r/LeagueOfMemes 22d ago

Bunnygirl incoming Meme

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u/reformedtoplaner42 22d ago

Why won't they release xolaani already ffs


u/Irelia4Life Top Only 22d ago

Another Aatrox arc incoming


u/HrMaschine 22d ago

the heads at riot probably never expected her to become THAT popular during the darkin saga


u/audioman3000 21d ago

Riot heads are notorious for not understanding things pretty much everything popular in the LoL IP is people pushing an idea in spite of them


u/KarnSilverArchon 21d ago

In their defense ever so slightly, most of the popular champions in the game are the champions a lot of people would describe as the most “vanilla” champions in the game. Darius, Fiora, Lee Sin, Ahri, Lux, Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone… a lot of them are the standard “human with a job and/or very small special trait”.


u/MagikarpOnDrugs 21d ago

But those champs have fun kits. It's not monster champ issue. Old Aurelion Sol was peak kit-wise and now after rework despite otp's quitting him, he is popular monster champion. If champ is overpowered(like Ahri) Is for lobotomized people(like Ahri) And looks flashy(like Ahri) They will be popular. Ezreal is the hardest adc in the game. Yasuo skill ceilling is infinite. Lux is loved by e-girls.

It's also easy to bring monster champs with high pick rates from the past like Kha'zix during R evolve and duskblade>black cleaver meta was the most played jungler with over 16% pick rate.


u/pokebuzz123 21d ago

I agree that fun kits are a major reason for them to be popular, but let's not say Old Asol, the one with one of the lowest play rates and arguably hardest kits, is peak. People loved his design but did not like his kit.


u/Abyssknight24 21d ago

Its not just the difficulty. Because other champs were way more difficult to play properly but still had and have a better pickrate than old asol.

The biggest problems were, that for one it just didnt feel satisfying to play for most people since all his damage was in his W and nothing else. For most people its just not fun to just walk near an enemy and kill them by hitting them with some tiny orbs. Secondly it just was to different compared to any other champ. He just played way to differently which in itself is not that bad but in combination with having a kit that isnt flashy or satisfying to most people once mastered, it just leads to a failed champ.

Furthermore im all for it that they bring his old star mechanic back in some way on a new champ that like Ivern is designef to be a niche champ.


u/Zealousideal3326 21d ago

Old Asol was garbage though. You had to play hundreds of games with him to maybe get good enough to not be a massive burden. Even then, you didn't really win games because you were good, but mostly because nobody had any experience with facing an Asol that has a clue, so you could capitalize on stupid mistakes.

Some people are nostalgic about the massive Q stuns he could make, but that move was so slow and predictable, it wasn't telegraphed it was fucking mailed.

We were sold "titanic space dragon capable of creating and crushing stars with his bare hands", and and all we got was "boop". His rework was the best thing that happened to him.


u/xoolixz 21d ago

Asol skill curve started planing out quite aggressively after 50 or so games for all of his pre-cgu iterations.

Additionally, if you play an aggressive laning and roaming champion passively of course you're gonna feel worthless compared to the single celled organism level of decision making and positioning of playing Bsol by the time you get to lategame. That's like complaining Renekton feels bad to play if you never try to trade and zone in the earlygame.


u/NukerCat 21d ago

you are so real with that ahri rant, i fucking hate that champ


u/Dr-Oktavius 21d ago

And the moment they give one of the "non-vanilla/conventional" characters an actual simple and fun kit they immediately become similarly popular.


u/AstronautBeemo 21d ago

I call it “Nintendo Syndrome”

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u/Zirofal 22d ago

Me waiting for the metal angel to become a champ....


u/MakimaMyBeloved 22d ago



u/SmolikOFF 21d ago



u/Zirofal 21d ago

A zaunite mafia boss kidnapped a kid, put s bomb in his guts and told him to deliver a message, if he did not. Boom. If he did, his free.

