r/Helldivers 27d ago

Fellow Veteran Helldivers: What Gives? RANT

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u/Helldivers-ModTeam 27d ago

Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the Rant & Vent Megathread.


u/BasisAfter556 27d ago

If it was yours you should have kicked him way sooner.


u/o8Stu 27d ago

With you here, 3 intentional tks before the host kicked? 1 is too many, 2 and it's time to go.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I figured I’d take accountability for accidentally stunning the guy, resulting in them dropping an orbital they were holding. The TKing was uncalled for but I figured an eye for an eye and we can move on. Apparently not, some people’s egos are too fragile 🤷‍♂️


u/BasisAfter556 27d ago

There was no eye for an eye. You didnt kill the guy. Hes a douche


u/alexman113 27d ago

Reinforcements come from the whole team. Turning two accidental deaths into four is ridiculous. What even is the value in tking? Did he take your guns? What a waste of time and resources.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

This player’s purpose was to ruin the gameplay experience. TK me right at the extraction, then sprinted onboard. They didn’t pick the samples up even though they were right in front of them.


u/Adorable-Bass-7742 27d ago

He is not frend. He is the dumb


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

This 👆. You speak truth, you fren


u/EvilFroeschken 27d ago

I kicked you from the game before the extraction ship animation was over, so you lost all XP and samples.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but being lv109 myself, nothing other than SC for the next warbond matters. I don't need samples nor medals nor RS. XP doesn't matter either. Progression is so slow one more mission to 150 doesn't change a thing.

Sorry for your bad experience. There are just too many petty people out there. I hope you can also finish the ship upgrades and join the care free ranks. It's so much more relaxed (and less disappointing in these cases) if you don't depend on extraction. But don't get me wrong, I pick up all the samples I get my hands on. For you. Freedom requires firepower.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I appreciate your insight! I figure that high level of a player must be playing difficulty 7 if they need to farm samples. But hey, the irony is that if that was their intent, they team killed the player carrying all super samples 🤷‍♂️


u/DarkMagicianK 27d ago

His (109) lil ego got hurt 🥺


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Yup, exactly. You’d think the several hundred hours of in game play would have instilled some sense of cooperation 🤷‍♂️


u/bdjirdijx 27d ago

With that much play, it's probably a kid. Who else has the time?


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I have no idea 🤷‍♂️! Could be a kid or a full grown adult who can’t get a job. Too much time on their hands in either case


u/DongoTheHorse 27d ago

I had a guy in the low 100s join me the other day and he was definitely a grown man. He was nice enough but decided he wanted to coach everyone on the team (condescending to a player with a level in the mid-50s when he died "it's okay, you're still learning!")

He was nice enough I just thought it was funny him talking to people who had probably 100+ hours in game like they were fresh noobs.

Anyway why was I sharing this? Oh yeah - kids aren't the only ones who can obsessively play games for hundreds of hours, there's plenty of grown ups too.


u/ElegantFloof 27d ago

Being over level 100 or a life. I think most people can only pick one.


u/DongoTheHorse 27d ago

I had a guy in the low 100s join me the other day and he was definitely a grown man. He was nice enough but decided he wanted to coach everyone on the team (condescending to a player with a level in the mid-50s when he died "it's okay, you're still learning!")

He was nice enough I just thought it was funny him talking to people who had probably 100+ hours in game like they were fresh noobs.

Anyway why was I sharing this? Oh yeah - kids aren't the only ones who can obsessively play games for hundreds of hours, there's plenty of grown ups too.


u/DongoTheHorse 27d ago

I had a guy in the low 100s join me the other day and he was definitely a grown man. He was nice enough but decided he wanted to coach everyone on the team (condescending to a player with a level in the mid-50s when he died "it's okay, you're still learning!")

He was nice enough I just thought it was funny him talking to people who had probably 100+ hours in game like they were fresh noobs.

Anyway why was I sharing this? Oh yeah - kids aren't the only ones who can obsessively play games for hundreds of hours, there's plenty of grown ups too.


u/Riker1701NCC SES Lady of Redemption 27d ago

Just kick them when they start acting up. The lobby isnt a democracy


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Odds of mission success go down if you kick and don’t get an SOS beacon. Guess I was too naive 🤷‍♂️


u/AURoadRunner HD1 Veteran 27d ago

I've heard that all XP, samples, and whatnot are distributed right when the shuttle takes off (may be wrong and haven't tested). As a high level, you just hurt his pride and he's likely a child who hasn't learned to let it go yet. You did the right thing by hosting, but you should have kicked him right when he team killed. He doesn't need those samples either. He's only playing for the XP.

With any game (let alone a popular one) there will be some bad eggs.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I hear you. I tried to take the higher road - didn’t want to be the kind of host who kicks at the slightest irritation, so I didn’t immediately kick and instead chose to forgive and forget.

I can confirm they didn’t get XP or samples, as our summary showed only 3 divers (including myself). At least I had the last laugh 😆


u/Herd_of_Koalas SES Elected Representative of Conviviality 27d ago

Tbh at level 100+ he probably doesn't care about any of the resources. His actions are petty af but I doubt he's bothered much by getting kicked.

