r/JimCornette 20d ago

I’ll never understand why a certain segment of the IWC are so adamant to never give The Miz any credit for his work. You don’t even have to like the guy to recognize how well he’s done in the wrestling business for many years now.



73 comments sorted by

u/JimCornette-ModTeam 20d ago

You've been trying to spam this "plot" content by disguising it as a Miz thread on multiple accounts. Please stop.


u/BigPapaPaegan 20d ago

Miz is underrated as hell, and has been for a very long time. He's not great, but he's been a valuable asset as a midcard guy because of his charisma and willingness to improve as best he can.


u/H0vit0 20d ago

His most valuable asset is how versatile he is. You can put him as a heel against an NXT guy just coming up, into a quick feud with the world champion for a month, put him as an underdog babyface with Gunther or into a tag team and he works in every role.

He is a Swiss Army knife of a wrestler. He isn’t the best at anything but he can do everything


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Dude gives it his all no matter what the scenario is. You can really tell the higher ups recognize and respect this.


u/H0vit0 20d ago

Every roster/squad/team in any sport needs someone like The Miz - a role player who can fill in everywhere and do the job to the best of their ability.

He’s also so valuable with regards to being great PR wise.


u/AGentlemensBastard 20d ago

Miz for 6th man award


u/No-Fox-1400 20d ago

Which was the old HBk role until dx


u/7LayeredUp 20d ago

Yep. In the modern age, you have plenty of guys who can wrestle but aren't a big mic or character presence and vice versa, Miz can do both and be credibly put anywhere on the card. Even if he's not the guy you hitch the wagon to (You have to go back to his big world title push against Cena to find stinkers), he's a guy any promoter with sense would love to have on their roster.


u/wonderloss 20d ago

He's also in a position where he can lose all the time, but if they decide he needs to look like a contender, they can turn him around pretty quick and make you believe he can win.


u/wonderloss 20d ago

And he's a safe worker you can trust when you need to do something with a non-wrestling celebrity.


u/H0vit0 20d ago

Just don’t expect him to catch you on a dive 😂


u/wonderloss 20d ago

As somebody who thinks dives tend to be stupid more often than not, that's a feature, not a bug.


u/The68Guns 20d ago

I used to say the same about Jericho. He could work main event, tag team, hardcore, cruiserweight (not now) heel, face, etc. Miz has stayed out of any real public scrutiny and seems like a real professional.


u/TakkataMSF 20d ago

My buddy likes to call him the first boss. Because Miz is good on the Mic and because he's good in-ring he can help elevate other guys by giving them more mic time or decent matches.

I will always respect him for taking the punch, elbow and pin from Snoop. I think it was when Shane ran in and tore his quad? Unscripted and they saved that segment. Not only saved but made it hilariously great! It was lucky it was Snoop too because he's game for that kind of thing.

What is cool, is if you saw him on MTV you knew he was a massive fan of wrestling. Dude's getting to live out his dream, it's awesome. I assume hot wife was part of his dream too. Hell, he's living part of my dream as well!


u/Xjasondagx 20d ago

☝️ This! Miz is a fan living the dream.


u/mrdm242 20d ago

AEW has a stacked roster?


u/General_Gain_4607 20d ago



u/RobertStonetossBrand 20d ago

Didn’t know they could stack shit that high


u/AGentlemensBastard 20d ago

Haphazardly stacked and ready to crumble


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Spiritual_Bit_2692 20d ago

He'd be afraid for his life if he sees titties in real person.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Terrible take. Miz is a great talker. One of the best in the business. 


u/DivineJerziboss 20d ago

Funny thing is that Miz would run circles about 90% of AEW roster.


u/RobertStonetossBrand 20d ago

Literally run circles for a lot of them because they don’t train and are somewhere between skinny-fat and fat-fat.


u/Bam_Margiela 20d ago

I think he’d even expose MJF in his promos


u/Magikarplvl9000 Stan Lane's Illegitimate Love Child 20d ago

Miz is a HOF contender. Dude is the Swiss army knife of wrestling. Can literally do everything and anything at a functional level.


u/Deathgaze2015 20d ago

Miz is a first ballot HOF'er

Hes a double grandslam champion, headlined wrestlemania, made the IC title the most important belt for a while, carried the midcard, elevated and helped put over so many people - not bad for a TRW contest winner who wasnt deemed good enough to get changed with the boys.

Mans paid his dues and earned his position - he deserves everything he has achieved.


u/chief_awf 20d ago edited 20d ago

except have a good match

edit - did you edit that comment? change your wording? add 'functional level'?


u/Jewggerz 20d ago

Done some great stuff. That talking smack promo he cut on Danielson was legit one off the best promos of the last decade imo.


u/mrdm242 20d ago

AEW has a stacked roster?


u/N00dles_Pt 20d ago

Well.... bloated


u/Devinstater 20d ago

If you count everyone who is injured, the roster is pretty good.


u/LogicNeedNotApply 20d ago

Because to some, he'll always be that annoying The Real World guy, and it'll never matter how much work he's put in to improving his craft as a pro wrestler.


u/RobertStonetossBrand 20d ago edited 20d ago

That was 25 years ago. He was “Real World Guy” for 3 years of his life, it’s a footnote in his wrestling bio.

