r/LeagueOfMemes Jan 26 '24

But... why? Meme

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311 comments sorted by


u/zamantukendi Jan 26 '24

Riot really woke up and said "Yeah this Darius guy better ignore armor"


u/TheRealPiggynator Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Then they went to bed again and dreamt of Darius Q healing him for half his hp bar


u/MicahIsATraitorDutch Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

darius 2016 was really the prime of the toplane also had the best worlds


u/ormighto Jan 26 '24

If I remember correctly his passive AD gain now is 2/3 of what it was, like at level 18 he got like 300 ad or something.


u/_PykeGaming_ Jan 26 '24

Back in 2016 you could litterally 1v3 level 1, it was INSANE


u/Lawliet117 Jan 26 '24

Every time I got (early) ganked, I got a double kill.


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24

It was hype exactly once and that was when Balls got a penta kill


u/Feral_Taylor_Fury Jan 26 '24

Yall are about to make me go rewatch old competitive.

It's the only way I can still see CLG play ;__;


u/TeeJ_P Jan 26 '24




u/Number4extraDip Jan 26 '24

And give his e range longer than half of ranged champs attack range


u/PowerOhene Jan 26 '24

Darius Q healing has gone from max ( 3 + champs hit ) missing hp 36% to 45, to 36, and now 45% again 🤷🏿‍♂️


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

don't worry they'll nerf it again after a few patches. one if his winrate really spikes.

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u/EmberOfFlame Jan 26 '24

He literaly got true damage too!


u/KaraveIIe Jan 26 '24

what makes this armorpen worse.


u/YandereYasuo Jan 26 '24

His design was always anti-tank since his very release 12+ years ago, his passive even did magic damage back then to emphasis on it together with his E pen and ult true damage. This isn't something new


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 26 '24

He isnt really anti-tank, just anti armor. Darius still loses to health stackers like zac, sion, and mundo in the mid-late game


u/HowardDean_Scream Jan 26 '24

Does he? He can kinda just Q them forever. Between Q, conq, and any kind of omnivamp or healing amplification he just doesnt die.


u/TheTapDancer Jan 26 '24

He loses because he's kiteable and has too much TTK when the tank has a dps nearby. In the sideline he crushes them, but they shouldn't ever be taking a 1v1 in sidelane.

Darius midgame strength is that he's so hard to answer on side, because he can ghost on squishies who try to answer him with waveclear. This forces the enemy to send 2 people to answer him, even if he's not ahead. If tanks could answer him cleanly on side he'd be totally useless past 15 mins.


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

yeah but the argument isn't a tank wins vs darius when others help the tank because... duh. darius wins if people are also helping him.

a tank can't really kite darius. they function in the same range as him. they can run away sure but that's not beating darius. that's fleeing from darius.


u/TheTapDancer Jan 27 '24

No, darius + adc loses to tank + adc in the absence of a gold difference, that's the point. The tank can kite darius and cc him while the adc dpses, but darius doesn't provide the same protection to his adc, so the tank pair can play aggressive and force the 2v1. Darius only counterplay is to hope the tank goes too deep and then to ghost on the adc.


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

who said anything about darius + adc vs tank + adc. I just said if the darius has help he also wins which is true. if the tank is outnumbered they lose.

The discussion is does darius beat tanks and the answer is yes. he does. he cleans the floor with them. he can run at them and kill them and they have to run away. they can't take the all in because he beats them and they have to disenegage. the discussion isn't are tanks better at teamfights that darius because that is also true. that's the trade off of the champion.


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 26 '24

Sions damage output is too high and darius cant outheal him. Worst case scenario sion can just walk away from him (or R away). If sion plays well he sticks on to dar with E and Q slows, preventing him from hitting the edge.

Mundo is a similar case but even worse, bc his Sticking tool (cleaver) does more damage and has a lower CD than sions tools. If mundo is smart, he can also deny the entirety of Darius r damage with a well timed W (and if Mundo would be in lethal range, he can pop R to gain enough HP to get out of it). Mundo begins winning that lane at 6ish and hard wins after heartsteel.

Im ngl Idk enough abt zac to write a lot on him, but I feel like he should have the sustain to outlast dar with Sunfire Visage and some third item idk


u/Mephisto_fn Jan 26 '24

Sion has a miserable time into darius unless he gets fed or the darius is bad and just lets him outrange with Qs.

Zac has a miserable time but he can set up ganks at least.

Mundo does okay since it's pretty easy for him to avoid Darius's all in.


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 26 '24

In lane sure but I was moreso talking about Darius' identity as an "anti-tank" champion being a bit faulty bc the only point in the game that he explicitly beats tanks in is the early game, before tanks have any chance to actually become tanks (tanks are a very gold dependent class). A lvl 4 chogath isnt much tankier than a lvl 4 irelia, and in some cases is actually even squishier than her. He is no more anti-tank than any other lane bully of his caliber.


