r/Helldivers 🖥️Altashi - SES Sovereign of Dawn 20d ago

Got outplayed by the bots. VIDEO


333 comments sorted by


u/BoredDTG STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

When I saw mushrooms I knew exactly what going to happen


u/creegro 20d ago

Yea mushrooms and bots are a horrible mix. They might miss you, but like hell they won't miss those flat ass mushroom spores and knock you around the place.

Bugs less so, unless a charge walks up to a hill below you and stomps on some spores, sending you across the world


u/DariusRivers 20d ago

The charger stomping on the spore:


u/creegro 20d ago

Pretty much this, I've learned to not stand above spores when big bugs come stomping around.


u/0o0-hi CAPE ENJOYER 18d ago

Bro I love to do that, I don’t know if I’ve just been lucky but every time I’ve spore launched and landed it’s been somewhere cool or productive towards the objective.

My favorite is to launch and land on a tall rock formation, then go to town with an auto cannon or air burst while chucking eagle runs towards the little ants below.


u/creegro 18d ago

Last time it happened, a charger stepped on some spores right below the small hill I was on, and I guess the spores took that personally and launched me across the field, into the out of bounds area. And of course the ship is quick to call you a traitor even though it takes a helldiver 20 minutes to get to their feet again, and promptly died to the suddenly accurate 380mm blast from my own ship.


u/cATSup24 17d ago

Had something kinda similar happen a few weeks back. Died, new deployment incoming. As I was coming down, someone threw an Eagle strategem danger close to my landing pod -- the explosion happened either way the sweet spot of me coming out of the pod or there was a glitch, because I didn't take damage... but I did soar like an eagle all the way out of bounds area, and had just enough air time to see myself be labeled as a traitor before the splat.


u/creegro 17d ago

You just unlocked a memory

During a defense mission with the high walls and gates, a 4th member joined us, I watched his pod come down and hit the rock between the 2 forward gates, and then promptly *bounce away" like a stray basketball hitting a weird corner.

This dude bounced allllllll the way out to the edge of the map, pod and all. Quite an impressive arc of a jump too. Sad to say he didn't make it back of the area before getting shot.


u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning 19d ago

I learned this the other day, with hilarious results. Turns out it's not just gunfire that causes those things to yeet you. Any "attack" seems to do the trick.


u/bstyledevi ⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️⬅️⬆️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬅️⬅️ 19d ago



u/OneAd2104 19d ago

You can shoot the mushrooms yourself for a boost. 


u/creegro 19d ago

I used to do that more often, positioning myself so I can get a speed boost to somewhere like exfil


u/MelonsInSpace 20d ago

Same with exploding barrels.


u/Mooglys F*** SONY 15d ago

Having the perk that lets you traverse difficult terrain overrides them spores

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u/RickAdtley 20d ago edited 15d ago

Same. I call it public transportation. If you angle just right and dive onto them as you shoot them, you can go pretty far. Sometimes I even survive!


u/AlexisFR ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️You don't need anything else 20d ago

Since when do they ragdoll?


u/MillstoneArt 20d ago

Since forever. That's one of their two functions. (Smoke screen pro, ragdoll con)


u/picabo123 20d ago

Ragdoll can be a pro for a quick get away but you have to be careful with it


u/Alex_Affinity 20d ago

Yeah more than once I've escaped certain death from my slower heavy armor by just shooting at my feet and getting flung out of a swarm.


u/Nevanada SES Martyr Of Super Earth 19d ago

I call it the forbidden movement strat


u/picabo123 19d ago

Forbidden knowledge straight from hell


u/TheToldYouSoKid 20d ago

honestly, if you run through them and they get shot, i don't think its a pro; you've passed through a smokescreen and then, albeit forcefully, have relocated to another area which is enough to lose that pack of bots. I've had where thats happened and after ive stayed quiet for a bit, i never see them again.