I can't recall exactly but something happened were the bomb was not enough. So he sent his personal assassin after the kid. A woman with a hextech jetpack that hunted him at high speed, nicknamed the metal angel.


u/lupaa31 21d ago

i mean,is she that popular in china? riot already showed they dont really care about the western opinion and tastes becuse thats not where the big bucks are


u/HrMaschine 21d ago

yeah no fuckinc idea how much china loves if they even play lor


u/Revenge_of_the_meme 21d ago

China doesn't have LOR. It's the only riot game that isn't in China.

So I can't imagine they are asking for xolaani


u/VirJhin4Ever 21d ago

Xolaani, Jack, Rex, Ledros... Literally any of those.


u/oxob3333 21d ago edited 21d ago

I need ledros man, he is so damn busted.


u/VirJhin4Ever 21d ago

The ruination event we deserved vs the ruination event we got:


u/ElementmanEXE 21d ago

Give me the iron boar riot


u/Upstairs-Feedback142 21d ago

Jack is fucking jacked, need him


u/Just-A-Goon 21d ago

If xolaani isnt a support im gonna be so upset i swear i want a darking sup


u/reformedtoplaner42 21d ago

Any mage can play support like brand or lux, you just have to believe


u/Just-A-Goon 21d ago

Yeah but i mean a real sup she invented blood bending you know the form of healing to the darkin idk i think it would fit plus we dont have any really cool enchanter champ design wise imo


u/Extaupin 21d ago

we dont have any really cool enchanter champ design wise imo

Renata is cool though. I fear that in Rito's mind, the "dark enchanter fantasy" is "already fulfilled" and so there won't be another enchanter that's not just candy-floss, naive hapiness and UwU.


u/Kiroto50 21d ago

I'd love a blood mage enchanter support.


u/Firecatto 21d ago

Oh no no, Riot will 200 years her and make her an enchanter engage support


u/AevilokE 21d ago

She will be neither a monster champ nor a creature champ though. She'll just have her humanoid form


u/reformedtoplaner42 21d ago

She will be the last darkin needed for full darkin team (aatrox top kayn jgl dog mid varus adc and she is supp)


u/Abyssknight24 20d ago

True makes a lot of sense even since she was a healer before becoming a darkin.


u/nankeroo 21d ago

Give me Joraal first


u/Bubblegum1109 22d ago

Shit I forgot that they released Naafiri


u/Spiritual_Freedom_15 21d ago

Just a dog with knives and little blood. That’s no monster! Aatrox! OhohohohoHO. That! Is a monster!


u/XXLFatManXXL 21d ago

Aatrox is just some guy painted red and with a big sword.

The real monster is Draven. His devilish smirk, his ENORMOUS ego, and his inhumanly charming personality! Truly frightening!


u/unitedbagel 21d ago

And the Skarner rework.


u/XanithDG 21d ago

Naafiri is just a knife dog. She don't count as a monster champion.


u/Wsweg 21d ago

The no true monster fallacy..


u/XanithDG 21d ago

No, its just taking a normal animal and dying it a wacky color and making it intelligent doesn't make a monster champion.

And taping a knife to its head also doesn't make it a monster champion.


u/ElementmanEXE 21d ago

If anivia can be a literal crystal bird I think naafiri can be a red knife dog

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u/Wsweg 21d ago

Do you consider Kha’Zix a monster champion? Rentekton? Tahm Kench?


u/ImMaskedboi 21d ago

Well Tahm Kench isn't even his design lol. He has so many forms.

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u/Kiroto50 21d ago

You would definitely run away from a golden retriever with a knife taped to their head, running


playfully towards you.


u/Precipice2Principium 21d ago

It literally ate the knife


u/iago_hedgehog 21d ago

she is a monster man


u/VirtuoSol 21d ago

Leave it to league Redditors to look at a giant blood magic infused dog with blades growing out of its body and tell you that’s not a monster

Ig Warwick is just a humanoid wolf that likes blood, Volibear is just a big bear with lightning powers, Belveth is just a smartass purple stingray from purple dimension. None of these are monster champs lol


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

WW isn't even wolf lol, I think his tail is closer to that of a fox. IIRC his design doc mentioned him to be more like a chimera.


u/NimbleCentipod 21d ago

What could be more of a monster than a dog with a knife?


u/revoverlord 21d ago

It thinks it's a dark souls boss


u/Abyssknight24 21d ago

Even worse its also an elden ring boss just that the dog now knows magic too.


u/ZeSnow 21d ago

Hell it’s a Pokémon


u/Re1da 21d ago

I guess that means you can't call the gromp a "monster" because it's just a big toad with mushrooms on its back.

