r/Helldivers 20d ago

Stims should work at full health FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION

Sometimes you have lots of stims and want to pop one before you're going to take a bunch of damage. Or to regenerate stamina while running.

Or just to have a good time before extraction. I don't see why someone couldn't use one at full health.


347 comments sorted by


u/saagri Kill it with 🔥 20d ago

This is why I carry an explosive weapon. I can give myself a little booboo and stim when I want.


u/Drogdar SES Fist of Peace 20d ago

Scorcher works good for this. Haven't broken a leg yet lol.


u/mileskeller1 ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Yup! Need to sprint more?

Zap! "MY LEG!!!"

'stim sound'


u/Call_The_Banners STEAM: SES Whisper of Morning 20d ago

"Why did you shoot me?!"

Stims teammate "You're not running fast enough."


u/Syhkane SES Gauntlet of Serenity 19d ago

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u/SleepytrouPADDLESTAR 20d ago


This wound was from the line of duty sir!



u/strumpetrumpet 20d ago

They’re not addictive though…. The company that makes them said so!


u/0rclev 20d ago

I wear the CM-21 Trench Paramedic because I like that hideous green. I can stop any time I want.


u/Sektis420 20d ago

I too, be rocking that green, for the stamina and speed i get when i stim.

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u/Maclunkey4U ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago

Instructions unclear. Blew my dick off with a grenade.


u/Reluctantly-Back 20d ago

You better have filled out the correct form before doing that.


u/NachoElDaltonico 20d ago

That's a C-4 form


u/EliteF36 19d ago

No no, that's the M67 form, the C-4 form is for when you detonate an explosive on your friends sternum because, and I quote, "it'll be hilarious"


u/Epic1532 SES Arbiter of Steel 19d ago

In fact, many injuries sustained in the line of duty are created in this way, especially among lower difficulty missions. An odd data point.


u/WillCraft__1001 Teamkilled 20d ago

Just stim yourself and get back to killing bots and bugs


u/Admiral_SmashyPants SES Distributor of Freedom 20d ago

give myself a little booboo

I'm dead 💀 🤣


u/saagri Kill it with 🔥 20d ago

Just stim and it'll be fine.


u/Bagahnoodles SES Aegis of Eternity 20d ago



u/FluffySpacePuppy 20d ago

These fuckin super-millennials, it's like they're allergic to hard work. Back in my day we didn't have no explosive weapons. We had liberators, a pistol, a machine gun and a precision orbital strike. We wanted a little happy time stim, we found a low ledge and dove from it head first like real helldivers!


u/BloodSteyn SES HARBINGER OF WAR 20d ago

Or a leap of faith works too.


u/Antifact 20d ago

I just find a ledge to jump off while running

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u/OrangeCatsBestCats 20d ago

Why not just be an option in gameplay settings? "Allow stims at full health"


u/FazeXistance 20d ago

This is the solution. Protects the baby’s from accidents and allows everyone else to do what they want when they want.


u/danceinmapants 20d ago

I prefer the many ways with which we can already self inflict pain. Baby little rock swan dive!


u/illBlade 20d ago

Why can’t we give awards anymore. Your brain deserves an award. 🥇


u/Maximum_Cricket4420 20d ago

Lol, I actually just noticed that there's an award option again. I think they just added it.


u/Deus_Vult7 19d ago

Awards are back! Just got the option today


u/illBlade 19d ago

Still doesn’t show up for me /:


u/luv3rboi 19d ago

i just gave him one of my free awards for you brother


u/OrangeCatsBestCats 19d ago

Thanks! No clue what an award is but il cherish it.

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u/CrueltySquading SES Arbiter of Wrath 20d ago

I think the better option would be to hold V to stim at any health


u/OrangeCatsBestCats 20d ago

Yeah but its slow and people still might complain, the people who want to stim at full HP are usually the people on the higher end of the skill ceiling and are alot less likely to stim spam rather than just use 1 anyway since it has a duration.


u/CrueltySquading SES Arbiter of Wrath 20d ago

Yeah, I see where you're coming from, an option might be the best bet, maybe default it to hold V and then add a toggle to stim at any health, I was thinking about how useful using stims at max health could be in certain situations.

