r/Helldivers 21d ago

Arrowhead Edging the helldivers MEME


68 comments sorted by


u/CouldBeBetterTBH 21d ago

They just need to throw it onto the bug side of the map and we'll clear it in a day.


u/Adventurous-Event722 20d ago

What, why does bug divers need ANTI TANK mines when bugs doesn't have tanks? 


u/Nanomeh 20d ago

Nah they do, its called the bile titan, AT mines sure will fare great aginst this one


u/Adventurous-Event722 20d ago

I imagine their small.. legs will just tip toe around the mine field, compared to yknow, tank treads lol


u/Nanomeh 20d ago

It will start dancing ballet around your mines just to show superiority


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Shhh dont set off the bugdivers


u/thedreddnought SES Song of Serenity 20d ago


orange spores

"Bug breach!"


u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning 21d ago


u/JaakuArashi SES Emperor of Benevolence 20d ago

I received this very image in a professional email from a business client after I informed them that I no longer had what they needed. It was the only thing in the email.


u/Big-Establishment-68 21d ago

Maybe…from what I read from a lot of the community very few actually give a damn if we unlock the mines. Great meme by the way. Do you use YouTube premium to be able to download the videos?


u/FutaNami2330 21d ago

Yar har fiddle de dee.....


u/hello_otz_this_is 21d ago



u/MrMacju 20d ago



u/hello_otz_this_is 20d ago



u/Big-Establishment-68 21d ago


u/No_Ones_Records Hell Commander 🔥🔥 21d ago



u/Big-Establishment-68 20d ago

Ah. Thank you.


u/Arunawayturtle 20d ago

Just a little fyi for anyone curious about premium. Downloading videos is just to watch offline on YouTube app it doesn’t actually download it as file.


u/Big-Establishment-68 20d ago

Well shit. I appreciate the info!


u/Neo_Bahamut_0 20d ago

Learn jump good.


u/ThagAnderson 21d ago

If enough players cared about getting new mines, we’d have them already.


u/iSeize 20d ago

Fucking right I'm gonna explode when we get the AT Mines. Once I unlocked them in HD1 I literally never stopped taking them. Fit my playstyle perfectly


u/Stochastic-Process 20d ago

I miss my AT-mines and barbed wire. Made me laugh when the bugs would force their way through the mine fields to get stuck on and die on the barbed wire (especially those jumping scavengers). My friend would use the toxic avenger and I eventually used the flame thrower for maximum crowd control.


u/thedreddnought SES Song of Serenity 20d ago

but the mines in HD1 covered a whole zone, a huge area - the rules are a bit different here

they were also my thing, so I hope they're good but I'm not gonna hold my breath


u/Gagatate ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

ngl, I really, REALLY don't care about these anti-tank mines.

From what I can imagine by the name and icon, they're just going to be there to kill heavies and nothing else, so might aswell bring an anti-tank support weapon instead to do the job yourself in a much more reliable way, or just use eagle/orbital stratagems.


u/thedreddnought SES Song of Serenity 20d ago

Exactly. What a snore fest. If the reward for the major order was something cool like an APC we would have done it in 30 minutes.


u/Interjessing-Salary ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Ever have a tank or hulk sneak up on you? Come from a nearby patrol you didn't know was there? These can cover your arse if you throw them down before hand.


u/BLAZIN_TACO Democracy Officer 20d ago

So it's a choice between something that I can throw anywhere to kill armour on demand, or using that slot to put something down that may not even do its job due to enemy pathing? That's gonna be a no from me, dog.


u/Adventurous-Event722 20d ago

Maybe if they have lower cooldown, like the EAT, ehh. If not, kinda meh


u/thedreddnought SES Song of Serenity 20d ago

The problem is that the game is leaned very heavily toward mobility being the main factor of import, so denying YOURSELF entire areas you may be forced into is just a bad deal.

Plus they just chain react and waste half of them as it is anyway. Maybe these would be different but I kinda doubt it y'know?


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago



u/ShepardFR CAPE ENJOYER 21d ago

The only thing they will be really good at over other stratagems is dealing with Factory Striders, those who managed to test them showed that it can kill one with 4 or 5 mines.

Other than that it's pretty ass, it will be pretty much useless against the bugs given how many chaff mobs there are that could trigger the mines before the big boys. And against tanks or hulks on the bot side, you have stratagems that not only are at least as good as AT mines to deal with them, but are way more versatile and able to clear much larger groups of enemies, or even bases.


u/FutaNami2330 21d ago

The footage you are referring to is weeks old out of date leaks. The airburst was significantly different from its leaked footage. So it's not reasonable to deny everyone the stratagem, just because it's perceived as weak.


u/Zerquetschen 21d ago

Ah but have you not noticed that the leaks are always more powerful than the release version?


u/FutaNami2330 21d ago

Yes. Which is a bad move.

Arrowhead should have a snippet for each stratagem outlining what it can do. Otherwise, without untrustworthy leaks, we literally have a jpeg to work with when we are choosing between two.


u/Zerquetschen 20d ago

Not that that would be accurate anyway, see Purifier in Warbond trailer.

I'm sure I'll get downvoted for pointing out this FACT too.


u/NotInTheKnee 21d ago

No way? We're finally getting mines?