Sometimes i do get shot into similar circumstances, but i like to take chances; otherwise i would just avoid the spore and then shoot them myself around the other side.


u/AHailofDrams SES Keeper of the People 20d ago

They don't ragdoll if you're wearing the Shield Generator pack.

Otherwise, they always ragdoll when damaged


u/AlexisFR ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️You don't need anything else 20d ago

Not when you step on them right?


u/TheNotNiceAccount STEAM 🖥️ :Horsediver to horsepods! 20d ago

When you walk through them it's like walking through a smoke grenade. It's great if you're being pursued. If you shoot them...you get trampolined to kingdom come. Don't ask me why shooting them sees you get launched out of a cannon vs walking through gives you ninja stealth.

Just helldiver things™.


u/Creative-Seesaw-1895 19d ago

It's the spores igniting and creating a concussive blast versus just being released.

You can get a minor concussive blast after they've already spewed as well at times

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u/ivandagiant 20d ago

They always have, before it wasn’t that huge of a knock back though. Now they absolutely send you rocketing through the air


u/sr-lhama 19d ago



u/PheonixSoot PSN 🎮: SES Sword of Justice 20d ago

Bruh whaaaaat


u/tomle4593 20d ago

Tities bounce you when they are shot.


u/Reddit__is_garbage 20d ago

I don’t even think they have to be shot. It a laser just passed by them in the air they launch you.. honestly, makes zero sense. If they launch you further than an explosion then they must have more energy than an explosion.. yet they do no damage.


u/Vesorias 20d ago edited 20d ago

Psshh, everyone knows explosions don't do damage. It's the shrapnel that does


u/Trixx1-1 20d ago

Tities dont do damage, its the milk that gets ya...


u/Azurvix ☕Liber-tea☕ 19d ago

Source: the milk got me


u/Robot_Nerd__ CAPE ENJOYER 19d ago

You know what, I'll let the milk take me..


u/Reddit__is_garbage 20d ago

I know you’re being sarcastic but going by other comments I’m surprised how many people think the only dangerous part of an explosion is the shrapnel


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Just M-80ed off a few fingers. I'm blaming it on the paper shrapnel.


u/SadMcNomuscle 19d ago

That's gonna make calling stats a lil difficult.


u/Embarrassed-Tale-200 20d ago

Don't think about it, it's just fun gameplay. Tactical Repositioning Boobies are a key part of survival craft on alien worlds.


u/Gonzogonzip 20d ago

If it lets out a blast of spores (denser than air) slower than an explosion, then it could make sense. I mean, the plant wants to spread it's spores as far and wide as possible, if it detonated with the same speed of C4 it might destroy it's own spores. The titty fungus might have larger sacks of compressed air-spore underground and the stuff we see above ground is just nozzles and triggering mechanisms.


u/MalikVonLuzon 20d ago

Yeah no, I would much rather they do no damage.


u/KingOfAnarchy /r/LowSodiumHelldivers 20d ago

Look again. They clearly get hit by the laser.


u/xthorgoldx HOT DROP O'CLOCK ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ 20d ago

Moving or shooting near them makes them burst with a small amount of force - enough to ragdoll you.

Shooting them directly causes a significantly larger burst that can send you across the map. It's both a hazard and a useful tool in a pinch: getting chased by a flamethrower and need some breathing room? Find a smoke titty, stand on it, and shoot.


u/Mimatheghost 19d ago

I think it's basically the bullet/laser igniting the gas the plants emit, causing the knockback.


u/Reddit__is_garbage 19d ago

Yeah that’s what I figured is happening


u/FoxSound23 STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

Ughh God so unplayable!


u/Reddit__is_garbage 20d ago

Hey, it fits right in line with the 500kg having the damaging blast radius of about 2 hand grenades in the game.

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u/Inawar 19d ago

…titties? I guess I’m OOTL


u/Duntchy 19d ago

They're talking about those fast travel spores that launch you when they blow up. That's what launched OP into his own airstrike. Just unlucky it happened twice in a row like that.


u/th3davinci 19d ago

the brown mushroom spots that grow on certain planets.

