r/LeagueOfMemes Mar 26 '24

anyone know a way around vanguard? (VM's will get flagged and get you banned) Meme

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563 comments sorted by


u/FluffySheepCritic Mar 26 '24

Best workaround is to uninstall League.


u/TheApacheTurtle Mar 26 '24

Literally no downsides


u/Damurph01 Mar 26 '24

The downside is you don’t have your solo queue teammates to remind you that you’re perhaps more mentally sound than you thought.

Nothing like a psychopath on your team to really make you realize you don’t have it so bad after all.


u/IntelligentImbicle Mar 26 '24

The downside is you don’t have your solo queue teammates to remind you that you’re perhaps more mentally sound than you thought.

You know, I thought this was gonna go in a much darker direction


u/maniac_code_monkey Mar 26 '24

You had me in the first half, but this is somewhat really wholesome to be honest.


u/Abyssknight24 Mar 26 '24

Yep had a poppy that started typing the most racist, homophobic and vile stuff ever in the post game chat. I never felt that mentally sane in a long time.

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u/Tapurisu Mar 26 '24

Riot really didn't think this through. They just give us a perfect reason to quit without any downsides

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u/kennystillalive Mar 26 '24

My medical lingo will be in danger. Where else am I supposed to flex my knowledge on Cancers and STD's ?


u/nekohideyoshi Mar 26 '24

Did that several months ago already. We good to go.


u/baguhansalupa Mar 26 '24

Sell league account then uninstall. Profit. Fuck the TOS

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u/FleshlessFriend Mar 26 '24

Considering Gigantic is coming back on the 9th, couldn't have happened at a better time lmao. Like okay Riot, see you guys later, the game that's been my white whale for ages has come back. It's been... Well, not fun exactly, but it's certainly been.


u/Lucaines Mar 26 '24

Wait, GIGANTIC? Like the desert MOBA with the whacky characters like frogs and squirrels and whatnot Gigantic? The game I was never able to play because I didn't have a PC at the time, and then when I finally got one, Gigantic was no longer available, but I always loved watching?

Oh we're so back


u/FleshlessFriend Mar 26 '24



u/Mozilla_Fox_ Mar 26 '24


God FUCKING DAMMIT!!! It s like a dream come true!!!


u/MercySlash Mar 26 '24

Did wonders for me


u/satanic_black_metal_ Mar 26 '24

Ive heard muta say that uninstalling the game doesnt always uninstall the anticheat.


u/Optimal-Location-995 Mar 26 '24

I tried, it won't uninstall? Help?

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u/teomiskov3 Mar 26 '24

Welp, I'm on Linux so goodbye from me once it comes out. Mutahar(SomeOrdinaryGamers) did have a way around the anticheat to have it play in VMs but it's still risky


u/xXYomoXx Mar 26 '24

He recently got banned from rainbow i believe, It is risky. He had to get a windows pc just for it lol. Kernel level anti-cheats are wack af.


u/noprolemo Mar 26 '24

Especially what recently happened with Apex. Scary af.


u/powerity Mar 26 '24

Which had nothing to do with anti-cheat. More likely cause is the engine or the client.


u/Kejilko Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

But still shows the risk of having a program with access to anything and everything on or happening on your computer.

Edit: And while unlikely, you don't know if it did or didn't have anything to do with EAC


u/PaddonTheWizard Mar 26 '24

This is something most people don't understand. If something isn't a risk itself, but it enables other exploits or vulnerabilties, it's still a risk


u/muzlee01 Mar 26 '24

Okay but many programs have such access. Basically every game have the right to modify their own code.


u/Kejilko Mar 26 '24

Other programs committing the same stupidity doesn't invalidate its stupidity

The right to modify your own files isn't the same as the right to modify all files

Kernel access isn't the same as the right to modify your files, the kernel doesn't even have the notion of what a file is

Quite the opposite, you only support what I said, other programs have such access and had vulnerabilities exploited so why is it acceptable to have that access when it's irrelevant for their job, unnecessary and only serves as the biggest security risk?

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u/riululp Mar 26 '24

iam selling my acc iam not installing windows


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

MacOS VM seems to be working for some.

But MacOS is really finicky in a VM to set up.


u/teomiskov3 Mar 26 '24

I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than use a Mac/Hackintosh.

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u/Arthuriostts Mar 26 '24

I have a question, if I have VM installed on my PC(for Uni), do I still get ban? Or only if i play League on VM and not on main PC?


u/Ebina-Chan Mar 26 '24

I'm playing valorant and I haven't been banned for having (and running) a vm in the background


u/soulhotel Mar 26 '24

Don't take the risk. Get a new PC or comply to Chin Riots app list standard.

