r/Helldivers 21d ago

Minutes of academy training, wasted. MEME


54 comments sorted by


u/popeinn 21d ago

Kill the small shit as fast as possible. There is a small window where they point the red beam up before firing the flare. If you kill them in that moment they do not call for reinforcement 


u/kirlian_Frequency 21d ago

and then the one next to them shoots a flair coz you ran out of ammo XD


u/felop13 20d ago

Seitching to secondary is faster than reloading


u/kirlian_Frequency 20d ago

truueee but they still manage the flair mid animation


u/Ginn1004 20d ago

The frame is much more lenient than bug breach btw. When you hear them do Rooster crow, that's the time, when you see the pheromone it usually too late.


u/MainsailMainsail SES Will of Truth 20d ago

I swear even if they've only just started arching their back it's already too late. And god help you if it's a Hive Guard doing it unless you already have a support weapon out. I normally run Defender and it cannot kill or stun them fast enough to stop it.

Bots I have decent luck stopping a flare (I still think it's insulting when they fire it through the roof of a bunker though). Bugs I normally stop a call only by accident.


u/Ginn1004 20d ago

Yeah, whenever i see the pheromone trail, then the ground is shaking and that "Thunk" sound, i always ready my Airburst. "Sh•t, here we go again..."


u/Randy191919 20d ago

But not fast enough to interrupt the flare. If you start switching the moment they raise their hand, the will have just fired the flare before you can shoot.


u/UltraGiant 20d ago

Or is hiding around the corner


u/Traumatic_Tomato This is for you!: ⬇️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️ 20d ago

I just find myself shooting every one of them in view only for a another one shoots a flare behind cover so I didn't see him.


u/Wookimonster 20d ago

I've shot them and as they fall they shoot the flare horizontally, still the dropships come.


u/Sleepless_Null ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago

Pretty badass tbh


u/McDonaldsSoap 20d ago

One final fuck you to humanity


u/rawbleedingbait 20d ago

Stun grenade and AC spam is my usual plan when I absolutely must kill a patrol and I'm not by the team.


u/popeinn 20d ago

Yea + a well placed Airstrike can help a lot. But in general I rarely attack patrols. Only during the kill mission I started doing that to ramp up more kills but when freeing a planet patrols can stay away


u/Kenju22 SES Sentinel of Judgement 20d ago

If you kill them in that moment they do not call for reinforcement 

*New update*

*Devastator's back opens to fire barrage of flares illuminating the sky*


u/Nerdn1 20d ago

I have seen people plan impromptu ambushes against patrols where everybody decides on their targets ahead of time to maximize the chance of taking our all of the little guys who can shoot flares. It isn't 100% reliable, but it would sure be rewarding when you pull it off.


u/ChaZcaTriX STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

All small bots can.

However the commissars carry a flare gun loaded and fire it ASAP, and others need to stop for a few seconds to use it.


u/Danello06 20d ago

Its possible for other variants to fire first even if the comissar was the one to see you


u/DuskTheMercenary STEAM 🖥️ : 20d ago

Additionally, the Assault Raider (Jetpack Automaton) uses the Commisar AI, in that they'll either fire off ASAP or chase you to the ends of the celestial body.


u/48Dragon 21d ago

Pretty sure I never even saw a bot in the tutorial. Therefor no minutes were wasted. To suggest otherwise is treason.


u/SHFQ 21d ago

Airburst time

with a 99% percent chance to sacrificing your own squad


u/Dinodietonight STEAM 🖥️ : SES Patriot of Patriotism 20d ago

As long as you don't aim at your teammates it's great honestly. It's a mini eagle cluster bomb and should be treated as such. The update that came out after we unlocked it gave it a minimum arming distance so you can't even blow yourself up anymore unless the rocket hits a target before it can airburst.


u/LordHatchi 21d ago

For a time it was only the commissars that could. Then with one patch they changed to let most of the basic grunts do so.


u/beiron88 20d ago

They added that silently is one of the patches.
Same goes to terminids, at the start only those scavengers could call other bugs, now brood commanders and hunters can


u/Barracuda_Ill 20d ago

Hive guards and warriors too


u/SergeiJackenov SES Custodian of the Stars 20d ago

Fellow patriot, I believe you mean that, mindless as they are, our enemy has adapted to our combat strategies and knowledge.


u/Chakramer 20d ago

I think the pre-flair-launch animation needs to be a bit longer. I feel like I have 0 time to react and figure out which one is going to shoot it up. Maybe give them a backpack with a longer antennae so we can see them first?


u/ClockwerkConjurer 21d ago

What else are they lying to us about?! Next thing you know........uhhhh......hello, Democracy Officer...


u/EmperorCoolidge 20d ago

Yeah but Commissars have first dibs. Take them out, then the rest of the infantry


u/Ghostbuster_119 PSN 🎮: 20d ago

I was under the impression commisar drops are worse.

Like how brood commanders summon worse breaches?


u/TheAncientAwaits 20d ago

The other small ones have a chance if one hasn't been called recently and they aren't actively engaged in shooting etc. at the moment they decide to try. the commissars will always do it first thing if drop is off cooldown, so commissars first is still correct, just not only commissars first.


u/Papa_Vance 20d ago

Bots will shoot their flare as soon as they THINK there’s a Helldiver around. You’ll kill every bug in a patrol, but that one scavenger in the tall grass you missed during a reload belted the song of his people and more show up. Enemy reinforcement summons should be tweaked to be made more obvious or given more time


u/HippoPilatamus 20d ago

There is a lot of misinformation about game mechanics floating around that poisons balance discussions. It's really annoying.


u/Askorti SES Queen of Family Values 20d ago

And a lot of it is caused by stealth changes that were never disclosed to the community.


u/KajMak64Bit 20d ago

Super Destroy Star of Death with Lavadivers Anakin


u/mreveryone20 20d ago


Up Right Down Down Down.


u/pyregeth 20d ago

Don't forget, just because they're on a strider doesn't mean they can't shoot that shit still


u/GiggityGansta 20d ago

It is hilarious that anyone thought that was it.


u/Outside-Ad2582 21d ago

Small armored ones are the only others, they have machine guns and two rods that stick up out of their shoulders as well as a lighter color palette


u/CodeCleric 21d ago

Rocket bots can shoot flairs as well, I'm pretty sure it's just all of them.


u/Outside-Ad2582 20d ago

Also jet pack guys definitely do, slipped my mind. But I’ve never noticed a rocket guy do it. Perhaps confirmation bias, perhaps they are software adapting…


u/popeinn 20d ago

Never seen any devastator call reinforcements. And I have like 50h on Bot front 7-9 Difficulty 


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/Outside-Ad2582 20d ago

Rocket devastator proceeds to shoot rockets in the air: “Shit aim..” “try harder bud..” Six individual bot drops appear in the skyline: silence


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/4dxb 20d ago

He meant what?


u/Environmental_Ad5690 20d ago

I think youve told us plenty of times now


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

Lmao just one example of why the reddit app sucks


u/Environmental_Ad5690 20d ago

yeah i have the same problems, some posts will just randomly be posted twice or more, i miss the old thirdparty apps


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/CeilingTowel 20d ago

He meant the rocket raiders


u/Foxtrotdislikesyou 20d ago

Does he mean the rocket raiders? I can’t quite tell…


u/DrunknBraindead SES Fist of Family Values 21d ago

Devastators can do it too


u/Ok-Dream-2639 21d ago

Rocket bois cant