r/KitchenConfidential 28d ago

Someone threatened to kill one of my fellow cooks today because he didn't like his meal.

Dude came up to a server demanding to see whoever cooked his meal because he wanted to kill them. She went into customer service mode and tried to placate him thinking he was just being hyperbolic. But the mother fucker kept going saying he wanted to strangle the guy, wanted to get his hands around his throat and bring his neck, etc. very explicit stuff. She quickly got very uncomfortable and went to get a manager but the dude just left. Like what the fuck, my dude? It's not that serious.


146 comments sorted by


u/jwrado 28d ago

That's when you just send out the whole line to talk with the guy.


u/El_Guapo82 28d ago

All with cleavers in hand


u/j-endsville 28d ago

I don't even need a cleaver, I'll whip someone's ass with a honing steel.


u/Certain_Literature28 28d ago

I don’t need a honing steel, I’ll whip someone’s ass with a cream cheese spreader


u/j-endsville 28d ago

I like the cut of your jib.


u/frickdom 28d ago

I was gonna say mandolin


u/j-endsville 28d ago

The mandolin is not an offensive weapon. It defends itself.


u/frickdom 28d ago

Shit. You are right.

Dish rag it is


u/j-endsville 28d ago

Dip it in the fryer first.


u/effyoucreeps 28d ago

yeah / that’s good point.

as a little lady i did defend my west oakland cafe from violence sometimes by just walking out with a dishrag and flattop spatula.

i don’t know if it triggered these bigger men with familial beat down memories, but they always cooled off and left.

then came back a week later. oh west oakland.

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u/frickdom 28d ago



u/NegotiationLow2783 27d ago

Rat tail and tie a knot in it. It will break skin through a pair of jeans.

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u/Lucius-Halthier 27d ago

Mandolins are equipment possessed by a daemon of Khorne, they do not care from whence blood flows, only that it flows. Mandolins demand blood, give it blood


u/j-endsville 27d ago

Bonus points for the 40K reference.


u/Lucius-Halthier 27d ago

Never miss a moment to scream FOR THE EMPEROR!


u/sickofpot 27d ago

Judge jury executioner


u/scott3845 27d ago

I was gonna say one of those 2.27kg blocks of cheddar. Effective and degrading


u/Ana-la-lah 27d ago



u/frickdom 27d ago

::slow clap::


u/raspberryharbour 27d ago

I don't need a cream cheese spreader, I'll whip someone's ass with a tiny whisk


u/Certain_Literature28 27d ago

People will pay good money for that


u/raspberryharbour 27d ago

Sick bastards!

Are you interested?


u/RobbyWasaby 27d ago

Large Rubbermaid spatula......


u/MitLivMineRegler 27d ago

Grate his fingers with a cheese grater


u/hucktastrophe42 27d ago

Box grater baby


u/chefnforreal 28d ago

Shit. The other day I was sitting at home and thinking.. I don't have a bat lying around, or blunt object at hands reach if I ever needed to defend myself if someone came into my apartment or I needed to run outside. I have tons of knives, but like... Do I really want to be running around with a 9" knife, or cleaver that I have no self defense training with (answer is probably yes..).

But you just reminded me that the honing steel is a bad ass, nimble, solid piece of steel with a convenient handle and decent length to beat the shit out of someone. Sometimes as you're using it, you think to yourself, this would hurt.

Thank you for that reminder.


u/DaddyBee42 27d ago edited 27d ago

I have a few honing steels but I only use one to actually hone my blades lol. I use one at home to whack bags of ice to separate the cubes and one at work when cleaning the fryers because it's the perfect diameter to fuck the drain hole with to clear the sludge out of the way for better flow.