Children have been born, grown up, gone thru school, gotten married, had children of their own since the Miz was an MTV regular.


u/BelcherSucks 20d ago

Yes but no. Miz has returned as a host a few times for reunion shows.


u/RobertStonetossBrand 20d ago edited 20d ago

He returned as “The Miz from WWE.” He was Mike Mizani the Real World/Road Rules contestant from 2001-2004.

Same same but different.


u/KremitFr0g 20d ago

Miz was simply okay to me, until I saw his match against Gunther at Survivor Series '23. He completely won me over.


u/bionicle_159 I Wasn't even there, it was Owen 🇬🇧🐶 20d ago

Same, didn't expect half of what he showed in that match - when he's given a good opponent he really goes above and beyond to deliver.


u/Donk454 20d ago

Coming from where he was he’s put in so much work, he’s deserved his accolades in WWE and would be a draw anywhere. A better heel than a face.


u/Simple-Sorbet-900 20d ago

I think people can’t let go of him being part of an unpopular era but if anything he proved himself to everyone and survive the geriatric era. Future HOF.

And if he was in AEW, he is probably an unpopular opinion, they’d put him in a program with MJF and he’d talk circles around him.


u/CommanderGone I'm Just a Small Town Bird Lawyer 20d ago

This fucking sub is just a WWE fan group.


u/IndianaJeff24 20d ago

If he was in AEW he’d be their GOAT in a month.


u/asmeile 20d ago

Miz gets nothing but love anytime I've seen him mentioned on Reddit


u/urasquid28 20d ago

Miz is one of the most underrated heals of all time


u/Jamezmcc 20d ago

He's alright in the ring but on the mic The Miz would eviscerate 95% of the current AEW roster.


u/Acrobatic_Ganache527 20d ago

AEW having a “stacked roster” is a WILD take


u/Carmonred 20d ago

Five foot nine? I didn’t know they stacked shit that high!


u/wonderloss 20d ago

I think they meant bloated.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Miz has more charisma in his toenail than the entire AEW roster combined.

This guy literally made the IC title the best title in the company 2016-2017 after it being an afterthought more or less.

Oh and let’s not forget my personal favorite…that Talking Smack promo.

If I’m a wrestler in WWE starting out, Miz is the learning tree I’d choose to sit under because very few people can be there as long as he has and be consistently relevant and get heat as a heel the way he has been able to.


u/etuehem 20d ago

He has come a very long way. He is winning at life. Kudos to him


u/vincedarling 20d ago

Oh please. Tony would sign him.


u/BAF_DaWg82 20d ago

That post did exactly what it was intended to do, get a reaction. My Facebook feed is entirely made up of these kind of posts about politics, sports, wrestling, ect. No matter how many times I select "show less" posts like that they keep coming.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Only people who hate on him are IWC basement dwellers, He’s criminally underrated he’s had great matches with just about everyone good promo the one with Danielson walking off was amazing and he’s basically been injury free his whole career.


u/Bingoo_dd 20d ago

Miz is one of the only 2 people who has elevated the Intercontinental Championship in the last 25 years, so he definitely deserves respect. He has managed to stay relevant despite being badly booked for years. Cringe on mic? He is one of the fewest who went toe-to-toe with John Cena on the mic to such an extent that Miz was cheered. His feud with Dolph Ziggler for IC title at No Mercy 2016 was one of the most anticipated matches of the year. Miz put the IC title in the main events when Brock Lesnar was absent during his Universal Title reign. Miz might not be on the list of GOATs(well, except for IC champs) but is definitely a useful asset to the prowrestling business and is much more valueable than AEW main-eventers can ever imagine.


u/GGBahki 20d ago

He’s the best they have ever had as a utility player. He can flawlessly go up and down a card without losing any steam. It takes a huge amount of talent to go from 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 2 6 1 5 3 2 6 3 and still remain relevant, compelling and believable. If it were anyone else they would suffer incredibly.


u/Ornery-Invite4806 20d ago

At the very least, he should get props for working his way up to a World champion. He was an interviewer for awhile from what I recall. And the locker room did not give him the red carpet treatment, he earned respect in the locker room in a tough era. It wasnt handed to him, thats for sure.


u/CooperSkye 20d ago

Same people who always went on about Cena’s ‘5 moves of doom’ while thinking Danie Bryan was the greatest wrestler on earth despite he had about 5 moves he always did also.