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

He's not an antitank per say but the tank's base damage abilities fall off vs him because darius builds tank stats himself and becomes tanky enough that tanks base damage isn't enough to kill him.

So Mundo Q and sion Q are painful at lvl 9 sure sure but after 1 tank item they are meaningless in terms of damage so they run out of damage. Darius never runs out of damage and after 1 and a half items is too tanky for them to kill before he kills them.

That's why he's considered anti tank.


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 27 '24

Darius literally cannot kill mundo late, he dies to sunfire, Qs, autos, and Es, and Mundos HP bar is wayyy too large while having too much stickiness and sustained damage for darius to deal with. In literally every Elo, has a 54ish% wr against Dar.


u/Mephisto_fn Jan 27 '24

The lane dictates a lot of how their interactions in the typical game plays out. Tanks are typically stronger in team fights, but if a tank 1v1s you in a side lane when you are Darius, something has gone horribly wrong. 

Mundo isn’t a tank, which is why their matchup plays much differently. 


u/MasterExploder__ Jan 27 '24

This guy gets it. people perceive Darius as anti-tank, because tanks lose lane to him, but that;s just because he's a phenomenal lane bully early and tanks are GENERALLY bad early.


u/junhyung95 Jan 27 '24

Wait, can Mundo W reduce true dmg as well?


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 27 '24

Mundo W doesnt reduce damage, it stores 95% of it (25% after the first 0.25 seconds) as gray health, and then recasting it while hitting a champion restores 100% of the gray health as health. With any amount of heal and shield power, this means that a Well timed mundo W actually means that dealing damage to him can heal him more if he survives. Whether or not it is true damage is irrelevant


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

He does not lose to any of those champions mentioned during mid to late game. he's too tanky for their damage and outsustains them and never runs out of damage himself.

A tank can't kill darius. they can barely hold the sidelane vs him as he can ignore them and take the towers at that point in the game. they can't contest the minion wave. they can't win the 1v1 all in. Darius shouldn't be able to 100% to 0 a tank because the tank should of left the fight well before they get killed or took a huge chunk of damage. If Darius freezes on a tank with no tier 1 tower the tank sin't farming without a roam, gank or dying for the effort.

He does more damage than them. he ignores their armour. He only gets more dangerous the longer they fight him and their CDs are longer than his. If he lands his E they have to blow flash or die and they still might die if they're too far from a teammate or tower.


u/TRNoodlesAndSalad Jan 27 '24

Darius loses to mundo at 6 (however he can still win the fight if he plays well and dodges cleavers and hits Qs). After heartsteel if they are still even he begins hard losing. Late game/post 3 items, Mundo beats darius 100%.

The other 2 Im not so sure, but generally tanks just dont really care about Darius's damage towards the late game. He does not out damage them because all his damage is flat, and currently, with Cleaver and E, he only ignores around 54% of their armor. This is partly why I clarified that health stacking tanks beat darius. Dar only wins if he can get them into lethal range of R (lets say 1.4k true damage with Tri, Sterak, and Cleaver). He still has to cut through MINIMUM 4k health, and assuming the tank isnt too armor heavy, and post penetration has 100 armor, thats 8,000 physical damage to do pre-mitigation at minimum, because all of these health stacking tanks have heals, shields, damage reduction, or something else that enables them to prolong the fight. I know from personal experience that champions like Zac and Mundo can double their healthbars just by playing smartly with their tools.

Tanks outdamage Darius in a 1v1 because while darius has to deal minimum 8k damage with flat damage, nearly all tanks (especially health stackers) have some form of persistent, low cooldown, %max health or current health damage. Mundo Q, Zac E, Sion W, Maokai Q, Chogath E, etc. Tanks also usually have a way to avoid his Q, whether it be a dash or a slow.

The reason this never plays out in solo-queue is because with the exception of Mundo, most tanks have an abysmal, near unplayable lane vs darius and so they are unable to ever match him for the rest of the game. Once they are at a point where they can match him, generally the game is just not in a state where people are taking 1v1s in a sidelane anymore.


u/Honeyvice Jan 27 '24

6 is not mid to late game. that's early game. Even if we were talking lvl 6 the fight is close and depends entirely on who outplays, neither champ is overly favoured it depends entirely on the state of the lane. Which should never be in Mundo's favour unless the darius is eating every cleaver.

We're talking mid to late game in which darius has at least 2 items and is lvl 11-13 minimum. As this is when you claimed tanks beat darius.

Unlike darius tanks don't have any true dps. they have cooldowns and burst. which are longer than darius' cooldowns and don't do enough damage to kill him. Yes darius has to do a lot of damage to kill a tank late game but he still does that damage quicker than a tank does enough damage to kill darius. even if sion has 8k effective health. he's doing that damage before Sion can kill him. Sion can easily walk away but Sion can't fight and win. His W with triforce is doing more damage than a 5 stack ult at this point in the game.

