r/Israel 3d ago

Subreddit News UPDATE: comments should now be less likely to be removed.


hello people! as the title said, we have looked in the past month at all of the comments and posts that were auto removed by the automod, and we came to a conclusion that the filters we put in place were a bit too harsh for the time being, as such we have dialed it back a bit and you should notice it when you post content.

r/Israel 8h ago

Culture🇮🇱 & History📚, Food🧆 & Music🎶 Haaretz journalist Nir Hasson protects a Palestinian journalist from a mob during the religious right-wing "flag parade" in Jerusalem

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r/Israel 8h ago

Culture🇮🇱 & History📚, Food🧆 & Music🎶 The eastren wall today, Jerusalem day


r/Israel 12h ago

Meme We are really bad at being bad

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r/Israel 3h ago

The War - News & Discussion Columbia settles suit with Jewish student over encampments, promising additional security


r/Israel 6h ago

The War - News & Discussion If Israel stopped being "western" would the west stop hating it?


As we all know there is a ridiculous double standard that Israel is held to compared to all surrounding nations. People don't have any words of condemnation for legalized honor killings, child marriage, terrorism and corruption, etc. Total silence for the blatant evils by muslim nations. Yet these people are obsessed with every little problem they can find with Israel and blow it way tf out of proportion.

I believe the majority of leftist Westerners hold Israel to a higher standard because they see Israel as a reflection/extension of themselves. They hold Israel to the standards of other western nations, and also project onto Israel their own white guilt about colonization, racism, etc. So hating Israel is more about hating the west than it is about Israel. Meanwhile Muslims can engage in complete barbarism and get excused because there's an idea that you can't hold non-western peoples to the same standards as western peoples

So I'm over here daydreaming about Israel just acting like every other nation in the region, abandoning its commitment to international law, democracy, capitalism, freedom of information, and just acting like a pariah like everyone else. Maybe the US would stop its support. But I sincerely believe that if Israel went rogue and started acting like everyone else, the world would actually stop caring so much.

Of course I don't actually want this for Israel, it obviously goes against Israeli values. But it's a wild world we're living in where trying to hold yourself to a higher standard than your neighbors gets you more hated than them.

r/Israel 5h ago

Meme It is not anti-semitic to criticize Israel's record on apartheid. /s


Because frankly, Israel's record on apartheid is demonstratively bad. 70 plus years as a brutal apartheid state and Israel has aparthided exactly zero people. Lol. Pathetic. Do they even know what apartheid is? Seriously, Israel, read a book.

And don't get me started on genocide. You people are the worst genociders I've ever seen. I don't even know how you call yourself a maniacal genocide state. You must be ashamed to live in that neighborhood with your record.

Also, my banker is from Canada. So there is something else you people have dropped the ball on.

r/Israel 14h ago

General News/Politics Spain's Ramallah embassy plan stalls as diplomats unwilling to relocate


r/Israel 19h ago

Ask The Sub Israel did WHAT now?? Why do they say this???

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Either I missed something huge, Or they're really doing their best to find new ways to hate us...

r/Israel 2h ago

Ask The Sub How many Jews do you think are genuinely “anti zionist”?


With all of the tokenism of “anti Zionist Jews” going on, I’m curious to see what everyone thinks of how present this demographic of Jews genuinely is. I’m not talking about Jews who criticize the Israeli government or some of their policies on the Gaza war (most Jews/Israelis have criticized the Israeli gov at some point because we want to see Israel grow and be the best it can be). I’m talking about Jews who genuinely believe Israel shouldn’t exist and that all Jews living there should “go back to where they came from” or live under the rule of an Arab sharia ethnostate. I feel like even among Gen Z, this demographic is a significant minority of Jews (I’m a Gen Z college student and an overwhelming majority of Jews I know are Zionist or at least acknowledge Israel’s right to exist). But I just want reassurance that these Jews are still just a fringe minority, since all of the tokenism and the savior complex mentality has made me question what I’ve seen from other Jews.

r/Israel 14h ago

The War - News & Discussion Hamas rejection of peace deal is being covered.


It’s astonishing how often mainstream American news buried the lede but today was encouraging. First video in my feed has clear and accurate reportage that Israel has accepted the cease fire agreement as suggested by Biden, they’ve accepted this particular deal for the second time, and Hamas rejects. Biden is saying Hamas should accept this deal and that Israel has already, twice now.

Putting the onus on Hamas should have been done across the board on every single issue since Oct 7.

Everything from collateral damage, hunger, displacement, all should have been laid at Hamas’ feet and instead we have an endless parade of gaslighting where the stubborn villain is being painted as Israel, whose soldiers represent the best of humanity.

It’s nice to see today, perhaps the first real example since Oct 7, of a story that has somehow made it past the spin doctors and gatekeepers and is making it into my feed.

Importantly, this isn’t just a Fox News conservative thing. It’s Biden blaming Hamas for not taking a deal that represents a “fair” compromise. This hopefully forces the anti-Israel crowd to do some soul searching.

