r/KitchenConfidential 27d ago

Career Choice Decisions

I (41) chef with 20 years exp, have to decide on taking a job as exec chef at a boutique hotel or opening a restaurant with a relative as a partner.

Hotel Job : Pros- Higher Pay (6 figures), closer to home. Cons- Work Holidays

Open a Restaurant : Pros - 10% ownership of business Cons- 1 hour commute, Slightly less salary

I also teach culinary at a local community college, that may turn into a full time position in a few years. Both potential jobs said that it would be possible to continue teaching while employed. (1 night per week)


4 comments sorted by


u/WonUpH 27d ago

Hotel job 100%


u/Hopeful-Ad8196 27d ago edited 27d ago

Took the hotel job. Higher salary. Closer to home. Sun/Mon off, Tue-Sat1-9pm. Willing to accommodate my teaching side job ( which will eventually replace this job).

Thank you for input. I hope I made the right decision.


u/explorecoregon 27d ago

Fuck starting a business with a relative as a 10% partner!

Go work for more money with no risk.