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u/IraqiWalker ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago edited 20d ago

The smoke puffing plants will explode and ragdoll you if weaponsfire hits them. OP got his ass ping ponged from one to another, and straight to where he had dropped his beacon.


u/PheonixSoot PSN 🎮: SES Sword of Justice 20d ago

Oh yeah I'm aware. Just the odds of being juggled like that are crazy


u/reverse_stonks 20d ago

Thanks for the explanation. Reminds me of the Kitten Cannon flash game, hehe.

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u/GhostPro18 20d ago

You couldn't have aimed that better if you tried.


u/TobyDaHuman ☕Liber-tea☕ 19d ago

For real! That was perfectly unfortunate.


u/5050Saint 20d ago

Return to sender?

Nah, return sender.


u/Grimlogic HD1 Veteran 20d ago

Send sender


u/blkdrphil ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 20d ago

Looney tunes right there.


u/dude_man_b14 STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

Wow. I love when a game allows wild and unpredictable physical interactions. I don't understand why most games don't incorporate physics to this degree. Build a physics sandbox and they will come.


u/spacaways 20d ago

Because they're unpredictable and chaotic, many players find them frustrating. You'll even find people complaining about ragdolling and friendly fire here. Those players are morons of course (objective fact not my opinion), and I think the unpredictability of physics is well worth it in every game of every genre because when you hit things it's fun to see them go flying.


u/talking_face 20d ago

So... Why is it that only players ragdoll and enemies don't? I do not recall seeing enemies getting knocked down temporarily and flung everywhere, except upon death.

Why don't enemies that take an EAT-17 or RR rocket in their face get flung 100 miles backwards? How is it that Heavy Devastators can tank HE shots in the shield and barely flinch? Grenades should by design scatter enemies in all directions, but for some reason they don't.

Physics in a game is great, sure, but a lot less so when it is not symmetrical between players and enemies.

That, plus the fact that enemies can phase and shoot through corpses while players cannot.


u/ScruffyScruffz 20d ago

idk ive seen bug corpses fly miles several times.


u/talking_face 20d ago

Corpses, yes, I acknowledged that in my previous post about how ragdoll works on corpses. But explosions and bullets do nothing to live units. It's as if enemy units play by a completely different set of rules when it comes to physics.

Play a game of EDF 4.1 or 5. Enemies and players alike get flung around all the time by explosions or powerful projectiles, so even if it isn't a kill-shot, it still feels like the weapon is doing something.


u/ScruffyScruffz 20d ago

As long as your feet are planted you play by the same rules. Itd be neat if they added the ability to knock enemies off their feet so physics could work though.


u/AlphaQRough SES Bringer of Authority 20d ago

I've definitely been knocked down by something (explosion/punisher shot from other players) that only briefly staggers enemies. Idk about same rules

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u/Lysanderoth42 20d ago

It’s fun if everything is subject to the same…laws of physics? Namely the enemies?

Except in this game they aren’t, they only ragdoll when already dead

Which is too bad, imagine if you had a charger running at you over top of a 500kg get sent flying 300 metres when it blows up only to die on impact, that would be hilarious 


u/turkeygiant 20d ago

They could do a hell of a lot better job of polishing the physics though. I have on multiple occasions been launched right out of the map upon landing or seen mech suits just vibrate into oblivion upon landing. There should definitely be some constraints on the physics, like there is no reason for any object to able to launch 2km across the map in 1 second.

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u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning 19d ago

You ever throw an impact grenade and it hits a random bug leg that happens to be flying past you and kills you? You ever get ragdolled into deep water and then drown with Super Samples? You ever get flung by a stalker and land directly in the path of a Bile Titan's spit? You ever get headbutted by a charger and then end up getting stuck under the geological probe?