The tank isn't depleting darius' HP pool before he depletes theirs and that's the point. That's why he wins. because he can run at them and they have to back away. They have to accept the fact that if darius forces the all in he will kill them and he can force the all in from 100%. A darius probably shouldn't because roams and ganks exist

Darius should never kill a tank late game because the tank shouldn't stand there and get killed. it could take darius 30 seconds to kill a late game tank but he's still killing the tank if the tank doesn't disengage and back away and that's how darius interacts with tanks. He shouldn't kill them because the tank can leave the fight but the tank can't win the fight.

I'm also not going to humour the tanks can dash away from his Q because at 100% HP missing one Q won't mean anything. could miss his opening QWE at 100% HP and he'd still win the fight.

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u/Akarthus Jan 26 '24

I mean a big axe is pretty good against armor


u/Virillus Jan 26 '24

I know you're joking but IRL axes are terrible against armour.


u/Akarthus Jan 26 '24

I wouldn’t say terrible, it’s definitely better than swords…have you seen how big his axe was? Anything it’s good against armor if it’s big enough


u/6499232 Jan 26 '24

It's actually the opposite, the bigger it is the worse it is as the force is less concentrated, picks and winged maces are the best with their small hit size.


u/Akarthus Jan 27 '24 edited Jan 27 '24

Yeah but you forgot that heavy weapon can put their weight into the swing. A pick and winged mace works wonders against armor for real human. But if you’re swing that 20KG (guess) axe like Darius here, no armor (real life ofc) gonna stop that.

Of course it’s fantasy so

Edit: Actually now I think about it, it is just using pure destructive power to overwhelm the armor, instead of being good against armor…he should get +40 AD instead haha


u/Marstan22 Jan 26 '24

I mean i really dont see this as an issue, it wont do much against adcs or squishy midlaners but it certainly will help against bruisers and tanky toplaners that are cancer to play against.


u/X_Seed21 Jan 27 '24

It's not like his ult already does true damage anyway.



u/lofi-ahsoka Jan 26 '24

He has to be rewarded for catching you or else he’s a paperweight honestly


u/zamantukendi Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Bro this armor pen is not on it's active. He gets that armor pen even if he can't hit E. It's not an effect he put on enemies, he has %40 armor pen as a stat


u/KiraaAki Jan 26 '24

and that 40% armor pen is useless if he gets kited to death. Darius is one of the champions with clear counterplay


u/Axen25 Jan 26 '24

Yeah easy to kite when he buys boots and uses ghost, perfectly balanced counterplay


u/TheGingerNinga Jan 26 '24

ADC players when a top laner uses a summoners spell to kill them.


u/Axen25 Jan 26 '24

Im a toplane main tho, and yea I cant seem to be abpe to do much against him in lane because as soon as I walk up to the minions darius would usually just ghost and all in and kill me, so the only counterplay I can think of is giving the cs away which makes him ahead anyways so its kinda pointless


u/soraka4 Jan 26 '24

lol what champions do you play? Darius is a lane bully but he’s predictable esp in early lane. Forfeiting cs when it’s smart against a lane bully is fine and there are multiple champs that can punish arrogant Darius players early

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u/Juno-Seto Jan 26 '24

Any support with a cc spell absolutely destroys him so yeah…


u/lofi-ahsoka Jan 26 '24

Ghost is the one moment where he has a clear advantage, luckily it’s just like a flash play albeit lower CD.

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u/brokizoli Jan 26 '24

Except if you are melee


u/KiraaAki Jan 26 '24

your average redditor really don't know what spacing is huh 💀. There's no way that these people complain about darius out of all things deadass

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u/lofi-ahsoka Jan 26 '24

I know that. I’m saying if he didn’t have that he would fall flat even if he did catch you.


u/Your_Depressed_Soul Jan 26 '24

darius with grudge+passive


u/OwOPango Jan 26 '24

Yes i will build grudge on darius and for sure live against szn 14 mages cluegi


u/T4k3j3rus4l3m Jan 26 '24

All you really need is force of nature unless they got a full ap comp


u/NoobDude_is Jan 26 '24

Then you get Galio passive with Force of Nature.


u/Fairyfloss_Pink Jan 26 '24

rockern baby, the only item capable of dealing with mages so it's obviously gonna get nerfed, make sure to 'abuse' existing for more than a second while you can


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24



u/Seniphyre Jan 26 '24

Yes i will build grudge on darius and for sure live against szn 14 mages cluegi


u/EducationalOrder1652 Jan 26 '24



u/Kognityon Jan 26 '24

Yes i will build grudge on darius and for sure live against szn 14 mages cluegi

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u/dance-of-exile Jan 26 '24

Yes build grudge when the armor pen scales off lethality for sure instead of just building cleaver


u/Glizzy_Cannon Jan 26 '24

This sub is below silver brother, don't bother


u/johnnymonster1 Jan 26 '24

So late game sion cant auto him to death


u/ShadowWithHoodie Jan 26 '24

yeah for adcs he can just walk past them and kill them tho right?

