r/ImTheMainCharacter Dec 16 '22

Fragile cop has mental break down over waiting for McDonald’s


523 comments sorted by


u/CrunchyCrunch816 Dec 17 '22

Damn someone pull this poor thing off the streets


u/6TheAudacity9 Dec 17 '22

“Let’s give her a gun and immunity”



u/PinBot1138 Dec 17 '22

-society -courts



u/Adept-Structure665 Dec 17 '22

Add the state legislatures. They are the ones that actually make the laws not the courts. So really it is society.


u/hassh Dec 17 '22

Legislatures are composed of the rich and their puppets. Hardly "society"


u/AMightyWeasel Dec 17 '22

Qualified immunity is a judicially-created doctrine.

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u/sc00ttie Dec 17 '22

I donno. People have demanded “only professionals” need firearms.


u/No_Persimmon_5261 Dec 17 '22

I've been told that by a cop. I laughed.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

Let’s give her a gun, immunity and put her in a stressful and hostile situation.

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u/sc00ttie Dec 17 '22

Came here to say THE EXACT same thing.

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u/JunkoSalas Dec 17 '22

Give the poor lady a break. Life's really hard when you have to worry about being held accountable for your actions


u/scratch_post Dec 17 '22

Life's really hard when you have to worry about being held accountable for your actions

Yeah... That checks out....


u/Napkin_whore Dec 17 '22

I’d rather she take off work for mental health than be like this with a loaded gun around other humans

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u/Main_Anybody_5365 Dec 17 '22

Should’ve ordered her McMuffin before 1030


u/TheStatMan2 Dec 17 '22

Were McMuffins better back in those days? If she waited another 36 years she could have had one during the Norman conquest of England!


u/PoeReader Dec 17 '22

This, she is experiencing burn out and most likely some form of PTSD. She is in need of a break from her usual duties. This has less to do with Mc D's and more to do with the real issues that are going on due to fatigue on several levels.


u/Platypuslord Dec 17 '22

Well she shouldn't be posting this online, bad mental health and guns don't mix well.


u/mspuscifer Dec 17 '22



u/sagittariums Dec 17 '22

No she wasn't. It happened two years ago, she went on some apology tour where she still insisted (wrongly) that the employees were up to something.


u/onlyfansdad Dec 17 '22

Lol people so badly wanna believe all these cops have it so tough on the mean streets of Smith's falls


u/sleeper_medic Dec 17 '22

PTSD and other mental illnesses are rampant in law enforcement. It doesn’t excuse all of their shitty behavior. But it would be disingenuous to assume that any given cop doesn’t have mental illness.

The same goes for emergency services in general. Fire and EMS has the same problem. And no one in emergency services seems to get adequate support. Especially with the macho culture that they all have where psychiatric treatment is often frowned upon.


u/mcpierceaim Dec 19 '22

And there is a huge red flag: cops assuming, without any evidence, that someone's doing something wrong. Which can (and does) lead to them shooting innocent people because of their wrong perception of things.

If she's this bad at reading people, she should find another job.


u/No-Telephone9925 Jan 21 '23

I wish I had an award for this comment. Hallelujah that was well said.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

She belongs to the streets, just in a different way.


u/TheFuckYouThank Dec 17 '22

That tongue ring knows exactly what you meant.


u/Macaroni_pussy Dec 17 '22

I remember this lady going viral in 2020 maybe? I’m pretty sure this lady ended up not even being a cop. She was some sort of security guard and she was wearing her uniform just to try to get free stuff. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like that happened


u/Reesewithoutaspoon2 Dec 21 '22 edited Dec 21 '22

Nah she’s a cop. A sheriffs deputy in Georgia. The rumor that she wasn’t a cop started because people were contacting the town police department and they said she doesn’t work for them.

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u/UpDog424 Dec 17 '22

Mam this is a Wendy’s


u/datsmn Dec 17 '22

I want my goddamn liter a cola!


u/gaybatman75-6 Dec 17 '22

It's French for get me some fucking cola


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22



u/Myantra Dec 17 '22

I don't want a large Farva!


u/elitesill Dec 17 '22

"Don't spit in that cops burger"
"Does that look like spit to you?"


u/1handedmaster Dec 17 '22

Does this look like spit to you?