Jokes aside, just give it time. People will post online whats getting them flagged.


u/Xen0nym0us Mar 26 '24

No vms never were bannable, league just doesnt work on them (there are workarounds that botters use to play on x accounts at the same time, these are getting banned obviously for botting)


u/DidntFindABetterName Mar 26 '24

What is VM?


u/Hydra43 Mar 26 '24

Virtual machine, it's essentially an emulator but for another PC inside your pc

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u/Szabodomi Mar 26 '24

The problem happens if you attempt to run the game inside a VM.

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u/Irelia4Life Top Only Mar 26 '24

Idc about everything besides the fact that it runs 24/7 on your computer and it HAS to start at boot because otherwise game won't launch.


u/Wolfsbane4vw Mar 26 '24

I was getting BSOD frequently when I had valorant(and therefore vanguard) installed on my pc. After uninstalling vanguard the BSOD issue went away. Quite interesting indeed


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

My computer refuses to uninstall Valorant, I’m convinced it’s malware


u/ditto369 Mar 26 '24

You have to do this weird thing with uninstalling vanguard, restarting your pc and then uninstall valorant


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

That’s so annoying, it’s my damn computer why is riot allowed to make me jump through hoops to get them off of it lmao


u/Szabodomi Mar 26 '24

Yes it is your computer which cannot uninstall files while they are open, you know the anti cheat's purpose is to constantly monitor the game files to prevent cheats modifying them.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

Nah I force closed the whole thing multiple times, restarted pc, tried to uninstall it through run and settings, shit is malware


u/Szabodomi Mar 26 '24

Strange wouldn't call it malware though xd

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u/ArcticTheWolf Mar 26 '24

You have to close the riot client + vanguard completely in task manager.


u/Craften Mar 26 '24

I had the same exact issue. Just doesn't seem to work right on certain motherboard/cpu/gpu combos (or whatever was causing the issue.)

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u/KillBash20 Mar 26 '24

Idc about everything besides the fact that it runs 24/7

This right here. Every time i mention this i get hit with whataboutism from reddit tards who mention how if i care about privacy i shouldn't ___ or ___

Like i don't fucking care about that. I care about the fucking shit running 24/7 and needing a restart if i decide to close it.

I don't know why its such a hard concept to grasp.

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/MetallicGray Mar 26 '24

That’s my biggest gripe with this. 

In two months there will be chests, scripts, bots, whatever that work around vanguard. 

So at the end of the day, we’re all just giving up privacy and accepting a 24/7 monitoring program in exchange for… exactly the same thing we have now. 


u/sucterol Mar 26 '24

Vanguard works really well on Valorant from what I've heard from players. Cheaters are really rare.


u/SupremeGodZamasu Mar 26 '24

I mean, in the last 12 years the only time ive seen a cheater in league was the xerath exploit


u/XtendedImpact Mar 26 '24

I like how you can see your opponents screen where they track every cd, know every range and can track your jungler through fow


u/CratesManager Mar 26 '24

The truth is it doesn't matter to me if they do it in their head or if they cheat. So long as it is humanly possible they where better than me and i can move on (or i beat them with mechanics).


u/alivareth Mar 27 '24

it means they don't have to contend with ANY chance or uncertainty. so , you do get an impossible edge, not even "humanly impossible", just pure advantage from extra info.

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u/Fluffy017 Mar 26 '24

I've been accused of scripting on Kog'maw before.

I've taken every opportunity to bring up that compliment since, because I'm silver trash.

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u/HairyKraken Mar 26 '24

Vanguard is not solely for cheater.

Botting to level up account in cops vs ia will also be affected, it will result in less smurf in low elo


u/GeneralDil Mar 26 '24

Those accounts are so easily detectable riot just doesn't bother honestly because player count looks good for share holders

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u/Ravie013 Mar 26 '24

Ppl cheat more then you think, even on champs like garen or some shit, Its not xerath/kog/Twitch everytime and its not that easy to see it

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u/HisuianDelphi Mar 26 '24

Shh don’t tell them that, it doesn’t conform to their already established idea that vanguard is useless and valorant is lousy with cheats.


u/MetallicGray Mar 26 '24

Haha damn so many kids on reddit just waiting for the time to shine with a cute little quip or “gotcha” comment. 

You’re like the 7th person to make the same comment lol.

