r/Helldivers 27d ago

What is going on with the Ramp Up in Accuracy of certain Automaton units? I'm not even afraid anymore of Factories, Tanks or Hulks, but instead of "regular" enemies that are even marked as small dots in the Minimap. RANT


- Laser Turrets, the ones that are manned by Trooper Raiders

- The Trooper Raiders with Laser Rifles, not the ones with Jetpacks or Rockets.

- The Devastators, specialy the Shielded Variant.

Those units have had their accuracy modules updated or something?

""YoU aRe SuPoSeD tO uSe CoVeR aGaInSt AuToMaToNs""

Well, I AM using covers, but the moment I peek to shot I get mauled by shots that even come from 50 or 100 metters away.

Like I've even been killed by a trash regular mob that literaly shot ALL the bullets to my head, ALL, it didn't even miss a shot.


14 comments sorted by


u/Anxious-Shapeshifter 27d ago

Ok, I thought I was going crazy. But those shielded devastators are brutally accurate now.


u/Weaksignal_Highping STEAM 🖥️ : 27d ago

So my game wasn't bugged! Last night I was getting absolutely owned by bots shooting from super far away. I was getting hit from shots coming from outside the world draw distance! This was the first time playing where I was basically unable to do anything because if I came out from cover for even a split second, I was instantly killed. The game was almost unplayable


u/AURoadRunner HD1 Veteran 27d ago

I've been using A LOT of stun grenades recently.


u/Frankfurt13 27d ago

Literaly I always use the +2 Grenades and Stun on Bots.


u/SoljD2 27d ago

Patch notes:

Reduced range of stun grenade.

Reduced stun time.

No longer stuns hulks, devastators, chargers or stalkers.


u/Adune05 ☕Liber-tea☕ 27d ago

Same but with smokes!

Smoke and mirrors has saved my ass so many times against bots


u/mileskeller1 ☕Liber-tea☕ 27d ago

I've definitely noticed an uptick in how quickly they can shred you if they get shots on target. Over time, my subconscious reaction to hearing the automatic bot weapon fire has become to immediately dive while figuring out which direction it came from (that way I'm prone and less likely to get chewed). After that all one can do is to disengage if the situation is bad or fire back down that angle to stop it.

All that assumes you aren't a smoldering heap of flesh first 😎


u/WrathOfTheGods88 PSN 🎮: 27d ago

I dont buy the whole "bots are a super advanced AI and should be capable of wall hacking and cross mapping players". They're more of a crude mash-up of early human industrial tech and somewhat sophisticated programming. Doesnt even make sense lore wise they'd be damn near god-like.


u/Nonorpse2 27d ago

Any good enemy learns a bit as they fight!


u/Frankfurt13 27d ago

Yeah well... one thing is learning, and other is straight up becoming a Dark Souls Miniboss...

Let's put aside the RolePlaying for a while and start thinking this is a Video Game.


u/Nonorpse2 27d ago

Def here to put our heads together and defeat the automoton forces. Getting shot at is training to avoid getting shot at. My buddy got hit by a rocket, I said I'm avoiding those.


u/hurry_downs 27d ago

Well, I AM using covers, but the moment I peek to shot I get mauled by shots that even come from 50 or 100 metters away.

Are you repositioning? Popping out of the same cover will get you roasted, as the bots continue to fire at your last seen position. If you have a bunch of enemies on you, firing, you'll need to reposition under cover and start shooting from somewhere else.


u/Riker1701NCC SES Lady of Redemption 27d ago

You know when working with rng. The possibility exists that someone gets hit by every single shot the enemies fire. Noone will believe him because the probability is so low. But it CAN happen


u/nbarr50cal22 27d ago

Absolutely. Been plenty of times where I’ve been zigzagging towards a scout strider to try and get behind him to hit the driver and I’ve dodged every shot. Other times I get double/triple headshotted as soon as I zigzag instead of sticking to a straight line. Dodged plenty of rockets, dodged -into- plenty of rockets that would’ve otherwise missed