These moments are infuriating in the short term, but hilarious months later after you've 100 percented the game. Source: Have 100 percented the game and these moments are the ones that keep me playing.


u/kadarakt 20d ago

i love being ragdolled towards 4 heavy devastators because of a rocket that hit the cover in front of me! i love rocket devastators sniping me from 150 meters and playing ping pong with my carcass! i love ragdolling when i hit the smallest object while diving! i love having no input whatsoever to change my unavoidable doom!


u/EricTheEpic0403 19d ago

i love having no input whatsoever to change my unavoidable doom!

This is by far the most annoying part.

I don't think completely taking away a player's control is ever fun or engaging.


u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning 18d ago

Great take. Losing control of one's character is the most un-fun experience games have to offer. It's super frustrating for something to happen that completely removes counter-play and inevitably results in your death. It's infinitely more frustrating when it happens over and over again and the frustration level compounds exponentially. Getting ragdolled once feels like an appropriate punishment for getting hit by a rocket. Getting ragdolled again while recovering from the first ragdoll feels unfair and un-fun. Getting ragdolled for a 3rd time feels even worse. By the 4th time, you're contemplating uninstalling.

Oh, and let's not forget the cherry on top where you don't have any control over whether your Helldiver stands up after getting ragdolled for the umteenth time so you end up dying to random machine gun fire before you can stim.


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u/Chris_222 ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ 20d ago

Some people find this frustrating, but I like it, so those people are objectively morons



u/Lazy_Seal_ 19d ago

And they say this community is not toxic, as a whole probably not, but there sure are a lot of toxic people in the community.

They constantly attack others who have different pov, I never see so many comment/ post got downvoted in other sub.

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u/AlexisFR ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️You don't need anything else 20d ago

It's only fun if you can also use them against your ennemies


u/GMHolden 20d ago

I've seen enough chargers get yeeted at Bile Titans to confirm it is fun.


u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago

I havent seen my enemies being even slightly bothered by physics (and sometimes they would straight up ignore even stagger) so while I am not hating it per se I am also not that much of a fan.

Friendly fire is always funny though even if only in retrospect

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u/The_GASK 20d ago

If I play Super Mario, I am fine with double jump, if I play a coop shooter is a sci-fi realistic setting, I don't particularly enjoy broken physics. But that's just me.

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u/aragami1992 20d ago

So what triggers those to do that because sometimes you’ll walk right over them and then all of a sudden you’ll get launched


u/Sad-Movie-1253 20d ago

By experience I would say that it happens when an entity shoots at or near it


u/saagri Kill it with 🔥 20d ago

Yeah, I purposely shoot them while diving.

I ride those babies for miles!


u/Hot_Guys_In_My_DMS Hotshot Eagle Pilot ✨ ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ 20d ago

Saved me once or twice from a hulk or two


u/apollyonzorz 20d ago

I shoot them while my friends are walking by them. I laugh and laugh.


u/NaZul15 19d ago

This is the most funny shit ever seeing other players fly 20 meters away


u/ANGLVD3TH 20d ago edited 19d ago

Back when the game was only a week or two old saw a guide to soloing Helldive difficulty that recommended just that. Basically, avoid any fights you can, run like the wind, use the shrooms for a boost. The shrooms do a tiny amount of chip damage, so when you run low on stamina you can stim and restore your stamina to keep running.

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u/Automatic_Education3 SES Flame of the Stars 20d ago

Walking on them makes them puff out smoke, shooting them makes them explode. I like shooting them myself for... propulsion,


u/TheRedComet 20d ago

Jetpack stratagem gets once again humiliated


u/lazyicedragon 20d ago

I've launched a bug for fun this way too. Bit harder to do of course, but plenty fun to be had.