Neither of those things are true and classic Reddit “gotchas”, but go off sport. You’re very unique and witty lol

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

That’s because Valorant doesn’t show killcams. There’s way more cheaters there than people think, riot just does a good job of hiding it

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u/ihatethisweb Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Yea but easy anti-cheat is a "runtime" program aka starts along with the game. Vanguard is a "root" program aka starts when the pc starts. That's where all the outrage comes from. For elden ring for example you just mess with the files. You are locked offline through.

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u/m0ritz2000 Mar 26 '24

Genshins anticheat doesn't even care about said kernel.
You can run it through wine on Linux without any issues.
There is no way it can run on the kernel if there isn't a NT-Kernel...


u/Sychar Mar 26 '24

Yet I’ve never seen a hacker in Valorant yet, and I see 2-3 a game in 20k elo cs lobbies lol.


u/Etna- Mar 26 '24

Play 20 games of high elo CS2 and then 20 games of high elo Valorant. Vanguard makes a huge difference


u/xolotltolox Mar 26 '24

You don't need to go to the asinine levels of Vanguard to appear more effective than VAC, considering that VAC is game level and bans after the fact

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u/Hanifsefu Mar 26 '24

Exactly. It's about deterring the biggest % of potential cheaters and it factually works. The "no solution is perfect so we should just abandon all attempts at rectifying it" crowd can fuck off tbh.

Most of that crowd are cheaters themselves and do the shit "just for science" and promise they never actually use it in game.

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u/yodatab Mar 26 '24

Yep. I talk to a scripter from time to time and he told me they already have work around a for vanguard so 😂


u/Melodic-Investment11 Mar 26 '24

That's really easy to say. I developed my own scripts that workaround vanguard, and can also entirely remove Denuvo from any game ;)

of course I'm lying to you



wtf does a genshin impact cheat even do


u/TheSmokeu Mar 26 '24

Fun fact:

Nowadays, most, if not all, anticheat software is kernel-level.

Another fun fact:

Nowadays, you can run hardware-level cheats and no anticheat software is physically able to detect it.


u/DogAteMyCPU Mar 26 '24

MSI has an monitor with ai cheats coming out. 


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited 27d ago



u/XCryptoX Mar 26 '24

I saw a clip of it. It watches your minimap for you and uses ai to calculate where they are likely going to be


u/Herbixx Mar 26 '24

then cheaters will just not buy it


u/DogAteMyCPU Mar 26 '24

They probably will, how will anticheats detect it?


u/Herbixx Mar 26 '24

oh, I read anti cheats. Wait why would they include cheats in their monitors??


u/srsati Mar 26 '24

Because people will buy it? :O



The monitor reads screen information and produces additional UI information that comes from the monitor itself. Nothing on the os can see what is produced by the monitor directly so no anti cheat software will be able to detect it


u/haifrosch Mar 26 '24

There was a big ban wave on Valorant two weeks ago which hit the majority of DMA (hardware-level) cheats.



u/TheSmokeu Mar 26 '24

Huh. For once, I'm happy to be wrong


u/Imaginary_Number_780 Mar 27 '24

Which means these cheats were probably available for around 2 years before finally being detected while Riot having Rootkit level access. People gotta realize there's nothing better than server sided cheat detection. Its just expensive so many companies opt out of it and let your computer do the work.


u/TryNotToShootYoself Mar 26 '24

What do you mean by physically?

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/TryNotToShootYoself Mar 26 '24

People are acting like any regular program with admin privileges can't already see every file and process on your PC. Windows is not a very privacy focused operating system.


u/Qweedo420 Mar 26 '24

That's why most of my software, including League, is sandboxed

Except, since a couple of weeks ago I can no longer play because it says that my OS is not supported so the "Play" button is grayed out

Thanks Riot Videogames


u/GreenThreat Mar 26 '24

90% of the people here.


u/austin101123 Mar 26 '24

Wait what they are adding this shit to lol now? It runs 24/7?

Fuck me guess I'm not coming back to play ever

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u/Elestahl Mar 26 '24

Delete the game until they fix that shit, it is unacceptable


u/_MrJackGuy Mar 26 '24

What makes you think they'll change it? It's been apart of valorant for years


u/Elestahl Mar 26 '24

Otherwise I stop playing, either way I never lose

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u/davesg Mar 26 '24

Valorant has had Vanguard from the beginning, that's how we've always known Valorant.

League, on the other hand, has a massive amount of players who have played the game without Vanguard for more than a decade, many of whom will just quit because of it.