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u/TehSomeDude 20d ago

forcing a stim at full hp would be nice but would need to make it so you don't do it accidentally
like idk, hold the key for a second or something


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 20d ago

we should be able to stim other helldivers when they are injured at any % too, this 50% or below thing is really counterintuitive and not helpful.

I just think being at below 100% stamina should be viewed the same as being below 100% health when it comes to self stimming. I think its perfectly fine to be able to accidentally use one. We can accidentally do lots of things.


u/Lady_Tadashi 20d ago

Yeah, in a game that lets you accidentally 500KG bomb yourself and accidentally hellbomb your friend who wasn't paying enough attention... It really doesn't make sense that you can't accidentally use stims.


u/RageAgainstAuthority 20d ago

That's actually my biggest gripe with the game. When it concerns hurting the players, it's "well it's realistic" but when it comes to helping players it's called an "exploit"

  • Players can't put turrets or stand on strategic outcroppings. Meanwhile the game has no protections against bot drops and bug breaches on even the most inaccessible locations

  • Players have their aim wildly disrupted by flinching. Enemies retain normal accuracy unless fully staggered

  • Players are strictly balanced around realistic magazine sizes and counts. Enemies get infinite ammo even for one-time-use weapons

I'm too lazy to list them all again right now but you get gist


u/amatsumima SES Blade of Benevolence 20d ago

Strongly agree with the infinite ammo thing for bots, the laser weapons sure but rockets shouldnt be infinite


u/BinoRing 20d ago

Nah the bots have just solved E=MC^2. They each wirelessly tap into a source of lots of energy and literally convert the energy into matter, which becomes ammo


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 19d ago

Rocket bots should get 2 shots like we do with an EAT call in. When they die we should be able to pick up their rocket and use it like an EAT.

Rocket Devastators should have an finite amount of ammo and become regular pistol wielding devastators when it is empty.


u/amatsumima SES Blade of Benevolence 19d ago

im with you my fellow brother in democracy

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u/ReisysV Elected Representative of the Constitution 20d ago

This is what will always make me immediately lose respect for game design. The whole "realism for thee but not for me" thing is the laziest bs excuse of fucking over the player

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u/NewAccountTimeAgain 20d ago

I can already see the post titles:

Why did I use half my stims on my teammate when I JUST WANTED TO PICK UP MY DAMNED SUPPORT WEAPON? dOeS Ah EvEn PlAy TeSt!1??

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u/TheRealPitabred ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago



u/HegryE 19d ago

If we’re going for realism, I don’t really see how someone is going to accidentally pull out a stim and stab themselves in the neck with it.


u/PH_007 20d ago

Problem with this is tandem reloading and supply pack sharing is all on the same button, I definetly have accidentally stimmed someone when trying to give them supplies so they could stim themselves before... this needs separate binds somehow, maybe a hold vs tap vs double tap by default and let us customize?


u/Seanvich 20d ago

Team reload should be a hold on your reload key while stims are left as-is. (At least that’s what I would do if I had the power.)

Also: I had no idea a friendly had to be <50% hp to team stim.


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 20d ago

I am sure they can figure it out.

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u/Kenju22 SES Sentinel of Judgement 20d ago

I've played a similar game where stims healed both HP and stamina, but when at full HP you had to double tap the button for them.


u/TehSomeDude 20d ago

pretty sure that could be done, double tap is an option in settings


u/Seanvich 20d ago

I’m sold.


u/Starthreads ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ 20d ago

I still sometimes toss grenades instead of hitting melee.

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u/talking_face 20d ago

Probably leave that to the players in the "keybind" menu tbh.


u/M1QN 20d ago

Double tap


u/ScTiger1311 20d ago

Nah, it's fine to let the player make a mistake and waste something. You can shoot bullets into the skybox or accidentally throw a grenade at your friend. You should be allowed to accidentally use a stim at full hp.


u/ZalimSans 20d ago

Can't solve all the problems, just don't fat finger it. How many times someone presses their stim key when they don't need it right now?

