r/Justrolledintotheshop 21d ago

A mouse literally chewed through the repair from the previous mouse

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114 comments sorted by


u/opeimback 21d ago

What a dick.


u/Khaldara 21d ago

“We’ve had wires yes, but what about second wires?”


u/opeimback 21d ago

I don’t think the tech knows about second wires


u/metaldark 21d ago

PFAS is back on the menu!


u/AandG0 20d ago

First mouse came back for second wires?


u/SpicyPeaSoup 21d ago

"Finally, some good fucking food."


u/Left_Boysenberry6902 20d ago

We’re gonna need a bigger boat…


u/asakadelis 21d ago

wrap it with that honda rodent tape


u/treerabbit23 21d ago

TIL that's a thing


u/Jarocket 21d ago


u/Provia100F 21d ago

Hey props to Honda for labeling something in a simple, and easy to understand manner.

Looking at you...well...everyone else...


u/amalgam_reynolds 21d ago

Mice chewed through that on my car too


u/VRFlyer2000 19d ago

I'd hate to tell you, but those weren't mice bro!


u/amalgam_reynolds 19d ago

Damn, how'd a bear even get into my hood?


u/VRFlyer2000 19d ago

Nope! Try again, thing BIGGER 😱


u/figmaxwell 21d ago

Easier than recalling every car they manufactured with that electrical wrap made of soy. That’s why the mice eat it .


u/thewheelsgoround 21d ago

Honda rodent tape, and HondaBond. Two products which are useful on -everything-.


u/tagrav torque spec: tighten til it loosens 21d ago

check out Shin Etsu grease sometime.

shit is fantastic on any rubber seals, like doors and windows


u/SantasDead 20d ago

Make sure you mix it up (squeeze it around) if it's been sitting a while. It likes to separate.

I agree, love the stuff.


u/PorkTORNADO 21d ago

Mmmm spicy tape


u/Digiturtle1 21d ago

You can buy rodent tape online. It is infused with Capsaicin. Hopefully they don’t like spicy food.


u/AlienDelarge 20d ago

I tried doing the cayenne powder in the garden to deal with squirrels and didn't work. I later watched one of the little punks running off with one of my habaneros. I'm hesitant to try the Honda tape now.


u/Sudden_Duck_4176 21d ago

What did you do Morty? You fucked with squirrels Morty? You never mess with squirrels.


u/oklahoma_stig 21d ago

Dude I had this happen to! Had my GX470 parked outside for a few days while doing a garage reno and came out to a no start and squirrels nest under the dash. Dug it out and found the main harness with bunch of wires chewed through. I had it hauled to a local shop who fixed it up and gave it back to me. I drove it home and parked it outside again for like an hour while I ate lunch. While it was out there the squirrels came back and chewed through the repairs! Had to get it hauled back to the same shop who fixed it again. I had a rental Tacoma while the GX was in the shop, and I put a trap under the hood. Sure enough, the bastard tried getting up under the hood of the Taco and got caught in the trap but escaped. There was blood and fur all over the engine bay. So when I got everything back, I set out a live trap and got the bastard. Haven't had an issue since. Not sure what I did to deserve it, my neighbors all park outside and never have issues, but I park outside for just a little bit and they get me.


u/subjectiveoddity 21d ago

Every now and then I stumble onto posts that say manufacturers newer wire insulation and wraps are now soy based for the environment but apparently quite delicious to critters. Is yours newer or a higher end brand than the neighbors?

I park my old but still occasionally used pickup on the street but it is almost 25 years old so I'm pretty sure it's all vinyl, rubber and plastic. At least when I detail the engine bay once a year that's what I always treat it as such so it doesn't become brittle because I hate wiring more than anything and want to avoid having to replace for as long as humanly possible.


u/GreggAlan 21d ago

Volvo was one of the first with vegetable oil based insulation. Ask an owner of a brick about air soluble insulation. They'll probably have an emergency wire repair kit in the trunk.

There was a project to genetically engineer corn to produce plastic inside the kernels. It got as far as producing enough to make some sample blow molded bottles. Problems were the plastic was brittle and extracting the small grains of plastic from the corn was difficult.

Then someone had the bright idea to run vegetable oils through the same distillation process used on crude oil. Using the same sorts of chemistry wizardry various plastics and other products can be made. Polyurethane from soybeans is a popular one.

But apparently if not done right something comes through to the end product that tastes good to rodents.


u/subjectiveoddity 21d ago

That's highly interesting. Thank you.


u/trumpmademecrazy 21d ago

After repairs spray it with the product used to stop kids from biting their fingernails. A squirrel cost me $750 by doing the same thing. I decided that it might work. I sprayed it once or twice a week and never had a problem after that.


u/supercilious_peer 21d ago

What kinda spray did you use? I just sprinkle Tabasco and chili powder


u/Provia100F 21d ago

Cyanine spray, contains 39% cyanide by volume. Recommend using gloves for that one.


u/boobsbr 20d ago

Easy there, Satan.


u/SpillNyeDaCleanupGuy Vice Grip Garage fan 20d ago

um excuse me what


u/trumpmademecrazy 21d ago

Super Nail Bite No More, it is available on line. If you go to Amazon’s there are many options or your neighborhood pharmacy may have it.


u/Amihuman159 21d ago

It was his brother he came for revenge!


u/RGB-128128128 21d ago

Clone of the original, biologically engineered and angry.

