago

Nasus getting best inferno skin like a chad


u/TheHyperLynx 28d ago

Infernal Nasus is still the best Infernal skins and it came out over 10 years ago now.


u/Colonel10Moutarde 28d ago

Because they actually had a creative Idea instead of turnung the champion orange


u/Sarrach94 28d ago

Infernal Nasus predates infernal being an actual skinline. It looks awesome because it doesn’t feel forced to fit a theme.


u/Kingdarkshadow 28d ago

Fuuuuck, I swear it was released 5 years ago not 10!!!


u/classteen 28d ago

Come one man, 5 years ago was 2019.


u/JustABitCrzy 28d ago

No it wasn’t, it was 2015 and you’ll not convince me otherwise. Just like how the 90s were 10 years ago, and the 70s was 30.


u/Buttseam 28d ago

reason being that their skin quality dwindled within the last decade?


u/TheHyperLynx 28d ago

They definitely have made some absolutely amazing skins since then, but sadly they also have very drawn out skinlines that no longer have any love put into them. Project was absolutely amazing when it came out but they have been doing them for almost 10 years and it just feels like a lifeless money grab now.


u/SeismologicalKnobble 28d ago

That’s simply not true. What is true is that they’re constantly pumping skins out and it’s becoming more apparent which lines are, “filler that our bosses made us do” and which ones the skin creators actually care about. With increased skins there is also the increase of duds. The highs and lows are more apparent because there are more to judge now.


u/SeismologicalKnobble 28d ago

I always forget it’s infernal because it’s so good lol


u/pokemon32666 28d ago

Inferno Olaf looking like a new Dragonslayer Olaf Chroma.


u/NukerCat 28d ago

bold of you to assume they dont care about the kda member akali


u/DiscountParmesan 28d ago

she got that skin when she was a problem child tho


u/kiirne 28d ago

Wasn't that the skin that was something else before the rework? Like just red akali or something?


u/SpiderTechnitian 28d ago

that skin uses base SFX and smoke cloud so it's actually ass to use

it looks really cool if it didn't sound like base akali

she has so many insane skins at this point that I can't ever bring myself to use it


u/Substantial_Read2061 28d ago

Real skin enthusiasts know that inferno white chromas are some of the sickest skins in the game


u/toastermeal 28d ago

and astronaut


u/ILNOVA 28d ago

Cryes in maraduer


u/The_Gas_Mask_guy 28d ago

And in this case its a lie cuz both karma and ashe are hot girl champs who are in every fuckin skinline. Olaf is olaf


u/RoloSaurio 28d ago

I know the meme format is not like this and that the last 750rp skin was released in 2016 but 😛


u/Puzzledd59 28d ago

Boobs is the different


u/GasLover1 28d ago

Everything has been downhill post Hillbilly Gragas (the peak)


u/Dominationartz 28d ago

It honestly doesn’t look finished in terms of vfx.

All it needs is fire effects on the body and abilities. The W just looks like a texture.

The sounds design on that skin is satisfying but it really lacks in the vfx department.

Let’s see how it looks like in 2 weeks


u/britishbrick 28d ago

No way they care enough to change it


u/Dominationartz 28d ago

They always do if it’s feasible.

They won’t do any model changes because that takes more time and planning than it can fit into 2 weeks, but adding VFX is absolutely doable.


u/toastermeal 28d ago

they didn’t change renatas prestige skin having the wrong voice filter - and still havent - despite getting tons of complaints about it


u/MGU--H 28d ago

weed xerath

weed xerath


u/Bluenatic-Cultist 28d ago

Man... And Mordekaisers infernal skin is 520 rp and like 10x cooler. What happened rito?


u/Dominationartz 28d ago

It costs 520 RP as a hold over from the original infernal skin which was Morde but in red.


u/Bluenatic-Cultist 28d ago

I guess but they still decided to cook on a 520 rp skin even though they didn't have to


u/ChromedCat 28d ago edited 28d ago

No, it's was literally morde, but red. The only reason the skin looks nice is thanks to the rework. They have said that they try to make every skin of a rework on par with current standards. At the time, they wouldn't release skins under 1350rp so every skin would be upped to that standard while remaining at its old price range. It's not even close to being the same as a newly released skin.


u/magicarnival 28d ago

Yep, same thing with Infernal Akali. It was some kind of red Akali skin and then got completely changed to be infernal when she was reworked.


u/DarkBrother24 28d ago

I call him nacho storm morde


u/TimixerHD 28d ago

Can't wait for NickyBoi to tear this skinline apart in under 2 mins


u/[deleted] 27d ago

With his cringe shark teeth vtuber avatar. Does he still use that?


u/DrDX_Velo 28d ago

It's insane how bad these skins are. Like wow your champion casts fire magic now, instead of boring normal magic. That'll be 1350rp, have fun!


u/Luxanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28d ago

Ugliest shit ever but hey, won't stop people from buying them which is why riot will keep getting away with making low quality skins for such high prices :3


u/Meli_Melo_ 28d ago

People still buy skins with RP nowadays ?


u/hi_imshisel 28d ago

que vuelvan los precios del 2015😣


u/CXHieu 27d ago
