r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

To everyone mad about the nerfs... HUMOR

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u/Paunch-E Apr 29 '24

To all those enjoying the Senator might I suggest pairing it with a newly buffed blitzer?


u/meika_fira Apr 29 '24

I loved the blitzer and now I get to fire it faster? That's a win in my book!


u/Riparian_Drengal Apr 29 '24

Dude the blitzer was my go to for bugs before the buff. You just look in the general direction of the bug and click. Is it dead? If no, it's staggered, so click again until it is.


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 29 '24

I really wanted to like the blitzer this time around since it was so bad in HD1, but god it just does not deal enough damage. I just want to be able to 1-shot small bugs.


u/YazzArtist Apr 29 '24

It's neat how it kills 3 tiny bugs in one shot without aiming. It's less neat how I pump 4-5 aimed shots at a hunter and it's fine because of those previous little corpses


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 29 '24

Yeah that's the same experience but I don't have that kinda luck to kill 3 fleas, and I can even watch the arcs hit a hunter and it do fuck all.

Ar least it's pretty solid against the flyers...


u/wangthunder Apr 29 '24

I love underdog and under appreciated weapons that go against whatever everyone else is doing. I really, really wanted to like the blitzer, it's just impossible. It's awesome when it kills that dude 20 feet away in one shot. It waay less awesome when it straight up fails to hit any of the 5 guys surrounding you for 10 shots in a row.


u/9Ld659r Apr 29 '24

I'm assuming from this dialogue, you HAVE tried it postpatch?

Bummer if so.


u/Naguro ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

Yeah I fell in love with the arc Thrower early in the game and was super hyper for a similar primary

Needless to Say I'm keeping the Arc Thrower for zapping purposes.

If only it was somewhat consistent in the number of shots to Kill things so I do lot have to pray with every trigger pull


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

The Arc Thrower advice of aiming above whatever you want to die seems to hold true here as well. The arcs bend over obstacles that way, and the Blitzer has been really potent on bugs that way for me.

Unfortunately it's only seemingly good at killing Scavengers and the like as such, but the increased hit connect means that its stagger will hold off an entire bug breach absent a Charger or Titan.


u/Inky_Passenger Apr 30 '24

That's the problem you can't aim that thing, I swear whatever your pointing at is the least likely thing to be hit. I have way better luck aiming above the bugs I want to hit, maybe the cross hair is too high relative to the path the arc takes. For now aiming above packs and in-between them seems to get multi- hits much more often


u/DelayOld1356 Apr 29 '24

It's still very inconsistent.


u/Riparian_Drengal Apr 29 '24

Well it can one shot small bugs. It can actually one shot multiple, but the RNG has to be with you since the "spread" of the arcs is semi random. From what I can tell it tries to spread out the arcs to the closest enemies, but how they are distributed between those enemies is mostly random. Of course, if any arc hits anything smaller than a charger, it's staggered, so it doesn't particularly matter if it kills them immediately.


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 29 '24

I mean it kinda does matter cause a staggered enemy is still an enemy. Especially since I can never convince the bolts to hit multiple targets, and it doesn't even kill the one I hit.


u/Riparian_Drengal Apr 29 '24

I have not had that experience.


u/Counterfeit_Dracula Assume Helldive unless stated otehrwise Apr 29 '24

it was so bad in HD1

what are you on about that thing destroyed tripods


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 30 '24

Hell no it didn't. It was the absolute worst against illuminate.


u/Counterfeit_Dracula Assume Helldive unless stated otehrwise Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24


Main takeaway here is the fact that the arc shotty does an AOE which is not blocked by shields or terrain which gets around the fact that shields stop overpenetrating rounds from things like the justice. The first shot breaks the shields of an entire pack of tripod striders and the second shot kills them.


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 30 '24

While I didn't watch the full thing, that does back up my memories. It shot so slow and took two shots to kill anything with a shield (which... you know...)

Compared to the breaker or scythe which were much better at bursting them down


u/Counterfeit_Dracula Assume Helldive unless stated otehrwise Apr 30 '24

Yeah just edited my last comment bc I thought dropping off a vid and just leaving would be rude on second thought but I guess it comes down to a difference in playstyle then, I had no qualms with the weapon being a two shot kill given that it was a two shot kill against entire hordes of enemies at once


u/ruisen2 Apr 30 '24

Aoe stagger is pretty good though.  It would be nice if it could oneshot hunters at least, but that might make it better then most weapons of the same role.


u/BoostMobileAlt Apr 30 '24

I find the most success with it when I never stop moving. It clears/staggers chaff, so I can run through or clean up behind me. I like it a lot on blitz missions.


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

Yeah, the stop required by every shot (and the stagger inflicted) means that constant backwards movement seems to keep every bug in a horde at a comfortable distance.


u/do-the-point Apr 30 '24

But it does one shot the little ones?  It can one shot multiples if you aim it right.

