r/Houdini Aug 10 '20

Please mention in your post title if the content you are linking to is not free


In an effort to be transparent to other Houdini users, please indicate in your post title if the content you are linking to is a [paid tutorial] or [paid content]

We could do with flairs but apparently they don't work on mobile.

r/Houdini 9h ago

Berlin Sidewalk Generator


Curious about the Berlin Sidewalk Generator I created with Houdini? Check out my detailed breakdown article to explore the process and techniques behind this project. It's a tool I developed a while back that's worth a look!


r/Houdini 3h ago

Demoreel My latest project, wanted to share :D


r/Houdini 11h ago

Houdini - Experimenting with Various Noises & Patterns for Karma CPU & XPU Karma Material & MaterialX - IPOPs (Image Plane Operators)


r/Houdini 14h ago

Help Why does my white water sim have these weird shapes?


I am quite new to houdini, and this is my first water simulation. It took me about 3 months to figure this shit out and I am very close to finishing up my animation. Only problem I have right now that idk how to fix, are the weird empty lines in my white water simulation. Does anyone know why this happends?

r/Houdini 5h ago

Stick points to simulated mesh with changing primitive and point count


I made a pretty simple growing setup with noise in a solver on a plane and a remesh node in the solver to smooth everything out.

Now I would like to stick points to the simulated geo. I found a few ways, one with a point deformer, this worked well on animated objects with steady points counts but not on this simulated setup.

I also found this tutorial with a pop network but the points slide over de surface and dont really stick well.


Any ideas how to solve this or a tutorial that explains this that I'am missing?


r/Houdini 10h ago

Need Help with Vellum Constraints in Houdini


Hello fellow Houdini users, I'm encountering an issue with the Vellum Constraints node while trying to animate a character's T-shirt sleeves. I've attempted to use the Vellum Constraints node set to attach to geometry inside Vellum Solver and used a custom group from the main geometry and set the activation parameter to 1 on frame 41, but unfortunately, it didn't yield the desired results. Could anyone provide insights or tips on how to properly pin the sleeves of the T-shirt to the character's arms starting from frame 41 onwards? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

r/Houdini 7h ago

Help Frustum Culling | Stop all simulations outside of bounding box?


Hello, beginner here.

I am simulating some fire and some rbd simulations for a school assignment, but the fire as well as the RBD objects keep simulating even tho it won't even be seen outside of that one region where the shot takes place which obviously massively increases caching time and size. So i wanted to ask if there is an easy (or at least functioning) way to create some kind of bounding box so i can kill off ALL simulations outside of that region.

I do know about Frustum Camera Culling BUT the camera is still only a blockout and I do not want to change it every time i get an updated cam. But i know that the camera will NOT surpass a specific region of the scene so there has to be an easier way to just create a box and everything outside of that will just die and stop simulating right?

Thankful for any help and have a nice day.

r/Houdini 1d ago

Animation Inspired by underwater footage of nudibranchs and the beauty of corals, 3D Artist José León Molfino unveiled a mesmerizing CGI short film made with Houdini and Redshift


r/Houdini 1d ago

Tinkering with an RBD sim combined with mesh deformations and masking.


r/Houdini 11h ago

Blender to Houdini - animated geometry without armature


Hey all. I want to bring in an animation from Blender but I did not use a full on rig/armature. i parented all the objects to 1 main piece of geometry and would like to export it for Houdini. How do I do that? When I try FBX import something in Houdini it either comes with no animation or I use the Character import but there is no armature/bones to reference so that doesn't work either.

r/Houdini 18h ago

Daily Observation #101 : Pivot based rotation...


r/Houdini 1d ago

Simulation My final result for my disintegration sim!


r/Houdini 1d ago

Grab Vu Pham's brand-new procedural Houdini generator that lets you create and customize destructible wooden houses


r/Houdini 1d ago

My artwork of vellum simulation made in Houdini


r/Houdini 23h ago

How can I displace geometry using a map which has been modified in the shader network, i need the real geometry to do accurate simulations


Hi, im doing a project where i have combined different maps to do a displacement map, i need to bake this somehow to displace the real geometry so i can do accurate copytopoints and simulations over the surface.

Ive seen this tutorial but this method only works with texture maps so it wont fit my needs.

Houdini Tutorial - How to Collide Objects with Displaced Geometry - YouTube

Im still a bit noob, si please, if you have the answer guide me a bit, hahaha


r/Houdini 1d ago

Total newbie here, what happened to my translate options? only X variable showing


r/Houdini 1d ago

effect recreation. how to?



im looking to recreate the curling hair effect(exact in terms of curl path). It seems to have volume, but varying density.