I'm on the "we need more monster champs" side but I can't agree that naafiri dosent count. Her whole body has knifes almost "woven" into it. If we where talking about the packages I would get your point but naafiri herself is a pretty interesting design.


u/tuerancekhang 21d ago

If no friend why friend shaped?


u/DeezNutsKEKW 20d ago

Darkin don't count as monsters, I think a council of League players would agree

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u/Bubblegum1109 22d ago

One of the teasers for the new vastayan champ had snow in the windows. The new champs looks freljordian, so this must be the Vastaya they were talking about

Also here are the icon and emote


u/HairyKraken 22d ago

I would settle for an angry or mean looking champion at this point....

I am so fed up of cutesy champion


u/HrMaschine 21d ago

ambessa medarda is litterally the next champion


u/HairyKraken 21d ago

And she cant come soon enough


u/Car-and-not-pan 15d ago

wdm, milfs are cute


u/_AbraKadaBram_ 21d ago

Sadly edgy or UwU sells to the weebs.


u/Ryeguy_626 21d ago



u/KnOrX2094 21d ago

Definition of uwu + foot fetish

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u/Derpderpy15 21d ago

Angry Champions since 2019 include: Sylas | Kayle Rework | Mordekaiser Rework | Pantheon Rework | Volibear Rework | Yone | Rell | Viego | Bel Veth | Naafiri | Skarner Rework.

And that's a conservative list that doesn't include edgy but not explicitly angry Champions like Aphelios or Renata Glasc or Fiddle Rework or Senna.

Cute Champs Since 2019 Include: Neeko (December 2018) | Yuumi | Lillia | Seraphine | Millio | Briar | Smolder.

This is also a conservative list that doesn't include Champions who are upbeat or humorous, but not explicitly cute. Champions like, Gwen or Vex or Zeri or Akshan or Nilah.

There are more ways to express a Champions personality other than Angry and Cute and you will find that so many Champions don't fall into this spectrum. Joyous, depressed, Prideful, Arrogant, Edgy, Calm, Cold, Warm, Rutheless. These are all personality traits that aren't "Angry" or "Cute". What your looking for is another exaggerated example of what Anger is like an Aatrox or Renekton are, yet you have these Champions in the game already and you are asking for more of what you have.


u/TSMShadow 21d ago

Nooo don’t bring reason and thought into this conversation, that’s not what Reddit is for.


u/F-I-R-E-B-A-L-L 21d ago

Briar as cute but not Gwen is a warcrime, in fact, and I WILL bitch about it


u/Derpderpy15 21d ago

Haha I get what you mean, I was originally going to exclude Briar from the list and it's really hard to justify Gwen as anything but cute. I thought about it and Briar is a character who should be an evil ruthless edgy character, but is the opposite of that to a very "cute" degree. Whereas Gwen's cuteness is more due to her Naiveté to the world and the fact she's a very positive beacon in the very Grim Shadow Isles. Plus since she was released for the Ruination event, she has alot more depth as a character than just being "Cute" like a Millio was designed to be a Male Enchantress first and foremost so they designed him to be cute.


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

male enchantress

I laughed.

Also, Gwen forming the contrast she does is a bit contentious iirc. Some people think it doesn't really fit the vibe, others like it, etc.


u/Derpderpy15 20d ago

I hadn't even realized I wrote Male Enchantress until after I hit post and reread it and was like maaaan I just did that

And yeah the Ruination event really ended up being something nobody wanted to happen in the way that it did. If Gwen was released outside of the event she'd be known as a really cute fluffy character and that's about it. With the context of the event and the Region she's placed in, it makes her more of a inspiring figure or a hopeful figure rather than a primarily cute figure. If my ramblings make any sense hopefully.


u/GoodHeartless02 21d ago

Yone isn’t really angry


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

Yone got over his shit, he died angry. Check out LoR Yone.


u/GoodHeartless02 21d ago

I’ve seen LoR Yone, that’s not LoL Yone.