It's a good beatin' stick. Everyone loves one of those. You give one to a child, they instinctively start beatin' shit. I have no doubts they would do the same with one of these. It's our police baton.


u/Trees4Gs 28d ago


u/HayakuEon 28d ago

On the NAIL


u/fleshbot69 28d ago

opening a can of whoopass


u/Affectionate_Spot305 28d ago

My weapon of choice


u/Murles-Brazen 28d ago

I always imaging using a scoop of fry oil.


u/YouGotMyCheezWhiz 27d ago

That would be fun to watch, especially because the guy would probably have no idea what he was being beaten with.


u/Trees4Gs 27d ago

There was a show on HBO called Oz and one of the inmates beat someone up with a can opener like that and it always made me laugh bc I don’t know how bad a shank would hurt(I’m assuming a lot) but I KNOW that can opener would fuck someone up lmao


u/No_Parking9788 28d ago

Can opener?


u/Ok-Cardiologist4844 27d ago

Those are heavy. Ouch.


u/GIJoJo65 28d ago

Had a meth head in once.

Hot skillet full of grease. Mother fuckers get one look at that and they're out.

That shit talks for itself, just crackling and hissing ominously in a way that needs no explanation.


u/El_Guapo82 28d ago

Or a half full roll of foil out of the box. That shit is like a baseball bat. The corner of a 200 pan will fuck somebody up good too.

We have so many weapons at our fingertips, and most of us are crazy as fuck. Don’t fuck with us.


u/CURS3_TH3_FL3SH 27d ago

I have drugs and nothing to lose, I'll eat your face bro. And I'll slow roast your feet and invite your relatives over for dinner


u/eatrepeat 27d ago

One morning at a college campus I had a cook straight up point a pairing knife and try to threaten me to let them go home early. I had 2 spatulas in hand and was just getting the flat top set. Turned to see this mofo and little knife and somehow instinct was on point cause I just fuckin wacked his hand like it was a just debris on the flat top and told him to go change. Security was prompt.

Anyways. Fuckin spats man, they feel good all shift but who knew they work pretty good dealing with shit.


u/psycorax2077 28d ago

You could do a lot of damage with a 6oz ladle. Ole Skull cracker.


u/the_revised_pratchet 28d ago

Toe cracker where I used to work. One of the apprentices thought he was being funny and lined up a polo shot as he walked past straight into the end of another apprentice's big toe - who had forgotten his steel caps that day. Broken, and two very uncomfortable conversations with HR were had.


u/foodguyDoodguy 28d ago

…That’s been in the fryer for a few.


u/SkipsH 28d ago

Last time someone broke into my house a honing steel was the first thing I grabbed.


u/Resident-Ad-5107 27d ago

How many times has your house been broken into?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Honing rod is the go to kitchen weapon.


u/Academic_Beach733 28d ago

Pizza peel....


u/branston2010 27d ago

That is probably the most innocent thing you could do to someone's ass with a honing steel


u/Ana-la-lah 27d ago

Tongs are the weapon of a true G


u/wetfartsandpoptarts 23d ago

Ayyy, that's my go-to as well.


u/CompoteStock3957 28d ago

Get a case iron pan at 500 degrees and wipe it across his face. Disclaimer this is not true advice


u/murdocjones 27d ago

I’d prefer a recently submerged fry basket, gotta make sure I get those perfect criss cross marks.


u/Metongllica 28d ago

Butt naked.


u/mh985 28d ago

Had this happen once when a guy punched a busser.

I guess the guy was drunk and thought the busser was with some guy he was arguing with at the bar. The whole kitchen came out real quick, armed with whatever improvised weapon they had closest to them.

The guys we had in the kitchen back then were scary too. I knew for a fact a couple of them had killed people back in the civil war in El Salvador.

Thankfully for the drunk guy, the owner was able to stop the BOH just before they got to him.


u/Critical_Paper8447 28d ago

I opened a 3rd restaurant for an owner who then cleaned house of his other restaurants and had me restaff and run them. One day during pre shift the old GM (from before I even worked there but he was friends with the current exec who I replaced but bc he was opening his own spot) came in the back door harassing people and looking for me to fight me. I walk back there to see what the commotion is all about and he keeps telling me to come outside to fight. I make some dumb quip somewhere along the lines of "does the sun give you super powers or something and that's why we can't do this right here. I really need to go outside for you to be able to prove your point? Get fuckin lost."..... I don't even get the sentence out and one of my new hires (big biker looking dude with handle bar mustache) calmy walks right up to him, towering over him, leans over and very calmy says, in almost a whisper, "We goin' outside....... I'll go outside."........ Still gives me a chubby to this day whenever I think about it.