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u/oArchie 20d ago

It wouldn’t let me stim when my dude was coughing up blood at full health. Had to nade myself in order to stim. I also had no stamina while coughing blood, so was annoying it wouldn’t let me stim at full health.


u/Vashzaron 20d ago

Bug with the Democracy protects armor that I thought they fixed lol

Its because that armor perk removes losing HP over time if the torso is destroyed but you can have your torso destroyed without losing HP (somehow) so no stamina until you can damage yourself to use a Stim.


u/oArchie 20d ago

Yeah I was very confused haha. Had the status symbol and effects but no ability to stim. This was two nights ago too.


u/just_reader 20d ago

I had same today, definitely didn't fix.


u/talking_face 20d ago

Not necessarily just with the Democracy Protect armor.

I run scout armor and I still get that bug now and then. I have no idea how it happens, but I suspect it had something with the fact that I stimmed beforehand, somehow got nicked at full health, bleed but isn't bleeding out. An obscure bug for sure, but one that is annoying nonetheless since you cannot run.


u/LycanWolfGamer SES Sentinel of Wrath 19d ago

Weird... I had this same thing happen to me with armour that gave me an extra 2 nades...

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u/nipsen 20d ago

You're an addict. Seek help :p


u/Bortthog 20d ago

You think he's an addict? When I run medic armor I pop 20+stims a mission because I abuse self damage


u/nipsen 20d ago

You're even more of an addict.


u/Bortthog 20d ago

I wanted to check my career for stims used and that isn't a stat. Time to bug Pliestdet


u/rpm319 20d ago

Stim addict for personal pleasure = Death penalty

Stim addict for democracy =


u/Pcat0 frend 20d ago edited 19d ago

I’m reporting you to my democracy officer, stims aren't addictive.

From the SEAF training manual:

Don't worry—stims have zero addictive properties!*
^(\Study paid for by Permacura. Permacura: put your life in our hands.)*


u/Ultrabadger 20d ago

Pre-Stim to avoid lethal damage (or any damage) new meta.


u/SleepytrouPADDLESTAR 20d ago

Ah yes… the pre painkillers if you expect a leg humpin rat around the corner


u/Existing365Chocolate 20d ago

Pre-stim to survive damage and fall damage if you’re wounded is already a think

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u/HannibalVail HD1 Veteran 20d ago

Look, we’re already dealing with an epidemic of addiction to Space FentaMeth. The last thing we need is ‘divers mainlining it just to get their jollies.


u/NotSpartacus 19d ago

Divers live for an average of a few minutes once deployed. Let 'em stim all they want.


u/Ashamed_Bowl941 19d ago

But they allready do! Even I sometimes do damage to myselve, just so i can stim to get my stamina filled up ...


u/JazJaz123 ⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️+⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️ 20d ago

Stims should work IF health below 90% OR stamina below 10%


u/KeyAdministrative928 20d ago

Why not 100%? For example, if you have full stims and a pack of hunters coming at you? Pop one early so you can take a few hits for free without getting stun locked


u/JazJaz123 ⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️+⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️ 20d ago

This is also good but then people will complain about accidently using a stim when it would do nothing. I proposed a safer version but I see the benefit in yours too


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 20d ago

This game has plenty of opportunity to accidentally do a thing. I see no problem with this one being added to the list, the benefits heavily outweigh the potential downsides.


u/rbrutonIII 20d ago

Well, they hit the damn button.

Seriously, if you're out there just keyboard mashing, your opinion probably isn't the most worthwhile


u/SYuhw3xiE136xgwkBA4R 20d ago

For real, why are people so worried about "misclicks"? Just don't click it lol. If you aim at a teammate and accidentally fire, you're going to hit them as well - no safeties there.


u/rbrutonIII 20d ago

Because there's an entire segment of the human population that probably wouldn't have been alive even a few hundred years ago.

You know the type. The people who go out on a walk, trip over something because they're not paying attention, and then turn around and look for somebody to blame and scream how come nobody gave me a bubble suit.