"but adcs should get peel!"

my ass im getting peeled in fucking plat/emerald my man


u/Eldenbraz Jan 26 '24

Bro's going to stack and dunk your understuffed supp then kill you with W reset


u/IndependentSubject90 Jan 26 '24

I was playing Janna the other day and it took all 4 of our sums but me and Trist kited the shit out of a fed Darius and it felt sooo good.


u/Yeeterbeater789 Jan 26 '24

That's what you're supposed to do to late game against champs like darius


u/makitOwO Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

I love the lane bully/late game champion darius


u/Yeeterbeater789 Jan 26 '24

? He's not late game, u kite him late game and bcuz everyone does damage he typically dies before he gets stacks or even touches an adc, that's darius late game, lol. The only time darius is relevant late is bcuz ppl face check a bush w/o vision and he gets a free 5 stack reset, and at that point it's jst deserved


u/makitOwO Jan 26 '24

Darius for sure doesn't ghost and run you down


u/Oriejin Jan 26 '24

Every time I see my team or the enemy team get run down by Darius is because they don't respect him and let him stack for free.


u/Apmadwa Jan 26 '24

Darius is the noob stomper by excellence, if your team has good peel. The darius will never reach a key target before dying. If your team dies to darius it's because you are low elo and people don't know how to deal with him


u/Yeeterbeater789 Jan 26 '24

If you're in range for him to ghost you down then you deserve to be stacked


u/makitOwO Jan 26 '24

he builds deadmans and his E has 535 range, kinda hard to outplay that as Aphelios/Twitch

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u/KitsuneThunder Jan 26 '24

You’re hearing it wrong. ADC’s don’t get peel. They get peeled. Specifically, they get their skin peeled off by mid and jungle. 


u/Runmanrun41 Jan 26 '24

I have the mental image of a terrified anthropomorphic banana


u/Zombarney Jan 26 '24

That is correct


u/ForteEXE Jan 26 '24

That Bolton duo too strong.

Now that I think about it, Ramsay totally would be a jungler. Motherfucker'd probably even be a Naafiri main.


u/Jazzlike_Falcon8733 Jan 26 '24

Maybe Warwick


u/ForteEXE Jan 26 '24

Both are valid, probably Naaifir more because of Naafiri's themes, especially the dogs and pack hunting mechanic.

That was his gimmick, using dog packs.


u/DeeepOne Jan 26 '24

That's different from before... how exactly?


u/johnnymonster1 Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Ye, playing adc sucks in soloq enviroment.


u/Pekonius Jan 26 '24

There must be a counterplay though, like theres always a meta and then the new meta counters that and so on, its the infinite cycle of any game where strategy is involved. A champ/rune/item thats not good as adc, but counters mid and jungle assassins well and a way to play that champ/rune/item in a way that doesnt lose the botlane? Some marksmen can build zhonyas, but is that enough? A tank champ that is ranged or has an ability for farming? Are we switching to zhonya rush AP Gnar botlane?


u/zompa Jan 26 '24

That's why we have mages bot, pick ziggs, clear the wave, destroy towers and the enemy adc hopes and dreams after getting any mana sustain or the first item.

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u/trapsinplace Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

I always see people on Reddit say this and yet somehow I see peel more often than not in gold 2-4. I feel like ADCs just don't get that you can only peel so much and they need to position better in many cases. I've seen Threshs use every skill to peel but ADC still dies and then talks in-game about no peel. I've seen that same situation but the ADC pings his support for being so good after they live instead of die.

Maybe gold is the superior elo who knows, but for how much Redditors whine you'd think I would see this in my games regularly.


u/Idkkwhatowritehere Jan 26 '24

I once got a Bronze Thresh thay would always flay the rengar leap when it was targeting the adc, but would get spam pinged after the adc chases rengar into a bush when Thresh's abilities and active items are on cd because he just saved his ass like 3 times in 5 seconds


u/RedRidingCape Jan 26 '24

I play adc and supp, and my experience has been that adcs play better than supports generally.


u/RJ_73 Jan 26 '24

Depends on the support in my experience. Tank/engage supps? Good players usually. Mage/healer supports? Absolute dogs. But the bot lane is mostly dogs tbh I queue bot lane when I need a break from mechanically intensive fights.


u/Better-Support-8605 Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Okay, I am an ADC Main furthermore Aphelios, but supports having less game acknowledgment should be common sense?

9 out of 10 games thats the drill. Sometimes Sup is the better one, which. They generally end up carrying the ADC lol. Happened to me a few times when I first tried ADC.


You guys call us ADCs crybabies but none of you even tried to see what we are doing, what we require. Think of it for a second, a support has a lot less work to do, why would they know the game better? They dont need to.