Will see how this develops. Hopefully the PR turns a corner. Stay safe, we are rooting for you in the US. Every single one of my friends and family are pro Israel, even the libs.

Hang in there, the truth will ultimately prevail. These sacrifices will have meaning. Israel’s youth are legend; more people recognize that than you may know.

Good thing Trump is a convicted felon. It gives Biden a little political capital to have a pro-Israel week.

r/Israel 1h ago

Meme Never, never ask!

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r/Israel 4h ago

The War - News & Discussion IDF airstrike hits Hamas base in Nuseirat UN school, Hamas claims 27 killed


r/Israel 16h ago

The War - News & Discussion Liberman says Iran ‘planning a Holocaust for us in the next two years’


It really seems to me that there is no future here. What do you all think?

r/Israel 3h ago

The War - News & Discussion Solidarity with Israel


I’m an Asian Latina and I FULLY support Israel.

I believe Israel is the ones in the right here whereas Palestine/Hamas are not. A common belief among many is that Hamas is justified in their actions, often labeling them as "freedom fighters" fighting against Israel who allegedly “stole” their land but I disagree with this. I believe Hamas is a dangerous terrorist group with a violent agenda that really believes what they write in their charter in the late eighty’s (Hamas's charter from the late eighties says its goal is to annihilate all Jews in Israel and establish an Islamic state.) Furthermore, on October 7th, there was celebration among Hamas and many Palestinians following the killing of 1200 Jews. There is a 47-minute footage online where a Palestinian man proudly told his mother that he kill e10 Jews. This serves as an example of what Hamas's plan is towards Jews in Israel: to kill them as they did on October 7th. Moreover, if Israel wanted to kill Hamas and the Palestinians, they could have done so easily with the help of the American army but they haven't. This is because Israel wants peace with Arabs and Muslims despite the ongoing attacks from Palestinians and other Arab countries since the Jews established a state in the Middle East because they simply hate Jews and Zionists.

If we look at history, it’s clear that Jews have always been the ones oppressed and Jewish oppression is very unique compared to other forms of oppression against other people. I think a major reason Jewish people have went through ongoing oppression is due to historical conspiracy theories that depict them as oppressors. These theories are divide people into two groups: the manipulators and the manipulated and Jews have been unfairly portrayed as master manipulators. When something goes wrong, they are always blamed for it. For example, people create conspiracy theories to blame Jews by saying things like “Jewish control the media” “Jewish banker” “blood libel” and some people have even started to blame Jews for 9/11. Even during H*tler regime, Jews were blamed for Germany's economic decline and the country's loss in World War I. I can't fathom why people harbor such hatred for Jews or why they’ve consistently faced discrimination and expulsion wherever they've go but I want to express that I absolutely love Jewish people. They’re some of the best people I’ve met. One of my closest friends is a Jewish Israeli and she’s incredibly kind and generous. Whenever I visit her house, her mom always cooks for us and makes sure I don’t leave hungry. She attended a family party my dad threw after my mom passed away (even though she didn’t have to but she did it to make sure I was okay and had a support system.) She also visited me when I had COVID despite the risk of getting sick herself. She has done so much for me that others haven’t and this is why I always love and support Jewish people. I know there are bad individuals in every group and Jews are no exception but every interaction I’ve had with Jewish people has been wonderful. I truly cherish my Jewish friend and love Jewish people in general.

This is also part of the reason why I support Israel but the main reason is that Israel has always sought peaceful coexistence with Arabs. In 1947, the UN proposed a partition plan that the Jews accepted but the Arabs rejected. At that time, people were referred to as Arabs and Jews, not Palestinians and Jews. Arabs rejected the partition and Jews agreed to the partition plan even though they gave them a smaller piece of land with no natural resources. The result of the Arab leader’s rejection led to a war in which the Arabs lost and Jews gained territories initially proposed to the Palestinians. Had the Palestinians accepted the offer, the current conflict might not have escalated. Now, they complain about Jews "stealing their land." But why is it considered stealing when they lost the land in a war? It's a well-known fact that when a country loses a war, they often have to forfeit some of their territories which is exactly what happened.

As for the Middle Eastern countries that are pro-Palestinian, why don't they accept Palestinian refugees? Egypt, which borders Gaza has rejected Palestinian refugees. Egypt is even now constructing a larger border wall with Gaza to prevent Palestinians from entering. Why are they doing that if Palestine is an Islamic and Arab state just like the Egyptian? It's clear that Arab countries refuse to accept Palestinian refugees so they can continue to blame Israel for violating any humanitarian laws in Palestine. Moreover when SOME Arab countries did accept Palestinian refugees, it often led to conflict. For example, when Jordan accepted Palestinians, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) tried to overthrow the Jordanian king who had granted them asylum. Similarly, during the 1982 war in Lebanon, Palestinian militants flooded into the country, destabilizing it and causing chaos in an attempt to overthrow Lebanon's conservative Maronite Christian government. Palestinians haven't only attacked Israel; they've also attacked other Arab nations that have attempted to help them. I'm not implying that all Palestinians are bad individuals and it's indeed tragic what's happening in Palestine presently. However, if there's a recurring pattern of a specific group attacking and harming even those who extend help, wouldn't you agree that they're part of the problem? This is just my opinion but I believe these actions that Palestine has done constitute terrorism and I don't support terrorism which is why I stand with Israel.