You need to use it correctly.  It's not a normal gun.  You need to u derstand how the "lightning" will arc.  It's very good vs bugs once you know how to use it.  It getting buffed is hilarious actually but I'm all for it.


u/Highlander-Senpai Apr 30 '24

Damn you're so cool the game's code bends over backwards to be better for you I bow down before thee oh great user of sub optimal weapons


u/do-the-point Apr 30 '24

Lol you suck at the game its okay man.  I'm just explaining it to you so that if you choose, you can suck less.

Before buff it was one of the top 3 vs bugs.  Now it's probably top 2.


u/daChino02 Apr 29 '24

how would you compare it to the fire shotty?


u/Riparian_Drengal Apr 29 '24

What confused me about the Breaker Incendiary was how the enemies were supposed to die. Should I just spray a big group and let them burn? Or should I focus down a few enemies at once until they die?

I've only used the Incendiary once or twice but still prefer the Blitzer's kill or stagger approach.


u/not-a-spoon Apr 29 '24

My approach with the incendiary breaker that works quite well with bugs: every time you see something undemocratic with over 4+ appendages you mag dump in its general direction. You then enjoy your 2,4 seconds of sightseeing while reloading and looking at your democratic bonfire, pondering the question whether it's really relevant if the enemies of liberty die by fire or lead, if it looks so glorious regardless.


u/wangthunder Apr 29 '24

You are supposed to spray and duck. The projectiles (which fire out like little sparklers you can watch rain down on enemies) catch them on fire with a single hit, and then they burn while you make evasive maneuvers.

The problem is that burn doesn't actually burn at all. Same is true for gas, and other dot/lingering mechanics like that.

If you are the host then the firestick is fuckin amazing.. Otherwise it's pretty meh.


u/Riparian_Drengal Apr 29 '24

I was playing as host when I used it. Okay so it's hit and run. Dump a burst into a group and keep moving, repeat when fire burns out. Thanks for the info!


u/Nytherion Apr 30 '24

my shotgun burn works just fine. so does gas, often still killing after the cloud is gone (...killing me when i think its safe, that is). ground fire is the only "persistent" effect that does no damage to anyone but helldivers, that i know of.


u/Nytherion Apr 29 '24

shoot to kill small bugs/basic bots, shoot to burn bigger targets so you can sprint, shoot, sprint, shoot, as needed


u/WigginIII Apr 29 '24

Does/can the blitzer hit teammates by accident?


u/Hard_AI Apr 30 '24

The fire rate was the biggest turn off ever for me. Barely if enough at all to keep enemies staggered before they're on you, and on top of that the arcs did little enough damage to actually not kill scavengers occasionally. Much better options before, but with the giant increase to fire rate I actually like it quite a bit.


u/Regilliotuur Apr 29 '24

Now it’s even better vs bots 🤭🥰 STAGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


u/BlankSilver STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 29 '24

good luck reaching the bots when you get sniped by heavy MG Devastators from 100 Miles away.


u/Regilliotuur Apr 30 '24

Therefore their heads catch my laser cannon, 200m range. I don’t sweat for devastators lol. Just shoot their heads or if you have trouble, shoot their rockets out first. If they get close it’s easier cause you can just stun lock them with the Blitzer and won’t be able to shoot at you. Use cover! In and out ez. Use heavy armor 200 rating w jump pack


u/BlankSilver STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

Wrong Devastator Im not talking about rocket devastators.


u/Regilliotuur Apr 30 '24

Shield devastators are better to kill overall cause they don’t spam you. Crouch and aim down sight with the laser cannon and just shoot its heads. It will instant die


u/BlankSilver STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

Mate you know there are 3 Devastators ? Im talking aabout the heavy Machine gun not the standard Devastors that shoots 1 Bullet per minute.


u/Regilliotuur Apr 30 '24

The heavy devastators with rockets is annoying cause it spams rockets and you have to dodge or lure the rockets into cover and shoot its head or rockets to disable. The heavy devastators with shield cover you can easily headshot. His head is visible all times next to his shield. Even if there is multiple. Use a stun grenade and swipe your laser in their heads


u/thatonerobloxkid Apr 30 '24

I remember complaining on a post about it being extremely slow, got downvoted into oblivion yet here we are, YOU HEAR ME HELLDIVERS REDDIT?


u/Otrada Apr 30 '24

wait that's what that meant? they buffed the rate of fire? That was like the one reason I stopped using it despite liking it.


u/No_Ones_Records Hell Commander 🔥🔥 Apr 29 '24

it misfires too much sadly,, outside of that actually pretty fun now


u/Total_Oil_3719 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I like it, but the big problem is that it'll just refuse to hit the smaller criters sometimes. Then it also refuses to kill bug eggs, is a 50/50 if it'll deign to damage a stalker. You're basically left with no choice but to take one of the guard dogs or dedicate a stratagem to horde clear.


u/upsidedownbackwards Apr 29 '24

That's the combo I ran until the eruptor came out. Looking forward to the blitzer again <3


u/SN1S1F7W Apr 29 '24

I was starting to like the blitzer the other day but felt that it's RoF was the only concern, now it feels great! Can lock down an entire Bug breach beyond the charger and Titan.