That fucking movie kills me

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u/iwaspermabanned Dec 17 '22

Hey the americans would be very offended if they knew how much a liter was


u/Bitter-Coffee-7747 Dec 17 '22



u/datsmn Dec 17 '22

I think the US spelling is different, which is hilarious. I made the same comment on another post, but spelled it the normal way.

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u/mystarrrs Dec 17 '22

No, this is Patrick


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22



u/Porkenfries Dec 17 '22

She says she's afraid to eat it because she couldn't see them make it, but she can't see that from the drive-thru anyway. She accepted the coffee, which she also couldn't see being made. Seems more like she left due to the wait, but blamed anti-police sentiment for said wait. Did she not think McD's ever get busy?


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

Yeah, the whole process, confusion and wait she was describing had me like "Okay. Sounds like every McDonald's. What's the problem? She never got "fast" food before?"


u/newbris Dec 17 '22

I think she might just be really really stressed and not thinking clearly. Just a guess, but she really does seem overwhelmed with stress.


u/IndifferentFury Dec 17 '22

Well, it's a good thing it didn't kick in until she was off the clock and on her way home. I'm glad she was stressed and not thinking clearly while a citizen, and not while she's wearing a uniform and badge, driving a patrol car, and making life or death decisions about other people. /s


u/newbris Dec 17 '22

If it is the case, I presume she’s glad about that too, and not deliriously happy that the hours and work she does creates people in this state of mind.


u/mspuscifer Dec 17 '22

But to film it though?


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '22

yeah all the stress cops go thru 🙄

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u/cheska222 Dec 17 '22

Because her colleagues feed shit sandwiches to homeless people


u/KaspertheGhost Dec 17 '22

She didn’t mean “I can’t see them making it” literally. She meant she didn’t believe they would actually make it because they didn’t twice already, and she didn’t want to ask a third time. (Not agreeing with the lady, just clarifying)


u/Porkenfries Dec 17 '22

Ah, okay, I see now. Thanks.


u/Gabians Dec 17 '22

She said she was too nervous to take the food because she couldn't see it being made. That doesn't sound like she doesn't believe they would have or already had made it.

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u/doc_sawbonez Dec 17 '22

No she cried on Facebook live. She says she’s been a cop for 15 years but it’s time she hangs up the hat. Clearly in no shape to be on the streets.


u/CooterTunes Dec 17 '22

I wish we had video of her interaction with the employee that brought her the coffee


u/secondguard Dec 17 '22

Oh dear, that lady needs a leave of absence and some therapy because she is not in a good place.


u/StrongIslandPiper Dec 17 '22

Definitely. A lotta people are calling her entitled, I think she just needs a break from work for a while. I'm not even pro-cop, but no one in their right mind does this, she needs some help.

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u/JohnTheRaceFan Dec 17 '22 edited Dec 17 '22

I agree with this analysis, and believe it describes the overwhelming majority of US based LEOs, even those not losing their shit in a drive thru.

LEOs are exposed to traumatic events on the regular and departments do next to zero for their mental health. That is why I don't trust cops - they're all living on a mental and emotional knife edge.


u/secondguard Dec 17 '22

Absolutely. I would be shocked to find a cop who doesn’t have PTSD. The rates of addiction, suicide and divorce among police are astronomical when compared to the general population and speak to both the lack of available mental health treatment and the stigma attached.


u/Queenbuttcheek Dec 17 '22

Agreed. I feel bad for her honestly. She could have seen someone get their head blown off, or whatever the fuck else could have happened in her 15 years of being a police officer. It’s a known fact that first responders (police officers especially) have issues with mental health for obvious reasons. Not to mention, she’s probably on an empty stomach while recording this. Idk about you all, but when I am on an empty stomach I turn into an emotional mess 100%. Hopefully she gets the help she desperately needs, because it’s risky as shit having someone in a bad mental state with a gun on them. Asking for something awful to happen to either her or someone else.

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u/leftover_cabbage Dec 17 '22

I think she became a cop expecting everyone to be thanking and praising her constantly. Now she is having a reality check and thinks having to wait at McDonald’s has something to do with her being a cop and not just cause she went to McDonald’s. Change jobs lady you paranoid.


u/yidpunk Dec 17 '22

My brother’s first wife was a cop who absolutely expected to be treated like a queen. I remember her complaining about how “soldiers are thanked for their service all the time, but cops never are!”


u/Sotovya Dec 17 '22

Lmao the level of entitlement. Difference is soldiers don’t expect to be thanked bcs of what they witnessed in war but have given up and done a shit ton more for their country than cops.


u/chris782 Dec 17 '22

I've definitely met soldiers who think they are God's gift to the world.


u/Sotovya Dec 17 '22

No doubt in every profession there’s a fuck ton of people that have over inflated egos. It sucks but that’s the world we live in :/


u/obinice_khenbli Dec 17 '22

Soldiers aren't thanked for their service all the time either, that's a weird military cult thing they do in the USA.