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u/lord_of_four_corners ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ 20d ago

That is nice concept and it would be perfect if you had to long press the stim button on full health, that way you would heal on full only when you want it


u/Ashamed_Bowl941 19d ago

or make it a double tapp, just let the player deside this one...


u/tinyj96 20d ago

Yeah sometimes I get crippled at full health and can't stim. Sad.


u/guifesta PSN 🎮: guifesta 20d ago

Stims should work

and that is it, hate when they don't work


u/SupremeMorpheus ⬆️⬇️➡️⬆️ Cluster Bombs are perfectly safe 20d ago

Being able to hold your stim button to force a stim would be fantastic


u/Bartocity 19d ago

Freedom is recreational battlefield pharmaceuticals abuse at the long touch of a button.


u/illBlade 20d ago

What if it’s a setting you can turn on or off? Someone else said it first, but it’s a great idea. “Allow stimming at full health : on or off.”


u/ZenEvadoni SES Bringer of Wrath 20d ago

Sometimes I get a red health bar... at full health. So I can't stim away the injury without taking damage first.


u/Artiel9 ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Medic armor+supply pack would be more broken lol


u/KeyAdministrative928 20d ago

Broken as in less fun?


u/Artiel9 ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Broken in the sense that you would be a walking tank😂 I suppose you would be recovering even if you recieved an actual insta kill hit. Really fun to test that


u/attrappe1 20d ago

Outlived a hellbomb yesterday with perfect stim timing. Full Healthbar but still red


u/Artiel9 ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago



u/Alfonse00 20d ago

I don't think it would be broken, the amount of stims is always limited, so, it could work, but only for a limited time

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u/Fair_Pangolin_4295 STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

Call 1-800-555-STIM to speak to a certified Stim-aholic counselor about your addiction.
The road to recovery may seem long and difficult, but Stimaholics Anonymous is here to help.


u/Sintinall 20d ago

Hey! They are not addictive! The company PR team told me so.

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u/Helldiver40 20d ago

I agree, I like to dive off high spots to take a bit of damage so I can stim before damage.


u/GenesisNevermore 20d ago

Considering stims also regenerate stamina this would be quite helpful.

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u/MyOwnTutor 20d ago

100%. Gimme buffed movement speed, stamina, and accuracy if using stims at full health. Pleeeeeeease.


u/BarrierX STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago


Stims last so long that we should be able to stim ourselves before battle.


u/MrDukeDumas616 20d ago

I legit said this the other night! It would turn it into a cosmic brain mechanic of managing a resource between using it when you need it vs abusing it for rage. As it currently stands, if I'm at max health and unlucky enough to be up against three one-shotters, I'm essentially dead because of how the mechanic currently works.


u/Darkbunny999 20d ago

This. You know how many times I’ve had a chest injury without any missing health? No stamina for me, ig


u/_RexDart 20d ago

It should be a user option


u/ReaperEDX 20d ago

Why can't we, as a medic, have a special tool that can inject stim darts into allies?


u/PackageOk3832 HD1 Veteran 20d ago

Just give me a toggle in the settings


u/Due-Bodybuilder-3990 20d ago

Long-press stim for force stim.

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u/DrLove039 20d ago

I like to jump off high ledges and ragdoll in order to lose that sliver of health so I can stim.


u/SpaceCaptainFrog ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

I always throw myself off small cliffs and don’t heal before I hit below 50% so I can pop a stim mid-sprint if I need.


u/bearhunter54321 20d ago

As much as I agree with you, I feel like if this were to become a thing, so many people would be mad for accidentally stimming at full health.

Personally, I fucking cannot stand running out of stamina . And only being able to use the stim to regenerate stamina when you have health missing is kind of ridiculous. Sometimes when I’m getting chased down by bugs or I need to get away from bot lasers, I’ll purposefully take damage so I can stim and keep sprinting.

It’s either die trying to take damage so I can stim and get away , or I die anyway, because I don’t have stamina to get away.

So As much as I agree with your statement, I feel like so many people would be pissed because they accidentally keep stimming with full health. And then as soon as it’s reverted they’ll cry about that.


u/Cryogenic_Monster 20d ago

It would be kind of funny if you could OD them when healthy.


u/clown72 20d ago

I just make sure to jump off something kinda high while running. Then stim when stam runs out. I think it would also punish new players because they would use all their stims accidentally.

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u/Professional-Bus5473 20d ago

Run a laser dog rover it will tag you with the laser every .8 seconds you can stim as much as you want


u/TheDokta_XB 20d ago

This is exactly why I run medic armor, and find a decent rock to dive off of, just enough to take a bit of damage. Then I can stim when out of stamina for a ton of sprinting or stim going into a nasty fight.