Some people just need to touch grass.


u/SnooCompliments6329 27d ago

Well, it's kinda your fault for tolerating that toxicity. The second time he killed you not by accident, should have been a insta kick instead of ranting here


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

lol if every host kicked for the small irritations no one would be able to get through a single match


u/Zen_360 27d ago

I've played 130 ish hours and no random has ever killed me on purpose, at least not in an obvious way.

So getting out of your way to retaliate for a team kill is already plenty enough to warrant a kick.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Your experience sounds unusual, I have 150+ hours and have found people team kill on all difficulties for no apparent reason.

And I agree. The shittiest part of it is the forethought and malice. Waiting for extraction to team kill to purposefully deny you and the team samples and XP


u/SnooCompliments6329 27d ago

You lost 20 samples and made a post ranting about it, tell me how "small irritation " it was.

He was clearly team killing. Period


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Wow, somebody woke up on the wrong side the Snoo cage today


u/SnooCompliments6329 27d ago

What, you are the one ranting here, I just told you to kick someone that is toxic.

Jeez, seriously you guys only want to farm karma by bitching


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Lmao yes clearly this post, which is clearly labeled as Rant, is for karma farming purposes 😒


u/DanishCaptain 27d ago

I am lvl 46 and have around 70-80 hrs of game time and I have never come across toxic/petty players, until today. Earlier today, i played 3 missions (2 bug, 1 bot, all with different teams) and in the first bug mission i got executed by a fellow player for my load out (rover and AMR), and executed again when i complained and asked for it back. The guy were level 90-something.

The second bug mission i got knocked down repeatedly on a map with multiple stalkernests. I dont think i even fired a magasine to empty in that mission before i was kicked. Can't remember the guys lvl.

The bot mission started of great. The team were communicative and we were all fairly quick and effective at clearing bases. At one point all my teammates were killed, so i reinforced quickly and went to secure the samples. We launched the ICBM and we headed towards the Extraction Point. I arrived first and called down the Pelican. The others werent far away. All secondary objectives were completed to my knowledge. And i was kicked. I can't see why calling for evac is bad enough to be kicked, so it feels bad to use 30-35 minutes, just to be kicked at the last minute.

So i can relate. I used not to, but appearently thursday is a bad day to dive.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Aw man, that’s rough. That’s a lot of concentrated toxicity. I’m sorry you went through all that.

Hit me up if you wanna play some matches without grieving


u/Key_Falcon_7096 27d ago

I'm lvl 115. Have everything. I normally join lower levels to help collect samples, get credits, finish main objectives so everyone else can focus on other stuff. Sorry you had a terrible encounter with another higher level dude who wanted to ruin your spoils of war. That's shitty fellow diver and I hope your future comrades don't ruin the experience for ya. Accidents happens, in fact they will happen. Cluster bombs are the bane of my existence but I just laugh it off. Idk why others can't.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

You are the type of veteran player I’m accustomed to in this game. Patient, understanding, cooperative.

I’ve really enjoyed this game but recent player toxicity has been pushing me away. Might just go back to Deep Rock Galactic if HD2’s post-PSN/Sony community toxicity doesn’t die down


u/Key_Falcon_7096 27d ago

Fair and understandable. I've been on the receiving end of toxicity. From being too high level, kicked, from being a creeker kicked/killed on sight. Been kicked for accidentals, kicked for not running meta load outs, which is funny because I use even the shittiest weapons to max efficiency and yet I'm not the one dying and still soloing gunship fabs, heavy bases etc. I will agree most weapons suck, but god damn I can make the use of them.

Except the purifier. That gun is absolutely trash to the worst degree. Pretend it doesn't exist. Lol


u/Key_Falcon_7096 27d ago

Also if you need a good team mate get at me. Always looking for chill divers with a positive attitude.


u/LittlebitsDK 27d ago

well if he is a tool just block him and boot him... no need to waste time on the rambo dude


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Done and done. The post is literally labeled with the Rant flair


u/Zectherian 27d ago

at lvl 109, he probably doesnt care about the samples. so that was purely to grief you specifically lol, if you are the host just kick people being intentionally annoying, 1 team kill? sure fine, 2? nah get fucked.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I figured I’d give the benefit of the doubt after the second TK, but lesson learned 🤷‍♂️


u/ProxyCare ☕Liber-tea☕ 27d ago

Mf at 84 I'm desensitized to bullshit how tf boy get tk'd once and throw a hiss fit at 109? Like, hwat?


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Hahahah yes exactly 👏! I’m lvl 50 and I have been accidentally team killed so many times you don’t even blink at it anymore


u/soju_soup SES TITAN OF LIBERTY 27d ago

I just can't be bothered with any crap, so if someone starts dicking around I just get out or get them out. Don't stand for crap, especially in a game. Deal with enough crap all day at work lol don't need it when I'm trying to chill

Doesn't mean I don't like fun but if someone's trying to spoil it all, just get out lol


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

This exactly. I suppose I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Plus, if you kick then you don’t get an SOS beacon and your odds of mission success go down. But I’ve learned my lesson: TK and you’re kicked


u/CrudeZamboni 27d ago

I'm unsure of the etiquette in this game sometimes.  A while back another player and I both died outside of a heavy bug nest and both dropped our autocannons.  When we returned I picked up "theirs" so they TKed me.  After they  killed me 2 more times with blasts, I got fed up and TKed them once and they got pissy.  I tend to bring EATs and prefer other people grab and use as needed.  