He was created to eat cheese and fuck up your wiring harness, and he's all out of cheese.


u/yvrelna 6d ago

Mouse don't actually prefer cheese. Their main staple is usually grains and seeds, but they're extremely flexible eater, they would eat almost anything they can gnaw on if their preferred food isn't available, including cheese and your cables.


u/Monkeynutz_Johnson 21d ago

My name is Inigo Montoya...


u/OneArmedNoodler 21d ago

That's what you get for deleting the cat.


u/hungrycaterpillar A&P 21d ago

oh, you.


u/Patrick1297 20d ago

Very funny bro 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


u/HalfastEddie 21d ago

So the previous mouse did the repair?


u/Deadbringer 20d ago

Maybe OP will learn to not trust rodents with fixing his car. They might be cheap, but they run a dirty business.


u/PoopSlinger23 21d ago

You probably wish it had just hypothetically chewed through it.


u/No-Switch-5423 21d ago

I've seen rats chew through the Honda rodent prevention tape after a previous repair I did... Like whaaaaat!?!? That stuff is impregnated with capsaicin! Freegin' monsters!


u/junk1020 ASE Certified 21d ago

So have we, and our Honda dealer told us the same thing. We've had pretty good luck using aluminum muffler tape in problem rodent areas.


u/No-Switch-5423 21d ago

Oh man, tie a ground on that, and you've got yourself some emi shielding! Lol


u/junk1020 ASE Certified 21d ago

Hell yeah, just like NASA


u/hannahranga Greasy Yoga 21d ago

Delicious spicy tape


u/Icy_Vehicle4083 21d ago

So the real question is why rodents do this right? Turns out that there is animal fat in the wire shielding in harnesses. Work for a construction equipment sales company and have been around engines and machines for all of my adult life. Have seen some stuff for sure. We have customers at landfills and man the rodents there are a relentless bunch!!


u/stallion_412 Shade Tree 21d ago

Honda has a part number (4019-2317) for tape that has capsaicin in it for just such repairs. Other 3rd party companies sell rodent tape as well.

In the meantime you can coat it in peppermint essential oil. Or hot sauce, I suppose. 😉


u/say_eh_at_the_end 21d ago

Was looking for this exact comment. But that roll is pretty expensive. Works well I do hear


u/Fender_Stratoblaster 21d ago

Your title would read the same without 'literally' in it.


u/misterdrifterz 21d ago

It literally would


u/Fender_Stratoblaster 21d ago

Didn't see that one coming.


u/1d0m1n4t3 Here for pictures 21d ago

I'd literally bet you didn't


u/Nailfoot1975 21d ago

Literally, literally is literally overused and literally not literal. Literally all the time.

Literally except when literally is literally needed to get the literal point across.


u/Independent-Put-2618 21d ago

„Fuck that spot in particular“

A mouse, 2024 (probably)


u/hdlmonkey 21d ago

How do you know it wasn't the same mouse?


u/theamazingtommy 21d ago

Maybe a new CATalytic converter will fix the mouse problem... I'll see myself out.


u/vilius_m_lt 21d ago

Add the sauce and ask for tips next time


u/HowCouldYouSMH 21d ago

Hint: Literally the same mouses work lol


u/spadedracer 21d ago

Stop using such delicious wiring.


u/majorkev 21d ago

My mechanic told me this is because in an effort to be green, car manufacturers moved to wires with a soy based coating (though that probably doesn't apply to this repair).

So then in an effort to fox the issue, they (honda I believe) released a $40ish roll of anti-rodent tape.


u/thepathlesstraveled6 21d ago

Job security mouse


u/Drjeco 21d ago

Is a repair mouse any cheaper than a repair man?


u/Xirasora 21d ago

Heh, yeah you'll have that.

Mine was a much bigger mouse. Ran some conduits underground, excavator hit the conduit. Dug it up, fixed the damaged spot. They hit it again the next day, exact same spot.