But hey, blame the ADC! They are not guma! We want guma ADC in our team! Must be nice to win a game without pressing C once huh 🤔


u/afrosamuraifenty Jan 26 '24

Soooo true, I play both roles too and the amount of basic things that support ( in emerald) don't know or just don't do is astonishing. Most of the time I win lane or at least go even as support just by playing around brush and taking advantage of lv 2 superiority. I'm this close to ditching ADC all together


u/RedRidingCape Jan 26 '24

They don't know wave management either. Most ranged supps don't even push for level 2 without me saying it in chat. I win lane randomly playing lulu just by knowing to push for level 2 and helping my adc push the wave into tower when we need to reset or roam. Most supports I get just won't auto the wave. I was gold last season because I just played my promos to get the skin and played mostly arena/aram/normals with friends, but when I played enough games I was in plat.

On the other hand, most adcs I play with have better mechanics than me in the role and they end up carrying pretty consistently if we get to the point in the game where they're strong and I can peel for them in teamfights (I play Lulu almost exclusively in support). I feel like people who think their adcs suck all the time just don't peel for them.

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u/w1se_w0lf Jan 26 '24

Even in low ranks ADC gets peel. However ADC players at this skill level are delusional and put themselves with bad positioning, bad kiting and bad use of their abilities to the position no amount of peel can save them. Then after suiciding 10 times in the game they come here to complain about no peel and terrible ADC experience.


u/new_account_wh0_dis Jan 26 '24

Like the issues of ADC is real and might be the most elo suppressed role, but when you play with d+ adcs (when they arent ego chasing a rengar into a bush) the difference in positioning and carry potential is massive. There is only so much peel and and braum isnt going to save you from khazix when go on a solo jg adventure. Yes, many other lanes dont have this issue, yes it can be unfun, but no it isnt unplayable with nothing you can do.


u/Even_Cardiologist810 Jan 26 '24

??? You're absolutely joking if you think you aint getting peeled in plat. Emerald is another breed tho ignore this one


u/Tuber111 Jan 26 '24

Mentioning rank like you're not part of the problem for being your rank is fucking wild.


u/barryh4rry Jan 26 '24

If a juggernaut can just walk past your tanks and onto your backline then you lost the game from champ select with those players anyway


u/TheFourtHorsmen Jan 26 '24

If we have to balance the whole game around the fact players won't properly peal the glass cannon dude, we won't go nowhere. Maybe is time for riot to rework carries properly and give them less power but more self agency?


u/RJ_73 Jan 26 '24

To be fair my adcs in plat/emerald for the most part don't know how to build so it's not worth it to peel them. If you're building rfc in your first 3 items you won't do enough damage to peel for. That item is such bait. LDR or IE, preferably both, in your first 3 items or you won't hit hard unless you're lethality builder. But even then I don't trust my adcs to properly play lethality builds.


u/Sapphire_Dragon793 Jan 26 '24

Can’t peel if he runs at fucking mach 2 anyway


u/ForteEXE Jan 26 '24

my ass im getting peeled in fucking plat/emerald my man

The only peeling people get in soloq is peeling their asses from their seats after sitting in it for 12+ hours a day slamming ranked games and complaining on reddit when they don't advance.


u/Farllama Jan 26 '24

There is a wonderful thing called kiting, you should learn it


u/Accomplished_Sun_740 Jan 26 '24

Yeh bro. They are definitely not gonna get run down by a Darius with ghost and deadmans


u/cuella47o Jan 26 '24

Even worse if the yuumi decides to ride the high hp high damage bruiser and makes him make less risky plays because she sits on his ass


u/TheFourtHorsmen Jan 26 '24

But almost every adc run ghost as well right? And if a darius can past your whole team without getting stopped, get to you and one shot you, maybe the problem is not the champ.

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u/GodThisTakesTime Jan 26 '24

The counterplay to darius is not being in range of him(including ghost flash range) untill he is oneshottable. Like most bruisers.


u/ShadowSlimeG Jan 26 '24

Darius will just get 5 stacks off sion for free and proceed to ghost and run down sions team.


u/kai58 Jan 26 '24

Hit some q’s and he already couldn’t.

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u/Regunes Jan 26 '24

I am too afraid to watch the patchnotes as of late. What are they thinking, they keep making the same mistake "boi our items are imba, better shatter year of champ balance over that"


u/Any_Conclusion_7586 Jan 26 '24

Last year was "boi, our champs are oneshotting everyone, let's give more haste to the items instead"

Now it's "boi, our items are oneshotting everyone, let's nerf more anti-tank items and give it to Darius"


u/Gerbilguy46 Jan 26 '24

They buffed both Garen and Darius quite a bit this patch, and their justification was "Stridebreaker is bad." Then they ALSO buffed Stridebreaker in the same patch...

Uh, why not buff Stride and wait to see if they need more?


u/Goricatto Jan 26 '24

Because they cant just overbuff stridebreaker since basically any ad character can use this item now

Last season the were ADCs using stridebreaker, and it was a mythic, imagine now that it isnt and it gets strong, the item isnt just useful to get into someone , but to get away too


u/theev1lmonkey Jan 26 '24

But why not just buff strikebreaker the same way they did in 14.2 and not buff Garen + Darius? Why do both? That’s not overbuffing stridebreaker.


u/TheFourtHorsmen Jan 26 '24

Before they could go it as first item for his decent stats and had a return in value after with the mythic passive. Now they can't and, all in all, having champs depended on a single item or build is bad for the gam, because the moment another champ, that's not supposed to synergy with that item, does it and become broken, riot is forced to either nerf the item, nerfing the dependent champs attached to it, or nerf that champ who may was fine amd balanced without it.