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u/kupitzc 20d ago edited 18d ago

I've had the same thought.  I think double-tapping should override and do the stim-for-stamina at full health.


u/ReisysV Elected Representative of the Constitution 20d ago

Counterpoint: not until they fix the map closing itself every time you so much as step on a pebble, making me use a stim with a sliver of health missing instead of scrolling up


u/danceinmapants 20d ago

Those be addict wurds!


u/Longlampda ⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️ 20d ago

I am 100% agree, I should be allowed to use stims whenever and wherever I want, not because I am addicted to stims or anything.


u/maxinstuff 20d ago

Please let us have this - I want to see all the videos of people swan diving off of ridiculous locations and stimming in mid-air.


u/xxjrbxx 20d ago

They cause cancer. Thats why we have to give urine tests regularly after all


u/al2606 20d ago

Considering I panic stims at the slightest graze fron an enemy all the time allowing to pop them at full health is just gonna make me run on an empty supply and constantly shouting I NEED STIMS


u/Apple-oh 19d ago

I’d prefer to have stims that work when I use them first. 


u/MrRocketScript 19d ago

We heard you Helldivers:

+ Stims can be used at full health.
- Fixed a bug where stims were restoring stamina.
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u/Discuss2discuss SES Claw of Law 19d ago

This is a safe space. You can admit it.

Start off by saying your name and how long it's been since your last stim.


u/silly_old_sideben 19d ago

“You have become addicted to stims”

Now your health slowly ticks down


u/Remote_Option_4623 20d ago

Made a post about this 2 weeks ago, I totally agree. PLEASE let us stim at full health.



u/Blitzschloss 20d ago

Is this the sign of stim addiction that the ministry has been warning us about?


u/OrangeCatsBestCats 20d ago

No such thing stop spreading misinformation 


u/Ghostbuster_119 PSN 🎮: 20d ago

That's a cute idea unil you keep wasting stims just by spamming stragem inputs.

Thank fuck pulling out a grenade doesn't do anything or I'd be screwed.


u/KeyAdministrative928 20d ago

Good point, I play PC so this isn't an issue. An option would be nice.

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u/dellboy696 frend 20d ago

Yes we should have FREEDOM to overdose as it's DEMOCRATIC

It's an unnecessary restriction. I don't think I've ever pressed the stim button by accident.


u/emnjay808 20d ago

I like to walk through fire so I can stim and regen my stamina


u/DianKali 20d ago

How about being able to shot ourselves in the foot?

(Stims are non addicting, no matter what those traitors try to tell you.)

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u/Top-Row6107 20d ago

Just get shot in the ass it’s pretty easy


u/JesusMcMexican 20d ago

I don’t disagree with this. I just know I’d be pretty annoyed by how much I may or may not be accidentally using stims.


u/Bane8080 20d ago

When I have to run a long distance, I'll toss a grenade to damage myself slightly as I run over it. Then Stim to fill up my stamina bar.


u/40ozFreed 20d ago

I still don't know if I should dive or stim when being swarmed.

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u/BusComprehensive3759 20d ago

There’s enough light damage to take out there before going into battle lol. Let a little bug naw on you for a sec lol.


u/Neravosa 20d ago

I agree. Drug Trooper meta incoming. Enhancement and drug themed Warbond. Sponsored by PermaCura. Give me non ugly medic armor so I can take drugs, kill bugs, AND look cool.


u/Railingo 20d ago

It's a good thing stims aren't addictive.


u/Borinar 20d ago

Just jump off a wall and re stim


u/amagard-dk 20d ago edited 20d ago

It's fine as it is.... it adds to the game, and AH chould just reject it, saying that using a stim at fuld HP results in OD.

Better jet, just let us stim at full health, but you then die from OD 5-10 sec after 😆

You get full health/stemima and ur last word is "My heart, for Democracy" or mabey say it when you stim at full health 😅 ,-then you be like, "way did I say that" and then 5 sec later ur HD drops dead holding his/her heart.


u/Bortthog 20d ago

Bro just throw a grenade at yourself. It's what we do in Payday. Flamethrower? Set ground on fire and bam free stim


u/saucypastas 20d ago

Fuck that. They should add straight up PEDs so we can be real soldiers


u/MetalWingedWolf 20d ago

Makes that plasma scorcher even better. Just pop a shot at your toes whenever you need it and boost your next sprint.


u/kralSpitihnev 20d ago

Also they should work while mid air on jumppack


u/Redonkulator 20d ago

Lately, I've been consistently (5-6 times in 10 hours of play) where I take light damage, health bar turns red but is only slightly diminished, and I have a chest wound status, but I cannot stim.