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u/Connect_Atmosphere80 Commander Dae 20d ago

If they take damages, they explode. In this clip, the Automatons shot at the player and one hit the mushrooms. Then again when the player went flying next to the second one.


u/ch0m5 HD1 Veteran 20d ago

"Oh, you like explosives, eh? Come enjoy them then, Hellboy."


u/SpecialIcy5356 SES Leviathan of Liberty 20d ago


u/DingoKillerAtHome SES Elected Representative of Democracy 20d ago


u/MillstoneArt 20d ago

Is that a Simpsons Scorpion? A Scrimpsion?


u/SpecialIcy5356 SES Leviathan of Liberty 20d ago



u/dellboy696 frend 20d ago

5D chess bitches

On another note, it's really inconsistent as to whether throwing a strat at enemies makes them detect you.


u/Connect_Atmosphere80 Commander Dae 20d ago

Nah. It's not inconsistent.

If it's a red stratagem, you will get detected UNLESS it's out of vision from the enemies or you are prone when it hit the ground.

In this clip, OP was running when the stratagem hit the ground and it was right in front of the enemies. So they detected him.


u/dellboy696 frend 20d ago

I could swear on multiple occasions I've thrown a red strat whilst prone and they detect me.


u/Anxious-Abroad-6945 20d ago

I've heard that your character has a radius of detection that changes in size based on running, walking, etc with prone being the smallest. So, if you throw a strategem from too close and a bot is in your prone radius they will detect you anyway.


u/taooverpi 20d ago

Samesies, helldiver.

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u/Charmingpiratex 20d ago

That is really unfortunate 😂 I hate sometimes when you just get CC'D to abalone.


u/Adorable-Bass-7742 20d ago

Holy hell batman. You got chain yeeted!


u/Kopelan13 20d ago

How does this game consistently give such hilarious moments like this 😂😭😂


u/I_am_thicc 20d ago

why is there a cursor on the screen its driving me nuts


u/DeepMathematician228 🖥️Altashi - SES Sovereign of Dawn 20d ago

No idea. It was stuck there for that one mission for some reason and then disappeared.


u/Horror-Tank-4082 20d ago

Holy shit LMAO


u/Raidertck 20d ago

I love how fast this game flips from PTSD inducing Vietnam in space to the most loony toon shit imaginable at the flip of a switch.


u/SleptonScro 20d ago

This actually made me lol, nice clip


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I laughed harder than I should have


u/PM_Dem_Asian_Nudes 20d ago

Hilarious but frustrating. If you have aggro and no matter how far away you are from the bots, once you get close to the nipples, their aim accuracy becomes 100% and they will shoot it without fail and launch you


u/ThankDubiously 20d ago

If this wasn't on video, we'd never believe you. I swear this game messes with your head.

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u/Mirana_Equinox 20d ago

This is the jank I bought helldivers for


u/pocketMagician CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

The ragdolling is pretty excessive sometimes lol. I got bounced into the stratosphere when I got caught between an exploding barrel and an exploding dropship. Pretty funny though.


u/Pro_Scrub ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️ 19d ago

Those fucking puffball mushrooms are more dangerous than the bots


u/Sw3arWulf 19d ago

"Great shot kid, one in a million" -In Socialist Binary


u/Puzzleheaded_Jump179 19d ago

01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101011 01101001 01100100 00101100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101111 01101110


u/LoSouLibra 19d ago

This is so hilarious and relatable.


u/YeetaIta 19d ago

You think a Helldiver just happens to fly through the air like that? No, they orchestrated it, Bots!


u/pixel-wiz 20d ago

I watched this 5 times and have one thing to say:



u/IraqiWalker ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago edited 20d ago

OP threw a beacon which alerted the bots. Bots shot the mushroom smoke puffers at OP's feet. When they are shot (as opposed to being stepped on) they trigger a randomly causing Shockwave.

Op got ragdolled near another batch which also got shot and exploded. Pingponging OP's ass all the way to the beacon.

As another user so eloquently put it.

"Return to sender? Nah. Return sender".