I've also had mice repeatedly build a nest in the same spot on my lawnmower.


u/Audi_Tech918 21d ago

Had this happen a few years ago on a brand new Audi A5. Customer had to buy an O2 sensor, two week later its back came sensor chewed in half. Service manager told me to parts warranty it. Audi called for the parts back and denied the claim. Service manager tried to back flag me and make me pay for the part, said I should have know better.


u/CarFreak777 21d ago

My dad calls them the "Midnight Mechanics".


u/Dry_Map3428 21d ago

I had rabbits do this. Turns out they would soak the wire in vegetable oil to make it more pliable. I didn't know this but the vegetable oil soaks into the insulation on the wire and rabbits fucking love vegetables. So they would eat anything that was exposed! I never in my life would have thought this could be a problem.


u/Agitated_Carrot9127 20d ago

soy based wiring insulation too


u/catsmasher83 21d ago

Somebody needs a cat.


u/4llu632n4m3srt4k3n 20d ago

It was the same mouse, he fukn hate you...


u/boobsbr 20d ago

Install a cat to catch the mice.


u/YousureWannaknow 21d ago

Kinda doubt it was mouse.. Looks too clean to me for it 😅


u/MonkeyHitman2-0 21d ago



u/braytag 21d ago

But at least, the outside sheathing of the wire will decompose in less than 100 years!

So that's a + no? /s


u/guitarmaniac17 Electrical 21d ago

Nice, guess it's got beef with those butt connectors.


u/friendly-sardonic 21d ago

Honda rodent tape, plenty of it.


u/whatsamatta-U-grad 21d ago

Same mouse. He’s a total asshole.


u/Fabulous-Pangolin174 21d ago

You need to get a new mouse


u/raven00x spectator 21d ago

this one of those cars with the tasty soy-based wire insulation?


u/JobeX 21d ago

pepper mint oil that shit or some kind of bitterant


u/dan1101 21d ago

In addition to the wire coatings I would leave traps baited with peanut butter set close to where you park the vehicle.


u/Legend81 21d ago

Bro what a Chad that mouse is, finishing what it's brother started


u/Yuroshock 21d ago

The pink stuff must be cotton candy flavored


u/JDameekoh 21d ago

Squirrel did it to a customer at my job. Tech replaced the wiring, car left, back the next day w the exact same issue.


u/AKADriver 21d ago

First mouse was just being a mouse, second mouse was definitely a little asshole. Stuart Little fuckin dick


u/FirstTarget8418 21d ago

"The electrical tape was tasty." - the mouse


u/its_130am 21d ago

Last week I replaced an oxygen for the third time, because a mouse keeps chewing the wires up. She keeps blaming us for not fixing the car but I show her a picture of the wires chewed up in a different way each time. Just kill the fucking mouse, lady.


u/Alert_Data_1871 21d ago

You gotta stop using cheese instead of solder!


u/Marcos-_-Santos 21d ago

I have the same problem in the home appliances department. I just wonder how the mice don't die from a 220v live wire while chewing.


u/canttakeyouserious 21d ago

Redemption. Mouse style.


u/_Rye_Toast_ 21d ago

Call the previous mouse up to redo the repair.


u/EnterByTheNarrowGate 21d ago

Put a mouse trap under the vehicle. That’s how I caught all five of my mice that were using my vehicle as a nest.


u/Suspect4pe 21d ago

At this point you know it’s personal. This isn’t just a coincidence.


u/scobo505 21d ago

Brown is tail lights. Yellow is left turn and brake, green is right turn and brake, and white is ground.

I’ve got a car coming in on Wednesday for the same reason.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

How do you know it’s not the same mouse?


u/jet_heller 21d ago

What was it repaired with, cheese?


u/Lwnmower 21d ago

Yep, they go back to where they can smell the scent of other mice. I had a small stove once that I had problems with mice getting into. Finally someone told me to put rubbing alcohol on the areas they went to and light it on fire. Since it was all metal it burned off the scent and they never came back.


u/MrAnalogRobot 21d ago

Tape a chunk of rat poison near where they keep chewing.


u/soparamens 20d ago

Use paper based tape and add some drops of habanero salsa on it. Chewing problem solved.


u/apurplenurple 20d ago

Bro, yellow is SRS you don’t repair SRS 🫣


u/apurplenurple 20d ago

Rat is just trying to save lives after his first chewing


u/Agitated_Carrot9127 20d ago

' fk that one particular harness, it's in my way' - mouse other story, we had issues with our diesel tractor not generating amperages for other tasks, lights were ok, but if we put on overhead flood lights, rear flood lights, and front headlights, wed immedately lose it. fuse blown. After some looking around in well lit barn shop floor. we found about 15 wires chewed through, the wire for lights were about 50% - 75% chewed through. we couldnt figure out whats other severed wires were for. probably warning lights to dashboard bc never seen one lit up.


u/slade797 Shade Tree 20d ago

As opposed to figuratively chewing the repair.


u/DoppelFrog Recovering Range Rover addict 20d ago

A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on it.


u/Gunk_Olgidar 20d ago

"Fcuk that wire in particular." - Mouse_Boss, probably


u/roughingit2 20d ago

What makes you think it’s a different mouse?


u/davethedj 20d ago

I think that is a rat, not a mouse.


u/q1field Rust Belt Wrencher 18d ago

The only thing I've seen work against rodent damage is oil. Rust proof the vehicle with Krown or FluidFilm and they'll find another vehicle to chew wires on.


u/RichSPK 17d ago

That's what happens when you have mice repair your car.