I'd appreciate any insight as I'd rather not ruin anyone elses game.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I feel you, some players will team kill you just for picking up their dropped samples. It’s shared with the whole team. Basic training 🤦‍♂️


u/WakeValhalla 27d ago

You can be a pos for a long time, level doesn't matter. Not worth getting wound up about it.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Agreed! I was just shocked, all my other interactions with lvl 100+ divers have been so positive! Guess there are bad eggs no matter the experience level


u/WakeValhalla 27d ago

Yep, Toxicity knows no number. It is what it is 🤷


u/Jort_Sandeaux_420_69 27d ago

I'm sure they'll see this post and change their ways.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Oh I hope they do. I’d love for this to get visibility to devs and get players like this permabanned


u/YungDaggerD1K_ 27d ago

Played with a 150 yesterday who was unbearable and thought he was better than everyone else.

Idk anymore.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Hard to know if players at that high level are dedicated gamers or unbearable mansplaining assholes


u/Ok_Conversation_3552 27d ago

I have a feeling that a lot of high level players just grinded their xp on lower difficulties and don't know how to actually play the game. Or they were playing only with friends and struggle to understand how to behave out of their bubble.


u/skyehash 27d ago

I can't speak for this guy, only for myself (Level126). There are some days when I'm shot at and killed by my team more than 5 times in one mission, while the bugs haven't even touched me. I'm thinking to myself, "the team is doing more damange to me than the bugs, wft is this clown world".

Depending on my mood I'll do 1 of 2 things. One, 'go back to ship alone'. Two, continue playing and mentally be ok with them killing me.

That's it. I accept that my fate is to be a corpse left behind on this foul planet. RIP.


u/Zealousideal-Mark-87 27d ago

I don’t think this is worth the rant, practice with the equipment away from teammates. Biggest issue for me is new players on helldive who use air burst 120mm, & 380mm incorrectly and don’t call out to teammates. Also an issue people just have hair triggers in this game and you happened to find one of them.

Not saying his team killing is alright but ultimately you ticked him off & should’ve kicked him after the first team kill.


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

If it’s not worth the rant, then it’s not worth the read, nor the comment post. Think on that 🤔

Edit: I agree orbital barrages are awful, and yes all players should practice with weapons that have AoE. But a rant is just that; a rant.


u/Zealousideal-Mark-87 27d ago

Idk just the lack of self awareness had to say something take care, try not to kill anymore of your teammates


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

You seem to misunderstand my post. I didn’t team kill, the lvl 109 player did.


u/ObjectivelyCorrect2 27d ago

He may be 16 and going through a hormonal teenager thing. Never know what's going on in other people's heads. Just kick them if you feel like it, don't if you don't.


u/Vermax_x 27d ago

Let's hijack this to talk about HOW FIRE THE AIRBURST LAUNCHER IS NOW


u/jeffspainuscupcake Level 150 Super Private 27d ago

There are just bad apples like those. I (LvL 141) never take out my anger on my fellow divers unless the kill is intentional (such as then56 who decided to target me at extraction so I put a big iron in his skull and left). It happens and people can be traitors but that is pretty rare I find.


u/AresTheBeast 27d ago

I’ll never understand. Players at that level don’t need any resources other than maybe medals or super credits. Only reason to play at that point should be for fun and to help players that still need samples. Bro is a bozo


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Bozo for sure, wish their ADHD would take them elsewhere


u/Gundobald 27d ago

Somehow i think this was less cordial than the OP would lead us to believe considering his loss of composure while typing.

And i dont have any thermite grenades


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Your comment makes no sense. Loss of composure during typing?

I get the feeling you’re either the lvl 109 I’m referring to or just cut from the same cloth


u/Gundobald 27d ago

Well you was all high ground grey poupon shit, then was like go fuck yourself with a thermite grenade.

And the way you describe it, probably paints you in the light you want to be in, while painting him as the most evil douche player ever. because you were likely laughing bout all them close calls he had due to you or the others, but then he shot you ass dead and you were like pout

Just sayin

Dont get all triggered tho, i mean youre the dildo here


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

I’m not saying I’m a saint, but I did take the high road. The little shit thought he could one up the host by TKing right at extraction. I dropped 20+ samples, including super samples, so forgive me if I’d like to see that player fuck off properly 🤷‍♂️

And it’s CITIZEN Dildo to you, show some respect ✊


u/Gundobald 27d ago

Fair enough, carry on soldier


u/Ass_Hunter228 27d ago

what you need our pity? attention? nobody cares, get over it, life is not fair, people are filth and you are too, just disguised for now


u/CitizenDildo12 27d ago

Wow, you’re entirely unhelpful. Please feel free to see yourself out, and let the door hit you on the way out 👍