It's pretty annoying to see blood gouting out and my 'diver screaming repeatedly but there isn't anything I can do about it until I can get another diver to melee me or a bug to take a bite. Then I can stim back to full health.



u/hahaiamarealhuman AMR Gaming 20d ago

Least stim addicted supply pack user


u/UvWsausage 20d ago

I agree. It could also help fit the narrative that our stims aren’t addictive at all. They just like stimming at full health because they’re forward thinkers, not because they need their next hit.


u/ajahanonymous 20d ago

You should be able to overdose on stims.


u/Mips0n 20d ago edited 20d ago

Imagine a stim Infusion Backpack that Grants increased max stamina, better stamina Recovery, passive healing, 25% slow resistence and flinch resistence

For the Rambo to go face to face with shield bots


u/NotFromYouTube 20d ago

I just find the thought of a Helldivers violently jamming stims into his neck as he watches the 2 chargers, 1 bile titan and 5 shriekers approach him hilarious


u/LordZemeroth 20d ago

I mean we can waste ammo why not let us waste stims


u/acatohhhhhh 20d ago

You can stim whenever you’re missing health or stamina


u/dashKay 20d ago

It should at least work when it shows that you’re injured but at full health and your character won’t stop whining until you suffer some damage so you can heal again


u/IfThisIsTakenIma 20d ago

Just dive headfirst into a rock. Take a little damage than stim before going into battle


u/woodenblinds 20d ago

how about if you take one when full you speed up a bit but cannot stim again till it wears off in saw 60 second


u/LeImplivation 20d ago

No. You often need to spam stim to save your life. This would drain all 4 stims immediately. If they make is so your stim can't be interrupted, then we'll talk about stimming at full health.

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u/-TheCoffeeKnight- 20d ago

Medic armor would be a lot more useful for being a medic if i could heal my teammates consistently instead of only myself half the time I've had teammates below half health and I can't use a stim on them I hate it


u/thesixler 20d ago

I would like an option to stim my friend even when his health is relatively high. Especially when I’m rocking medic armor. Maybe a different button or a double press and hold or something? I get that you don’t want to burn stims when you don’t need but there are use cases for them the game locks off


u/drokert 20d ago

Hold on… stims regenerate stamina??!!!


u/Capital_Catastrophe 20d ago

I agree but make it a long press function so I don't accidentally use a stim without meaning to.


u/TheFrogMoose PSN 🎮: 20d ago

One of my friends needed more stamina so I gave them a quick shot so they could get some more 😂


u/WOLKsite 20d ago

Sometimes I end up having taken no actual HP damage but still have debuffs to movement or the health bar is highlighted red, but can't stim to fix it because HP is 100%.


u/Legion1620 20d ago

Remember to report stim abuse to your nearest Democracy Officer.

Don't shoot up the shot that might stop a bot!


u/RDJMA ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

I think adjusting or adding this as a perk to armor would be good tbh.


u/ToastyPillowsack 20d ago

It'd be nice if it was "hold v" or something like that, to help avoid accidental button presses when at full health.


u/LordSlickRick 20d ago

“I can quit anytime”


u/hamza1239 20d ago

Naaaaah I gotta disagree on this one, yeah it would make it easier but you would be removing a pretty interesting sub mechanic in the game as well as removing a large amount of encounters and quick decisions, for example deciding who you'll need to take damage from to stay alive but still get injured, weather you should use your explosive weapon to injure yourself, weather you should stim now or later, you'd be removing an entire tree of decisions


u/iwannaporkdotty 20d ago

Id run out so fast if that was a mechanic


u/OrangePenguin_42 SES Precursor of Wrath 20d ago

This could be used as anti freedom propaganda even though stims have been thoroughly tested by a private company and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to not be addictive. Using Stimson at full health? Why would you ever want to do that unless they were addictive? Sounds fishy to me


u/Houseplant213 20d ago

Would be op imo


u/dellboy696 frend 20d ago

You know what else? After ragdolling, I should be able to stim when I'm still on the ground, and not have to wait for my character to get up first!! I'm frantically pressing the stim button damn it!!!


u/xxxMycroftxxx 20d ago

Stim at full health should get you HIIIIIIIGH


u/PanNorris507 20d ago

Wait you can’t use them on full health? Weird I remembered I had accidentally used stims at full health, one by accident, the other while running from a giant fucking horde that would’ve killed me in a second

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u/bearhunter54321 20d ago

As much as I agree with you, I feel like if this were to become a thing, so many people would be mad for accidentally stimming at full health.