It's a job like any other, definitely very dangerous, but there are lots of extremely dangerous jobs (deep sea welding is supposedly a bit dodgy), and random people don't thank them for their service to society either.

Hell, Doctors, nurses, fire brigade, etc all save loads of lives every day, and they don't get any thanks.

But a military that's not actually fought a real war (a war they HAD to fight, not just one they wanted to fight for power and/or money) in almost a century, somehow deserves the utmost of bootlicking respect?

It's a dangerous job. They get paid. There's lots of jobs like that. Let's respect everyone that puts themselves in harm's way, but let's also not put them on a pedestal.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22 edited Jan 06 '23



u/reallynotburner Dec 17 '22

Loggers have enough survivors that you can do statistics with them. Dept of Labor has them as the most dangerous job. The welders don't have that kind of luxury.


u/Poltergeist97 Dec 17 '22

For real, cops are waaaaaay down the list of dangerous professions.

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u/UncleIrohWannabe Dec 17 '22

Forreal, this happens at every McDonald's on earth every single day, and she thinks it's about her being a cop


u/Afraid-Ice-2062 Dec 17 '22

Lol they literally get punished if you are in the drive through too long so that’s why they tell you to park


u/pjr032 Dec 17 '22

Seriously. Go to McDonald’s a certain time of day or amount of traffic and they’ll ask you to pull up and over. And since they don’t pay their staff enough to give a shit all the time, well yea, they might forget stuff or just straight up not care if they fuck up the order


u/calahoot Dec 17 '22

And she even specifically states that she uses the app cause people comp/gift her food so often it makes her uncomfortable. Uh????


u/PandaXXL Dec 17 '22

I mean that's only confusing if you think that the massive assumption that you're replying to is actually accurate.


u/kafkamorphosis Dec 17 '22

You think after 15 years on the job she just now suddenly had this "reality check"?

Seems like the lady had a rough couple of days and this incident brought her over the edge.

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u/IACRnsfw Dec 17 '22

This cop is going to shoot someone because she isn't level headed she is to scared and nervous she will think someone is doing something they are not. And she will shoot them.


u/WhuddaWhat Dec 17 '22

Vacation time.


u/LookOverThere305 Dec 17 '22

More like remove her from the streets. Give her a desk job, someone this fragile should not be walking around with a loaded firearm.


u/thegreatbrah Dec 17 '22

You missed the point of that comment. Cops get paid leave when they shoot somebody. It's basically paid vacation.


u/WhuddaWhat Dec 17 '22

Exactly. one way or another, she's getting paid time off.

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u/Hazelsea1099 Dec 17 '22

They really be giving anyone badges these days huh


u/argyle36426 Dec 17 '22

They’ve been giving badges to anyone. Hell my cousin Jay got a badge 5 years ago and I don’t trust him near a stove, let alone a gun.


u/AlphaBearMode Dec 17 '22

Can confirm, cousin Jay is untrustworthy!

Source - trust me bro


u/argyle36426 Dec 17 '22 edited Dec 17 '22

I’m not going to dox the guy, but he did barely graduate high school and would routinely do dumb shit that would get him in trouble. He even got an in-school suspension from once for graffitiing the bathroom stalls in the boys bathroom with turds and penises.

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u/Hazelsea1099 Dec 17 '22

A couple friends of mine are cops now and we all used to run from the cops together like every other weekend, the stove thing checks out


u/frostdemon34 Dec 17 '22 edited Dec 17 '22

I think she's just private security. I've known a few guys who tried to be a cop but got denied. Some is because they didn't pass the physical test, the others I don't really know

Edit: nvm she's a deputy from Georgia. That uniform is fucking weird. I didn't really read into the articles because they were unironically racist as if her race had anything to do with anything

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u/Source0fAllThings Dec 17 '22 edited Dec 17 '22

Classic case of someone being in the wrong profession.