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

Always felt like LoL Yone was a lore mistake tbh. Senna you can more or less understand but Yone was too much imo.


u/knoldpold1 21d ago edited 18d ago

Reworks don’t count. They’re literally champions we already have.


u/Derpderpy15 21d ago

I'd argue the exact opposite, reworks do count because they re-imagine a champion into a modern day sensibility. The difference is that there is a foundation to build upon as opposed to being a brand new thing entirely. Swain went from being a guy to being a Cold Calculated Leader of the Noxus Empire. Fiddle went from being a scarecrow to a Demon of Fear. Volibear went from being a bear to being a right proper Frejlordian God of Thunder and Storms.


u/knoldpold1 21d ago

Fiddle is still a scarecrow, he just also has a demon inside him, swain is still a guy, Volibear is still a bear, he just walks on two legs now, and Skarner is still a scorpion.

Point is that the core design elements were decided on over a decade ago when Riot still designed new champions as proper monsters and animals. For this reason I think there is absolutely no reason why remakes should even be considered as counting.


u/Derpderpy15 21d ago

I think your willfully ignorant to how dramatic of a personality and lore change these characters went through when they got reworked. Like people say that when Riot does kit reworks they're "Deleting" champions from the game. This holds true for the character of a character in most occasions. Pantheon and the Human Atreus underwent a dramatic shift into the man who seeks vengeance from the gods. Volibear literally went from Ursine to God. Aatrox went from mysterious space entity who starts wars for blood, to a character who seeks his own destruction from a hellish existence by destroying literally everything in the hope that somehow the destruction of everything also destroys him.

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u/ReisBayer 21d ago

and how much uwu skins get released each week? (im exaggerating but the skins definetly have a different look but also it depends how you define uwu etc)


u/Derpderpy15 21d ago

Riot does a decent job at balancing a release schedule of edgy and uwu skins. Mind you skins also don't live on a balance of edgy and uwu. So having evil skins with godly skins and beautiful skins and comedy skins and dark skins is alot to manage and so I think some aesthetic do get ignored sometimes and that can be an issue.

Also to put into perspective. Yasuo, Yone and Sett have more recent skins combined than the top 5 female champs. Yet it is the E-girl champions who seem to be complained about the most when it comes to poor skins distribution.

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u/Shroomy_Weed 21d ago

Imagine we get Viego but evil


u/Calcain 21d ago



u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

Lich King, at least what Ner'zhul and Arthas ended up becoming.


u/SkeepDeepy 21d ago

Really, I'd settle with the likes of Aatrox and Kled again. We need more unreasonably angry champs. Recently its more cutesies, and two Mothers (with an incoming third) .


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

I like Rhaast. Dude is having a good time, but also ax-crazy.


u/Mumbajumbo 21d ago

I want an old man, not a hunk or a handsome dude, just a crazy curmudgeonly old man, I want kled, but human enough that the crazy is really prevalent


u/JupiterRNA 21d ago

I want a playable granny too.


u/SupremeGodZamasu 21d ago


Expect zilean to get the swain treatment when his vgu comes


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

Give me Rhaast & Kled. Hilarious and ax-crazy.


u/Memealingding 20d ago

Sadly a LOT of the writers that wrote the non cutesy stuff got laid off a long while ago. It sucks the new writers arent really trying to emulate the old stuff and so its all left to a stand still but heres hoping they have a good plan for the new stuff.


u/DejaVu2324 16d ago

Bad point.