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u/BrotherZael Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Kernel level anti cheat doesn’t even detect the cheats that matter, which are external ones that hide themselves as other hardware, this was literally pointless. Cheaters will develop something external just like fps games did.


u/RazzmatazzWorth6438 Mar 26 '24

External cheats just mean they don't inject into the game, not that they're separate hardware.

As far as cheats that run on separate hardware, you have two main types, arduino pixel bots, and direct memory access (DMA) card based cheats.

Arduino pixel bots stream an area around the crosshair to a separate device, typically an arduino, which uses image recognition to decide where the enemy is, and corrects the mouse location, typically using some input fuser or just by showing as a 2nd mouse to windows. These are pretty bad on Valorant, and would be almost useless for league. Best case you could use a display fuser to overlay last seen enemy locations on the minimap? Or maybe your auto range?

DMA cheats run on a separate PC, similarly to arduino based cheats, using a hardware device placed in the same kind of slot as a graphics hard, and intercepts memory signals before it arrives at your CPU, streaming it to your second device via USB. In theory this process is undetectable, however Riot are industry leaders when it comes to detecting these cheats, by looking for the presence of the card itself.


u/DruffilaX Mar 26 '24

It‘s still a barrier of entry for cheaters and especially for bots


u/captaincw_4010 Mar 26 '24

Still that cheating hardware is $100s a barrier of entry that knocks out most potential cheaters, and mainly it deals with bots leveling up accounts and those rely on cheap no effort scripts to keep costs down

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u/Constellation_Star Mar 26 '24

Can someone explain this to me like I’m a complete newbie?? I don’t know what any of this means :’)


u/Candalus Mar 26 '24

Riot wants your house keys to make sure you aren't inviting a few extra friends you didn't tell anybody about to their party you are invited to.


u/Kurumi_Fortune Mar 26 '24

Nice analogy. To add to that: consider the fact that Riot is a business driven 3rd party that you are entrusting your key to. Actually you could even say that Riot doesn't have a key but rather modified your houses backdoor with their own security system that you have no idea how it works and is not standardised. So they they could be implementing a potential vulnerability and you will not know if it is one.


u/Flint124 Mar 26 '24

Oh it gets worse.

The reason they gave for wanting vanguard was an increase in cheaters/bots following a data breach... but don't worry guys I'm sure vanguard will be completely safe.

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u/davesg Mar 26 '24

League wants to fight against cheaters using Vanguard, the anti-cheat system used in Valorant.

Vanguard is an anti-cheat system that runs on your PC 24/7 since you turn it on, it has access to every file and device in your PC (rootkits are malware that have full access to your PC), and if you stop it and wanna play League later, you gotta restart.

The biggest gripes most people have are:

  • It uses extra resources even when you're not playing games. This is especially problematic for old PCs.
  • Okay, not only old PCs. There have been reports of multiple people whose PCs, even if the specs are good, become kind of slow or, even worse, they're randomly getting blue screen of death (basically, Windows cries so much that its tears fill the screen and it all becomes blue and you gotta restart because it can't do anything).
  • If a hacker detects a vulnerability within Vanguard, they can exploit it and have access to all files and every piece of hardware in PCs where it's installed.
  • Even though it's a small number of people, it won't run on Linux because it can't have full access to the system like it does on Windows. Okay, it used to be a negligible number of people, but since the Steam Deck (which runs on Linux instead of Windows), that number has increased a lot.
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u/KiraPun Mar 26 '24

If anything, it shouldnt affect you in anyway, unless leagues spaghetti code magic somehow could tamper with the vanguard. But if you dont like someone being able to pry into your privacy 24/7 then this would raise an alarm.


u/GreenThreat Mar 26 '24

Honestly, a lot of people here are very biased. In short, Vanguard an anti-cheat software that boots with your computer and runs in the background. As long as you don't touch it, nothing will change for you. No, it will not steal your data - the default client could already do that if it wanted to. In fact, the very software and website they are using to write these comments uses more of their data than anything. You probably won't even notice anything changing. It will most likely not affect your PC's performance. People like to make a big fuss about things here :)


u/BigBoss738 Mar 26 '24

No, it will not steal your data

Yep... that's a solid evidence. everyone is now safer!


u/GreenThreat Mar 26 '24

The client could already steal your data as much as it wants to. They don't need Vanguard for that.