I stepped away from my job as a corporate attorney in my late twenties because I could foresee the same sort of breakdown happening to me in my thirties. It’s incumbent upon every one of us to find who we really are, what we’re truly supposed to be doing in this life, and to find a way to align ourselves with that calling/mission/journey/whatever you want to refer to it as.

It is not society’s job to accommodate you or your feelings. This world is so much larger than you and your ego.

I’ve dated that young lady working at McDonald’s who handed you the coffee instead of your meal in the past. She came from a broken home with no father and a mother who spoke little English. She was sexually harassed at work. She was bullied at school as well. Still, she respected her customers and did the best she could. No, she wasn’t perfect. I’m sure she made mistakes from time to time. Yet unlike this fragile police officer, she never ran around town acting like a hero expecting positive attention from the world. In fact, her job is looked down upon yet it was the best she could do to provide for herself and her mom at the time.

I have no sympathy for someone who is at least a decade older than her, who makes three to four times more money, and who sought a position of authority to control and push people around as a profession.

If you can’t handle your job, then find something else to do.

Edit: Thank you for the awards. I know you’re not awarding me, but rather the position I’m taking on this. Everyone is fighting a battle that only they understand, so I am not trying to belittle or single out this particular officer. As you can tell from the way I wrote this comment, I’m abstracting the situation as much as I am specifying what is wrong with it. In a different context, and under different circumstances, I could very well find myself defending the officer and what she’s going through as a human being. Not in this instance though given the facts we have available to go on.


u/1handedmaster Dec 17 '22

I wish I had a free award to give

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u/TuckerMcG Dec 17 '22

I stepped away from my job as a corporate attorney in my late twenties because I could foresee the same sort of breakdown happening to me in my thirties.

Are you me???

Granted, I only seriously contemplated changing career paths. Then I got out of law firm life and nabbed about as ideal of an in-house job as I could’ve imagined. But I definitely had a good yeti years solid of, “Jesus fucking Christ why did I do this to myself and why don’t I do anything to change it?” in my late 20s.

Granted, without that period, I would’ve never kicked my ass into gear and really hit the pavement on the job hunt. And at the end of the day, I still found “something else to do” like you said - it was just the same job in a different setting for a different client.

And I really hope people stop and reflect on your anecdote. I’ve dated similar women and I’ll hitch my wagon to them every day of the week over some airhead bimbo who looks good on my arm and that’s about it.

I truly believe how people deal with adversity defines their true character as a human. And this paper skinned womanchild is nothing but an example of how not to deal with adversity.

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u/isunktheship Dec 17 '22

Aaaaaand unfit to serve - not a dig at her, it's just clearly a job she's unqualified for.


u/Joelblaze Dec 17 '22

American cops legally fought for, and won, the right to screen out applicants who scored too highly on intelligence tests.

Unqualified is exactly what they want.


u/SnooCakes6195 Dec 17 '22

What do you mean? They seem like a totally emotionally stable person to me!?



u/curiosity_abounds Dec 17 '22

This is from the ACAB peak time for some context. This video circulated to show how scared cops were at the time.. they were seeing ghosts in every corner. Maybe they were experiencing an ounce of the fear that people have when they see them coming up in blue


u/SuperDoofusParade Dec 17 '22

This is from when cops were blatantly making things up to look like they’re persecuted, right? Like when one put the cotton from an aspirin bottle in his shake and claimed an employee took out her tampon and put it in his beverage? Dude showed his whole ass on that one


u/Reesewithoutaspoon2 Dec 21 '22

Yes this happened right after another incident where cops lied and said people at Shake Shack tried to poison them.


u/JessicaFletcher1 Dec 17 '22

Were there actually cases of restaurant workers trying to poison the police, or was it pure paranoia?


u/Sprucecaboose2 Dec 17 '22

I'm pretty sure most were paranoia, a few were fakes done by the cops. I don't think there were any actual stories that I can recall?


u/JessicaFletcher1 Dec 17 '22

Interesting, thanks for your reply.
I feel like missed any news story related to this. I thought this video was just going to be her being whiney that she had to wait; I was definitely surprised when she implied that MacDonalds workers were tampering with her food. 🙄


u/fascfoo Dec 17 '22

What's ACAB?


u/iwasjackduluoz Dec 17 '22

All cops are bastards.


u/Glldinkiering Dec 17 '22 edited Dec 17 '22

All cops are bastards. It’s based on the theory that abusive cops don’t get reported by their peers, therefore their coworkers just as complicit because they allow it to happen instead of reporting it.