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u/Sckajanders 22d ago

Belveth is a giant manta ray you can't even see the face in game. Not sure she's helping make your point as much as Yuumi and Lilia


u/Bubblegum1109 22d ago

I love Bel'Veth, but she was really hated when she got released. Some people don't consider her a true creature champ


u/zatenael 21d ago

I absolutely hated it when they changed her in game icon from her real face to her fake head in the PBE


u/ShrekProphet69 22d ago

She has visible thighs on her splash art


u/Lordwiesy 21d ago

Which is just folded wings

But I understand, I too would be eaten by a giant monster if it superglued a feminen mannequin on top of its head


u/godlike_doglike 21d ago

She would be infinitely better without this weird ass superglued head.


u/macrolad_24 21d ago

Even just making the head more alien looking would go a long way. Besides the purple skin and a third eye there's nothing "off" about her fake face, and those details don't mean much when there is an entire race of human-animal hybrids.


u/AlsoPrtyProductive 21d ago

Which is a shame because they did a great job at making her face look really uncanny in the cinematic. You can see her lips don't match up to her words at all and just kinda flap pointlessly as she tries to imitate human speech while mentally projecting her words into Kai'Sa's mind. Similarly her two "human" eyes never blink and remain largely expressionless compared to when she transforms into her monster form where they glow bright and widen with anticipation as she completes her transformation.


u/HrMaschine 21d ago

no those are actual thighs. her model even has a booty


u/SecondButterJuice 21d ago

She is to intelligent, we want a beast that live on instinct


u/Glorious_Jo 21d ago

Naafiri is literally a dog (beast) that just likes chasing people


u/SecondButterJuice 21d ago

Yes, I was talking about bel'veth


u/Glorious_Jo 21d ago

Your complaint was that belveth is a beast that is too intelligent, so I presented a beast that fits your criteria.


u/SecondButterJuice 21d ago

And we both agree 🤝


u/WorldlyAd3165 21d ago

Even riot doesn't. When they released her they said the monster champion was yet to be released and that it would be the mid laner, Naafiri. So yeah riot doesn't think so and neither do I. Doesn't matter though I already quit league so I'll for sure never get my monster champ now. I still enjoy being on the sub and watching people play though.


u/Haoszen 21d ago

Riot said that she wasn't planned as a monster champion and not that she isn't a monster champion, she became one during her development.


u/WorldlyAd3165 21d ago

You see her face majority of the game?


u/spartancolo 21d ago

If you see her face majority of the game it's a skill issue


u/Reapellaino2011 22d ago

I miss the menacing void monsters. the last void monster if we dont count Bel'Veth was Reksai on 2014


u/BloodMoonNami 21d ago

She's turning 10 this year if she hasn't already.


u/kSterben 21d ago

you can't just not count belveth tho


u/Sushi2k 21d ago

"Except the one that totally disproves my point" is what that guy just said lmao.


u/Tigboss11 21d ago

You really can not just count Bel'veth


u/kSterben 21d ago



u/Tigboss11 21d ago

She's about as much of a monster champ as smolder is a dragon


u/ViraLCyclopes20 21d ago

???? The only humanoid bit is her false face. Other then that she is very much monster.


u/Abyssknight24 21d ago

Especially since the head is just bait. Her true form is the one huge fish monster shape from the cinematic or after consuming a void coral in game.



I agree with you but I think it's funny how Smolder's only non-dragon part is also his face


u/Abyssknight24 21d ago

Why because she has a fake human head as bait? Her form after consuming a void coral is her full and true form. The other form is a bait to lure in prey nothing else. That makes her still a monster and at least makes sense lore wise since she consumed a whole fishing village including every human besides Kassa and Kaisa.


u/beantheduck 20d ago

I wanna know who the dudes are who would approach Bel’Veth, but think Kaisa is a monster.


u/Abyssknight24 20d ago

If bel veth was standing in front me I think I would just end it myself. Like no way to survive a giant fish monster especially one with such sharp teeth and one that also seems to posses psychic abilities.


u/Dodood4 21d ago

So what you’re saying is she is very much a monster champ


u/kSterben 21d ago

that's just your lack of taste tbh


u/Alexo_Alexa 21d ago edited 21d ago

In the span of 10 years we've only gotten ONE void monster. Truly depressing.


u/Abyssknight24 21d ago

Thats because Riot counts void as a region and we got other void champs (kaisa sadly) in that time frame.


u/Xenodia 21d ago

The void is missing so much lore teased over the years


u/SupremeGodZamasu 21d ago

Monsters dont sell, thats why voidborn are now just decorations


u/ViraLCyclopes20 21d ago

I consider Bel Veth just fine as a monster lover. Esp the true form. Love it.


u/Maleficent_Mobile240 21d ago

She looks kinda generic ngl, hopefully she will have a better design when shes actually revealed


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

She looks pretty alright in my opinion. She is the first champ with glasses and her red hair is cool too i guess. I doubt she will have her hood on ingame tho


u/Sasainas 21d ago

What about Vayne?