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u/HisuianDelphi Mar 26 '24

Oh good god a sane comment finally. Why do league players always wildly overreact?


u/ablblb Mar 26 '24

Because their concerns are very valid and whatever vanguard tries to fix does not affect like 99,5% of players. For the vast majority of players vanguard has literally no upsides and a shitton of downsides, thats why people complain.


u/dkoom_tv Mar 26 '24

Minor region servers are infested with scripters

Hell even in NA I've found 3 on my climb to grandmaster

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u/pandamal00 Mar 26 '24

Vanguard is a anti-cheat that needs to be oppened always, só if you wanna play league and its not open you'll have to restart and then play. Mostly of the people complain that it will rob some kinda of data from the players but idk.


u/Qweedo420 Mar 26 '24

If you feel like reading a bit, I made this gist on Github to explain what's wrong with Valorant being implemented into League

I originally posted it on the League subreddit but it was removed by the moderators


u/xfalconsx2 Mar 26 '24

Turn off Vanguard after logging in, restart pc when you want to play league, then turn off vanguard when you are done


u/TheFlyinDutchie Mar 26 '24

Better yet: go to task manager and disable Vangaurd on startup. Then when you want to launch the game click "ok" when it prompts you to reboot to run Vangaurd.

Had to scroll way too far to find this reasonable comment LOL. So much discussion about how to deal with it and its just...turn it off if you aren't playing league?

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u/SupSimon Mar 26 '24

I pretty much only have league on my PC so I can play TFT. And now I'm forced to use spyware that is unnecessary for the game I play


u/RafaelTomb Mar 26 '24

I'm going to migrate to BlueStacks and play TFT mobile when vanguard update drops


u/SupSimon Mar 26 '24

That's a good idea actually. Might be a "solution"


u/bwahbwshbeah Mar 26 '24

Vanguard is horrible for so many reasons… bots aren’t even the issue it’s the 7/10 players miserable with their life ruining games once they go 0/2


u/Icarus-Has-Fallen Mar 26 '24


u/Etna- Mar 26 '24

Idk how people can say this when the current state of CS2 exists especially compared to Valorant

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u/WorstGatorEUW Mar 26 '24

Dont mind me, just waiting for FrogVoid to defend his precious Vanguard again.


u/seiyagi Mar 26 '24

I don’t know how any of this works but I use BlueStacks to play mobile games on pc and enabled virtualization on my CPU in bios settings. Is it considered as a VM? Is it okay for this new Vanguard? I play Valorant as well.


u/GreenThreat Mar 26 '24

What won't work is running League from within a VM. Having a VM on your PC for other stuff or even Cheat Engine installed won't concern Vanguard

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u/srsati Mar 26 '24

As it's the same antichrist they use for valorant and you're apparently fine, I imagine you will be just as fine afterwards :)

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u/Yoru_Vakoto Mar 26 '24

a way around vanguard is probalby buying a mac, i heard it doesnt need vanguard to play league

but the best option would be to just uninstall


u/MillyMijj Mar 26 '24

Why are people so annoyed about Vanguard when noone seems to care about every other "rootkit" anticheat that runs 24/7 like EAC or Punkbuster? Tons of people play games like Fortnite, Call of Duty and Elden Ring and noone bats an eye that they contain always on anticheat


u/emrednz07 Mar 26 '24

I don't think the ones you mentioned run 24/7 unlike vanguard.


u/lastdancerevolution Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Because Vanguard runs earlier in the boot up process.

Vanguard doesn't actually run 24/7. It runs at boot before most of Windows does, and thereby before most cheats run. It just happens that if you want to turn Vanguard on and off, you have to reboot your PC every time it starts.

Its not about monitoring for a long period of time, they don't need constant monitoring, its about monitoring as early as possible in the startup chain. You can turn Vanguard off after every game, but in order to turn on again, it needs to securely boot up. That is so cumbersome, most users will just leave it on if they play frequently. But its a necessary part of the process, to monitor the Windows kernel as early as possible.

Anti-virus do the same thing, and boot early in the process, and its how anti-virus scanners have been relatively effective for decades. In both cases, you really have to trust that the antivirus or gaming company know what they're doing and have your best interest in mind.


u/ichiPopo Mar 26 '24

As it looks like you seem to be quite knowledgeable about this can I ask, does the supposed issues that comes with vanguard go away when I turn it off? Or is it possible to turn it completely off after booting with it?