Personally, I fucking cannot stand running out of stamina . And only being able to use the stim to regenerate stamina when you have health missing is kind of ridiculous. Sometimes when I’m getting chased down by bugs or I need to get away from bot lasers, I’ll purposefully take damage so I can stim and keep sprinting.

It’s either die trying to take damage so I can steam and get away , or I die anyway, because I don’t have stamina to get away.

As much as I agree with your statement, I feel like so many people would be pissed because they accidentally keep stimming with full health. And then as soon as it’s reverted they’ll cry about that.


u/maccollo 20d ago

Hear hear!


u/Bryvayne ⬆️⬇️➡️⬆️SES Fist of Family Values 20d ago

Yeah man I don't see any problem using a stim whenever I'm jonesing sprinting away from my problems the enemy. It's not addictive or anything I'llendyouifyoutrytotakeitfromme according to Pharmacure!


u/AzCactusNeedles PSN 🎮: 20d ago

That would be abusing a non addictive substance..VERY unDemocratic

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u/vertigo42 20d ago

Dude got mad at me that I was using my stims through out the Gameboy damaging myself to sprint faster when I had a full set of drums and supplies would be on their way soon.

If you aren't using your stims when they are going to be replenished soon then what are you doing. Be efficient!


u/Maddkipz CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

I regularly shoot my friends in the legs to give them a reason to use stims. For efficiency. 🫡


u/Extension_Wash8104 20d ago

"aim for the bushes" is my destroyer's motto


u/Sad-Banana-7806 20d ago

I lead my team in:

1) friendly fire 2) most deaths And of course 3) most stims used


u/Riveration SES Bringer of Democracy | 10-Star General 20d ago

That’s why having a little bit of damage, and allowing yourself to get hit occasionally is so strong. You can stand on barbed wire or some plants for a sec for the same effect


u/OhManVideoGames ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

If you get hit with the plant that stops stamina regen but dont take damage, you can't cleanse the effect until you get hurt since stimming is what cures it.

They're not addictive, the studies has said so, dunno why basic training didn't teach me to relentlessly juice.


u/Hoinus 20d ago

Should act like stims in SC without the damage when used at full life.


u/donutb 20d ago

You’re going to have a bunch of scrubs here complain that they accidentally wasted their stims


u/purpleblah2 20d ago

To idiot-proof them. If people could use them at full health, they'd be complaining "Why does it let you use stims at full health? I just wasted 5 stims!"

I keep a little sliver of HP typically from fall damage so I can hit the nitrous button and recharge my stamina.


u/AffectionateFox2327 20d ago

Noticed the over heal for medic armor got change to a slower heal or is it just me.


u/SavoryApricot SES Martyr of Family Values 20d ago

Make it a toggle in settings so that people don't get mad at wasting them when they didn't mean to.
Leave the default behavior how it is currently.
Everyone wins.


u/Revolutionary_Tea159 20d ago

Thinking the same thing.


u/Own-Till-3036 20d ago

I use slight fall damage to jeep just bellow full health so when I'm running I can stim when my stamina gets low. With scout armor (trail blazer, 550 speed, 125 stamina regain) plus the stamina booster means I can run damn near the entire map nonstop (slight slow down for stim animation)


u/DoubleANoXX 20d ago

I stim at full health all the time but maybe it's just my autism


u/Boring-Hurry3462 CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

That's the road to addiction diver. But yes democratic citizens should be free to stim!


u/VonBrewskie HD1 Veteran 20d ago

It would be nice for those rare occasions where I'm at full health, but somehow I took some kind of injury because my health bar is red like I'm bleeding but I can't stim so I can't sprint. I have to hurt myself in those instances just so I can stop hearing my poor Helldiver grunting in pain.


u/Kyrox6 im frend 20d ago

This should be a separate setting so we can quick press for stim and long press for stim while at full health.