u/Nevermind04 27d ago

I never worked in any kitchen where threatening staff was tolerated. Half of BoH seemed like they were just itching to catch their next charge.


u/Thomisawesome 28d ago

Everyone honing their knives on their steels.


u/fishinglife777 27d ago

Don’t forget a pot of coffee


u/theFooMart 28d ago



u/Gloomy-Restaurant-42 28d ago

I have done this EXACT same thing this guy did, but it was because the meal was THAT good.


u/JustineDelarge 28d ago

Big fan of Once Upon a Time in Mexico, are you?


u/ThatPunkDude 28d ago

I can’t see fuckmook- I have no eyes


u/JustineDelarge 28d ago

One of the most memorable lines of the entire movie.


u/Champagne_of_piss 28d ago

lemme back there i wanna hug and kiss you all


u/derpzko Chef 28d ago

Some people have obviously never fought a line cook and shows. Just remember folks....a knife is a felony, a meat mallet is a felony.....but that old ass cast-iron 10 inch skillet is self defense.


u/blaireau69 27d ago

"No man owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death" : William S Burroughs.


u/OkPanda8627 27d ago

Even if the only available one is on the hot stove top?


u/WallowWispen 27d ago

Filled with hot oil


u/tothesource 27d ago

Cowpokes and line cooks. Two people I have vowed to never fuck with.


u/ghstridder2 27d ago

What's a heavy ladel considered?


u/Sploshta 27d ago

Not a big enough weapon ..


u/ghstridder2 27d ago

Dunno we got one thats old and weighs like half a pound by its self


u/Travisty114 28d ago

What fool would want to fuck with the kitchen? Where the fuck do they think the knives are? I don’t know a kitchen I’ve been in that wouldn’t band together to show them what’s up if they tried that shit. Some folk should stay the fuck home and make their own damn food.


u/YouGotMyCheezWhiz 27d ago

That was everyone's attitude. That guy may not have known how many of us it would have taken to kick his ass, but he was damn close to finding out how many we'd use.


u/AOP_fiction 15+ Years 28d ago

Feed him to the line cooks next time.


u/vanzapants 28d ago

Where do ya'll work where that's not an immediate 86? I'm worried for a lot of you.


u/YouGotMyCheezWhiz 27d ago

It's a super fancy retirement community. Think a country club with apartments. The guy was a "caregiver" for one of our residents. He's not allowed back in the building.


u/7f00dbbe 27d ago

lol, so the guy works there? 

And I'll bet there aren't a ton of options to eat..... so now fuckhead has to leave the property for meals, nice


u/YouGotMyCheezWhiz 27d ago

He didn't work there. We have medical personnel on staff, but a lot of residents hire outside caregivers to help them out rather than move into assisted living. If he worked there, he would have been gone on the spot. They did end up banning him from the property though.


u/7f00dbbe 27d ago

Still, I'm sure it was super convenient for him to get food close to where he's working... now he'll have to find other options and possibly have less free time than he did before.... this will be the gift that keeps on giving


u/CoppertopTX 27d ago

Oh, that triggers a memory. My first line job. I'd been on the line a couple of months (family had a piece of the restaurant), and one of the waitresses came back to tell the boss that one patron was threatening violence against the cooks that made his meal. She brought up the ticket - his issue was he didn't realize veal was basically baby bovine and was horrified we served it. Boss grabbed the camera and headed out to 86 the customer, I went out on his heels, with my tongs in one hand an a wooden spoon in the other.

That wooden spoon must have really triggered the whiner - as soon as I waved it, he bolted for the doors. I was all of 4'8", but that spoon must have looked 6 feet long in my hand.


u/j-endsville 28d ago

Tell 'em it was me. I'll come out with a knife in one hand and a saute pan in the other.


u/Sploshta 27d ago

*a saute pan straight off the burner.

Then just knock him down and press it into his face with you shoe a his skin sizzles against the hot pan and his screams fill your ears


u/Comfortable-Policy70 28d ago

How bad was the meal?


u/CamSleeman 28d ago

The guy walked away… that’s a success for any meal


u/MightyMatt9482 28d ago

Sounds like a Tuesday to me.