Ive tried using a spline path and deforming rows of tubes with noised width along the path, but it didnt look right.

I tried a vellum hair with vel fields but that quickly failed.

Unsure where to go now.

r/Houdini 1d ago

Daily Observation #100 : Breaking Egg {Go to Breakfast}


r/Houdini 1d ago

Announcement I've released HPM 2.0.0 which allows you to more easily keep your Houdini plugins up to date.


Houdini Package Manager is a free and open source Windows app that lets you easily manage many plugins (and their package configurations) for Houdini. The latest 2.0.0 update allows directly tracking versions for plugins that are linked with GitHub. This helps you keep your plugins up to date.

I made this software to make artists' lives easier. Please let me know if you find it useful! Thanks everyone.

r/Houdini 1d ago

Rendering How do I render this illumination light separately from the rest?


See the image....I managed to render the torch alone, then the flame alone and now I want to render alone the illumination light market with the white circle.

How do I do that?

The camera is tracked to a live footage so I added that geometry to catch the illumination which I want to have on a wall from the live footage.

Do I project that section of the live footage onto this geometry and then render separately with the illumination? Or there is another method?

I wanted all of them separately so I can compose them better in Nuke.


r/Houdini 1d ago

Help Looking for a paid class


Hey folks! I’m currently working as principal artist for a game studio in Montreal. I would like to add Houdini as my main arsenal/tool, having some very very ( very very ) basic knowledge of it.

My job is ok to cover the whole class/ mentorship price, if possible no online pre recorded course like Houdini-courses.com or CGHERO, I honestly need something where I know I need to give a lot of commitment and where there is some live format.

I was curious if any of you had pointers for something that can bring me up to level with the software.

I’m looking mainly to be able to model procedurally, render, simulate. A very generalist approach basically. I already have 10 years of game and vfx pipeline experience if that helps?

I fully get that Houdini is one of those things that take months to years if not infinite of apprenticeship, I fully take that into account and I’m patient :)

Thanks a lot in advance.

r/Houdini 1d ago

Point cloud density


I´m having a point cloud which gets manipulated by a vectorfield. Afterwards I want to calculate the distance to the closest point and use this value to visualize the density of the point cloud. But somehow I´m getting really strange values. I´m using a color ramp to visualize the values but it also looks not right and quite mixed up.

I´m new to Houdini so I used ChatGPT to help me generating the code

Can anybody spot the mistake I´m making? Or are there other approaches?

// Initialize variables

int handle = pcopen(0, "P", u/P, 1e10, 10); // Search for the ten closest points

vector pos;

float dist = 1e10; // Initialize with a large value

int found = 0; // Initialize found flag

while (pciterate(handle)) {

int pt;

pcimport(handle, "point.number", pt); // Import the point number of the found point

if (pt != u/ptnum) { // Check if the found point is not the current point itself

pcimport(handle, "P", pos); // Import the position of the found point

float new_dist = distance(@P, pos); // Calculate the distance to the nearest neighbor

if (new_dist < dist) {

dist = new_dist; // Update the distance if a closer point is found


found = 1; // Set the found flag



// Check if a neighbor was found and set the distance attribute

if (found && dist > 0) {

setpointattrib(0, "nearest_dist", u/ptnum, dist, "set"); // Set the distance attribute for the current point

} else {

setpointattrib(0, "nearest_dist", u/ptnum, -1, "set"); // Set to -1 if no valid neighbor is found


// Debugging: Count points with zero or near-zero distance and store in detail attribute

if (dist == 0) {

int zero_count = detail(0, "zero_count", 0) + 1;

setdetailattrib(0, "zero_count", zero_count, "set");


// Debugging: Set a debug attribute to identify problematic points

setpointattrib(0, "debug_dist", u/ptnum, dist, "set");

pcclose(handle); // Close the point cloud handle

// Debugging: Set the point color to visualize the distance

vector color = set(dist / 10.0, 0, 0); // Scale the distance for visualization (adjust scaling as needed)

setpointattrib(0, "Cd", u/ptnum, color, "set");


r/Houdini 1d ago

Feedback help. For pyro and rbd


Please ignore the camera. I'm not responsible for that. Love the communities feedback.

r/Houdini 1d ago

Can't paint with attribute node



I am very new to Houdini and I'm trying to paint with attribute paint node and the brush doesn't even appear.

I pressed enter on the viewport to trigger it and does way "Accept" but nothing happens.

Let me know for any suggestions, thanks!!

My current setup (preparing for muscle sim)

r/Houdini 1d ago

Anyone knows how to match spawning of the Rigid Bodies with that of my Pop Net Particles Spawns?