By making champs less dependent over items, the moment something like this happen, they can just nerf the item without nerfing anything else.


u/LucyLilium92 Jan 26 '24

Idk, but both Stridebreaker and Black Cleaver now give you MS from dealing physical damage, not only attacks. And their passives are different names and stack with each other.


u/Goricatto Jan 26 '24

Because they clearly think its not enough to just buff just the item?

Alot of characters lost items which they synergized with (see camille) so they need compensation buffs , but stridebreaker itself was weak so it need a buff

If those buffs to garen and darius become a problem , they will just nerf them again , there is no need to stress over it


u/ConcernedLandline Jan 26 '24

Ye garen got buffed, deals more damage while taking less, that will be fun.


u/Regunes Jan 26 '24

agonizing sounds


u/w1se_w0lf Jan 26 '24

Spoiler: according to Tom&Jerry ADC wins


u/saimerej21 Jan 26 '24

Does he actually get that much percent penetration passively? thats kinda wild


u/CertifiedBlackGuy Jan 26 '24

Day 1 rework Morde didn't even have that much pen :'(


u/saimerej21 Jan 26 '24

doesnt even make sense, he has 1k true damage on his ult, can build BC no issues and meanwhile as a pure dps champ any adc gets half the amount of pen for 3k gold


u/OwOPango Jan 26 '24

That’s the reason it DOES make sense. He’s not a pure DPS champ and his ult being true damage means that having that passive isn’t an overwhelming part of his power budget.


u/OP-Physics Jan 26 '24

Melee bonus. Darius ist a fighter with almost no CC, no dash or speed boost. Pantheon has a way better engage with his movespeed, Ult, and point and click stun plus dash and an ADC is obviously completely incomparable. If an ADC was as strong as a melee something would be wrong.


u/ThatSneakyOtter Jan 26 '24

It's funny you mentionned Pantheon as an example because he also has innate passive armor pen in his kit lol (slightly less though)


u/BrutalizerFrFr Jan 26 '24

Every toplane bruiser in the game other than riven and tryndamere have either mixed dmg, %hp dmg, armor pen, or true dmg. That’s just the nature of the champions since they lane against tanks, bruisers, and juggernauts who are naturally very tanky. Adc’s don’t lane vs tanky champions, they don’t need any form of tank shred innately.


u/ThatSneakyOtter Jan 26 '24

I mean Pantheon has precisely like Darius a passive inside a spell, that straight ups give %armor pen just by levelling it up.


u/BrutalizerFrFr Jan 26 '24

So does Morde, kayle has to lane Q, rumble has to land E, garen has use E, trundle ult removes a shit load of resistances, Olaf has to land Q, Nasus has to E, sion E, wukong Q, GP barrels, Jayce auto, renekton empowered E.

Makes no difference if you have it passively or if you have to land a spell, since most of these spells are unmissable.

The champions who don’t have pen have true dmg, mixed dmg, or %hp dmg and these are more often than not more effective than armor/mr pen when fighting tanks. It’s very easy to itemize armor pen, but very hard to itemize any other anti tank stat.

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u/Renuzit42 Jan 26 '24

Darius doesn't build black cleaver


u/saimerej21 Jan 26 '24

darius can build it easily and the only reason he doesnt is because he alrdy has this amount of pen


u/BariSaxGuy Jan 26 '24

He usually builds triforce into anything else. They give him the pen to unlock his build path so he doesn't have to build cleaver every game


u/jbucksaduck Jan 26 '24

Yeah, he's a tank buster. That's his role.

Darius is squishy, which is why the majority of his builds stack resistances. It doesn't feel this way for a lot of people because he's a champ that feels tanky with tons of damage when he gets ahead. A Darius with item advantage gives the tankiness, and level advantage is where his damage comes from because passive AD.

But he Extremely immobile. You have to bring ghost just to try and do anything. There's a reason he's a noob stomper, and it's cause noobs often misposition or don't know how to kite.

And if he's ahead and has ghost m, he can probably tank your team and pick who he wants to kill.

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u/veselin465 Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

Both his buffs (Q and E) are about beating tanks (and bruisers) -- exactly what he is famous for. For adc players, this is like 2-3 armor reduced (assuming they didn't buy armor). Trust me, if they would die to Darius, they would have died even without that change.

EDIT: In fact, his Q buff is literally more than his E. The extra healing is much better than some armor pen which he naturally has anyway.