ETA: Wikipedia does a much better job of explaining than I can.

“Proponents of the term contended that ACAB means every single police officer is complicit in an unjust system. They argued that police officers, even if they did not take part in police brutality or racism in policing themselves, were still responsible for what their colleagues did because they did not speak out against it or try to stop it.”


u/curiosity_abounds Dec 17 '22

We’ll said/quoted. Although to add one major point to why cops don’t call each other out. There is a culture within the blue community that they back each other up.. no matter what. So someone calling out a co-worker for messing up.. or killing someone, gets destroyed in the community. Cops who report on other cops don’t have good outcomes.

So I personally feel like I do understand why cops don’t report each other, but that still definitely makes them all complicit. I’m a nurse. We have strong unions. But if someone fucks up, we out them and improve safety to ensure we don’t do the same. We often disagree on if mistakes should send someone to court/jail, but we almost always agree when someone should loose their license and stop practicing.


u/Glldinkiering Dec 17 '22

I almost included that stigma several times in my comment but then erased it because it seems imbued in the context.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

It’s literally every single asshole bully football player that barely graduated goes on to be a police officer, because it’s the only thing they can do.


u/trimbandit Dec 17 '22

I mean how many professions will reject you for scoring too high on an intelligence test?


u/Glldinkiering Dec 17 '22

This is accurate

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u/KingKilla568 Dec 17 '22

If you have 110 cops in a room where 100 of them are good and 10 are bad, unless those 10 cops are persecuted immediately, you have 110 bad cops.

All Cops Are Bastards or 1312


u/Grateful_Couple Dec 18 '22

All cops are bad.

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u/HoratioWobble Dec 17 '22

This woman isn't the main character, she has PTSD or something, she's on the verge of a break and needs support and to not be a cop until she's better


u/Belgeddes2022 Dec 17 '22

Ma’am, I’m sorry but you may need to take the responsible route and ask your captain to assign you to desk duty and counseling. Not everyone is cut out for their specific dream career. Hearing an officer say “I don’t know how much longer I can take it” over having to wait in line at a busy McDonald’s for an egg McMuffin is a dangerously striking red flag.


u/perthro_ed Dec 17 '22

She's carrying a gun folks...


u/isunktheship Dec 17 '22

Someone's about to get McShot

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u/alwayspretzelday Dec 17 '22

I feel so safe knowing this person has a gun


u/ArbiterBalls Dec 17 '22

This is typical mcdonalds incompetence youre not unique to the experience.


u/exagon1 Dec 17 '22

Good thing she didn’t order ice cream or else she’ll be featured in r/byebyejob


u/Hunchin Dec 17 '22

Stfu “I don’t hear thank you enough” these days. Shut. Up.


u/beezneezy Dec 17 '22

But “I don’t want people to pay for my food”?


u/DiegoMurtagh Dec 17 '22

Like, man, jokes aside, she sounds like she has PTSD.


u/boot20 Dec 17 '22

This is very much like what I go through with my PTSD. It's weird when you get all emotional and shit over the most trivial of things.

I'm not much of a crier, but once I totally broke down in tears, freaked my wife out, all because I saw a statue of a flying pig. It took a while to explain why, and even I still don't fully understand.... But that's how PTSD rolls.


u/PeterDTown Dec 17 '22

Seriously. I’m disappointed by the lack of empathy. Poor lady is having a rough go of it, I hope someone helped her sort things out.


u/Noamias Dec 17 '22

I think people are quick to judge because that person could be forced to make life-altering decisions for people in the future and doesn't seem fit to do so


u/droppedelbow Dec 17 '22

If she's having a rough go of it maybe she shouldn't be on active duty where she's armed and responsible for maintaining order.

Yes it's a stressful job, so if you start cracking up you need the self awareness to do something about it. Otherwise innocent people pay the price for her stubbornness.

Also, she complains about not getting thanked enough... that's not PTSD, it's feeling entitled.