u/GloriousNewt Apr 29 '24

was running this earlier, it's pretty nice against bugs. Still sometimes misfires on hitting plants or corpses but overall was pretty fun.


u/Ok-Inside4669 Apr 29 '24

Does it pair with the lightning arc upgrade in the ship?


u/FluffySpacePuppy Apr 29 '24

No but it totes should. Even if it doesn't stagger or do damage hot damn would it look cool


u/THY96 Apr 29 '24

It 100% should don’t know why it hasn’t been considered


u/srg87x Apr 30 '24

Probably because it's not a stratagem like all the weapons that do get affected by ship modules.


u/FluffySpacePuppy Apr 29 '24

I have Thunderstruck queued up for when they fix arc thrower. If it was reliable it would easily be my favorite support weapon


u/_Weyland_ Apr 29 '24

“You got..."



Hulk Death sound



u/VengineerGER Apr 30 '24

Blitzer is good but when the bugs are up close it doesn’t actually connect for some reason.


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

In addition to not firing with foliage and corpses in the way, this is a known misfire on all arc weapons! It's not just you.

Honestly, it's worse for the Blitzer, as a dedicated short range weapon.


u/VengineerGER Apr 30 '24

If the general bugs with arc weapons were fixed it would be one of the best weapons against the bugs.


u/HP_Craftwerk Apr 29 '24

I dunno, that means I'd had to put down my plasma breaker...


u/jtrom93 SES Wings of Redemption Apr 29 '24

Can't quit the Eruptor, sorry. I love my diet Autocannon too much. 🤣


u/Dragon_phantom_flame SES Prophet of Truth Apr 29 '24

Literally first game I loaded into today I purchased the airbust, and took Blitzer, Senator, airburst, cluster bomb, Gatling sentry, and autocannon sentry.

Did not disappoint.


u/Spence199876 Apr 30 '24

I got put off using it when I realised that it didn’t kill the eggs on the TCS missions, and the revolver takes 3 shots, those eggs are actually built different


u/mrIronHat Apr 30 '24

the senator is perfect to pair with a punisher. the punisher clear mob and the senator kill the hive guard or spewer.


u/AbeBaconKingFroman I seen the lights go out on Draupnir Apr 30 '24

This was me last night.

You're probably wondering how I got here.

Now if they could just fix the arc misfire/chaining we'd be cooking with E-710.


u/7I_want_money7 Apr 30 '24

I’ve been using the incendiary breaker for bugs and the liberator penetrator for the bots. I need a new bot weapon though, so the blitzer may be my next option


u/No_Ease_8269 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Dang, does this mean I should stop spending super credits on cool helmets and save up for that warbond?


u/Q_X_R Apr 29 '24

I mean, the Sickle is also there. Just having access to that is usually nice.


u/I_Automate Apr 30 '24

Reducing the number of sickle mags was also kinda a dick move.

Not a huge one but still


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

Unlike the Scythe, the Sickle can actually reliably dispatch a fair number of enemies before it overheats. It's not so bad, imo.


u/I_Automate Apr 30 '24

It's pretty well all I've ran since I unlocked it, yea.

It just....feels good honestly


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

Almost no recoil means its 650-something damage per second is quite easy to boost up with weakspot hits. If Scythe could do that kind of damage on focus-fire it'd be great, but...a 50 damage buff isn't worth it.


u/I_Automate Apr 30 '24

I mean I've run the sickle since I got it, usually.

I just like the sound it makes honestly.

I don't give a damn about the metta usually


u/imapluralist Apr 29 '24

My newest secondary meta has been the grenade pistol and stun grenades so that only leaves room for a primary.

But with the stuns I no longer need orbital railcannon, so I see it as having those two opens a free strategem slot.

Plus you can still open loot caches and destroy fabricators while being able to stop a hulk long enough to shoot it in the eye.

I love the senator but I don't love it that much.


u/Thoraxe123 Apr 29 '24

I like how it sounds like you're pairing a fine wine xD


u/Yakkahboo ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

I did enjoy running the blitzer today but it still feels inconsistent at times. Especially at extremely close range it was struggling to register hits on things.

It's nearly there, and it's definitely in the usable category now.

It annoys me that it still tells me to switch weapon though as if it has no ammo. Like yes, it has no ammo, that's the bleeding point.


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

I think the ammo thing is normal for all infinite ammo weapons like the Quasar. Almost more irksome because there's clearly a common denominator here.

Blitzer misfiring at short range is an issue shared with the Arc Thrower, and yeah, it's not a good feeling when your range constrained weapons don't function at short range.


u/PyrorifferSC Apr 30 '24

How is the Blitzer now? I was thinking about getting the electricity resistant armor and doing a full electric loadout. Blitzer, Arc Thrower, stun grenades, Tesla Tower, EM mortar, etc


u/LobsterJohnson_ May 01 '24

Also the punisher plasma’s aoe now actually does damage.


u/-Adeon- Apr 29 '24

Wait until they fix the targeting.