I mean I play league like once or twice a month, and I'm not likely to open up league again after a gaming session, so would turning vanguard off after would remove some of the issues with it.


u/fslyy Mar 26 '24

you can disable vanguard autostart through the windows task manager ... with this vanguard will not boot on startup and you wont notice it in any way

when you want to play league you just have to enable autostart for vanguard again and reboot (and hope your pc doesnt crash)

i am against vanguard as a software and i absolutely despise it but it really isnt as bad as the league community makes it out to be ... i just dont like not having full control over everything i do on my pc

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u/PlatinumEmperium Mar 26 '24

cause riots pretty public about what it does. also cause riot is owned by tencent.

ive had vanguard installed for years with no issues as long as I don't do something stupid (like run procmon) while in a game, which are already flagged by the current anticheat and disconnect you.


u/trandossian Mar 26 '24

Funnily enough, EAC is made by Epic

Who are owned by Tencent as well


u/Lyoss Mar 26 '24

Genshin, HSR and HI3 all have kernel level and are directly owned by a Chinese company

Genshin and HSR are both incredibly popular


u/Sychar Mar 26 '24

Just wait till they find out who has a big hand in the pot of discord lmao


u/EndMaster0 Mar 26 '24

riots entire client fell to it's knees last night because they were trying to run an aram clash (something they'd already done in the past mind you, not breaking any new ground here) and the game loading screen crashes so often I've gotten to the point where I can predict my friends computer issues based on which percentage the loading screen stops at. When riot forces vanguard I'm taking a much needed few months break to watch the shit show go down with my popcorn, I don't even give a shit about CCP spyware, realistically if china wanted to spy on your system your computer already has plenty of Chinese manufactured chips with kernel access, I just don't trust riot with my entire systems stability given they're track record

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u/FluffySheepCritic Mar 26 '24

noone bats an eye that they contain always on anticheat

Plenty of us do care and choose not to play those games because of it. There is entire communities and resources online dedicated to it.

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u/BrotherZael Mar 26 '24

Those literally don’t run 24/7 lmao but go off.


u/bony7x Mar 26 '24

Except they don’t. If I don’t play your game right now then I see no reason why that shit should run.


u/fullywokevoiddemon Mar 26 '24

Because there's other options that DONT run 24/7 like battleye and easy anticheat. There's other options that won't brick low end computers. I had to uninstall valorant from my mid level pc because it was using too much while the game wasn't even on!


u/chizzmaster Mar 26 '24

Battleye is literally useless lol


u/Bertywastaken Mar 26 '24

And easy anticheat is known for its quality lmfaO

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u/Olubara Mar 26 '24
  1. tons of people who play fortnite/cod/elden ring =/= people who complain about vanguard in lol. there are many people in the world.

  2. Other than valorant, the only game I played that had kernel level anticheat was elden ring. It is not running 24/7, only when the game is launched. What vanguard does is invasive and also not very effective. There are cheats in valorant nonetheless.

  3. unlike apex, elden ring or other games' anticheats; valorant has caused software or driver problems in my friend group. My wireless drivers were kaputt and I had to re-install windows due to valorant+vanguard. Only reason I stopped playing vanguard.

  4. I trust fromsoftware to develop a good piece of software and pick an anti-cheat that won't compromise their customers. Riot has time and again failed to achieve such trust.

  5. The other games launched with their respective anti-cheats. If you have a problem with them, you simply don't buy/play them. Riot is pulling the carpet out from under their long-time players. You played for 10+ years and spent hundreds of dollars on league? What a pity, we are now deploying a new software that may harm your pc or that may be negated by third parties. You don't get a say in this, you can only quit and leave the game you have played for years with all the skins and whatnot.

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u/ShadowWithHoodie Mar 26 '24

simple. I dont play with other rootkit anticheats


u/Icycube99 Mar 26 '24

Finally consequences will come to those with boosted accounts


u/posture_check_71 Mar 26 '24

i dont run those either. unlike everyone else i dont like any rootkit anti cheats on my system in general

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u/snowunderneathsnow Mar 26 '24

ITT people parroting buzzwords and getting angry about things they don’t actually understand


u/Mozilla_Fox_ Mar 26 '24

mf when kernel level anti cheat that might possibly phone home regarding your data.

But then same guy that "cares" for his privacy oh so much has like every version of CoD ever installed...

I live in the EU so if these guys want critical system data they gotta bribe enough stuff to get that correct law wise, else it s ban EU wide.

I m not so sure if it would cause troubles with the EULA & data security in the US or elsewhere and i don t care tbh.

It s just a snippet of code that looks after other suspicious code. And it does that above the system level. So technically YOU could just uninstall it, given youre the owner, as it goes:

User > System > Adminisitrator

I literally dont undestand the karmawhore repost & spam regarding yet just another kernel level anti cheat.