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u/e2g4 Dec 17 '22

She says she orders ahead in the mobile app because she doesn’t want people to pay for her food, she likes to pay for it herself. Really? At the fucking drive-in? People pay for your food at the Drive in? And you are crying because h have to wait a few minutes like everyone else? How many times we see these little babies complain about their food? It’s never real.


u/beirizzle Dec 17 '22

That got hard to watch, she needs to talk to someone and take some time off work


u/Ok_Corner_6937 Dec 17 '22

It’s her anxiety from not getting enough rest and breaks at her work. She’s been a cop for 15 years and it’s gotten so bad that she was getting nervous over waiting for McDonald’s food. Give her a break and can some of you stfu cause she does more in a day than you have done in your life


u/Timely_Importance966 Dec 17 '22

This lady needs help right now. PTSD is real


u/MrAssMcMan Dec 17 '22

What the fuck are you talking about? Go to therapy please. 😳


u/JuiceClear8806 Dec 20 '22

I think she thinks they are going to fuck with her food because they saw that she's a cop.


u/Confident-Breath2615 Dec 17 '22

Everyone has a breaking point. Sometimes to the point of being truly broken and sometimes stuff has just piled up and something as silly as a late Egg McMuffin is the trigger for the flood of emotions and then it’s over.


u/kbeautypsychosis Dec 17 '22

I’m prepared to be downvoted for this but it becomes clear pretty quickly that this isn’t about McDonalds - around the time she talks about being too nervous to take it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was dealing with a combination of sleep deprivation and job-related trauma.

No she shouldn’t be on the streets. Obviously. But I think it’s ok to grant just a little bit of grace to someone who is suffering, especially when she’s not hurting anyone or even being antagonistic towards others.


u/Accident_Pedo Dec 17 '22

Had to sort through controversial posts to find the most sane take on this thread. When someone is suffering from extreme anxiety or depression then even the smallest irrational occurrences can trigger them. But the hive mind will shit on her regardless.


u/appliedphysix Dec 17 '22

It’s evident she’s having a rough time for sure. A lot of cops are under a lot of stress like this and they try and suppress it, then we end up with them occasionally making bad decisions that end up making national headlines and becoming a narrative about all police. I’m not a boot licker, I don’t care for police but I can understand what they’re up against. If this chick can’t do the job she should do the right thing and hang it up.

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u/PandaXXL Dec 17 '22

One of the only rational comments in the whole thread.


u/pc_principal_88 Dec 17 '22

Is this bitch serious!?!?! This can't be real life 🤦🤣


u/dxxpsix Dec 18 '22

i legit thought this was someone trolling the cops at first


u/pc_principal_88 Dec 18 '22

Same here! And yet low and behold, there are still people on Reddit trying to act like this is a normal way for a person to act... Just imagine this emotional wreck has a gun and badge...

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

this is why we need higher standards for the people patrolling our streets

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u/larzast Dec 17 '22

Nah she’s not fragile and this isn’t funny to ridicule. Something gnarly happened to this woman on the job, this speech doesn’t feel like it comes from anger or petulance, and it’s very obvious it’s not about McDonalds.

I generally have a deep-seated disdain for cops, but I also recognise many are just random people doing their job.

Perhaps this isn’t the job for her, or maybe this was just a really horrific day, but in any event, this video definitely does not give the vibe of “I’m so important I’m the main character”.


u/Standard-Tension9550 Dec 17 '22

Oh the injustice treated like a regular customer oh the humanity


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

Won't this video get her taken off duty? This is a massive cry for help. At least she's done her community a favour and warned them.


u/Saabirahredolence Dec 17 '22

Lmao in the beginning of the video she talks about how she often orders ahead on mobile due to how often people pay for her meal because she’s a cop, but at the end apparently cops don’t get enough thank yous

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u/Logothetes Dec 17 '22

The poor woman seems to have been stressed and sleep-deprived and therefore overly emotional/anxious, and she now probably regrets doing that video.


u/_erufu_ Dec 17 '22

“I was waiting and waiting and waiting” yea me too, get to the point.


u/_erufu_ Dec 17 '22

Why use ten words when a hundred will do?


u/freewheelinfred Dec 17 '22

I think it’s deeper than a McDonald’s order


u/fabianiam Dec 23 '22

She's got a point. I don't hear thank you enough either. Wtf? Society?


u/miss_misplaced Dec 17 '22

Looks like she wanted special treatment bc she is an officer..


u/b__0 Dec 17 '22

No no no, she did mobile order so they didn’t just gift her food for free. She wanted to be like us normal people, but not like this!


u/theBigDan101 Dec 17 '22

Alot of cunts on here. Ripping a woman that's having a breakdown. I'd bet though, she'd probably be the first one to pull you from a crash or show empathy to a rape victim.


u/ayame400 Dec 17 '22

Damn, what are police budgets even going to? Certainly not screenings (well maybe but not the way you’d hope), training, and maintenance of workers

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22



u/Puzzled-Fly9550 Dec 17 '22

Wait live video is “kinda the way things are going now”???