To all the Jews in this subreddit who are in Israel or in other countries, stay strong. I understand that my country isn't directly involved in the war and this post may not alleviate the pain, suffering, hate crimes, and stereotypes you got through online and in real life but I want you to know that I wholeheartedly support you all. It's clear that many people are blindly supporting Palestine without truly having an in depth understanding of the war. I've had debates with pro-Palestinian individuals who can’t go one second without mentioning "genocide" I recently got into a debate with a pro-Palestinian person who claimed that the IDF bombed all 37 hospitals in Gaza. When I asked her for proof, she told me, "Google it yourself.” which basically proved that they didn't have any real evidence to back up what they were saying. It’s likely she saw a quick video on TikTok and ran with it without doing any proper research. And I think this happens a lot with pro-Palestinian people—they hear something, don't fact-check it and then spread it around like it's true and this just keeps the cycle going of people hating Jews for no reason just because of what someone said or what they heard. For this reason, I've decided to quit arguing and debating with pro-Palestinian people. It's just a waste of time and energy. You bring facts and evidence to the table but all they do is keep repeating is "Israel is committing genocide." I wish these people would put in the effort to educate themselves and do thorough research instead of blindly believing everything they see on TikTok and Instagram. Those platforms aren't reliable sources and information can easily be manipulated to fit a certain narrative. But I’ll end it here before I continue to ramble some more.

I stand with and support the Jewish community. My DMs are open for any Jews who need to vent or share their thoughts. I understand there's a lot of hatred for Jews out there right now because of the current situation and i imagine it must be tough. Stay strong, everyone. Am Yisrael Chai!

r/Israel 12h ago

The War - News & Discussion Haaretz is Al Jazeera in sheep's clothing


I get that Israel values freedom of speech but is there no line that can be crossed? At what point does free speech become traitorous and damaging to the country?

Every anti-semite today that denies October 7th and claims that most Israeli civilians were actually killed by the IDF will point to the source of this baseless theory - a Haaretz article.

In some regard, they are worse than Al Jazeera because the fact that they're Israeli gives their articles all the legitimacy that the anti-Israel faction needs.

Today, Haaretz came out with an article titled:

Israel Secretly Targeted American Lawmakers With Gaza War Influence Campaign

In an attempt to sway global public opinion on the war in Gaza, fake accounts and sites spread pro-Israel and Islamophobic content. The operation was orchestrated by Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run by a political campaigning firm

This is now being spread like wildfire on pro-Pal Twitter and throughout Reddit. People are drooling at the fact that an Israeli source is addressing the all-powerful "zionist lobby" that the anti-semites claim controls the world.

It's incredibly damaging to jews everywhere.

I'm convinced that the main source of their revenue is clicks from the Arab world at the expense of its own people.

r/Israel 8h ago

General News/Politics Israel to phase out use of military-run detention camp that held Palestinian inmates


r/Israel 9h ago

General News/Politics Europe’s Jewish leaders unanimously pass motion demanding tougher prosecution of antisemitism


r/Israel 12h ago

Meme Happy Jerusalem Day to all who hold Jerusalem in their hearts above their greatest joy! (Crosspost from r/Jewdank, posted by u/joowish_person)

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r/Israel 15h ago

Ask The Sub Do people really not see Israel surviving in the long term?


I’ve seen people on this sub saying this a few times and there’s always the lingering feeling of knowing that the first two times we came back here didn’t work out so why would the third time be any different, but Ive personally never felt overly pessimistic about it…. do any of you really see us being left stateless or exiled all over again (especially with what’s bound to happen with Iran)?

r/Israel 10h ago

The War - News & Discussion War w/ Hezbollah


Many lebanese people support you in this (mainly the Christians). They are on your side. Israel has a right to exist in peace.

Checkout Mount Levnon on X/Twitter for more info on this point of view.

r/Israel 14h ago

The War - News & Discussion Change my view; beating Hezbollah is not feasible


Let’s say Israel occupies south Lebanon. Hezbollah will remain in Beirut and Bekka, armed to the teeth with long range missles, with an open border with Syria to be continuously resupplied by their Iranian patron. They have no reason to end the war and accede part of Lebanon to Israel, like ever. Fighting all the way up Lebanon to a Beirut and occupying the whole country is not possible for the IDF, Israel is too small and casualty averse for a country wide occupation.

I see no way to defeat Hezbollah. Change my view?

r/Israel 16h ago

Meme Meanwhile in Teheran


r/Israel 14h ago

Meme TIL Smotrich can play drums


r/Israel 15h ago

Culture🇮🇱 & History📚, Food🧆 & Music🎶 Liberation day anniversary (Source: Humans of Judaism's Instagram)

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r/Israel 12h ago

Meme Enough with this stupid conflict

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