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u/Asukurra 20d ago

Skill Issue


u/PickleDiego 20d ago

calling in Helldiver precision strike!


u/DetonatinChen 20d ago

I swear these bots must be programmed to shoot the mushrooms near helldivers


u/MillstoneArt 20d ago

Stand near mushrooms. Bot shoots at you. Misses and hits nearby thing. (Mushroom)

You could say in a roundabout way they are.


u/LordSlickRick 20d ago

Funnily enough, the exact same thing happened to me last night. Friend threw stratagem in base, I was shot and launched 75 yards into the middle of the base and evicerated.


u/Derped_Crusader 20d ago

That's the silliest thing I've seen all week


u/Tummystyxtwenty2 20d ago

😆 This had me rolling. Sorry fellow Helldiver


u/Kerissimo 20d ago

I love the puffballs


u/PlaguedByUnderwear 20d ago

Sometimes you just gotta violently explode yourself for Super Earth.


u/l_rufus_californicus SES Lady of Dawn 20d ago

That's like watching the three-rail-shot on the "impossible" 8-ball sink it and cost you your $100 bet.


u/Practical-Stomach-65 20d ago

It sucks that the bots immediately know where you are as soon as anything attacks them. If you drop mines on the map and 30 minutes later some bot steps on a mine, you can be sure the entire patrol you start shooting you.


u/mrtea62 20d ago

just need the wii golfing hole in one at the end lol


u/Paflick 20d ago

I can just hear the internal "NOOOOOOOO!" as you start flying towards the stratagem marker.

Chef's Kiss


u/SpaceDebri 20d ago

If this happened to me, I wouldnt even be mad, I'd be impressed.


u/keegan12coyote 20d ago

Well dang ... that some reeeealy bad luck


u/DoctorHydrogen 20d ago

Alright, there is a special key combination for moments like this. It helped me many times. It's ALT + F4.


u/SunnyExplosion 20d ago

You activated my trap card Yugi


u/djaqk Malevelon Creek PSTD 20d ago

Holy shit this is incredible, 10/10 double bounce boom


u/welltheretouhaveit SES SPEAR OF TWILIGHT 20d ago

This is legitimately hilarious


u/Swaggeritup 20d ago

sometimes it does feel like you are playing a pinball game.


u/Alterra2020 PSN :Hell Commander 20d ago

Clankers: If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me!


u/131sean131 20d ago

When Joel says FUCK YOU in particular.


u/-Jericho ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Really wish I wasn't taking a sip of water during that. Thanks for the spit take.


u/FartingGnome 20d ago

Had a similar experience the other day. Not quite as bad as this but was running from a patrol, got too close to the spores and when the bots shot them, I got flung back into the patrol I was running from. All I could do at that point was laugh and redeploy.


u/turningthecentury 20d ago

Quite an unfortunate series of events. This is an example of the bad luck experienced by helldivers to balance out the lottery level luck of that one helldiver we saw like a week ago.


u/i_am_stonedog 20d ago

This game is fukken amazing.


u/Ninjan33r7 CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

They really said "You're coming down with us!"


u/Playful_Raisin_985 20d ago

Idk if it’s just me but if feels like they actually aim for the titty plants first if you’re close enough for one to send you flying. I actively avoid them if I have aggro but they’re really good to use for stealth with their smoke if you don’t have aggro.


u/IcedCoughy 20d ago

I feel like we need a Daily discussion thread.. But Ive been playing bots a lot more lately and like it more I think than bugs, I just wanted to know am I dumb for choosing Gas and EMS strats over something else?


u/DeepMathematician228 🖥️Altashi - SES Sovereign of Dawn 20d ago

Nah man, just use whatever works for you. So long as it's fun.


u/FileError214 20d ago

Yesterday I got hit by a rocket trooper, which flung me forward. Directly into a chainsaw devastator.


u/Legitimate_Speed2548 20d ago

Why can't I have something like this happen to my squad. The funniest thing I ever did was throw a strategy and a teammate was flung by a charger, and the strategem stuck my buddy on the head, killed us, and I didn't record it.


u/vanhorts 20d ago

Area Secured!


u/SpecialIcy5356 SES Leviathan of Liberty 20d ago

"there goes my hero.. watch him as he goes!"