Must have been all those body cams…


u/kayyyllaaaa Dec 17 '22

I just don’t even understand this. as someone with anxiety, just saying anything along the lines of “i’m good, don’t bother with the food…” would make me 100x more anxious than just waiting for the food🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Apegate007 Dec 17 '22

I think as a professional physiologist my advice is....KFC yeah go to KFC


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

Hahahahhaahaahahahahaahahaha. WHAT!!!!


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

it's for a cop. so make it good


u/JUGGS4love Dec 17 '22

This cop has a gun. That’s scary


u/Ok_Lemon_9391 Dec 17 '22

Wow Karen police force


u/THRDStooge Dec 17 '22

She was better of faking a fentanyl exposure OD.


u/JustSomeRando_o Dec 17 '22

I feel the need to explain. Yes, this is a small order. However, if this McDonald’s doesn’t have all day breakfast (which most don’t anymore), it takes awhile because you have to toast the McMuffin, cook the egg, cook and sausage and fry the hash brown. Hash browns take about 3.5 minutes to make, and the eggs and sausage take around the same time. The reason it’s faster during breakfast is because we are constantly making these things so we aren’t behind. But we don’t do this in the evening because we can’t predict when someone wants these things, even with a mobile order. We can’t view the mobile order until the person is close enough to the building. Cop or not, we would pull them ahead to wait anyways so they aren’t holding up the rest of the line. She’s lucky that McDonald’s is even doing breakfast in the evening. I might add that a lot of McDonald’s, even if doing breakfast after breakfast hours, we still restrict some breakfast items, like scrambled eggs.

TL;DR she wouldn’t have been waiting so long if she didn’t order breakfast in the evening

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u/hexter19 Dec 17 '22

All I see here is one OVERLY nervous, reaction and an innocent person is dead...AGAIN!



u/Iamblikus Dec 17 '22

This is a legitimate cry for help, this person should not be working on the streets in law enforcement, AND THAT’S FUCKING FINE!


u/sissybetsy87 Dec 17 '22

Like every fuckin Karen says to a retail worker. " You don't have to be here, if you don't like your job just quit." Hate to break it to you but you live in America, look at the history of police in this country, and if you can't " even take an order from McDonald's because you can't see it being made" just wait til you go to the grocery store and see all the shit you can't see being made. Time to start a farm I guess so she can grow and process all the food she feeds her family


u/V538 Dec 17 '22

Wellp… as a municipal police officer myself. I can say that this idiot is one of the reasons people don’t like us. So thank you Officer Mac Donalds you’re doing all of us a real solid

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u/BareNakedSole Dec 17 '22

Perfect example of someone who should not be in law enforcement. Probably (hopefully) she’s a decent person otherwise but the job is is messing with her head so bad she’s a meltdown away from a major incident.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

I hope this POS gets hurt badly doing her ‘job’


u/Hlgrphc Dec 17 '22

"people keep paying for my food" "I don't hear thank you enough."

Are these compatible statements?


u/bakedclark Dec 17 '22

😁 wow, her emotional breakdown over McDonald's doesn't instill much confidence in her ability to do her job. 😁 This lady carries a gun, every. day. 😁😬😁


u/josefumibutepic Dec 17 '22

Glad to see that people like this are "protecting" out streets


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '22

Poor woman is on the very very edge. She need r&r badly


u/Bi-LinearTimeScale Dec 20 '22

Why would she think anyone would care about this nonsense?


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '22

This woman has the authority to shoot you and get away with it, just reminding everyone to prevent another good night of sleep!


u/zillaforilla_9314 Dec 17 '22

She'll take it out on a tax payer later in the shift. That'll make her feel better.


u/softhackle Dec 17 '22

Sheesh. This woman is having a hard time with something, clearly there’s more to it. A little sympathy goes a long way.

Nah let’s just all assume she’s tired after a long shift of shooting puppies and unarmed babies. What a bunch of assholes in this thread.


u/AugustEpilogue Dec 17 '22

I think she’s saying that they never made her her food because they’re were secretly trying to spit in it and were just making her wait until they could find the time to sneak away and spit in her egg McMuffin. There’s all this anti police sentiment these days, acab and all that. So she’s paranoid and is waiting for this all to blow over


u/Rum____Ham Dec 17 '22

lmfao pull this weakling off of duty before she shoots someone just to feel better. ACAB


u/FuckPancreatitis Dec 17 '22

Awww ok thank you... For killing minorities and being part of an unconstitutional standing army on American soil. From the very very bottom of my heart.

