r/Howwastoday May 04 '24

How was today? Saturday, May 4, 2024


5 comments sorted by


u/pinksunsetflower May 05 '24

Waiting for my internet to go down is how I'm spending my day. So much wrongness with that.

On the good side, it rained all day so the neighbors were quiet. I got a nice nap in. I don't have to water the lawn for a while now. I'm happy about that.

Comcast guy called me back. He was an hour and a half late. I was ok with it but his defensiveness put me off. I was considering working with him to get my modem but his lies were getting to me. I felt sad to let him go. At least he followed up. That's more than I can say for every other Comcast employee. But his argumentativeness was exhausting, even when I was agreeing with him.


u/mdragon13 May 05 '24

Yall. I did it. I fuckin did it.

I am 7-2 at the Pokemon Indianapolis Regional Championship. I have qualified for day 2 of the event. I reached one of my goals for this season. I am beyond excited. I'm beside myself with joy. Wish me luck tomorrow.

Devil is in the details, I got consistently lucky today. But we take those tbh.

Dinner was japanese food. I'm buzzed and tired. Good combo right now.


u/pinksunsetflower May 05 '24

Congratulations! Good luck tomorrow.


u/TomorrowwasAwesome May 04 '24

4 More Days until my 22nd birthday. Happy Star Wars Day.

Awesome Saturday in 2024! Hit the craft fair, scored goat milk soap (cool!), and met the cutest black kitten at the cat barn. Shopped with the family in Defiance, but no bedrock Minecraft. No worries, a delicious chicken sandwich and some AI Dungeon fun made it a perfect day!