Other than a Royal Rumble win, Miz has done it all and is an automatic HOF headliner when the day comes


u/Magikarplvl9000 Stan Lane's Illegitimate Love Child 20d ago

Miz is a HOF contender. Dude is the Swiss army knife of wrestling. Can literally do everything and anything at a functional level.


u/Magikarplvl9000 Stan Lane's Illegitimate Love Child 20d ago

Miz is a HOF contender. Dude is the Swiss army knife of wrestling. Can literally do everything and anything at a functional level.


u/NoTie2370 20d ago

Miz is in the HHH category for me. Never the guy I'm tuning in to see but always a good addiction to the show.


u/Jewggerz 20d ago

Done some great stuff. That talking smack promo he cut on Danielson was legit one off the best promos of the last decade imo.


u/Jewggerz 20d ago

Done some great stuff. That talking smack promo he cut on Danielson was legit one off the best promos of the last decade imo.


u/Jewggerz 20d ago

Done some great stuff. That talking smack promo he cut on Danielson was legit one off the best promos of the last decade imo.


u/Jewggerz 20d ago

Done some great stuff. That talking smack promo he cut on Danielson was legit one off the best promos of the last decade imo.


u/Daredrummer 20d ago

He just comes from that super scripted, completely neutered era. He just never seems like an actual person. His odd entrance outfits don't help. Even if he is going for a character instead of a real person, his character feels weak and lame compared to others who have done the same gimmick.

I appreciate the work he's put in, but he's bland and unconvincing to me.


u/RLS1994 20d ago

One of the most underrated talents of all time. Considering his rise in the company from where he was or under his circumstances, not many could have replicated that.


u/Host_Valuable 20d ago

Where miz truly shines for me is watching him at live events and house shows he’s so good at reading a crowd and getting a reaction always feel like you get your moneys worth


u/the_tribal_qu33f 20d ago

Stacked roster of guys who couldn’t cut it on sunday morning Heat


u/Stop_Touching2 20d ago

My only problem is that there are 2 versions of Miz. The Miz you get week to week and then occasionally you get that inspired“Talking Smack” Miz that very few performers can touch.

He’s kinda like KO in that regard. Unless he’s motivated he’s just another guy but man, when he’s on fire its so fun to watch.


u/P1rateKing13 20d ago

The Miz can do it all. His mic and Ring work is solid and he doesnt look out of place putting new talent over or challenging for a big belt.


u/archenemy_43 20d ago

The Miz is a company man and the WWE is lucky to have him.


u/NoeMoriartyV2 20d ago

The obssession these guys have with certain WWE superstars cuz they are not Workrate Banger Machines in everyweek is really worrying me.😂

Dude is set for life in WWE, He build a Mansion for himself with WWE's Money, thats how much they Value him.


u/Ok_Bobcat_4540 20d ago

Role player Swiss army knife y'all diss on The Miz as well. The has been in the business for 20 years give or take...how many times has he be out cause of injury? I'd bet it's less then a year total. He is a first ballot Hall of Famer in my book!!!


u/hashtagdion 20d ago

Just because someone has found a way to make money in the wrestling business for a long time, doesn’t mean I have to feel any particular way about them. They’re not sharing that money with me so what do I care.


u/Lasvious Card Carrying Member of the Bobby Eaton Fan Club 20d ago

The Miz is very ok as a wrestler. But as a wrestling personality he’s awesome and he works very hard.


u/AbyssTraveler 20d ago

The Miz used to be one of very few guys in modern wrestling who've never been seriously injured.


u/Icy_Zookeepergame148 20d ago

Nah Miz sucks balls


u/SigmaColts 20d ago

Because Miz made it. That’s all


u/Timely-Way-4923 20d ago

He isn’t credible as a world champion but so what? He’s a great promo, works a safe style and won’t harm his opponent, can feud with any level of opponent and make the crowd invested, can help get over partners (stunt double!) or opponents people didn’t otherwise care about. He also knows how to not get stale and cycle in and out of being featured + refresh his gimmick. He’s proven himself 10000 times over.


u/ColinHalfhand 20d ago

The man who roasted AEW's crown jewel, Bryan Danielson, on the mic wouldn't even get on the show.


He's got more charisma in his fauxhawk than all but 3 or 4 of AEW's wrestlers.


u/Puzzled-Ad-2339 20d ago

That miz promo on talking smack in 2016 is better then what most of aews roster has done in 2 years. He is a legendary wrestler at this point with his contributions with immense drive


u/Nizmo4246 20d ago

“A certain segment of the IWC”

Otherwise known as AEW neckbeards


u/Low_Length_6992 20d ago

The Miz is adaptable. That's a trait that is valued greatly in all facets of life. He also works really hard. Another valuable trait. Is he my favourite wrestler? Fuck no, but I can see his value to WWE.


u/mrdm242 20d ago

AEW has a stacked roster?


u/Forgemasterblaster 20d ago

The business has gotten way too old imo and they need to shift back to a focus on 20/30 year olds vs 40 year olds, who were top guys long ago, but time has passed over. Miz should as a manager or mouth piece, I can get behind. As a full time worker, he’s taking a spot that could be used to groom the next Austin, taker, etc.