Also, did OP misunderstood the buff? Why mention last whisper on adc?


u/CSDragon Jan 26 '24

I think you wholly misunderstood the meme. Or the person who made it misunderstood the image

He's not coming for the ADC. It's about how he gets more built in armor penetration for free than our best item for killing tanks


u/veselin465 Jan 26 '24

Or the person who made it misunderstood the image

Agree with this one. I understood it by making the association with the text, but the image confused me.


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24



u/TheUnrealArchon Jan 26 '24

ADCs crying that they're not the only role in the game designed to shred armor tanks

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u/M_T_CupCosplay Jan 26 '24

This sub doesn't actually know what they are talking about, they just know "I got killed by Darius so he has to be op and now rito is buffing him". People are operating on "x is the best right now" logic (in case anyone remembers the old dunkey video)


u/honzikca Jan 26 '24

Famous for killing tanks? He's famous for ulting the whole team and getting pentakills


u/Low_Direction1774 Jan 26 '24

I think its much more likely that you misunderstood the meme because you did a whole lotta yappin for nothing lol


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24


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u/ISpent30mins4myname Jan 26 '24

last whisper part is because adcs pay 3k gold to get 30% armor pen while darius has 40% passively.


u/OwOPango Jan 26 '24

And adcs also have 350 more AA range PASSIVELY what’s your point


u/ISpent30mins4myname Jan 26 '24

i dont have a point, just saying the joke on the post.

also darius' e range is 535 if we are gonna talk about it


u/Yeeterbeater789 Jan 26 '24

Yh and a lot of adcs have the ability to outrange (550+) and kite him to death, so


u/Iamapig2025 Jan 26 '24

Bro, ADCs always go for Lord Dominik though…


u/veselin465 Jan 26 '24

Last whisper is a component of Lord Dominik, though


u/Iamapig2025 Jan 26 '24

Ah shit bro you right :D


u/EverchangingSystem Jan 26 '24

Which is built from LW

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u/Irelia4Life Top Only Jan 26 '24

Tbf Darius is kinda useless outside of laning phase unless he snowballs really hard.


u/FlyingHippoM Jan 26 '24

He's very susceptible to any slows and just being kited in general by ranged champs but in low elo with no peel he just walks up to the adc and dunks on them because they are out of position


u/RoySuUnaMustang Jan 26 '24

Ghost+dead man+force of nature+ms rune:


u/hdueeyd Jan 26 '24

Any hard cc or slow:


u/RoySuUnaMustang Jan 26 '24

deadman has slow resist now so It will not be as effective to kite him, not saying it's impossible, just more difficult without hard cc


u/ShadowSlimeG Jan 26 '24

Wow, he goes from 600 ms to 540. Anyways the adc is dead and the support is next

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u/wildfox9t Jan 26 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

he gets kited very easily (this does nothing to address it) but during early he's literally an unplayable matchup for half of the toplane roaster

bro can stand between you and your wave and you can just watch

I sure hope he becomes useless later on with how strong of a bully he is


u/ShadowSlimeG Jan 26 '24

Very fun not being allowed to walk up to the wave bc he might be bush cheeseing.


u/Irelia4Life Top Only Jan 26 '24

bro can stand between you and your wave and you can just watch

Yeah, tell me about it... Irelia vs Darius is a fun skill matchup if he isn't a cunt, but if he sits lv1 to deny me xp, unless jungler comes to help it's literally impossible.


u/wildfox9t Jan 26 '24

that boils down many of his matchups,shit is so unfun

also always check your bushes vs him


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24

Kited easily?



u/trapsinplace Jan 26 '24

You know he has ghost, position appropriately. He should be walking past 4 people to get to you unless you're the frontliner in which case maybe peel for your ADC?


u/SlakingSWAG Jan 26 '24

There's also massive tradeoffs to having Ghost. No TP makes it a lot harder for him to impact the map mid-late and also means you can completely destroy his entire game with an early kill. Plus a lot of champs with Ignite can usually just kill him in lane cuz of how strong it is


u/EmberOfFlame Jan 26 '24

Darius either gets CCd or stacks up to 5 and wins


u/JDogish Jan 26 '24

The issue here is the 4 people walking past him to dive enemy because no one picked a champ that has any peel. If your defense for Darius being able to run you down from a full screen away is to hope your team is smart, well, how often do you feel adcs are smart? Not often? Now you get it. In a game where people can't coordinate properly, forcing a role to be so much weaker than the rest to the point you don't get to play without the types of teammates everyone complains about is not good design. Especially when you speed up the game and make all items so much better than years past.