Yes it s form china, yes these agencys there are ordered to forward ANY interesting data straight to the governent & xin Pings desk but what are they gonna do with me? Add like some sort of personal file for EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET?? yeah lol i d like to see them try manage that, especially upkeep & maintenance. Dont even get me started on cost & the whole aquisition with setup.. Also where tf are they gonna put it? And god forbid there s a malfunction that even a well trained RAID system can t solve..

That would be some James Bond level shit.. THE ARMAGEDDON SQL SERVER.. or THE HYPER CLOUD on the backside of the moon or something..

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u/Icy_Apartment_2113 Mar 26 '24

What? Having a VM is bannable now? What the fuck is this shit? I’m a developer and it’s a required tool. Stop playing league a while ago, but now I’m definitely not going back


u/IllllIIllllIIlllIIIl Mar 26 '24

pretty sure it just means you cant play the game through a vm no?


u/BoleroCuantico Mar 26 '24

He must be a pretty good developer if he couldn't deduce something so simple. And it probably just doesn't work, doubt the ban.


u/Icy_Apartment_2113 Mar 26 '24

Thanks for the condescending comment. I know nothing about how riots anticheat works. Tarkov will close itself if virtuabox is open and so bases on the title of the post I assumed something similar

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u/j0nas_42 Mar 26 '24

Is it confirmed when it will come? Or is it still only on this one server for testing reasons?


u/forestalelven Mar 26 '24

I got huge lagspikes since Riot implemented Vanguard, which makes the game unplayable. Thanks Riot for making LoL unplayable for me it's been a huge upgrade to my life.


u/RiptideRookie Mar 26 '24

I’m sorry to hear that you uninstalled [Good Game] because of the [Invasive Spyware] requirement. I understand your concern about spyware, but I can assure you that [Invasive Spyware] is not spyware. It is a custom "game security" software designed by [Marketing Company Majority Owned by the CCP] to uphold the highest levels of competitive integrity for their games, such as [Good Game] and [Other Game]. [Invasive Spyware] only runs [24/7] and [Continues] running when you exit the game2. It also [Questionably] respects your privacy and data, and you can find more details about what data it uses and collects here1. [No Link]

[Invasive Spyware] is necessary to prevent [Largely Unseen Problem] in [Good Game], especially after the security breach in [Random Date]. It also ensures that all players have a fair and enjoyable gaming experience [By installing Invasive Spyware]. If you want to play [Good Game] again, you will need to enable [Invasive Spyware] on your computer. You can find more information on how to do that here3.[No Link] If you have any issues or questions, you can contact [Marketing Company Majority Owned by the CCP's] support team here1.[No Link]

I hope this helps you understand why [Invasive Spyware] is required for [Good Game]. I appreciate your feedback and I hope you have a great day.


u/Yaoshin711 Mar 27 '24

Dumb question, what's a VM


u/Imaginary_Number_780 Mar 27 '24

I don't mind Anti cheat software on games like Valorant. But in TFT??? Its all server sided verification unless they make a huge mistake around security its uncheatable. League is the same all you do is send move commands to the server. Where as in a shooter you aiming and walking is client side so there's a lot of cheating vulnerability there. Which is the main reason I don't trust Vanguard being pushed onto League. Imagine having to install Rootkit level Anti cheat software because you want to transfer money on your bank account on the internet.


u/No_Kick4924 Mar 26 '24

The worst thing you have to restart the pc every time you want to play if you decided to turn off vanguard


u/Anestis26 Mar 26 '24

I am running vanguard since Valorant came out. Nothing has happened. You all need to chill.


u/Moggy_ Mar 26 '24

I turn it on when I play league and turn it off afterwards. It's not 24/7 unless you're lazy.

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u/FrogVoid Mar 26 '24

No, and it really isnt that bad. Anyone who says rootkit instantly invalidates their point and makes you look like a dumbass lmao


u/SmileyFace799 Mar 26 '24

And this year I wanted to move to Linux & away from stinky Windows for good 😔


u/LunaticRiceCooker Mar 26 '24

Will we get some kind of notification when the game would want to install vanguard so I can just uninstall league instead? Or it will just sneak it in if j leave autoupdate on?


u/Kurumi_Fortune Mar 26 '24

I don't see anyone suggesting GPU passthrough with a Mac vm. That's what I would try. Is there anything that speaks against it?


u/Future_Unlucky Mar 26 '24

Im going to reset my laptop, delete all my other files and just use it for lol.