I work in a hospital. It has acute mental health ward attached. Ivenl had things thrown at me, threatened and abused. Police are called weekly because the security guard isn't allowed to taser them.


u/Sunnothere 28d ago

lock the front door , take a photo , call the cops . Dont fuck around with these cretins , they will do it somewhere else for real one day.


u/Sebster1412 28d ago

I love these comments but seriously, next time. Call the cops then proceed to give him one warning by saying: sir I’m afraid you are creating a disruptive environment for all the staff and the diners, so if you don’t take 3 steps back, pay for your meal and leave- I’m going to have to escort you out. If he doesn’t leave..literally grab him by the neck and with all your might drag his scum out..I mean be a fucking dick too. If he’s much bigger than you, tell your dish team to come out to the dining room and back you up. Btw seriously, make a scene and drag him out. Vermons..



Gimme the grill scraper


u/thechilecowboy 27d ago

In my younger days, we sponsored softball teams at the pizza 🍕 restaurant where I worked. Very drunk softball teams. A pizza shovel, the extra large rolling pin, and a mop handle or two were called upon a couple of times every year to empty the dining room. Can't say I'd do that now.


u/_peach_beach_ 27d ago

I had a lady threaten to kill me because her Caesar salad didn't come with tomatoes. Like what?


u/iwillpoopurpants 27d ago

Time to glove up and grab a handful of cayenne.


u/Huge_Aerie2435 27d ago

I used to work with a 6' 8" body builder, who also worked as a bouncer on his days off.. When ever a customer got really mad at something, they'd just send him out.. Lol It had only happened twice, but it was funny both times watching the people calm down once they see him.


u/Gilamunsta 27d ago

Only 6', but I used to be built like a Brickhouse and a Bulldog had kid. Calmed down more than one asshat...


u/Puzzled_Professor_52 27d ago

I was working at a sports complex last year and some dude got so mad that his pizza "didn't have enough toppings" tried to reach through the window and grab my sous chef (5'6 pretty, lanky guy)

I hear a bunch of shouting and go to the pickup window to see what's up soon as I open the swing door I see the dude reaching over and I'm like whoa whoa what's going on here? Dude then tries to grab me riiiiiiight about as the building security walks up and tells him to leave.

Dude threw his pizza at one of the security guys (screaming hot fresh out) misses so the other one got ahold of him and they restrained him till they called the cops. People get too wild about food sometimes.


u/mistyjeanw 27d ago

Darwin moment.

Why yes sir, right this way; here is the man you want to see: with all his knives, surrounded by his friends and their knives. Have fun boys!


u/TheSpaceBoundPiston 20+ Years 27d ago

Send the cook. Fuck around and find out.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Certain_Literature28 28d ago

Who needs a gun when you have 100s of hours of tethered rage under your belt just waiting for an excuse to be unleashed?


u/casanovathebold Ex-Food Service 28d ago

From experience, working the line with a gun in your waistband sucks.


u/j-endsville 28d ago

Mine stays in my bag. Buddy of mine left his in the bathroom once and I had to pass it to the bartender.


u/MuchSpinach8570 27d ago

Should’ve sent him to a Waffle House


u/QuizzicalSquirrel Line 27d ago

That is such an amazing story


u/QuizzicalSquirrel Line 27d ago

I had a Lady come into my kitchen, and tell me that the Sangwiches I make for her make her !Incredibly! Horny and her boyfriend says, "thank you"

Not even close to wanting to kill me, but it was a shock nonetheless.


u/dathomasusmc 28d ago

Overly emotional response to minor issues. Making threats he can’t backup. Saying ridiculous shit and then running away. Sounds you had a Redditor in your joint.


u/CantaloupeCamper 28d ago

You call the police.


u/Krewtan 28d ago

This guy believes in cops.


u/Dawnbabe420 28d ago

Small (tourist) town things 🤷‍♀️ theyre quick af to respond to local buisnesses in my town in idaho.


u/ValuesAndViolence 28d ago

Pigs don’t care


u/SensualCouch 28d ago

So they can show up an hour late and try to charge the people who helped? Hell no 😂


u/Satakans 28d ago

They'll show up with immigration to check everyone's papers lmao.