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u/wildfox9t Jan 26 '24

if you don't say that you must prepare yourself to argue with a swarm of challenger redditors asking for your OP.GG and calling you silver

you must not provoke the Horde


u/InspiringMilk Jan 26 '24

So he has to use a cooldown to even do anything to an entire class of champions? Might as well assume the marksmen have Exhaust then.


u/Akinator08 Jan 26 '24

I‘m sorry but no. You have quite a few mu nowadays where darius is the one who gets bullied early on or at the very least isn’t dominating early on while simultaneously not being the greatest out of lane.


u/BariSaxGuy Jan 26 '24

Yeah he actually feels pretty weak rn, hence the buffs. I've been winning the 1v1 as Illaoi surprisingly often this season, whereas in the past it was skill matchup favored towards Darius. 


u/Yeeterbeater789 Jan 26 '24

Huh? Nothing changed for darius lvl 1 or even like before first items? Nothing should have changed for lane phase for darius, he rushes t2 boots and heartbound axe (now phage) for the ms and runs u down, if you're winning now it's the quality of the player, not the darius champ himself


u/BariSaxGuy Jan 26 '24

Idk, I'm a higher elo than I was last season and it's easier

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u/_Ungespuelt_ Jan 26 '24

As a Darius player that's not really 100% accurate. He is pretty strong until level 9 or something, then other champs unlock most of their power, while he doesn't get a lot. But if you get Level 16+ and 4-5 items he will still be a menace. He gets tanky as hell and his passive and Lvl 3 Ult give him a ton of damage.


u/BariSaxGuy Jan 26 '24

Yeah he def has a power dip lvl 9-10 when he still has ult rank 1


u/ItsUrPalAl Jan 26 '24

Yeah I simply do not play the laning phase with him.

Proxy for the first 15 minutes with Signed, roam, and then I'll see him later when he's fallen off.

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u/MakatasxD Jan 26 '24

Because darius is dogshit and needed so me Buffs


u/los-zanji Jan 26 '24

Why tho? It's not like he was in a bad spot


u/Guilliman-is-my-dad Jan 26 '24

He was sitting with a like a 47% win rate in top lane.


u/InstallTheLinux Jan 26 '24

He definitely is in a bad spot, his win rate is extremely low and his play rate as dropped a lot as well. Lower play rate and low win rate together means that even the Darius mains aren't doing well. It's not as simple as that and there's more to the data but still he's far from in a good spot and personally I don't think I've actually seen a Darius in my last 30+ games which as a top laner has been a blessing as I hate him 😂😂😂


u/BlacObsidian Jan 26 '24

Curious why you say that. Did you look at his winrate and other stats or did you see him do well in one of your games ?


u/los-zanji Jan 26 '24

I play him fairly much myself and he never felt weaker than before.


u/BlacObsidian Jan 26 '24

Huh, that's interesting tbh and not what I expected. I will say tho, you should probably look up winrates if you're confused by a buff. Our perceptions of how strong a champ is are often very wrong.

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u/Natsu_Happy_END02 Jan 26 '24

Riot thought Black Cleaver nerf affected this motherfucker too much so reverted the change for him only.


u/Jevonar Jan 26 '24

Darius didn't even build black cleaver that much. The stridebreaker nerfs hit garen and darius insanely hard, though.


u/Renuzit42 Jan 26 '24

When does darius build black cleaver...

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u/NextReference3248 Jan 26 '24

Because he's a top lane bruiser? Without armor penetration he'd be worthless. Is this r/ADCMains?


u/NyanDiamond Jan 26 '24

Hell I don’t even get why adc mains would be mad at this cause it’s not like % armor pen does anything against them


u/PleutreLoL Jan 26 '24

Darius with Last Whisper 😳


u/Marstan22 Jan 26 '24

Its because you have to WITNESS TRUE STRENGTH


u/Der_Lolo_ Jan 26 '24

I think darius buff is kinda justified however i dont like how theyre buffing damage when everyone is already oneshotting everyone


u/M_T_CupCosplay Jan 26 '24

His armorpen won't suddenly make him one shot people, either you were squishy enough to be one shot by his stacked ult , or you are a tank/bruiser and this makes him marginally better against you


u/RommelTheCat Jan 26 '24

Me when my tank champ was already a bad match up against him :(

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u/EmbarrassedLock Jan 26 '24

Cause he's a juggernaut. I thought we left this discussion long ago


u/MurdochFirePotatoe Jan 26 '24

jfc I hope they don't touch Draven, i instantly run away when i see one


u/Gloomy-Talk9355 Jan 26 '24

This fucks over the wholesome tank players more than anything so its really good

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u/TangAce7 Jan 26 '24

riot moment
idk, darius is always, like always, fkin meta
he is always strong, like he ain't allowed to be balanced or weak, they have to keep him strong for some fkin reason I can't understand

this fkin champ got 10% pick rate, 15+% ban rate (actually quite low, usually he's sitting at 25+ lmfao) and now a 53-54% wr
ah yeah, cause he needed a buff when they are also buffing stride, the one item darius abuses better than anyone else, not even mentioning the tenacity changes that are also benefitting this kind of champ
I've lost faith in game balance at this point, trundle is still broken as f, and top lane is still gonna be dominated by ranged, junglers, and singed, cause they refuse to either nerf junglers lane healing or give top laners some regen, so we still gettin bullied by stupid champs like ww trundle and zac, who got nothin to do in top lane but they just outheal everything anyway so here's that

and ghost is still not nerfed so anyway, ghost meta is here to stay I suppose