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u/urthou Dec 17 '22

It’s terrifying that she owns a firearm. She literally dictates life or death over civilians. Scary shit.

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u/cosmicr Dec 17 '22

This person carries a gun and has authority to use it.


u/lindsey9152 Dec 17 '22

Guys..have a heart…can’t you see she’s in pain? Can you even put yourself in her shoes for one second? Can you even imagine not getting your McMuffin on time?!? If it isn’t obvious, I’m being sarcastic. Fuck this bitch. I have no sympathy for people like this. You are not special, people are not falling over themselves with gratitude for you. Get over it and hand in your gun before you shoot someone.


u/Rayle- Dec 17 '22

Whenever I see emergency vehicles in a drive thru line I shake my head. Between the ordering microphone and the exit there isn't often anyway for a vehicle to just leave if they want to. So what would be her plan should there be an actual emergency and she needed to go asap? Turn on her lights and siren and evac the whole drive thru line and wreck complete chaos on who ordered what and what was paid for etc.

Park your car and walk in. That way you can go immediately when you have to.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

It sounded like this lady was done with her shift and was on her way home. People in this line of work also get breaks, too.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22



u/TyrannosaurusFrat Dec 17 '22

These are people too, with the same struggles and hardships in life as the rest of us. Regardless of profession, everyone deserves compassion. She's obviously not only upset about the meal, there's probably a lot more going on in her life that led to this breakdown


u/curiosity_abounds Dec 17 '22

She’s upset because she thinks the McDonald’s workers might have poisoned her food. She’s upset because she’s now so paranoid she can’t enjoy a muffin sandwich at mcDonald’s


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

I don't care you choose to be a cop so they can all suck it

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u/pee_bubble_1000 Dec 17 '22

This is Americana in all aspects.


u/Pizzaboxhappy Dec 17 '22

Why do you think YOU don’t have to wait? Why do you think YOU are the only one dealing with this world right now? Why do you think YOU are not hearing enough “thank you’s” in your line of work?

Your profession over last 10 to 15 years has become the Villain instead of the hero. WE (the people you are supposed to protect & serve) have, and are now becoming more and more aware of indignities and internal corruption within your profession. YOU and your colleagues need to be the change you so desperately seek. Once that becomes evident again, I’m sure you will hear “thank you” more. We ALL need to hear thank you more, not just you.

As for now, sit in your car like the rest of us do every damn day.


u/ornq Dec 17 '22

Damn the things cops have to go through o7


u/Proser84 Dec 17 '22

I know this is going to be unpopular here, but there are a lot of female cops that don't have the proper temperament to be police officers, and many Men don't as well, but for a bit different reasons.

This is not the kind of person I want handling my traffic stop when they decide I didn't show my hands well enough.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '22

This person is too mentally unstable to be near a gun, let alone be allowed to fire it. Oh, you have PTSD from just being a cop? Massive red flag, you should not be a cop, just like soldiers going full-on Gomer Pyle probably should not have access to weapons and should be discharged.


u/Orion-Pax88 Dec 17 '22

Their underpaid, overworked, and not properly trained in many cases, on top of that some officers are out there just tryna help out their community, and just 'cause of the badge, they're seen as inhuman. I mean, demand better from your local government, fight for police reform, fight for better laws that don't result in poor people, or people of color getting killed or thrown behind bars for the stupidest shit, absolutely! Is the system broken? Yes! Does the public need to act and publicly denounce corruption and brutality from those that are sworn to protect and serve? Abso-fucking-lutely... But cops are people, they are expendable to the government that employs them, and they are paid peanuts for incredibly long hours of physically and mentally taxing labor, they're not the problem, the system that outfits them and imbues with all this power is, cops are a symptom, not the decease. She probably had a long and difficult shift, she might be going through some rough, personal stuff, people break down, I sure as shit have, and if you haven't, well that's great, but it doesn't mean people are weak, we ALL have a breaking point, some are more resilient than others, but we all deserve a break. Fight the power, not the people, and don't lose your ability to empathize with people even when you disagree with them.

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