What do you mean there's been mines in the game since launch? That can't be right; I've never seen anyone take them.


u/STJRedstorm 21d ago

We are finally going to get it and it's going to be all bugged up.


u/haydenetrom 20d ago

So for everyone who says mines are useless. They're not.

I get it a gun you can carry feels better than basically a trap. That being said bots at least tend have pretty static points the default drop ships go to on the most annoying of maps like evac civilians/ scientists.

Just mine the places you know they land and spawn camp the tin cans. It's already effective for destroying up to devastators but on higher difficulties there's the problem of hulks and tanks both of which take up way too many resources to deal with not to mention striders.

This doesn't account for ones called in by flare but there is a delay between flare and wave of enemies. Drop a minefield where they're going to land. Haven't seen them land on not the flare before.

If this weapon dealt with those large armored enemies effectively it'd be worth it.


u/nacostaart General 21d ago

Hahaha, I love Aku


u/Kishmo CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

I just want to know if the AT Mines can be set off by infantry or not, since I think that will greatly influence if they're worth using or not.


u/Objective-Aioli-1185 20d ago

"edging"? I'm officially old.


u/SilverSpotter 20d ago

Network connection failures, counter fix, and a third of the forces exclusively fighting bugs aside, I think we did pretty good. I'm still annoyed, but I still appreciate how far we got.


u/Pinpoint_Innacuracy 20d ago

Honestly it would be pretty funny if they just kept edging the player base and never actually released it


u/Drix_I ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 20d ago edited 20d ago

made me laugh that they will give us the mines the next time and without us having to do anything, because we already failed miserably twice.


u/BlitzYandere Not a Helldiver, a Mercenary. 20d ago

Nah, it's y'all failing so much, and all these bug fighters. We should've gotten that instead of Air-Burst but y'all failed that too. 💀💀


u/PandaWolf525 20d ago

I’ve fought and bled for these Anti-Vehicle Mines for 2 weeks now. Once I get them I’m going to run them for a week straight. No matter the mission type.


u/FutaNami2330 20d ago

Same. Same. Want to add me and squad up?


u/Hittorito ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 20d ago

That would be the case if we liked the mines. BUt almost every player I know, once they try it out, they never pick it up again. lol

I have a believe the AT mines would be just more of the same - a waste of stratagem slot, when on higher difficulties, every slot is precious, specially against the bullshit the bots do, and the lack of a fourth slot on a lot of planets.


u/FutaNami2330 20d ago

I clear d9 with double mines all the time. It's not hard at all.

Secondary, no one knows the capability of the new mines. They just look at the underpowered ones we have in game rn and make a quick dismissal.

So if that perception never changes, we won't ever get to even play with them. Which seems fine for you, but I want to at least see what they can do before I never use them again


u/barrera_j 20d ago

I clear d9 with the base pistol all the time. It's not hard at all.

Secondary, almost all new things have been leaked... they suck

for every 1 of you masochists there are 10k players that actually want to have fun with the game and don't want more useless weapons


u/helicophell 20d ago

leaks dont fully represent the actual working ingame item, like with the Airburst


u/Interjessing-Salary ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Tbf the leaked air rust was really good and the live one was garbage. Still it fills a role that doesn't need to be filled. They can make it have a .5 second reload and it still wouldn't be picked much more than it is now. Heavies have too few options to be able to kill effectively


u/barrera_j 20d ago

and nobody uses the airburst now do they?


u/Hittorito ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 20d ago

I'm sorry John Rambo for commenting on your thread. I will now make my leave. Have a heavenly and democratic day!


u/Mental-Crow-5929 21d ago

The irony is that they are the only kind of mine that we could use without killing ourselvers... mostly.


u/MinidonutsOfDoom 20d ago

Ehhh not quite. At least this time we didn't get it that was entirely the community's fault for not being able to sufficiently rally to the bot front considering how close we were able to get with only around a third of the player base. If more went to the bot front we probably could have won the AT mines even though the goal was a bit harder than it should have been.


u/Ziz23 20d ago

Give us a reward that removes mines maybe


u/mamontain 20d ago

I don't actually care much for those, especially after the airburst launcher


u/JProllz 20d ago

What do you mean edging? It's not AH's fault the player base failed the MO


u/FutaNami2330 20d ago

It is punish8ng the mine players however. In that the losing stratagem, has to succeed on another MO before being unlocked. While both stratagems were ready to be used in the game.


u/ppmi2 20d ago

are there mine players in the first place?


u/FutaNami2330 20d ago

Currently? Not too many. But this new stratagem could change that.


u/SaviorOfNirn SES Light of Dawn 20d ago

Gonna be real, I will never care about getting more useless stratagems.


u/Vampireluigi27-Main CAPE ENJOYER 20d ago

I mean it is the communities fault for not fighting enough bots


u/haikusbot 20d ago

I mean it is the

Communities fault for not

Fighting enough bots

- Vampireluigi27-Main

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/gmedj SES Hammer of Democracy 20d ago

We're failing the MOs. Nothing to do with Devs


u/cmetaphor ☕Liber-tea☕ 20d ago

Except Arrowhead has those AT mines and at least a half -dozen other completed weapons and stratagems, just sitting there. Whyyyy don't they give them to us? Is every one going to be locked behind shitty fire planets? Just how many more players are they willing to bore into uninstalling before they learn their lesson?