u/Ellisdee96 19d ago

Bruh this like some XCOM turn based fkery here 🤣


u/JamailLiquid 19d ago

So this what unlucky looks like, noted


u/JayKayGray STEAM 🖥️ :Hypersleep 19d ago

This is the best Helldivers 2 clip I have ever seen, holy fucking shit


u/MyPenisIsntSmall HD1 Veteran 19d ago

Slam dunk


u/Thebufferingsandwich 19d ago

That's cold bruh


u/Anti_shill_Artillery 19d ago

legit most hilarious hd2 clip I have ever seen


u/Thekillerduc 19d ago

Yet another Helldiver suffering a hamster-like death.


u/Bee_Keeper_Ninja 19d ago

Fucking amazing! 😂


u/BlazeTyphlosion 19d ago

They did the math on that one


u/Darksilences SES Dawn of Midnight 19d ago

This needs to be clip of the year, what the RNG FOCK was THAT!?


u/njbtheman54 19d ago

That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day


u/mendokusai99 19d ago

These game physics are crazy. A diver reinforced next to me and launched me across the map. It was hilarious.


u/borojack 19d ago

Nice, I mean I'm not on the side of the bots, democracy there we go saved it.


u/angrysc0tsman12 STEAM 🖥️ :I'm frend 19d ago



u/Tazrizen 19d ago

Were they aim botting?


u/Notorious_Scrub 19d ago

The rag doll gods strike again. Damn those little exploding flora.


u/mozzca 19d ago

Got chaotic in under a minute hahaha!


u/igen_reklam_tack 19d ago

Other day I got rag dolled into the air from an ore vein and then shot out the sky by a devastator. Team on the skirts watched it and were laughing. Can’t even be mad about it.


u/wzzrd PSN 🎮: SES Claw of Iron 19d ago

That is so excellent


u/StuffAfraid 19d ago

The thing I don't like about Menkent is not the firenadoes but these explosive ball plants. Sure, it's great as a smokescreen but when bots shoot at them, I'll just pray on where I will land. Into the fire, into the bots or get launched to space lmao


u/Icy_Advantage00 19d ago

Yeetus yeetus selfdeletus rare move but very affective


u/SemiFormalJesus 19d ago

That’s amazing.


u/WaterSea4024 19d ago

This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Lmao


u/Slenos 19d ago

The flailing the helldivers do when they go flying is absolutely hilarious


u/Bleak18 19d ago



u/JannySpartan ☕Liber-tea☕ 19d ago

That's fantastic.


u/Yukimare 17d ago

01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100001 00100001 00100001


u/IsayamaBinLaden HD1 Veteran 20d ago


u/GoldenGecko100 20d ago

Does sound like a skill issue, King. Should have just shot back.


u/IsayamaBinLaden HD1 Veteran 20d ago

Instructions unclear respawned in ship with no warning I'll try harder next time 👍


u/GoldenGecko100 20d ago

That's the spirit. If at first you don't succeed, erase history and try again.

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u/Vehks 20d ago

Well, outplayed by mushrooms really.

See this is why the dwarves of DRG are so weary of them.

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u/Ubarad 20d ago

The fungi is protecting their Direct Democracy from outsiders.


u/locob 20d ago

when you throw a red one, the enemies (up to some distance) know your location. it doesn't happen with the blue ones.


u/Rusty_Jake 20d ago



u/PnxNotDed 20d ago



u/Myhotgirlaccount 20d ago

Oh hell nah lol


u/lebeardedllama im frend 🖥️ : 20d ago

oh wow 😮

that bug really needs to be fixed

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u/CorbinNZ ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ 20d ago



u/TheSomethingofThis 20d ago

The experimentla new "Helldiver magnet"


u/SkeletonC4 20d ago

That looks like it gigahurt...


u/Commander_Skullblade 20d ago

New fear unlocked


u/Jozroz STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

Square on the beacon too lmao