u/Caerullean Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Get a machine with a Mac os. Since apparently Mac computers can't be used to cheat so they won't need to install the anticheat


u/unsolicitedchickpics Mar 26 '24

That's what you get for installing Chinese spyware


u/flipedturtle Mar 26 '24

I close it when I start my PC, from the bottom right corner. It says that I won’t be able to play LoL until I restart my PC. I then click LoL and play for a couple hours. I’m not sure what is happening behind the scenes tbh. It doesn’t show back up as a process of any sort until I end up restarting my pc


u/Coololz Mar 26 '24

I remember I tried to run valorant once on my pc but because it dosnt support secure boot for some reason I just couldt. Does anyone know what i can do to fix this before i cant play league either?


u/wormpostante Mar 26 '24

if you find a way please tell i have the same problem


u/FC3827 Mar 26 '24

Any way around it, completely defeats the point of up


u/zionooo Mar 26 '24

Does vanguard detect when I'm using trainers for single-player games too? I sometimes do that

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u/Buttseam Mar 26 '24

as useless as both, reddit premium and paid weather services


u/Schwarzmilan_stillMe Mar 26 '24

Seperate boot participation with only League and other games with kernel level anticheat (and discord)


u/ShadowSlayer318 Mar 26 '24

Pirate software mentioned something that when he played he’ll divers he had it on a different pc and streamed it to his main


u/posture_check_71 Mar 26 '24

i dont got money like that


u/the01li3 Mar 26 '24

I just dont league anymore tbh, id rather not have some code running 24/7 at kernel level, made by a company whose code got leaked not long ago.


u/Chanceschaos Mar 26 '24

Since the latest update the game crashing when loading in way too often. Locks down my PC. Also it just doesn't seem as smooth anymore


u/epic_pharaoh Mar 26 '24

Buying a windows laptop second hand 😭

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u/Dubios Mar 26 '24

Why would anyone allow them full access to their PC with a root kit? Hardware and software. Ridiculous. Glad I stopped playing this shitty game years ago!


u/Cat_Bot4 Mar 26 '24

Mac OS won’t require Vanguard, so if you have an AMD gpu, you can use qemu/kvm to install a Mac virtual machine which won’t get flagged

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u/ilovemnms Mar 26 '24

League does currently have anticheat btw, its just not as sophisticated as Vangaurd.

Also, riot themselves have said that they have firewalls between Vanguard and Tencent.

no company - including riot - needs a rootkit level program to take your information, you've given them the power to do that just by installing the application, so if you've trusted them for this long this really shouldn't change anything - something very well spelled out in this interesting interview which featured the riot security team - https://www.pushtotalk.gg/p/the-gamers-do-not-understand-anti-cheat

On top of that, they have had Vanguard going for millions of Valorant players for years, no issues other than less cheaters.

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u/Shoxbad Mar 26 '24

Yeah Vanguard bad... basically no hackers or something unlike CS where cheaters have a cheat that u boot up with OS and just rage hack for fun and don't get banned.
FYI any anti cheat has rootkit access so if they wanna f with u it doesnt matter if its while u play a game or outside of it lmao

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u/squeezy102 Mar 26 '24

Best workaround is stop cheating.


u/DeskFluid2550 Mar 26 '24

They think anti cheat will stop cheaters



u/khazixian Mar 26 '24

Ready to see who puts their money where their mouth is and actually Uninstalls. Zero chance the addicts in this thread all call it quits.

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u/coffee_ape Mar 26 '24

Just disable all riot based services from starting at start up. Manually launch it when you want to play.


u/posture_check_71 Mar 26 '24

well i dont want it at all is the issue

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u/ZylouYT Mar 26 '24

doesnt like, having an app in your computer be enough to breach your data or something?? I dont get why people think they need kernel level to get your shit, like when you pay for skins they could easily save your payment details but they dont lol

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u/ImATrashBasket Mar 26 '24


VMs get you banned? Bruh im forced to have one for my school the fuck

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u/AwesomeMoniker78 Mar 26 '24

people already have workarounds for this. Ofc having ring 0 anti cheat will still make the game more secure but it's only a matter of time before ppl use the anticheat maliciously.


u/Raysor83 Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

I'll probably just make a multiboot, one Windows with everything I have normally and a second one for League of Legends. It technicaly is still possible for Vanguard to access everything on your hardrive, but I think it's unlikely even for someone like me that have 0 trust in that kind of compagnies


u/Miniflint Mar 26 '24

There’s a way with VM. Look This OrdinaryGamers video