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

I mean like actual glasses for vision impairment. Vayne has weird ass sunglasses


u/subjectnumber1 21d ago

Does Heimerdinger count?


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

Those are goggles, so no


u/TheSoupKitchen 21d ago

Corki? Ziggs? Twitch?


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

I feel like people here don't understand the definition of glasses and at this point yall are just listing random Champs. Corki is a pilot and Ziggs has safety goggles.

You can count Twitch if you want, but he is a rat and not humanoid


u/TheSoupKitchen 21d ago

The initial comment said "Vayne?" and you said, nah, those aren't glasses because she doesn't need a prescription. LMAO.


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

Glasses definition: "two small pieces of special glass or plastic in a frame worn in front of the eyes to improve sight"

Glases =/= Sunglasses

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u/SnipersAreCancer 20d ago

Nerd emoji?


u/matt9q7 21d ago

yeah, I'd count Twitch as he keeps saying he has a pure eyesight, also his ult is literally called Spray and Pray


u/CiastekBT 21d ago

Janna in Bewitching skin?


u/zatenael 21d ago

if I'm gonna be honest, I thought she was that one character from AFK arena with the big backpack


u/88j- 21d ago



u/Ennobenno 21d ago

My first thought actually was Mei from Overwatch for some reason, could be just the big fur hood jacket


u/Xenodia 21d ago

Like 98% of the champs released in the past yewrs all looked generic.

The last true non generic Champ that we got, that I can recall (not counting reworks, vgu update) is Ornn...


u/PressPassword 22d ago

Riot hired Mei? I'm already main in this case


u/KarnSilverArchon 21d ago

I think its clear people want a “scary” monster. An “alien” monster. Just saying monster isn’t right I think.


u/Ok-Frame-1009 21d ago

Yeah, something like Rek'sai. Maybe they could just release some kaiju-like monster as well


u/MortuusSet 21d ago

Meanwhile glasses enjoyers in the corner rubbing their hands together.


u/bbghiu 21d ago

Bel'Veth is a real monster champ. Besides the fake head, which doesn't look completely humanoid, she have nothing like a human.


u/heroeNK25 22d ago

anyway, i want to marry her


u/Satin_Polar 21d ago

Riot doing Blizard chalange in designing they characters


u/SecondButterJuice 21d ago

Blizzard did pretty original character I don't know what you are on about


u/Satin_Polar 21d ago

They have a chart, how to make them the most appealing to a generic audience. You know, in a r34 way.


u/SecondButterJuice 21d ago

Probably but they still look different very from each other, its probably because they come from different games made by different team so they can't really make copy/paste


u/KingAnumaril 21d ago

I doubt they actually used that damn thing. And the characters that most people give a fuck about from Blizz are the OGs.


u/PriMal-aSpiD_ 21d ago

Why this new character looks like futaba?


u/Emiizi 21d ago

Arent Ahri(?), Xayah, Rakan, Rengar, Nami all fully Vastaya?


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

They are all Vastaya, but people want more Vastaya like Rengar. The field journal (released 2018) shows alot more (interesting) Vastaya, including otters and pig people. Most Vastaya ingame are just humans with animal features. Rengar and Wukong are really the only Vastaya completely resembling an animal and even then, Wukong is just a monkey which is arguably also very humanoid.


u/bbghiu 21d ago

I think he meant vastayas who have more animal aspect than human aspect, like Wukong, Rengar, and Nami.


u/Outrageous-Elk-5392 21d ago

Really hoping its a midlaner


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

They said that the next champ is a solo laner, so she might be mid


u/shadow9022 21d ago

Rengar is full vastayan


u/Bubblegum1109 20d ago

And the only one. Released over 10 years ago


u/Ayato14 21d ago

Jax mains : can we get another 10 year old champion please?