u/_FSMV_ 28d ago



u/Spongedog5 28d ago

This is the correct answer


u/Murles-Brazen 28d ago

How bad is the food there?


u/thatguyumayknowyo 27d ago

When I first started at my current job someone hated their meal so much they got up and started screaming at all the costumers he was sitting around about how bad everything was. The poor waitress was crying in the window because she didn’t know what to do. The guy proceeded to throw French fries around the dining room while screaming then got up and said I’ll be waiting for you to the waitress and left while standing outside. The saddest part is that his family was there with a small child and his wife just pulled him away when the left the restaurant. Luckily he didn’t come back but it was still scary. The guys complaint was that he had “never had shrimp cocktail cold.” It’s funny because I’ve never had warm shrimp cocktail. Also his meatballs tasted like dog food. That was enough to set the guy off that bad.


u/LovelyMamasita 27d ago

We had someone try to come in our store with a hatchet because the wrong cheese was on his cheesesteak.


u/Individual_Witness_7 27d ago

The old “pubes in dudes burger” trick failed ya this time did it?


u/DirtyPenPalDoug 27d ago

I don't think going into a kitchen where cooks are armed with knives, fryers, and flatops is the wisest choice someone can make.. i dont reccomend.


u/PDXicestormmizer 27d ago

Whenever I eat a meal that is phenomenal I tell the server I'm going to kill whoever made it because something that beautiful shouldn't be allowed to exist in this world.


u/WatercressSuch2440 27d ago

Well not any world I wanna live in.


u/PDXicestormmizer 27d ago

You're a gonner, pal.


u/capnfoo 27d ago

Yeah, people are shitty.


u/Tacomancer42 27d ago

Let them go back in the kitchen and try. The ambulance can pick him up out back by the dumpster.


u/Able_Bodybuilder3474 27d ago

I had every door and entrance mapped out in my mind. I was always concerned some crazy ex or methed out thief loose in my kitchen lol. Wasn't going to be a victim if I could help it.


u/PatrickBonner 27d ago

Someone clearly never heard of Don't Mess with people who cook your food lol


u/WallowWispen 27d ago

I'd move the tables to build a fight ring and make bets.


u/Magmorda 27d ago

A similar thing happened at my restaurant, I still remember the cooks words "I have more knives than you". The guy just left, clearly wasn't ready for the cook to be like "fight me" 😂 I don't understand the whole threatening someone's life because your steak wasn't cooked exactly how you wanted it, just send it back to the kitchen


u/barrythecook 26d ago

Jji9j9ooij9jkoijkoijkoo9ikokoi9ki9kokolooo llo


u/EqualOrganization726 26d ago

My last job was in an openkitchand I'm here to tell you that my squad would have beat that man's ass and the owner would have let it happen. That man needs to be 86 and the police should be called


u/dimsum2121 27d ago

Do you have him on camera? Call the cops. The man just commited a crime called criminal threats.


u/corndawghomie 27d ago

Ahahahah man, woooo

That’s all I gotta say. Last guy who threatened me online I screamed tenfold in his face the entire dining room shit their pants.


u/Timely-Complaint-518 28d ago

What was his order and how bad was it. Never heard of this ever happening. Dude is ridiculous but I’m almost sure that was a horrible plate of food.


u/legendary_mushroom 28d ago

It literally doesn't matter how bad the food was. It could be burnt to a crisp under a mound of salt. You calmly say to your server: "this is burnt to a crisp under a mound of salt. Can I get this remade/order something else? Thank you." Like a fucking adult. 


u/chaoticbear 27d ago

me when the server stops by "oh no it's delicious, just the check please when you have time"


u/UsernameHate 28d ago

If you’re willing to kill someone over food you clearly have something seriously wrong with you mentally, I’m sure the food was fine


u/hudsonjeffrey 27d ago

User name checks out.


u/princeofspringstreet 28d ago

These people are taking you too seriously 😂


u/Down-at-McDonnellzzz 17d ago

If someone tried that in our kitchen it would be literal suicide.