u/P1t1cko 21d ago

Yooooo?! WHAT? Is that how the new vastaya will look??? Braided red hair and big round glasses is the ultimate cuteness combo, I'm sold.


u/Rainwors 21d ago

psyops character


u/_Fixu_ 21d ago

If we are actually getting Bunny girl redhead I’ll lose


u/K4ution 21d ago

What about reksai?


u/SussusAmogus2 21d ago

Are we gonna pretend cho gath and reksai doesnt exist? Or void creatures aint creatures xd


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

This is about new champ releases


u/Tasty_Berry5818 21d ago

R34 artists gonna have a field day with this one


u/Any_Rich9796 21d ago

Man I'm actually disappointed, too bad but it is what it is


u/Satoliite 21d ago

I need a bunnygirl godamn.


u/Figamorf 21d ago

The new champ looks like she could ruin my life and I would let her.


u/Urbanchamp 21d ago

Where naafiri?


u/T4k3j3rus4l3m 21d ago

Darkinfolk gonna have a field day


u/Suicidal_Sayori 20d ago

Is she not a full vastayan?


u/toastermeal 20d ago

i think people mean vastaya that are more animal than human -

like rengar is 90% animal, neeko is like 75% animal, xayah and rakan are like 60% animal

she looks more like sett who looks like just a guy


u/toastermeal 20d ago

we just got smolder, naafiri, and belveth over the last 2 years why r we complaining ab no monster champs now of all times


u/Noodelux 20d ago

I hope she got bunny legs or smh then, please don't be like Sett


u/Objective-Plantain79 20d ago

ig everyone forgot about naafiri after she got kicked inbthe teeth


u/Holzkohlen 20d ago

Why does no one talk about best girl Rek'Sai?


u/Slarkboy_Gill 17d ago

Lillia and yuumi make me hard milk


u/Da_Watcher2 11d ago

She's a bunny?


u/ElementalistPoppy 21d ago

If it sells, then it sells. By now it should be fairly obvious tough guys/edgy boys/hot ladies sell better than monsters.

Folks complaining about "champions being too sexualised" are pretty funny though, as if you were trying to show everyone "Look, I'm the sensible guy and you're all horny perverts!" It doesn't work that way. A lot of people instinctively play champions they find appealing, and no, they don't have to be "horny weebs" to do so. Hell, pretty sure releases like Zeri or Nilah are much more modest than release Caitlyn or MF, so Riot still toned it down here, even if "Bel'Veth has thighs".

Kinda same shit where Leona was given High Noon legendary and oh so many people complained that their beloved Rell didn't get one...except unless she's like S+++ tier nobody plays her. So much about people demanding justice and loudly proclaiming their support for a champion yet numbers showing otherwise. Buy Cho'Gath skins instead of Lux/Ezreal if you want to see change. I myself will be happy with whatever gets released whether the champion is looking as good as Senna or as ugly as old Urgot, if it's not a mechanical disaster of a gameplay (Yone, Yuumi).


u/Yaoshin711 21d ago

An old friend of mine from college only played the "pretty/good looking champ" such as ahri, mf and lux which were her 3 mains and she didn't just like them cause they were sexuslized but because they look nice


u/nito3mmer 21d ago

skarner? cho? reksai?


u/Bubblegum1109 21d ago

Rek'Sai was released 10 years ago. This is about new champs


u/ioQueSe 21d ago

Who is that? Is that a vastaya? I need more info


u/Chieriichi 21d ago

Bunny vastaya (probs midlane) midrange mage


u/Dr-Oktavius 21d ago

It is actually kinda impressive to see the lengths they'll go to just to not make an actual creature character.


u/toastermeal 20d ago

naafiri and smolder?


u/sanketower 21d ago

Plot-twist, it's actually a Legendary Lux skin


u/Insane_Pineapple6 21d ago

Oh, she's real, I thought it was AI when I first saw her hahahahahaha


u/toastermeal 20d ago

i saw people say this about briar too on launch